//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: First Glimpse // Story: An Apple's Sin // by Fluffynizer101 //------------------------------// Chapter 2: First Glimpse Twilight Sparkle soon headed back to the train station. She lifted her head up to get the last glimpse of sunlight. As she boarded the train, she stared back at the safety of her hometown. Goodbye Canterlot... She stared out the window of the train for many hours feeling numb. How...Why....did I say Yes? I could've refused. I should've refused. Even if she removed me as her student, it wouldn't matter. I could give it up easily to avoid my worst nightmare. The train began to slow to a stop after what felt like years and years of traveling. "Anypony coming off?" yelled the train conductor. He jumped when he saw a pony getting off. Nopony has gotten off at this stop in months. "Er....have a good day ma'am" he said awkwardly. "Uh...thanks, you too." Twilight replied. Twilight walked through the gloomy streets of Ponyville, drenched in the fog. Some old papers flew through the wind as she headed towards her library. Spike was right, this is a ghost town. She sighed before opening the door knowing what Spike would think of her decision. "Twilight!" Spike ran towards her and hugged her. "I missed you so much! I was super worried!" "I missed you too, Spike" Twilight smiled. Spike then looked at her curiously. "So, How was your trip? What did Celestia want?" asked Spike Twilight looked down and was quiet for a moment. "Well, she said she wanted me to help her with a...problem of hers. She asked me to investigate and capture the culprit of the murder mysteries." she admitted. Spike had his back turned to her. "....What did you say to that?" "...I said I would do it." she stated. "You WHAT?! Twilight how could you agree to that?!? You could get hurt or worse!" Spike angrily shouted. "Spike, she needed help! She said I was good in my detective skills. Also, if I catch the murderer this could all be over!" Twilight argued. "That..doesn't make any sense! Why...How could she ask you! You're in no condition to do this. I...I won't let you!" Spike yelled. Twilight sighed sympathetically and hugged him. Spike hugged her back. "I just...don't want you to get hurt..." he whispered sadly. "Don't worry Spike, I won't." Twilight replied unsurely. The Next Day, Twilight set off into Ponyville to go ask if anypony knew anything or seen suspicious. It was a foggy day as usual, but it was even colder than it normally was. The first house Twilight arrived to was Rarity's boutique. Rarity used to get an exterior house cleaner frequently, but the cleaner moved away a long time ago, so the outside of her boutique was dusty and off-color looking. She came up to the door and softly knocked. After a long moment, Sweetie Belle opened t door half way; it had been stopped by a door chain Rarity must have recently added that. "H-hello?" Sweetie Belle stuttered. "Sweetie Belle? It's me, Twilight" she said. Sweetie Belle gasped and unlocked the door chain. She pushed her inside. "Rarity, you'll never guess who's here!" Sweetie Belle said enthusiastically. Rarity looked up from her cautious sewing and gasped. "Oh, Twilight! I can't believe you came!" Rarity said hugging her. "How about some tea?" "Thank you, Rarity, tea sounds nice right now" Twilight replied. Rarity began to brew the tea as Twilight sat down. Twilight looked around the boutique. All the mannequins had been put away and replaced with regular furniture for the living room. The only trace of her boutique was the table in the corner where Rarity appeared to be sewing a pair of pajamas. After a long silence Rarity set a cup down for both her and Twilight and brought the pot over and began to pour the tea. "So, it looks different in here Rarity" Twilight stated. Rarity looked up and smiled "Oh, Yes! Due to the...recent conditions, I've decided to make it a little more homey for Sweetie Belle!" Rarity exclaimed. "For Sweetie Belle? asked Twilight. "Well, Sweetie Belle is a very sensitive child and I don't want her to let the recent conditions put her into a state of fear and anxiety, so I've been making sure she stays happy and healthy. I've even been sewing us matching pajamas since it's gotten so cold at night now." Rarity explained. There was a long silence between them. "Anyway, Twilight, any reason you wanted to come by?" Rarity asked curiously. "Well, actually there is. Princess Celestia asked me to solve the mysterious murders and catch the murderer as well. Twilight said. Rarity's mouth fell open. "What? She asked you to risk your life to protect all these ponies?" Rarity asked shocked. "Basically, Yes. You should have SEEN Spike when I told him. Spike was so mad." Twilight said. Rarity looked down at her tea. "Well I assume you are going to ask if I've seen anything suspicious? Rarity asked. "Yes..." Twilight started. Rarity pondered for a moment. "Well then, I haven't seen much but I recently noticed something. I frequently dust off my curtains so I'll usually take a look outside. When I dust at night, i'll see a strange shadow outside. Of course it could be in my head, but I see them walk around the house's and sometimes even walk into one.." Twilight was silent for a moment. "Thank you Rarity." Twilight said. Rarity suddenly looked at Twilight. "Funny you say murder mystery. Where did that come from?" "Oh, I don't know. I just figured these ponies have been gone so long.." Twilight started. Rarity put her hoof up to stop her. "I understand. I've had the exact same speculations." The two ponies stood up from the table. Rarity hugged her and whispered. "I know you can do this, darling. You just have to stay strong." Twilight smiled at Rarity. "Oh, would you be a dear and say goodbye to Sweetie Belle for me? She hasn't seen any of her friends lately, so she may be getting lonely." "Of course," Twilight replied Sweetie Belle sat next to the Living Room fire drawing with some crayons. "Hi Sweetie Belle," Twilight said sweetly. "Hey, Twilight!" replied Sweetie Belle. "How have you been?" Twilight asked. "I've been great! Rarity has made the boutique like a real house and she's been teaching me how to sew. She's even made us matching silk pajamas!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed. "That's wonderful Sweetie! Hope you can sew like her soon!" Twilight said. After their conversation, Twilight gave them one last hug and headed for Fluttershy's house. Twilight looked upon what was once a cute, welcoming cottage. Now, the paint seemed to have faded and the windows were all sealed shut. I hope she's still homeā€¦ Twilight knocked on the door softly. No response. "Fluttershy? Are you home? It's Twilight. Twilight Sparkle." Twilight said. Why would I say Twilight Sparkle? Of course she remembers me. "T-t-twilight?" asked the shuddering Fluttershy. "Yeah, it's me!" Twilight exclaimed. Fluttershy opened the door. "C-come in" she whimpered. Twilight entered the house and saw it was dark inside. The whole house was lit with what seemed like hundreds of candles. "Oh, Twilight!" Fluttershy said, landing in Twilight's arms. "It's been so long since I've seen you all! "It has been awhile. I missed you!" Twilight said. "Here Twilight, sit on the couch and I'll got get you a scone!" Fluttershy said. After a quick moment, Fluttershy came back with two scones. One for her, one for Twilight. "So Twilight, what made you want to come by?" Fluttershy asked. "Oh...You see I am actually doing some detective work" said Twilight. "Detective Work? For what case?" Fluttershy asked enthused. "Well, right now I'm working on the mysterious...disappearances." Twilight said . Fluttershy whimpered. "I see." she said. "I was wondering if you've seen anything suspicious?" asked Twilight. "Well, I may be crazy but I might have. Sometimes, I'll see a shadow walking along the forest edge. It almost looks like they're...dragging something. "So Fluttershy, Where's all your animals?" Twilight said trying to change the subject "Oh, I had a spare bedroom and I made it into a sanctuary for my all my animals! Well at least most of them." Fluttershy said. What happened to the others?" Twilight asked. Well, my large animals like the bear I had to set free because they were too big to keep inside" she replied. Twilight didn't respond to that. "Thank you for you time, Fluttershy." she said. "No Problem." Fluttershy started. "Oh...um..Twilight? Good Luck." Another hug sent Twilight off into the streets of Ponyville once again. Could it be true the all the missing ponies had been murdered?