Pint's Birthday Party - Finale

by Yosh-E-O

Chapter 15 - One Last Gift

The wind had begun to pick up speed as grey clouds formed in the skies. It was as if every step Pint, Bucky, and Fall took towards the orphanage the drearier the world around them became.
“I’m so glad you could come to my party, Fall,” stated the now seven year old Pinto. “Did you have fun?”
“Yes,” replied Fall in a bittersweet tone. “I wish it could never end.”
Pint felt his heart sink as he quickly understood why Fall didn’t seem as happy as he had hoped she’d be.
“I wish we didn’t have to take you back to that horrible place, too,” he said somberly.
“Hey!” suggested Bucky. “It’s not like they pay any attention to Fall at the orphanage. Why don’t we just bring her home with us?”
“You can’t,” stated Fall while lowering her head. “They may not miss me now, but evening chores are coming up and that’s when I get recognized for doing all the work Ms. Powder Puff and the others don’t want to do.”
“There’s got to be a way we can keep you out of that horrible place!” cried Pint.
“The only way out,” stated Fall with a sigh. “Is to get adopted.”
Bucky and Pint looked at each other.
“Do you think your parents could adopt Fall?” asked Bucky with a grin. “I’m sure there’s room on that ‘Wall of Love’ in your home for her.”

Pint didn’t know how to answer. He really would love it if his parents would want to adopt Fall. However, he had already told them so many lies about her that he feared that telling the truth would not only result in them saying ‘No’, but also get himself grounded for all the times he was untruthful to them about what he had really been doing.
“It’s okay,” said Fall amidst the silence. “After today, I don’t know if I could fit into a normal family.”
“Wha-why do you say that?” asked Pint as he felt a rush of guilt wash over him.
“Because,” the small, brown Pegasus replied while lowering her head. “I didn’t understand a single thing about what to do at a birthday party.”
“You seemed perfect to me,” stated Bucky.
“No,” she continued. “Every colt and filly knew what to bring, say, and do. I’m going to be going on eight years old and I didn’t have a clue as to what the right and wrong things were to do.”
“Is that why you took away your gift to Pint?” asked Bucky.

Fall froze in place. The cold wind causing her to shiver as her pig tails waved gently behind her.
“You did have a gift for me?” asked Pint.
“…,” sighed Fall as she felt tears starting to well up in her eyes.
“It was a good one!” proclaimed Bucky.
“Can I see it?” Pint asked eagerly.

Fall said nothing as she removed the folded up picture she had tucked beneath her headband.
“Is that it?” asked Pint with a smile.
“I’m sorry,” sobbed the little, brown Pegasus as she turned to face her friends. “It’s not even in a pretty wrapped box.”
“Huh?” wondered Pint. “What do you mean?”
“Every pony else’s gifts were in really pretty, wrapped boxes, or cards. Mine…”

The wind whistled as it picked up more speed. Fall’s pig tails now blowing a wildly as they were moved by each gust.
“Oh, Fall,” assured Bucky as he positioned himself to block the wind from hitting the undersized filly. “It’s not about the packaging, but the thoughtfulness behind a gift.”
“Bucky’s right,” stated Pint. “So, can I please see your present?”

With closed eyes, Fall extended the folded piece of paper towards Pint.
“Ooh!” awed Pint as he worked to unfold the entire thing. He then gasped with joy upon seeing the picture of himself and Bucky playing with Fall. “This is wonderful! Thanks, Fall!”
“Really?” she asked nervously. “You…, really like it?”
“I love it!” cheered Pint while rushing to give her a hug. “I’m going to put this on my bedroom wall so I can see it every day!”
“You are?” asked Fall as a smile began to form on her face.
“Most definitely!” proclaimed Pint. “It’s, hooves down, the best present I got for my birthday?”
“But…,” gasped Bucky. “I thought my present was the best?”
Pint smiled as he got out of the oversized Backyard Brawlers coat his yellow Pegasus pal had gotten him.
“How’s about I say that it’s a tie for best present?” he asked while draping one side of the coat over Fall and the other over himself.
Bucky smiled upon seeing how adorable Pint and Fall looked underneath the coat that had been turned into a sort of canopy.
“How can I argue with that?” he asked.
The wind blew again with even more intensity. This got the young ponies to look up and see that the skies were growing even darker.
“We should get going before the storm gets here,” stated Bucky.
Fall and Pint stood close to each other while holding the coat. Both felt much warmer and were happy to be so close.
“Right,” said Pint. “Let’s go.”