//------------------------------// // Worthy rivals // Story: Daring Do and her friendly rival // by Red flame //------------------------------// Poor Daring Do was in ticklish agony, those two honey tentacles wisp mercilessly along the helpless belly brushing against every inch of the senstive skin. Her body shook and swung a bit as she let out adorable laughter, once more she pulled on her forehooves, but they remained trapped in the honey, She could'nt even focus enough to think of a way to escape. "PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEHEHEHEASE NO MORE!" Daring begged. Her belly jiggled in place as those tentacles slithered around it, her eyes began to tear up from the intense torture. Slowly one of these began to slide toward her vulnerable button. Her eyes shot open once the tentacle dipped into it, the poor pegasi threw her head back as she let out cute squeals laughing helplessly. "NOHOHOHOHHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO NOT THEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHRE!" Daring laughed. Through all of this she was enjoying it very much, but she did't want to make this an easy win for her new rival. After what felt like forever the tentacles pull away from her. She hangs limp by her forehooves as she gasps for breathe, though she was tired she needed to use this chance to escape. After a bit of thinking she realizes one way to get her hooves free. With a gulp she begins pulling her body up to the cluster of honey holding her forehooves and begins to chomp away at it. The tentacles had retracted into the ground, but she did'nt know when they'd come back so she needed to eat fast. Her body was sweating from the effort it desperately wanted to drop and hang. After two minutes though she finally ate enough of the honey to pull her forehooves out of it. She lands n the floor and quickly runs out of the room. Soon she's back in the main chamber once again, her body wobbled a bit from it's ordeal and her belly made a gurgling sound from having to eat the honey. "Whew he almo-ost had me there." Daring muttered weakly. It took a minute to recall the maps directions, she made her way to the staircase going up. It felt a bit strange not having her jacket or hat on, but she knew she could trust Lucky's word that her stuff was waiting outside. So the pony decided not to waste time going back for them. Finally she made it up to the second hall, it stretched on for at least three miles. A giant door was waiting for her at the end of the hall. It wasn't open so the adventurer guessed Lucky didn't know exactly where the Honey Scepter was. Still she decided to be cautious, she noticed a switch off to the right side of the door and flipped it. The doors swung open rather fast, once it was fully open Daring made her way into the new room. This room's walls were formed in a dome shape, the honey covering the walls and floor were completely solid. In the center of the room was a scepter covered in honey and Lucky standing in front of it. Lucky seemed oblivious to her presence and she decided this was her chance for some payback. With a smirk she quietly crept up behind him. However she could'nt see the smirk that was grown across Lucky's face. He silently moved his right hoof an inch over to a hidden button, he pressed it causing four pannels on the wall to the left to open up allowing four honey streams to shoot out towards Daring. They stick to her four hooves and pull her back to the wall. They have her sprawled on it in an x-position. Lucky walks up to her with a grin. "I had a feeling you might escape, so I set up an extra trap just in case." Lucky smirked. "It's official you actually have brains unlike Ahuizotl." Daring joked. "Oh so you were testing to see if I was smart, not a good thing to say when your restrained." Daring let's out a cute gulp knowing she's about to be tortured again. Four pannels open up on the floor infront of her. Four saws slowly come out of the pannels, however these are completely made of feathers so their completely harmless. They will however tickle quite a bit. "Well these should keep you occupied, I should'nt be too long." Lucky smirked. "Oh I swear I'll get you back." Daring grinned. The saws begin to spin slowly inching toward her belly. It shivers a bit as they advance on it. Finally the saws whirl in place on the defenseless skin sending her into cute hysterical laughter already. Those saws begin to move around on that belly making sure to torment every inch of it. Even though she's getting the daylights tickled out of her again, she still tries to keep her eyes on Lucky. Through watery eyes she could see Lucky pouring water from a bottle on the honey covered scepter. The honey encasing it began to dissolve and uncover the scepter. Her jaw would drop if she was'nt laughing her head off, it was such a simple solution and a plan formed into her head. "WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHT'S WRONG LUCKY TOO SCARED TO TICKLE ME YOURSEHEHEHEHEHELF" Daring taunted. Lucky's ears twitch a bit as he turns to his captive with an amused smirked. If his hero was begging to be tickled by him personally who was he to argue with her. So he tapped his hoof on the ground making the saws retract back into the ground. He approached Daring watching the pony hang forward getting in some much needed air. Yet she still had a smile on her face. Finally he was infront of Daring. "Just remember you asked for it."Lucky smirked. "I-I ca-an ta-ake it." Daring smiled weakly. Of course what she really wanted was the water bottle currently sitting in Lucky's right vest pocket. Slowly her tail silently wrapped around the bottle all while wiggling her belly both to taunt and distract her captor. She just barely managed to get it before Lucky was ready for the attack. Lucky's front hooves were glowing green as they slowly touched on her belly. Finally the hooves began to scribble on it wiggling all over the poor skin. It seemed to tickle alot harder than even the saws, as evident by the poor pegasi's helpless screams of hysterical laughter. Her body thrashed side to side out of reflex, her bonds held firm however and so had no escape from the menacing hooves. One of these dug into her belly button scritching around the walls of it. Her back arched forwards as tears flood rapidly out of her eyes. Her hysterical laughter music to Lucky's ears. After thirty minutes of this Lucky finally pulls his hooves away from that belly. "That's what happens when you taunt me." Lucky smirked. Though her head hung down and her body was slumped forward as her belly heaved from her rapid panting. She never lost her grip on the bottle. Lucky headed back to the honey scepter none the wiser as Daring quickly poured the water over the honey trapping her hind hooves and gives a weak smirk. As Lucky moved to grab the scepter Daring suddenly swoops by picking it up and landing across from him with a victorious grin. He was in awe that Daring could still move like that despite all the tickling, it was one of the reasons he looked up to the brave pegasi. Though his rival was clearly exhausted Daring still refused to give up. So he happily watched as the adventurer took flight and flew towards the exit. Out in the front of the temple about five minutes later Daring waited for Lucky Gamble to come out, in the mean time she had recovered her jacket and hat placing both back on her. Finally she saw the green unicorn emerge coming down the steps toward her. She trots up to Lucky with a happy smile on her face. "You actually almost had me there." Daring admitted. "Oh yeah, but I should've expected you to distract me to grab the bottle." Lucky complimented. "I have to say this was alot of fun, your a nice rival to have as well as a friend." Both ponies shook hooves together, once that was done Lucky began to grow a cute blush on his face growing a nervous smile. It was clear he wanted to say something a bit odd, but Daring very much appreciated meeting Lucky, this was the first time she enjoyed every part of her journey including the getting captured part. "Go on say what's on your mind." Daring smiled. "Well from now on, whenever we're after the same object. How about the winner takes the loser as a tickle captive until they can escape?" Lucky expressed shyly. Daring put her hoof to her chin as she thought about this. It was a rather odd thought but not one she didn't find interesting. Finally she smiled deciding it was an exciting challenge. "Alright your on, so better bring your A game next time." Daring smirked. "Oh don't worry, you'll be laughing up a storm in my home soon enough." Lucky replied playfully. With that the green unicorn walked off on a dirt path a very content smile plastered on his face. Daring was curious to know more about her new friendly rival, but for now she would enjoy this to the fullest. Her thoughts were interrupted by a small pain to her right side. She saw it was a small dart. Her vision blurred a bit before she collapsed on the ground completely asleep. to be continued