//------------------------------// // A ship sails. // Story: Another human in Equestria fic // by The7thElement //------------------------------// The next morning, I woke up screaming. “Arghhh!” After screaming myself awake I could feel myself covered in a cold sweat, my heart was beating at a million beats per minute, memories of my nightmare still dancing in my vision. “Ryan are you alright?” I looked to my left to see that Luna was lying in bed with me. “Arghhh!” I said reeling back enough to fall off the bed. After a few seconds of lying on my back on the ground I could feel myself be levitated back onto the bed. Once I was back on the bed I looked at Luna. “Luna why are you here?” “Well whilst I was enjoying my sleep I could feel somebody having a nightmare. When I went to investigate who, through the dreamscape I found it was you. But for some reason I could not get into your dream world to help you. So I came here thinking if I was closer to the host I could enter your dream world. But you awoke before I could help you.” She explained a sad look on her face. “Oh okay then.” “Do you want to talk about your nightmare?” Luna asked a worried look on her face. “Luna I would tell you but… I don’t want to scare you.” I admitted. “Ryan, I have faced many nightmares in my time, I doubt that your nightmare could be that bad.” “It could be and it could be worse. Luna please I don’t want you to be hurt, that’s why I told Orion to lock you out of my dream world whenever I have a nightmare.” I said a guilty look on my face. “You’d do that for me?” Luna said. “Why?” “Because you’re my friend Luna, I don’t want you getting hurt by my nightmares.” I said pulling her into a hug finally managing to get my body to stop shaking slightly. “Luna what time is it?” I asked her. “Well my sister has only just raised the sun, so about six o’clock. Why?” “Do you mind staying here with me just until I have to get up?” I said sheepishly. “If it will help you sleep then I will.” She said as she wrapped her wings around me. “Thank you Luna.” I said causing a blush to cross her muzzle. “Ryan, don’t tell anyone about this okay.” “Got it.” I said as I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. A few hours had passed when I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on the door to me and Trixie’s room. When I opened my eyes my heart stopped as I took in the sight before me. Luna’s muzzle was mere inches away from my face. At this sight I had tried to shift myself away from the sleeping mare, it was then that Orion decided to comment on this situation. “So you slept with Luna. Celestia isn’t going to be happy about that.” ‘Shut up, I need to remember what led me to be in this predicament.’ I thought back to him as Luna began to shift slightly. It was then that I felt her wings wrapped around my back, at feeling myself being held in place by her wings I could feel something inside of my chest heat up. Slowly but surely the memory of waking up from a nightmare to find Luna with me and what happened afterwards came back to me. As a small smile formed on my face I could hear the knocking become slightly louder. Unfortunately, it had become loud enough to wake Luna from her sleep. “Good morning Luna.” I said as she slowly opened her eyes. It was at that moment that I lost myself in Luna’s eyes, her blue eyes were truly a sight to behold from this close. I was pulled from my thoughts by Luna shifting her wings so that they were at her sides and not wrapped around me. “Ryan can thou please see who is at the door?” Luna said as she hopped off of the bed. “Sure just let me quickly go get changed.” I said making my way to the bathroom to get changed. After I had finished in there I came out of the bathroom to see that Luna was gone. When I looked around for her all I found was a small not on my bed. ‘Dear Ryan. I have teleported myself back to my room so that I could get some sleep. Hopefully what had happened this morning has helped you. Sincerely your friend Luna. P.s. Destroy this parchment as soon as you can.’ I finished reading the note to myself, as the knocking became slightly louder. As I walked up the stairs and towards the main door I used my magic to burn the parchment. After making sure there wasn’t any ash on my gloves I opened the door to find Twilight. “Hey Twi what’s up?” I asked the unicorn. “What’s up? What’s up!?” She exclaimed ‘Oh great Twily’s mad.’ I thought to myself as she calmed down. “Nothing’s up it’s just that every-pony is wondering where you’ve been being all that’s up.” She said a small amount of steam coming out of her ears. “Whoa, calm down Twi. I had to get changed okay.” I then looked behind her to see that the rest of the mane six and Spike were waiting down the end of the hall with Celestia. “Look give a second Twi okay. Just going to say goodbye to Trixie.” I said as I moved back into the room, walking up the stairs to Trixie’s room. I then delivered a few shorts knock to the door. Which managed to get Trixie to wake up and open the door a tired look on her face. “Oh it’s you Ryan.” She then let out a yawn. “What’s up?” “Nothing much just that me and the others are heading back to Ponyville and I thought you may have wanted to say goodbye.” Once I had said this he wrapped her fore-hooves around my waist. “Well then goodbye Ryan, hopefully I’ll see you again soon.” She said as she removed herself from my mid-waist. “Sorry but I’m really tired so if you’ll excuse me.” She said going back into her room closing the door behind her. After walking back to the door to join Twilight we joined the others at the end of the hall. “About time you woke up sleepy head.” Dash said to me as Celestia led us through the castle out to the front gates. Celestia then stopped and turned around. “Well Ryan, here we are. You still look half asleep.” She said. “Not much for mornings, I’m slightly hurt.” She said placing a hoof to her chest a small look of hurt on her muzzle. “Don’t get me wrong Celestia I like mornings, I just hate waking up that’s all.” I explained. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Moonlight approaching us with Fire Wand beside her. “Ah and here is our special guest.” Celestia said nodding her head towards the new arrivals. “I see that you have given him the band already Captain.” It was then I noticed that Fire was wearing a metallic band on his front right hoof, as I looked more closely at it I could see a few runes etched into it. “As you ordered Mother Sol.” “So what’s with the band?” I asked Celestia. “It grants him only enough magic to be able to disguise himself.” Celestia stated. It was then I realized that this wasn’t Fire but it was Stealth. “He will be staying with you Ryan.” She then levitated a band towards me. “This band is connected to the band he is wearing it will keep him within 50 meters of the band I just gave you.” Celestia explained what the second band was for. “Got it so I have to feed him and walk him.” I joked. “So how’s it going Stealth?” I asked as Twilight and the others only now realized that this wasn’t Fire. “Well it feels good to not be getting death stares from guards when I pass them.” He admitted. “Well then you all best be going the next train to Ponyville does leave in five minutes.” Celestia said as Fire joined our little group. “Have a safe and quick trip home Twilight.” Celestia said as we made our way out of the castle towards the train station. As we travelled back towards Ponyville on the train the mane six kept glancing at the disguised Stealth who had kept his Fire Wand disguise on him since Celestia had told us to take care of him. It wasn’t long before somebody broke the silence and Twilight was the one to do that. “So Ryan, what did Celestia mean by he’ll be staying with you?” “Simple Twilight, dear old Stealth here will be staying under your roof.” This caused a look of shock to plaster itself on her face. “Princess Celestia is serious isn’t she?” “Yeah she is. But hey Twilight look on the bright side, you get the opportunity to study a changeling.” I said gesturing to Stealth. “What do you mean by study?” Stealth said, looking between me and Twilight. “Well nothing to extreme like dissecting you and seeing what’s under your chitin. Probably just an assortment of questions, maybe a few experiments nothing to dangerous.” I then looked to Twilight. “Right Twilight?” “Of course. You may be seen as an enemy of Equestria but I would never do any experiments that are to dangerous.” She said, soon realizing what she had said. “No offense.” “None taken.” Stealth said, casually brushing off what Twilight had said about him being an enemy of Equestria. “So anyway where will he be sleeping?” Twilight asked me. “How about we convert part of your basement into a bedroom for him.” I suggested. “Good idea Ryan.” Twilight said a grin adorning her muzzle. “But that also brings another thing to the light.” She then turned her gaze to Stealth. “Stealth are changelings able to make their own disguises? Before you ask I mean can you make your disguises into ponies that don’t exist.” “We can yes. Why?” He asked raising an eyebrow. “Well it would seem a bit weird to see Fire Wand staying in the library, mainly for those who know him.” Once Twilight had said this Stealth had hopped off of his seat and was standing in front of Twilight. “Um what are you doing?” She asked. After a few seconds Stealth then dropped his disguise and tapped the tip of his horn against Twilight’s. His eyes then started to glow a bright purple. Once his eyes lost their glow he then backed away from Twilight. Once he was a pony length away from Twilight he then covered himself in a light purple flame as he donned a disguise. Once the flames subsided a unicorn stallion stepped out from the embers. Stealth’s coat was a dark grey, his mane was a blood red with a small strip of purple running down the center of his mane and tail. His cutie mark was a small black heart that had holes in it similar to a changeling’s chitin. The rest of us then looked over Stealth’s new disguise. “What the heck was that?” I asked him as he returned to his spot sitting next to me. “That’s a little ability that changelings can do. What it is, is that we can connect our horns to a unicorn allowing us to peer into their mind. This allows us to pull together a disguise from the unicorn’s memories of other ponies. But that ability is also used by infiltrators as a way to make a disguise on what the unicorn desires in a pony.” He explained. “So which one did you use?” I asked as I saw Twilight get a small blush. “First one.” He said causing Twilight’s blush to disappear. “Five minutes until our arrival in Ponyville. Five minutes.” The announcer said over the speaker system. “Well you heard the bodiless voice let’s get ready.” I said as I checked to make sure that I had everything that I needed on me. I then looked around to see that everybody else was making sure they had what they needed. All the while Stealth was sitting next to one of the windows looking out it as we approached Ponyville. Once we had arrived in Ponyville Twilight, Spike and I led Stealth to the library, as the others had gone back to their own homes or had gone off to do their own thing. As we made our way through Ponyville Twilight pointed out important buildings and other places of interest. Whilst we were passing through the marketplace a very familiar duo of ponies came up to us. “Hey Ryan.” Lyra said as she walked up to me. “Hey Lyra, Bon-Bon, how’s it going?” I asked glad to see the mint mare again. “Oh just average, but we’re really glad to see that you’re back.” She said with a grin on her muzzle. “Yeah we are. Where have you been anyway Ryan?” Bon-Bon asked. She then looked past me at Stealth. “And who’s your friend?” “Oh well to answer your first question Celestia sent me, Twilight and the others out to a newly found empire. As for who that is well that’s Stealth.” I then turned to him. “Stealth say hello to Lyra and Bon-Bon.” “Oh hello, nice to meet you.” He said holding a hoof out to Bon-Bon. As she shook his hoof she spoke up once more. “Always nice to meet a new face around Ponyville.” “So Ryan, now that I’ve managed to get myself under control do you think we could have tea again sometime?” Lyra asked me. “Sure thing Lyra. How about we do that tomorrow Twilight and I need to get Stealth here settled in.” “Oh well tomorrow’s no good for me. Octavia wants me to go over to her and Vinyl’s house and do some practice.” Lyra said looking at the ground a small frown on her muzzle. “Wait did you say Vinyl? As in Vinyl Scratch.” “Yeah why?” Lyra asked lifting her head back up to look at me. “Well I needed to talk to Vinyl anyway, how about I come with you.” Once I said this Lyra’s earlier cheery expression returned. “That’s a great idea Ryan. How about you come to my place at around 9 o’clock so we can head over there together.” “Sure thing Lyra. Well I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” I said whilst joining Twilight and the others as they made their away from the marketplace. “See you then Ryan.” Lyra said giving me a wave as I left the marketplace. “Sounds like you got yourself a date for tomorrow.” Spike said with a slight smirk as I rejoined him and the others. “No I don’t Spike, just going out to talk to some friends.” I said as we approached the library. “Whatever you say Ryan.” He said as we entered the library. “Here it is home sweet home.” Twilight said gesturing to the library. “So you live in a library?” Stealth said looking at the numerous bookshelves. “Yep. Isn’t it great. Anyway I better show you where you’ll be staying.” She said as she led Stealth and I to a dark oak door. When she opened the door she led us down into her basement. As I looked around the room I noticed that there were two levels to Twilight’s basement. On the second level I noticed to no surprise that there were a few bookshelves, but what surprised me the most was that Twilight had some machines set up. Next to the bookshelves a bed big enough to hold Stealth was in place. “Twilight exactly where did you get these machines?” I asked as Stealth jumped on his bed. “Oh these old things, well I made them. Also before you ask they measure a pony’s heartbeat and other things with magic.” “So these machines produce readings of how a pony’s mind with magic?” I asked hoping for her to confirm my guess. “Exactly.” She said with a smile before levitating a metal hat with blinking lights and wires attached to it from a top one of the machines. She then turned to look at Stealth. “Okay Stealth, I need you to come over here and put this on.” Once Stealth had gotten close enough Twilight strapped the hat to his head. “Um do you want me to drop my disguise?” Stealth asked as Twilight made sure the hat was strapped on properly. “That would probably be a good idea.” She said as she undid the straps. After removing the helmet Stealth changed back to his changeling self in a light purple flame. Twilight then proceeded to strap the helmet back onto his head. Once she had done this she had plugged the helmet into one of her machines. “Now make sure you tell me if you feel any pain in your head.” She said as she turned the machine on. After a few seconds the machine began to feed out a piece of paper with some results written on it. “So how long does he have left to live?” I joked getting a small smile out of Stealth. “Yes please tell me how long I have to live doctor?” Stealth pleaded to Twilight as he decided to wear a look of worry. “Hmm.” Twilight said looking over the readings, ignoring me and Stealth’s joking. “Strange, quite strange. For some reason your readings are actually quite similar to that of a regular pony. Although that would help with avoiding detection.” Twilight said as she pulled out a needle. As soon as Stealth saw the needle a look of fear came to his face. “What are you going to do with that?” “Well I’m going to take a blood sample from you. Now if you could hold still this won’t hurt at all.” She said approaching Stealth. “Well that needle isn’t going to pierce my chitin. You’re going to have to insert it in one of the joints in my chitin.” He said getting a nod from Twilight. Twilight then inserted the needle into one of his shoulder joints. At the needles penetration of his joint he let out a small wince of pain. “Oh sorry, I didn’t hurt you much did I?” Twilight asked worry lacing her voice. “No you didn’t. I think you may have accidentally hit a nerve.” Stealth said as Twilight removed the needle a small amount of his blood in the needle. She then inspected his blood. “Hmm a slight green coloration to it interesting. I’ll have to give this to Nurse Redheart she’ll be able to analyze it better than I could.” Twilight than looked up to a clock on the basement wall. “Oh its dinner time. I’ll go help Spike with dinner.” Twilight said as she left the basement, before she went upstairs she turned back to us. “Don’t touch anything!” She yelled back at us. “Well I better go give Spike a hand with dinner.” I said walking up the stairs whilst Stealth was right behind me. “Didn’t Twilight say she would help Spike?” Stealth asked as we got to the basement’s door. “Let me tell you something Stealth, Twilight can’t cook.” I said in a whisper as we left the basement. After I had managed to help Spike save what dinner Twilight hadn’t burnt we had all sat down eating a salad. After that was done Twilight had managed to enchant Stealth’s band to keep him within his small section of the basement. After that I had decided to call it a night while Twilight decided to keep looking over the Thaumonomicon. Later that night I woke up to find myself in a queen sized bed. This bed was very familiar to me, as I looked around the room it all came flooding back to me. I was in my apartment back on earth. “Huh was that all a dream?” I asked myself thinking back to my time in Equestria. I was puled from my thoughts as I heard a growl emanate from my stomach. I then decided to get out of bed and grab something to eat. As I walked into the kitchen I decided to grab a quick snack and watch some TV. As I grabbed my snacks and jumped on the couch I was interrupted by a knocking coming from my door. It was at that moment I realized I was still in my pajamas. “I’ll be with you in a moment!” I yelled at the door, as I went back into my room to change into something presentable. After changing into a shirt and a pair of shorts I walked up to the door and opened it. I was then greeted by Luna. “Hello Ryan, I hope you haven’t had any nightmares yet.” “Am I dreaming?” I asked her. “Why yes you are. May I please come in?” She asked. “Oh sure thing Luna.” I said moving out of the doorway. “So what is this place Ryan?” She asked looking around my apartment. “This is where I used to live back on earth.” I explained as I went to go sit back on my couch. “By the way what are you doing here, not that I don’t enjoy your company but still.” I said turning on the television. “Urgh!” I groaned out as I had turned my TV onto the news channel. “And the winner of America’s election is Donald Trump.” The news anchor said. I then decided to obliterate my TV with a fireball. “Ryan why did you destroy that box?” Luna asked. “Because the TV reminded me why I don’t want to go back to earth.” “TV?” She asked looking at the smoldering remains of the TV. “Maybe I’ll explain another time.” I said as I looked around my apartment. “Maybe we should go for a change of scenery.” I said as I shifted my dreamscape so that Luna and I were sitting on top of the hill with the oak tree sitting above us. Luna’s moon was at it’s peak in the sky above us, as always it was a full moon. I had also noticed that when I changed the scenery I had brought my couch along with me. Luna had also decided to join me on the couch. “Now Ryan as for the reason I’m here I need to tell you something.” Luna said as she softly nuzzled my side. “Would have something to do with why you’re so affectionate?” I asked as I ran a hand through her starry mane. “Well it has something to do with what happened this morning, as well as when you went to the Crystal Empire. Since then I have felt strange feelings towards you.” She admitted causing me to pause as what she said ran through my mind. “What do you feel?” I asked. “Well whenever I’m around you I feel an enormous amount of joy within me.” She admitted as she looked up at me. “So you love me?” I asked my voice wavering a bit. “I guess so. How about you, do you feel the same about me?” She asked, sitting up so that she was looking in my eyes. “Yes.” I said. I then looked into her eyes seeing them light up with excitement. “Luna if I may?” I said leaning towards her. She decided to answer my question with actions. She then placed her lips on mine as she kissed me, I then decided to wrap my hands around the back of her head as I pulled her deeper into the kiss. After a few seconds I could feel her tongue pressing against my lips, I decided to grant her wish as I opened my mouth and let my tongue wrestle with her’s. After a few more seconds we both separated a small string of drool connecting our lips. After catching my breath, I spoke up. “That was amazing.” I said a grin on my face. “Thou really think that?” Luna said a look of joy on her face. “By your technique I’m guessing this was your first time?” I questioned as a small blush crossed her face. “Yes it was.” She admitted, causing her blush to grow. “How is that?” “Well let us say this. No-pony saw to court us; they were more interested in our sister.” She said a downtrodden look on her face. “Well their idiots.” I said causing her to smile. “I’m surprised no one tried to court you, honestly. You’re beautiful, your personality is amazing, and don’t get me started on how beautiful your smile is.” She then decided to press her lips against mine again. “Thank you Ryan.” She said once we ended the kiss. “So what does this mean?” She then pointed her hoof back and forth between us. “Well I guess we’re dating.” I said before placing a finger on my chin. “Great I guess I have to take you somewhere to go on a date.” I then realized something. “Well I think I have an idea.” “What would that be?” She said a look of excitement in her eye. “Well first if this is you’re first time on the dating scene well you may want to talk to Cadance.” She then gave me a nod as she understood what I meant. “As for our date, how about I come and pick you up two days from now. How about I meet you at the castle gates at 7 in the evening.” I said as her horn began to light up. “Well then I guess it’s a date then.” She then looked up at her horn. “I am sorry but I must go, some-pony is having a nightmare.” Before she could go I decided to give her a quick kiss. “Well I guess I’ll see you the night after tomorrow.” She then gave me a nod before she left in a flash of dark blue. Once she was gone I saw Orion step out from behind the oak tree. “Well, well, well. Look who’s dating a princess.” He said giving me an applause. “Yeah I am. Better date than the one you got.” I said jokingly. “Yep I guess you’re right.” He then faded away as I could feel myself awaking.