Dear Diary

by Mr Tech

Page 9

Dear Diary,

  Today, I breathe a sigh of relief. Why? The weather returned to the normal cool that I like, and my annoying heartbeat was also gone! Sweet! And, best of all, it’s a beautiful day outside! The birds are singing, flowers are blooming under the autumn sun... On days like these, kids, like me, should be playing outside!

  Now, where do I begin? Oh, right. I first woke up, and I immediately knew what the time was, a feature I missed a lot while in ‘estrous’. I also didn’t feel like crap any longer! How cool is that? The Everfree now just looks like a plain old forest and not the creepy and messed up one I saw few days ago, too.

  So, with me feeling awesome, I went to school to learn things, that I already know, and on the way there, I saw something strange. About as strange as a three meter long yellow polka-dotted octopus wearing a graduation hat, flying at fifteen thousand, three hundred, and sixty miles per hour. Whatever is was, it appears to be flying away from something.

  It seems like my eyesight has returned to normal as well, which is great, considering that I can basically see things in the dark that normal ponies can’t, and so on. I love my eyes... Thanks, mommy and daddy, for giving me these marvelous eyes.

  Anyway, weird stuff happens all the time in Ponyville, and we’re still alive at the end of the day, so, no sweat. Anyway, to my actual surprise, I’ve learned something! A colt had been staring at me with a look I...cannot describe. I wonder why.

  What’s his name? I do not know. Oh well, I’ll probably find it out someday. He’s kind of cute with that look and blush… Where was I? I don’t remember. Anyways, since I find the forest less creepy, I took the liberty to take a walk around it! Wonderful idea, I know. Guess what I found?

  It was a rifle-ish looking object that was pulsing red… Now, give this to anypony and they may just turn it up to the guards… Not a wise decision, since the royal scientists are trash at what they do. Why, you might ask. Well, it’s because of the obvious lack of technology development and interest…

  “But pearl tech, we have magic to do all the lazy work for us! We’re smart!” some ponies might say, to which my answer is simply, “If your magic is so good, please explain why war, death, sins, crimes, and drugs exist in the first place? Got a problem with politics? Shoot the opposite side with magic and turn that place into a wasteland, why don't you? Oh, right, you cannot because “magic does not work that way”.

  Yeah, right, except the Elements of Harmony have enough firepower to STOP the GOD of CHAOS! What!? Do you know what wars make? Chaos! And you can stop said chaos. The only thing left is order, and there’s no battle that can be fought orderly.

  I’m getting distracted from the rifle thing. Anyway, I brought it back home and attempted to use it. It gave out a flash and a thump that my mom made when she fell like a ton of bricks. This made me realized one thing; I’m in a whole lot of trouble once dad comes back.

  Turns out, I’m right! What a surprise! Sarcasm included. Mommy got a reboot to the ‘brain’ and gave me a hard glare. My punishment? I cannot go into the basement for a week. No biggie, I just cannot watch the close circuit systems in Ponyville, can't fiddle with the stuff mommy and daddy made in the past, can't stare at their beautiful collection of guns.

That sounds bad. Oh, boy…

Toodles, I guess.
