Spike's Crystaling

by Yosh-E-O

Spike: The Brave and Glorious Babysitter

"You have no idea how much this means to us," stated a grateful, and exhausted, Shining Armor.

"I don't know...," worried Cadence as she looked down towards Spike who now held their sleeping, newborn, Alicorn daughter, Flurry Heart. "Caring for a baby is a really big responsibility."

"I've got this," assured Spike as he rocked the light-pink colored foal in his arms. "I'll follow your list to the letter so you and Shining Armor can enjoy a weekend alone together."

Cadence looked towards Shining Armor with concern.

"It'll be fine," assured the loving, Unicorn father whose blue mane matched the colored highlights in his daughter's purple mane and taiil. "Spike has not only helped to save the citizens of the Crystal Empire on multiple occasions, but has also proven himself capable of caring for my little sister, too."

Cadence sighed.
"Okay," she surrendered. "You know how to reach us if anything comes up, right?"

Spike nodded.
"I just send you a letter just like I send Princess Celestia letters," replied Spike.

"And...?" glared cadence.

"Oh!" perked the purple dragon. "I call for Sunburst to help me out until you arrive."

Cadence's motherly instincts still told her that she shouldn't leave her foal. However, she couldn't deny spending some time away from The Crystal Empire with her husband would certainly be a wonderful break from royal duties and sleepless nights.
"Okay," she said. "I'm trusting you."

"And your trust is well placed, Princess cadence!" assured Spike with a wide smile.

Shining Armor used his Unicorn magic to levitate the luggage for their trip.
"Okay, dear," he smiled. "Our train leaves in less than thirty minutes."


After both parents gave their Alicorn daughter kisses goodbye, Spike was left alone to do as he had promised to do.
"Hey, there!" he said lovingly as he watched Flurry Heart slowly open her eyes. This was followed up with a big yawn and a stretch of her immense wings and foal-sized hooves.

"Whoa," giggled Spike as he felt the royal baby's wings slide along his chest and under his chin. "That tickles."

Not seeing her mother, or father, upon waking from her nap made Flurry Heart start to cry.

"Shh," Spike shushed soothingly as he resumed rocking the frightened infant. "It's me, Spikey-Wikey!"

Flurry Heart began to fuss as the intensity of her crying grew to match her growing panic.

"Oh, no," worried Spike. "Perhaps a song?"

Spike started to sing Hush Now. Quiet Now., but he was cut off by a fierce kick to the gut by a very unhappy Flurry Heart. This caused the dragon to uncontrollably release a blast of green fire breath out with a very audible 'BURP'.

"Whoa!" cried Spike as his effort to not breathe on Flurry Heart caused him to fall flat on his back. The young Alicorn now rested atop Spike's pudgy tummy with her face looking straight into his.

"He-he-he," she giggled upon taking in the green-bellied dragon's silly expression after making such a funny sound. Flurry Heart then realized how Spike's tummy felt all soft and bouncy. This gave her even more giggles as she bounced herself upon it.

"Wait,"gasped Spike as the pressure on his belly made him feel like releasing more fire breath. "You're going to make me-"


"Whee!" cheered Flurry Heart as she spread her wings to full span and fluttered them with delight upon watching Spike belch out another torrent of green fire towards the ceiling. She definitely made the connection between her bouncing on the dragon's tummy and the little dragon making silly sounds and spewing green light into the air and wanted it to keep going.


"Augh," moaned Spike between each flaming belch. "This is just like when Princess Celestia wouldn't stop sending me letters for Twilight."

"Wee-hee!" giggled a very happy Flurry Heart as she playfully bounced up-and-down upon the helpless dragon's belly as if he were a toy. Her smile widening with each burp and fwoosh of fire. This continued until the young foal suddenly felt the urge to sneeze.

"Ah... ah," she gasped while pulling in air. "Achoo!"

"Whoah!" cried Spike as he felt a big gust of air rush over his face followed by his green eyes widening with fear as he noticed the newborn soar uncontrollably into the air.

"OH, NO!" he exclaimed while running with all his might to catch Flurry Heart before she fell to the ground. It took a very daring dive with fully outreached claws to catch her, but he was successful in catching Flurry Heart and pulling her into himself safely mere seconds before she fell to the crystalline floor.

"Yay!" she cheered upon receiving a snuggly rescue from the dragon. "Again! Again!"

"This is going to be a long weekend," said Spike.