Bound by Scales

by FrostTheWolf

19- Heart of a Dragon

Bound by Scales- Heart of a Dragon

Some time later

        A little while after I had laid my head down to sleep and prayed the ancestors my soul to keep, I woke up to find myself in a familiar place. I remembered being in a place like this before under two circumstances. One, Coryena brought me to my soul room in order for us to have a conversation, or two, Luna was walking in my dreams again. I originally thought it was the second option once I saw the Alicorn of the Night walking in my general direction, but that motion was soon blown out of the water once she saw me. “Ken? Ken, where are we?”

        I raised an eyebrow, looking back at her with a confused glance on my face. “You don’t know where we are? I thought we were in my dreams.” Then, after thinking about it a little more, I realized something. With circumstance two being unlikely, that only one other possible explanation for what was going on. As I turned around, all the questions I previously had were answered immediately once I saw a familiar face behind me. “Well, hello to you as well, Coryena.”

        “Greetings Ken… Princess Luna…” The Dragoness addressed both of us, causing the Alicorn next to me to raise an eyebrow. Surprised by the fact that she knew her. “Do not be alarmed. I’m just a friend… Though, I called all three of you here for a reason.” I let that sink in for a bit… until I realized the FULL extent of what she was telling me.

        “Wait a minute… Three?” She nodded her head, looking behind me as I turned around to see Revaan just starting to get up after crashing onto the floor. Groaning a little in the process. But when he got up to face me, his eyes widened upon seeing Coryena.

        “C-coryena? I-is that you?”

        “Hey there Revy,” She spoke, the name making Luna and I look back at one another before she decided to clarify on what she was talking about. “It was a nickname that I always called Revaan anytime we were together… However, I didn’t call you three here because I wanted to have a reunion with you. Instead, we need to talk about something important.” That just made me a little more curious. Something could possibly mean anything at this point and it would be better to know rather than be left in the dark.

        “Care to explain what you mean by that?” I asked her politely. “Furthermore, can you explain to Luna and Revaan where we are? I know you have told me, but I think they would like to hear it from you instead since you did bring us all here in the first place.”

        The dragoness nodded her head in response before looking back at Revaan and Luna. “Certainly… Right now, you may say that all of you are in your subconscious. But it took me a bit to come up with everything, so I expanded it and brought all three of you to this spiritual domain so we can talk about something important.”

        “My word…” Luna spoke, surprised by everything Coryena just said. “So that’s why this doesn’t feel like the dream realm I’m accustomed too.”

        “In that realm, you’re soul would still be in your bodies and you would be in a mental state of sleep. Here though, it’s different,” The Dragoness explained to them briefly. “Still though, explaining about this was not the reason why I called you. Instead, I called you here for a… different reason.” Revaan, Luna and I all looked at each other with a puzzled expression on each of our faces, trying to understand what she was talking about as we looked back at her. With a deep sigh, she spoke again. The subject catching our collective attention upon her saying it. “I believe that all of you are somewhat familiar with Nightmare Moon, correct?” Our only response was us nodding our heads, while Luna gritted her teeth a little bit before sighing.

        “Nightmare Moon is responsible for a lot of the things that lead to the Downfall of the Onyx dragons. And as I remember Luna mentioning to Ken, there was concern that her essence, which had corrupted other dragons before, might return with the birth of Ken’s children. Well… as it turns out, she’s making her move. But it’s different from what I thought she would try to do originally.” Now that just only cleared up part of it… and still left me confused by what they were talking about.

        “What do you mean, Coryena?”

        She sighed a little, composing herself before speaking again. “Nightmare Moon is committing an act that many would see as downright cruel and forbidden. She’s creating Aspects, artificial souls that are created to only feel certain emotions such as rage and hatred. She’s making them from fallen souls of legendary dragons and forcing those aspects to take over the bodies of others to create chaos and destruction.”

        “Using spirits of the dead in such a manner… How dare she disturb the ancestors…” Revaan growled to himself.

        “It gets worse. Since the Aspects are created by a spirit such as Nightmare Moon, they can only be harmed or killed by Spiritual Weapons. Ken’s sword is one of them along with the hand cannon he has, but that’s all he’s got… and there are four aspects.” Coryena retorted, holding up four talons from her right claw and beginning to count them down. “From what I know, they’re based on Fire, Storms, Land, and Stars. Four major components to Dragon history. Fire that they breathe, Storms that some can conjure, Land that they walk on, and Stars in which they are in when they sleep.”

        “What happens when an aspect possesses a person or soul?” I asked, a little concerned about if this were to happen to Applejack and my family.

        “That I don’t know. But I can assure you that your marefriend, her friends and your family are safe. Since you’ve been with them, Nightmare has grown cautious of trying to make any advances towards them,” Well that was a good sign. “However, the same can’t be said for anyone that you have had conflict in the past with, because their anger towards you will make them to be more likely of a target.”

        Well, that was encouraging… “Can you tell where they possibly might show up? If we knew where they were, then it would be easier to deal with them.”

        “Sadly, unless they actually have taken control of a physical body or object, you can’t detect them at all.” Coryena told us, shaking her head side to side. “These same aspects are similar to the spell she used to have several dragons back over 1000 years ago lose control of themselves, but these ones are a lot more sinister since it’s less of a possession spell and more of a spell of necromancy.” Now that definitely sounded serious… but it also had me a little curious about some things too… But that was something I can save for another time. If these aspects were a problem, then they needed to be dealt with immediately.

        “If I may…” Luna spoke up, catching the attention of the rest of us. “Since you brought that up, there is something going on as of right now that concerns me given this newfound information… But first, I need to ask Revaan and Coryena something. Are you familiar with the great dragon migration?”

        Both Revaan and Coryena looked at one another for a brief moment, before both of them shook their heads from side to side. With that though, the Princess continued. “Well, some time ago, almost every dragon that previously lived inside Equestria decided to pack up everything they owned and migrated out of Equestria to find themselves a new home. Earlier today though, Spike went to those Dragon Lands along with Twilight and Rarity to find out what was happening. I’m not familiar with all the details, but the fact that an entire massive group of dragons is there concerns me…”

        It took me a bit to process, but then I realized what she meant based on what Coryena said. “Oh boy… If a whole bunch of dragons like that are in one place… that means it would be open season for any aspect who wants to grab hold of a body to call their own.” The fact that Spike was there too along with Twilight and Rarity also concerned me as well. “Revaan, why do you think a bunch of dragons like that are being called in the first place?”

        The Onyx dragon sighed, shortly before speaking again. “My only thought on that would be that if it had something to do with the Dragon Lord… Like how Griffons have kings and how ponies have the Princesses, dragons have a dragon lord and follow the Dragon Code of Honor.”

        “Code of Honor?”

        “It’s a strict series of laws that every dragon must abide if they live amongst a group. Anyone who breaks the code is subject to banishment or even worse punishment.” Revaan explained to all of us. “Some of the laws state that Dragons are not allowed to act aggressive against another species unprovoked, provoke greedy actions against a phoenix, and so on. Honor is very important amogst dragons. In fact, an old battle tactic for dragons is known for them not to yield or surrender during a fight because they believed that capture was a disgrace.”

        Hearing that just made me think of the japanese code of the samurai, Bushido. Way of the Warrior. In a history book I read named The Good War by Studs Terkel, a novel that was a reflection on World War II, American soldiers fighting against the Japanese had a hard time capturing prisoners because they would rather kill themselves than get captured by the enemy. This strangely sounded like the same concept.

        “Revy, I think there’s something else to it as well,” Coryena reminded him. “Anytime a dragon lord steps down, they call all the dragons in the world to compete in a rigorous challenge called The Gauntlet of Fire to decide who becomes the next dragon lord to succeed the one that was previously in charge… Would you think that-?”

        “Possibly, but if that were to happen, I would’ve felt it as well…” Revaan thought, shortly before realizing something. “If it were the gauntlet of fire though… that would mean a lot of those dragons would be competing off of their own selfish desires… making them targets for an aspect… Ken, when we wake up, we need to get over there as quickly as we can. I got a very bad feeling about this…”

        “How bad?” I asked, looking back at him.

        “Bad as in if we don’t get there in time… a lot of dragons are going to get hurt or worse…” He stated boldly. Luna offered for her to teleport us there, but Revaan himself refused as Coryena released us from the domain, explaining that two equines there is enough… and that anymore would just cause trouble.

        Waking up, I found myself lying next to Pinkis and Applejack as I rushed to get myself ready and left a note for them to tell them where I was going before I ran back to meet Revaan outside. Using my arm, I pulled myself up onto Revaan’s back as I prepared myself for takeoff. Through the huge hole in the wall, he barreled through like a speeding bullet as he ascended into the air and into the clouds. Once airborne, there was one big dead giveaway that what we're looking for was not that far from the hollow.

        And that was the clouds of smoke that lingered in the sky and grew darker with each passing minute. Placing my headphones on and tightening the straps of the sword sheaths on my back, I only needed to say three words before we began to soar towards our destination. “Let’s go, Revaan.”


        Across the scorched and barren domain that was the dragon lands, a brutal trial to determine who the next dragon ruler would be was coming to a close. Many dragons had faced the dangers presented to them in the Gauntlet of Fire, but after a long and hard fought struggle, only one stood victorious… Yet, when presented with overwhelming power, the winner refused to claim the reward as his and instead, he gave it to who he believed would be the best successor for the Former Dragon Lord known as Torch… His daughter, Princess Ember.

        The tiny young dragon named Spike knew that Ember was best fit for the role instead of himself. Besides, he couldn’t just leave behind all the friends he made or his father back in Equestria. Like Twilight, he as well still had responsibilities to uphold. Ember herself was still blown away by his choice to give up the chance at becoming a dragon lord, just so the red dragon named Garble did not become the new lord.

        This though… did not go down so well with the red drake. With fury in his eyes, he protested against the dragonling’s actions. “You serious!? You give up everything any dragon would kill to get their claws on because of your home!?! You’ve gone soft, kid!! No honor at all!” All this did was make Spike feel… amused instead of threatened as he folded his arms. Chuckling to himself as he looked back at Garble, remembering something that his father Revaan taught him some time before today. “What’s so funny, half-pint!?”

        “Heh… What I see as funny is that you speak of honor… yet you have none.”

        That bold declaration even had Ember turn around to look back at Spike in shock. “Wha-?”

        “You speak of honor, yet you wanted to steal a phoenix egg for your own selfish desires.” He said, causing the other dragons to gasp as all eyes were on him. To dragons, the ability to breathe fire was a gift bestowed upon them by the immortal phoenix named Phyrron. So such an act as to steal an egg of a phoenix was seen as a sin that could never be forgiven. Spike though, was not done with what he was saying. “And furthermore… you wanted the specter and the power of a dragon lord so that way, those who live in Ponyville… who had done nothing wrong… could suffer as you laughed and watched everything burn.”

        The second statement was a lot more harmful than the first. One of the major commandments in the Dragon Code of Honor was to not attack or harm another species unless provoked to do so. Any failure to do so may lead to transgressions that could be taken by those species as an act of war. Plus, if there was anything in the world that dragons wanted to keep more than bits, it was their honor and pride as a dragon.

        “S-shut up!!” The dragon snapped. “You’re just a youngling, you don’t know anything-!”

        “I know what’s right…” The purple dragon boldly proclaimed, looking up to the sky as he noticed the clouds in the sky begin to move. “And I know someone else who can agree.” When Ember looked back at Spike, nothing could prepare her for what came next as she heard a deafening roar in the distance… But right away, she saw her father’s eyes widen and heard him only say one word.


Point of View: Ken

        As soon as we were getting close enough, Revaan let out one of his deep threatening roars as I tightened my grip on his back. I knew what came next and braced myself for what was going to happen with a smirk on my face. “Showtime.”

        Immediately after saying that to myself, Revaan dove towards the surface as I prepared myself for when we were going to land. Upon touching down, our landing made the ground shake as the onyx dragon let out a second roar and I hopped off of his back. Immediately, our ‘entrance’ seemed to have caught some attention. Especially the attention of the dragoness that was next to where I saw Spike.

        “A-an onyx!? Just who-?”

        “Hi Ken! Hi dad!!” In response to that, I waved to Spike while Revaan just smiled. He seemed to be amused by his son’s response. Even though almost all of the other dragons were staring at us in shock.

        Especially the dragoness once she saw my arm. “By the stars…”

        “Here we go…” I thought mentally, holding back from trying to sigh deeply.

        “Is something wrong, Ember?” Spike asked the dragoness as she turned to him.

        “The one n-next to the onyx-. He’s… a scalebound!!” She responded, causing the eyes of almost every dragon in the vicinity to look straight at me… Great… Like I just wanted the unnecessary attention.

        “What’s THIS punk doing here!?!” And then there was the blood red jerk wad… Oh this is going to be really entertaining.

        “I would ask you the same question, Garble… Was trying to destroy the hollow and seize the temple for yourself not enough for you?” I asked, causing several shocked dragons to gasp at they looked back at him.

        “He did what!?”

        “That’s against the code! No dragon is supposed to attack another species unprovoked!!”

        “YOU LIED TO US!” Another wyrm drake screamed. I could see that Garble was digging himself in a hole… but something about this right now did not feel right. This was apparent once a dark red aura began to drift up from his scales as he roared in anger.

        “Shut up! SHUT UP!!! SHUT UP!!!” The glow was increasing in size and strength as smoke was forming at his mouth and he was glaring at me. “Why… WHY DO YOU HAVE TO RUIN EVERYTHING!?”

        “Okay, something’s definitely not right,” I thought… Could this be what Coryena was trying to warn me about earlier?

        “I was trying to find a home for us before we settled in the dragon lands!!” I heard him roar, his voice growing deeper and more sinister this time. “I thought I found it before you showed up!!

        “You threatened to destroy the home of thousand of people that I was protecting!” I shot back. “No wonder Fizzle decided to leave you!” That… was the final straw. What I said made Garble snap as the dark red aura was now turning black and the dragon let out a cry of rage and agony. Every other dragon nearby soon backed up almost immediately, including Spike, Ember, and the-. HOLY SH*T, that’s a big dragon!!

        Shaking my head and refocusing my attention, the dragoness used her scepter and shouted out an order. “Hold him down!! Chain him!!!” Several dragons soon began taking up arms and tried to surpress the raging dragon with shackles and chains. However, Garble fought back, turning the chains against them as he smashed his claws into their armor and caused it to shatter on contact. Now I definitely could tell that Garble wasn’t himself anymore… I could see it in his eyes.

        “Spike, get Ember and the others out of here!!” I shouted to him, looking back at Revaan as he flew over to where his son is.

        “Why, what’s wrong!?” He asked, a worried look on his face.

        “Garble’s possessed! Something’s controlling him-!!” By then, I heard several screams as I now saw the same chains used to subdue him around his claws… with blood dripping all over them and blades of two fallen soldiers melted onto the ends. The dragon I had seen before was long gone… Now, there was this crazed murdered with rage and bloodlust in his eyes as he grew in height. Almost to be twice as tall as me.

        “All of you… will suffer dearly for this.” He growled, holding his blades as dark flames began to burn all around him. At the corner of my eye though, I saw the same tall blue dragon in the distance. Separating Ember and the other from whatever Garble had become.

        “If… you think that I’m going to just sit here… and watch you destroy everything that I helped put together…” He snarled, getting closer to the red drake. “Then you better think again… Garble.”

        The other drake though just facepalmed himself, laughing demonically. “Oh? Was that the name of this dragon?... I’m sorry, but he’s no longer here… Former Lord Torch.” That caught the attention of everyone immediately… including me. No way… this demonic presence was an aspect!?!

        “What did you do to him?!” He snarled, only causing the monster to laugh even more as it had fire channel around one of his claws.

        “The same thing that I’m going to do to you.


        In the blink of an eye, the blades that this demon had formed into a claw of fire and in the blink of an eye, that claw pierced through Torch’s heart.


        My mind was racing. I gritted my teeth and did the only thing I could… Run… Not away, but towards him. As he let the dead drop to the ground, his weapons clashed with mine as I stared him down.

        “Ah… Look who I found.” It smiled. “A perfect opponent.

        “Who the hell are you!?” I snapped, dodging his next two attacks as he looked back at me with eyes of anger and rage.

        “I am Krent Zin,” His blades were now lit ablaze as a molten ring of fire surrounded the two of us and prevented any means of escape. “Aspect of Fire and the one who’s going to BURN YOU ALIVE!!!” I unsheathed my second blade, preparing myself for what was to come next. I was fighting not for my sake anymore… but for every dragon in the Dragon Lands that called this place home.

        And I’m not letting this psychopathic murderer hurt anyone on my watch. Taking a step forward, I charged at him. Only to have to jump to the side when my opponent threw down his weapons into the ground like they were massive guillotines coming for my head. Not only was this opponent strong and his weapons can deal massive damage both up close and far away, but Krent also had insane reaction speed. Even trying to fire a few rounds from Hawkmoon he deflected and dodged like it was nothing.

        “Is that all you got!? PATHETIC!!” It shouted, one of it’s weapons flying inches away from my neck. I tried grabbing onto the chain to yank him to me, but with his feet planted into the broken earth beneath us, he barely even budged. Not to mention that he still had a free arm to swing at me with.

        Again, he swung his other blade towards me. Scraping my cheek and causing me to let go of his other blade. This situation was bad enough… but I only feared that it was going to get worse if I couldn’t be able to stop him here. My clothes have already been torn to shreds and he had struck me along the chest and across my face while trying to aim for vital spots on my body. But the worst part of it was that I was beginning to feel light headed. The longer the fight went on, the harder it was to focus and concentrate as I felt my sense of perception begin to weaken because of all the smoke and the flames around us. But I knew that I couldn’t let him win.

        “Is that it? I honestly thought that you would be able to prove more of a challenge,” He growled, fire churning around his blades and claws. This was exactly the same technique that he had used before to kill Torch. “Die already… You bore me.

        The burning claws were sent flying towards me as I struggled to move. “This is the end…” I thought originally. But at one point… everything stopped. Frozen solid… Like before in Ita’s world the first time I was there… But instead, I heard another voice.

        “You aren’t trying to give up now, aren’t you kid?”

        That voice… was familiar… I turned my head, looking towards where Krent killed Torch… Only to see him there… in front of me. “T-torch? I thought you were-.”

        “Killed? Yes… But my soul is not gone…” The former dragon lord explained, smirking a little to himself. “I can see why Revaan would want to form a pact with you… You have something in years past that barely any dragon these days would have now.”

        I looked at him in confusion, only for him to point at my chest. “You have a heart of a dragon, kid. Something to fight for and something to keep you going… Therefore, I want to lend my strength to you… before I move on to meet the ancestors.”

        “How?” I asked, looking confused.

        “You’re kidding right?” The dragon lord questioned. “Well… Think of it like this… Sometimes you need to fight fire… with fire.” As the Dragon glowed, his soul formed into a glowing sphere as it was absorbed into my arm. It felt strange… but after feeling like I was defeated, I now felt suddenly rejuvenated.

        “Thank you, Torch.” I said to myself as time slowly began to move once more. Readying myself, I prepared my dragon arm for his attack. But instead of my pulse glowing light green like before, it now glowed a fiery red as I unleashed a blast towards Krent’s face the instant his blades tore up my clothes again.

        “AGH! W-what the-!?” Krent stumbled backwards, shocked by my actions as he growled back at me. “How-!? You were almost dead!!” All I could do was just use this opportunity to change weapons, putting my blades away and bringing out my spear from my shoulderbag and letting the nearby flames twirl around it.

        “What doesn’t kill you… makes you stronger…” I growled, the scales expanding over my face as I shifted into my Dragon Armor form. “I’m back and ready to rise!

        By now, Ember and Spike had already guided the other dragons in the vicinity to safety in order to have nobody get hurt or drawn into the fight that had commenced already between Ken and the monster that murdered Torch. Over time though, something didn’t seem quite right and Ember was concerned that the Scalebound was not going to be able to hold his ground against such a foe. So despite the warnings of both Spike and Revaan, she ran out of the safety of the inside of the flamecano to see the fight unfold for herself. But when she looked at Ken this time and saw him take on his newfound form, something with it caused her eyes to widen… and for her to mutter something to herself.


Point of View: Ken

        Immediately after taking on my dragon armor form, I was eager to see what newfound tricks I had in store for this Aspect as he combined his blades to forms a two handed claymore of pure flames to match with my newfound weapon. Sure, his weapon might’ve had size, but as he was attacking, I could tell that something was different with his attack pattern this time around. His arms were having trouble with fully swinging his weapon around and it was taking a lot longer in order for him to try and land any solid attacks.

        Something that I was going to use to my own advantage. Originally, I never had any room in order to hit him with how fast his blades were coming at me. Now though, it was the opposite. He gave up his speed for strength, but that in turn will be what will lead to his defeat. Using my arm again, I fired off a few fire bolts at the side of his head, clouding his vision as I went in with my polearm and began striking at his chest before striking him in the leg, making him howl in pain as he swung his broadsword at me. Seeing this coming, I jumped and landed on the blade itself, using my arm’s grappel tether ability to yank me to the crippled aspect as I switched back to my two blades and used my newfound pulse to have roaring fire surround the sharp edges.

        Krent tried to retaliate, using his free arm to try and hit me. But the strike missed and I used that moment to slash at his upper arm. Another Howl in pain went out, causing Krent to roar furiously as I stepped back and off of his weapon.

        “You DAMN BRAT!! I’m going to kill you with my BARE HANDS!!!!” He declared as he had the flames around his claws burn violently once again. All that made me do was smirk. Even though it was times up for my armor form, Krent was weakened by my attacks earlier and in no point of trying to make one last move. Even if he tried to do so anyway.

        “You can try… though I doubt that you would be successful.” That had the headstrong aspect come at me with all he had as I gripped my blades tighter. One final strike shattered through his weapons as Krent soon fell onto the ground, becoming nothing more than ashes as a ball of light soon emerged from the destroyed aspect’s body. I… was not quite sure what this was suppose to be to be honest. It looked like a dragon soul… Maybe this was what happened when an aspect was defeated and the soul of the dragon used in making it was freed.

        “Thank you for freeing us, young Scalebound,” A voice echoed from the soul. “Allow us to assist you in future battles to come. For we are Norok and Ruvaak Iiz… The Twin FrostFire Dragons.” Shortly afterwards, the soul split in two as a bright glow went off, blinding me for a moment as I felt something wrapped around my hands and feet. Opening my eyes again, I now saw my hands covered in a dark titanium set of gauntlets with a flame like sigil engraved in the metal while my feet had a ice like set of greaves with a snowflake etched into the side. Hmm… I wonder…

        I swung my arm with my newfound gauntlets a few times, only to watch as powerful flames were released with each punch. Followed up by using my feet for a few jab kicks as shards of frozen ice were scattered everywhere. “Okay, this is pretty freaking cool!” I said to myself, no pun intended of course. The weapons soon faded away slowly afterwards, making me think that I can summon again if I needed to use them… I’m going to have to ask Coryena if this was somehow a possible spirit weapon. How I got it reminded me of DMC’s Devil Arms, so for the time being… I’ll just call them Dragons Arms.

        Speaking of dragons, I still needed to see if the others were okay… But as I turned around, I noticed the same dragoness that I had noticed earlier. The one that Spike called “Ember” as she walked over to me, her Scepter in hand as both of us turned to the body of her father that was on the ground. “I’m sorry for your loss…” I said softly to her. I knew it wasn’t much, but I wanted to be there for her… To help her overcome this…

        Revaan himself soon landed nearby us, still in shock over seeing Torch as he used his claws to close Torch’s eyes. “You always fought until the end… You were gone too soon, my friend.” He looked to me, before looking back at Ember as she looked back at him. “Your father was a great dragon. He taught me what it was to be a dragon when I was just a dragonling.”

        “Y-yes… yes he was…” Ember replied calmly, looking at her Scepter before looking at us. “Now… I’m not sure if I can be able to take his place without his guidance…” I looked back at Revaan and began to think of something inside my head as I heard her cry a little. Rain began to lightly pour above us now, but it was then that I made a decision. First though… I took off my coat and placed it over her.

        “Let us help you then…” I said to her, “You can’t do it alone, but with friends, you can accomplish anything… We can help you get through this Ember… together.” Unexpectedly, after she turned towards me, I felt the dragoness wrap her arms around me and pull me into a hug as tears began to resurface… not tears of sorrow… but tears of joy.

        “T-thank you… Both of you.” She wept. “Your compassion has no bounds.” I smiled, helping the dragoness calm herself as she looked at both of us. Shortly after creating a memorial for her father, we went back to the cave that her and the other dragons were in and helped them get settled. I found Twilight and Rarity there, along with Spike and with a small conversation about magic, the Alicorn said that she could create branching portals in Ember’s throne room that lead to the Obsidian Hollow. Therefore, if the new dragon lord needed to see us for something important or ask for advice, she wouldn’t have to fly across an entire continent in order to reach us. Ember thanked us again for all of our help, even going as far as wanting to get the chance to talk to me about something on the side afterwards.

        Still, there was one thing going through the back of my mind as Revaan and I were flying back home… How the hell was I going to explain to Pinkis and AJ about the newest… member of our branch?

End Chapter 19