Shattered Mirror

by The Bricklayer

Sombra's Suspicions

Outside Ponyville there was a forest. A deep and dark forest, evergrowing and wild enough to send chills down anypony who even looked at it for a moment. This forest was known as the Everfree. Everything about it was unnatural. It's weather, controlled by no pegasi and almost impossible to keep in check and the animals inside were untamable by not even the most skilled. It would be mad to even consider stepping one hoof inside. And yet, there was one soul who was brave enough to make a home near this place. That soul was Sombra Ironhoof. You see, despite that rather frightening name of his, he was a kind and gentle soul who loved animals if not a bit antisocial. Specifically, the ones who lived on the edge of the Forest like rabbits and birds. For years he'd made a living off taking care of these creatures as a vet, and he also cared for any creature brought to him as well. He had a innate connection to the natural world, and he knew when things were amiss, just like he did now.

"You feel it too, don't you?" He whispered softly as he looked at some of the creatures who'd took shelter in his home. "Something's wrong, something in the natural world."

Animals had been acting oddly all day, even those like Timberwolves he'd seen fleeing from the forest as if something scared them. But not much scared the creatures which gave other ponies nightmares. Sombra knew not what was wrong, but he did know that whatever was causing this imbalance was powerful.

"Well, I suppose there's only one way to find out. Go inside the forest and see for myself." He muttered, and even with the sun high in the sky that forest would be as dark as ever.

"...Dark enough for it to be perfect for something to hide."

With that, he took one step out the door and began his trek to the Forest...

Ponyville, Lovely Locks Hairdressery...

"Alright darling, might I say you look wonderful. Another grand creation, by yours truly Lovely Locks!" The one and only said flamboyantly with a dramatic air.

No. not just dramatic. That's not quite correct. Arrogantly would be a better term. But not without reason, oh no. For ever since she'd came to Ponyville from Manehatten Lovely Locks had been creating bold and daring new hairstyles for anyone who walked into her hairdressery. Phrases her sung of her grand skill, and she loved it, each and every bit.

"Seriously, you are a stunner. Not much as myself of course but you get the idea. You know, I'll bet you bits that Trenderhoof will put you on the page of his next mag!"

"Y-you really think so?" Caramel asked nervously as he stared at his new slicked back mane in a mirror that was held up to him. Lovely nodded with a smile.

"Darling, if I were interested in stallions I would just be joining the line that's SURE to form up right outside your door." She told him, and Caramel's jaw dropped.

"L-line?" He asked with more then a bit of trepidation.

"Trust me, I know these things." Lovely nodded before continuing. "In fact, I dare say other ponies will want to form a herd with you."

"H-herd?" Caramel asked as he began hyperventilating and Lovely nodded. This was far too much for poor him and he fainted dead away in his chair. Lovely scratched her head in confusion.

"Huh, wonder what I said wrong... Ah well. Okay... Who's next?"

Starlight Glimmer was very worried. No, make that terrified. A few moments ago, she'd discovered something that if not properly prepared for could spell disaster as the Nightmare Kingdom had never seen. This something was Celestia's return which was rapidly approaching if the history books were correct. Heck, for all she knew it could have happened already. So, with that in mind she made a trip to Canterlot Castle.


That was the sound made when Starlight kicked the throne room's main doors wide open. On hearing this sound, Nightmare Moon looked up from her book which she had been engrossed in for the past few moments. As she looked up and took off her reading glasses she smiled on seeing her faithful student. She'd first began training Starlight ever since a magical outburst at Magical Kindergarden which had earned Starlight her Talent Mark, as they were called in this world. Sadly, this upbringing had forced Starlight to concentrate only on her studies and she'd become a bit of a shut in as a result.

"Starlight, always a pleasure." Nightmare said gently before her smile faded from her face. She knew her student wouldn't come to her like this if everything was normal.

"What brings you to my kingdom, my little pony? While I'm always happy to see one of my subjects, I can tell just from your expression that something's wrong." Nightmare continued as she got off her throne and went to her student who's response was... Well, read for yourself.

"Disaster! Doom! Destruction! Celestia, returning! We... We might all die!" Starlight spat out far too rapidly for her mentor to even tell what she was saying. She put a hoof on her shoulder and gave Starlight a look. She'd grown used to Starlight's panic attacks and gave her the cure she always used which was a cold glass of water that Starlight eagerly accepted.

"Breathe. Take a few deep breathes before you speak, and then tell me what happened." Nightmare told her student after Starlight was done with the water she'd been given. After a few short calming breathes, Starlight was ready to begin and explained in full detail what happened.

"I... I was going over the history texts and I found something... Well, let's just say it was disturbing. A prophecy, and if it's correct your sister Celestia will return to try and retake her throne."

Nightmare took it all in. She knew this would happen one day, and she was ready. In fact, little did Starlight know it but this was what her training was all for. To try and stop her sister, and reform her if it were possible.

"Yes, I know." Nightmare stated.

"You know?" Starlight asked nervously. "Then why haven't you..."

Nightmare chuckled. She knew what her student was thinking.

"Prepared? Who says I haven't? Get back to Ponyville, and don't worry about a thing. Everything's been taken care of, I assure you."

Deep within the Everfree Forest...

The most unnerving bit of the forest right now, Sombra thought to himself, was the sounds of it's animals. Or to be more accurate, the fact that there were no sounds at all. Not even crickets chirping. Even they'd fled from whatever had a grip on this place. As Sombra had predicted, no light reached this deep within the forest forcing him to use his horn to light a path. Suddenly, he heard hoofsteps that were not his own, and they were coming from behind him. Sombra stopped, and whirled around to use his horn's light to hopefully reveal whoever was following him. A blue face with light blue hair as became visible.

"AAAAGGGHHHH!" Sombra screamed, and the newcomer screamed back.

"AAAACCCCK!" The now reveal to be female unicorn screamed before Sombra calmed down with the other unicorn calming down with him once they both realized they each meant the other no harm.

"Okay... Well, this is, uh, rather embarrassing don't you think?" Sombra muttered sheepishly as his new friend blushed red as a tomato.

"Yes, yes it is. The Great and Powerful Trixie feels rather silly to be honest. Can we pretend this never happened?" She asked as Sombra's face showed recognition. He'd heard of her, and who hadn't? Trixie was about the only unicorn brave enough to actually live inside the Forest, not just on it's outskirts as the forest itself provided everything she needed for her healing potions, some of which Sombra ordered for his animal clinic.

"Okay, agreed. But what are you doing out here anyway?" Sombra asked with a arched eyebrow. Trixie replied "Same as you I suspect. Trixie thinks something is rotten in the forest and wants to find out what."

"Well then... I'd say a team up is in order."

Canterlot Castle, a storage room...

All across Nightmare's Kingdom, unknown to Nightmare her sister's plan was progessing nicely. Inside this particular storage room a certain lavender unicorn was stepping out of a certain mirror that led to a certain world. Long ago, she'd been Nightmare's prized student before jealously took her and she led to the human world. But after being defeated by a group of six humans she fled back here with a plan in mind. To find some way to regain power and take back her school and then... the world. Suddenly a bright image of a alicorn with a multicolored mane appeared before her.

"Who... Who are you?" The unicorn asked nervously. Celestia chuckled.

"You want power? You want to take back your school and then rule it like a queen? I think I can help with that, if we just strike a deal."

"Deal." Twilight smirked.

High above Cloudsdale...


That was the sound made when a rainbow haired Pegasus burst through the clouds. She had no equal, and she knew it. But as everybody knows, with age comes weakness. That was Wonderbolt Rainbow Dash's greatest fear, that some young punk would surpass her as she got older.

"You want to be young forever?" Celestia asked as she appearer much like she had to Twilight. "I can help."

Pie Family Rock Farm...

Pinkie was not happy, and she'd never been. She would never be ale to escape this place, and bring joy and laughter to anyone. But not for long.

"You want to have some fun?" Celestia asked and Pinkie's eyes widened.

Manehatten, Orange Family household...

Applejack was stuck here, and she knew exactly why. She'd made a mistake in leaving her family farm and now she was paying for it. She was stuck in the glitz and glamor of the city far from her simple life and she knew not how to get back to it. And Celestia intended to play on this for her own ends.

"Look at you, you've got more potential then this. You could be so much more..." Celestia smirked and Applejack's head tilted in confusion.

"And how may Ah do that pardner?"

After Celestia had picked up Applejack she went to another part of Manehatten where Rarity Belle was having her own problems. For years, she'd been stuck under the heel of one Sassy Saddles who never let her do her own thing and just forced to her make whatever Sassy wanted.

"Damn mare..." Rarity grumbled as she worked on Sassy's latest creation. "I could do things so much better. She's just afraid of me and my genius."

"As well she should be." Celestia agreed as she appeared. "You want to be the greatest fashion designer the world has ever known? First things first though, you need to get rid of Sassy."

Cloudsdale, (Again)

Back in Cloudsdale Fluttershy hid, as she always had for years from them. The bullies, they always went after her and they always caught her in the end.

"Somepony... Help me. Please..." Fluttershy whispered. And somepony answered.

"Take my power. Use it well."

Everfree Forest, outside the Castle of the Two Sisters...

The castle had set abandoned for years. It was in disrepair and overgrown. And yet, as Trixie and Sombra approached they sensed something dark and evil inside. They only grew evermore worried as six beams of light shot past them and met up over the castle before going right inside it. A horrifying laughter followed them.

"Trixie says we are in deep trouble." Trixie whispered nervously and Sombra nodded in agreement.

"We need to warn Ponyville."