Pint's Birthday Party - Finale

by Yosh-E-O

Chapter 16 - Love

Snow had begun to mix in with the increasingly strengthening wind by the time Fall, Pint, and Bucky had reached the fenced-in border of the orphanage. Fall and Pint were now both riding atop the taller, yellow Pegasus, who had used his wings to help insulate the pair as they snuggled themselves with the coat the undersized Pinto had gotten from his friend for his birthday.
“The Weather Mare wasn’t kidding when she said the Pegasi had a chilly night planned for today,” stated Bucky while he turned away from an incoming gust of flurry-filled wind.
“Pint,” Fall said softly. “I don’t want to go back. I want to stay with you.”
“I want you to stay with me too,” he replied while pulling the coat more tightly between Fall and himself.
“Hey!” barked Bucky. “My ears are right above you two and I’d like to think I’m a part of this team, too.”

“I’m sorry,” said Fall.
“Don’t worry about it,” stated the colt as his amber-colored mane blew about and collected some stray flurries. “You little guys have to stick together.”

There was a short silence as the wind continued to blow an ever increasing amount of snow around.
“I hate to say it,” pouted Bucky. “But we got to get home, Pint. Our parents are going to start worrying if we are out in this weather much longer.”
Pint sighed as he watched Fall’s face grow a look of dread.
“I promise,” he said with as much positivity as he could muster. “We’re going to find a way to get you out of there for good.”
Fall closed her eyes and rubbed her face into Bucky’s fur.
“I know,” she said. “It just… well… it’s so hard to go back after seeing how much happiness is out there that I’m not a part of.”

There was another pause with only the wind and clanging of the fence to fill the void.
“You get to go home to loving families,” sobbed Fall. “I get to go and be teased and bullied by Rawhide, his friends, and those mean adults who see me as nothing more than some pony to do all the chores.”
“Fall…,”pouted Pint as he felt his heart break. “I’m… so… so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault,” she sobbed. “I just want out. I want out to be loved like you and Bucky are loved. I want out so I can be with Candy Cloud and playfully prance in a grassy meadow. I just want… to be free.”
“And you will be,” stated Bucky. “When Pint makes a promise he always keeps it. And, as his best friend, I am here to make sure you will soon get out of that horrible place.”

A quick gust of snow-filled wind blew as Fall nudged Pint to get off Bucky’s back. Pint wasn’t expecting this and found himself flopped on the ground with his Backyard Brawlers coat falling on top of him.
“Okay,” said Fall with all the courage she had. “Can you get me over there, Bucky?”
The yellow Pegasus took a few steps back and spread his wings.
“Remember,” he said. “We ‘will’ get you out of there.”

Pint had just gotten out from under his coat in time to see Bucky jump the fence, drop Fall off, and begin his dash to get back over to the other side.
“Fall!” cried Pint as he rushed towards the fence.
“Please,” whimpered Fall while she put her tiny, brown hoof so it could meet Pint’s hoof. “Go home, be safe, and come back soon.”
“I will,” Pint replied as he felt tears welling up in his eyes.
“I’ve got to go,” she said as she began to cry. “I love you.”

Pint stood heartbroken as he watched Fall dart towards the front door and slip in along with a shivering colt.
“D’aww,” said Bucky while rubbing his friend’s back with his hoof. “Some pony has a girlfriend.”
“I…,” said Pint. “I don’t think she meant it that way.”
“Whatever, lover boy,” teased Bucky as he knelt down for his friend to climb on his back. “I can see you blushing.”
“I’m just cold!” snapped Pint.

The pair left the orphanage and got back to their respective homes just before the storm had made it too dark to safely be outside. Both ponies’ minds filling with thoughts on how they could find a way to free their friend from the vile confines of the dreadful orphanage.