//------------------------------// // Chapter 12 - Pint's Birthday Lunch // Story: Pint's Birthday Party - Finale // by Yosh-E-O //------------------------------// There was total chaos as the children all ran to get their share of Pint’s birthday lunch. Fortunately, enough parents stuck around to herd the children into a line so everyone got their fair share without anyone accidentally getting too close to Blissy’s grill. As it was his birthday, Pint got served first, along with Fall, Bucky and Candy Cloud. They all were enjoying their meal on one of the many hoof-stitched blankets that Blissy had made and was distributing out to groups so they could comfortably eat outside on Patches’ well-kept lawn. “Mmmm,” grinned Candy Cloud as she nibbled on some of the grilled oats she had on her plate. “These are so yummy!” “Have you tried the carrots?” Pint asked proudly. “Nobody grills a carrot like my dad!” “I know I should wait,” drooled Bucky. “But I just have to eat this soft, cinnamon apple.” Fall looked at her plate as the others oohed-and-awed over all that was on it. Everything looked so delicious. For so long she had had become accustomed to eating food that looked more like some sort of variation of oatmeal mush. Now she was staring at veggies and fruits that were all so vibrant in color and distinctively fresh. “Is something wrong?” asked Candy Cloud upon noticing her friend had not yet taken a bite of her meal. “No…,” the little, brown Pegasus replied. “Don’t know where to start?” asked Bucky with a mouthful of cinnamon apple. “I’d go with the apples. They’re soooooo good!” Pint took notice of Fall and asked, “Is there something you don’t like?” Fall didn’t know what to say. So she picked up a carrot and bit into it. The flavor of it practically exploding in her mouth as she couldn’t help but grow a grin as she savored every single second she chewed on it until the time had finally come to swallow. “So…,” Pint asked nervously. “Do you, uh, like it?” “Yes!” cheered Fall. “I’ve never tasted something so yummy in my whole life!” “Did I hear what I thought I just heard?” asked Blissy with a wide smile as he continued to make plates for the children and their parents. “You sure did, dad!” proclaimed Pint with joy. “Fall loves your cooking just like I do!” “Yay!” cheered Blissy. “There’s plenty more if she’d like more of anything, too!” *** Fall savored every last bite of the lunch Pint’s dad had made. She was even more surprised when Pint’s mom would come by and ask if she wanted more. Nobody ever got ‘more’ at the orphanage. You just got what you got and that was it. “I hope you’re saving some room for cake,” stated Patches as she brought another plate over for Fall. “My Blissy worked very hard on it and I know Pint would be so happy if you had a piece of his dad’s super sweet, birthday cake.” “Birthday… cake?” wondered Fall. “Yeah!” cheered Candy Cloud while licking her lips. “It’s got to be the best part of having a birthday!” “Second best,” added Bucky. “Presents are the absolute best part of a birthday party.” “I don’t know…,” grinned Pint. “My dad makes a really good cake.” “What do you think, Fall?” asked candy Cloud. “What’s your favorite part of having a birthday party?” Fall gasped upon being asked such a question. She was already overwhelmed from all the new things that even going to and being at Pint’s birthday party had shown her. She didn’t comprehend the many acts of kindness, let alone what could possibly be a ‘favorite’. “Well…,” she said shyly. “I, uh, like it… all?” “That’s a good answer,” stated Bucky. “It’s all good.” “And it’s even better with good friends!” cheered Candy Cloud as she went to give Fall a hug. “That reminds me,” said Pint. “I should go and talk to the rest of the class. I don’t want to seem like I’m picking favorites. Dad says it’s bad to do that.” Pint excused himself and headed off to talk with the other guests. “That Blissy,” remarked Bucky. “Always talking about looking out for other pony’s feelings.” “Other pony’s feelings?” asked Fall. “Yeah,” said Bucky. “Pint’s dad is really into making sure every pony is happy. If he ever hears Pint and I arguing, he will run in and remind us to think about how we each feel and how good friends don’t hurt anyone’s feelings.” “…,” thought Fall as she followed Pint’s adventures from group to group of parents and children, each seeming more happy after the birthday boy paid them a visit. “Everything going alright over here?” asked Bucky’s mom as she and Bucky’s Uncle approached Fall, Bucky, and Candy Cloud. “You bet!” exclaimed Bucky. “Never happier,” cooed Candy Cloud as she nuzzled against Fall. “How about you, little filly?” Bucky’s Uncle asked Fall. “Are you having a good time?” “Yes,” grinned Fall with wide eyes. “I am.” “Super!” exclaimed Bucky’s mom. “I think it’s almost time to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to Pint before we get into him opening all those presents every pony brought.” “Mmm,” hummed Candy Cloud while licking her lips. “I love cake.” “And I know that ‘I’ got Bucky the ‘best’ present,” grinned Bucky. Fall sighed as she thought on how she had seen all sorts of colorful packages on the table compared to her simple drawing. “I got him a gift certificate to The Flip and Scoop,” stated Candy Cloud. “Who doesn’t love ice cream and games?” “That’s nice,” said Bucky. “But mine is so awesome that I don’t want to share it until the little Pinto opens it.” “What did you get Pint?” the pink Pegasus asked Fall. “I, uh…,” she mumbled while lowering her head. “You’ll have to wait and see,” teased Bucky. “No fair!” pouted the filly with the white mane. “I told you what I got him.” “I just like surprises,” Bucky teased. “Don’t you, Fall?” “I…,” she sighed in reply. “Yeah… I guess so.” DING-A-LING-A-LING “Okay every pony!” proclaimed Pint’s mom. “Who here is ready for cake and ice cream?” There was a roar of cheers followed by exclamations of “Me!” and “I do!”. “Be right back!” Pint’s dad called proudly while heading into the house. Fall didn’t know what to say, or do. What she did know is that things just kept getting better-and-better and that she wished that this day would never come to an end.