//------------------------------// // Chapter 9 // Story: Lost Memories and New Experiences // by Brony4life360 //------------------------------// Bear's POV I was fucking sprinting down the path that I had come down, there was no way. They couldn't be talking about my home... No way... Right? As I ran, the forest around me slowly began to form into a green blur as I ran, throwing all caution to the wind. My home for three years... It hurt to think about, but all I know is that I need to check if everything is okay. Hell, they could have accidentally found some abandoned shit-shack out in the middle of this godforsaken forest. I nearly was taking myself out on the trees and rocks in my way as I ran, and then my heart sank to the bottom of my chest. I could smell something burning. My heart raced as I picked up the pace. I don't think I've ever ran so fast in my entire life. So focused to getting home, I didn't even notice the sound of paw-steps behind me. But I kept running, lungs burning like hot coals in a furnace, legs tense as a sixteen-year-old virgin on his first date. I could start to see something through the trees, slowly emerging, and as I finally made it to the entrance, I realized that my worst fear had indeed come true. It was all burning. The smoke plume coming up from behind the makeshift wall did indeed confirm that. I ran inside, all my previous tiredness from my sprint through the forest was gone with the amount of adrenaline flowing through my veins now. I looked around my little camp as I ran, and I almost broke down right there and then. Everything I could see was completely destroyed. Those goddamn griffins didn't leave a single thing untouched. As I got closer to my cave, I could see smoke billowing out from inside. I ran in and looked around for any supplies that could have been left. Nothing. I saw nothing that was salvageable. But by god I felt like I was forgetti-... Floyd... Where was he? I scrambled around as I kept calling his name. Hoping to god or whatever fucking deity was out there that he was okay. As I kept searching, I heard it. A small, weak meow, and with that my heart soared. "FLOYD!" I almost screamed as I tried to locate the sound. I kept hearing the meow again and again as I kept searching. As I neared my bed, or at least what was left of it, I heard the meow clearly. I smiled and then looked under the bed. Under it, I saw a small lump of gray fur and I slowly reached out and poked his back with a finger. "Floyd? I'm here bud... Come on out..." I say as I reach down and slowly slide him back into my arms. Something didn't feel right though... Usually he would at least meow, turn his head, or do something. But he was limp as I scooped him up. I started to look over him for any injury, and quickly figured out that everything was indeed not fine. As I looked down at his face, tears fell from my own. Overall he really wasn't hurt too badly... But those fucking griffins took one thing away from him. His sight. Both eyes were closed, and blood was streaming out from under his eyelids. I slowly brought him closer to my chest, crouching down and sobbing softly. "I'm sorry bud... I wasn't here to protect you..." I say softly, almost a whisper. Floyd meows gently but then he started purring in my arms. My tears were coming out like rivers at this point. Now, even when he is blind, he still knew it was me... And he felt safe... Even after he was robbed of his sight, and everything burning down around him. The little shit knew it was me. As I was sitting there, with Floyd in my arms, I realized that now, I didn't really have a home anymore. My tears slowly stopped in this realization, and I slowly started to become enraged. I slowly stood with Floyd still safely in my arms, and started to walk back out of the cave, remembering how life use to be in this safe little cove that I had carved out for myself. One year after Teleporting I smiled to myself and stood up as I looked at the wall that I put up at the entrance to the cove. The sun was out, and it was a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky. I heard a loud meow from behind me, so I turned around to face Floyd. "Alright ya little shit. You want some food, don't ya." I say down to the little adorable mass of gray fur sitting in front of me. I sigh and chuckle a bit as I grab a strip of dried meat from my pocket. "Fine, one little snack. But no more until dinner, got it?" I say as I slowly squat down and lay the strip in the grass right in front of him. I watch him slowly start to gnaw at the food, as a rush of what I would call quote-unquote 'happiness' flood through me. I haven't realized how truly peaceful it seems to be here. Even in the middle of Everfree, you could find some semblance of order. I smiled to myself as I thought to myself. When was the last time I've felt this content? I mean, yeah it gets a bit lonely around here at times, but where else can you get that is this... Calm? At that thought I sighed and got up. Well, since I'm really not doing anything else... Why not take a swim? Two years after Teleporting Floyd was always terrified of storms, and to be fair, I was a bit too. Both of us were laying on my bed, trying to ignore the deafening thunder outside. Every time we saw a flash I pulled Floyd a bit closer to me. Honestly, the storms in the Everfree are pretty dangerous but this was on a whole new and unnatural level. Like, imagine a hurricane on land, combined with the absolute WORST hailstorm you could remember. Yeah, that was about the level was. Floyd was shaking in my arms and I smiled a little, leaning my head down to rest my forehead on his. Instantly, he seemed to calm down, and started to purr. I smirked and chuckled a bit. You stupid little cat... Stop making me feel so good! After that storm... Me and Floyd were basically inseparable. Only when I went out, were we not together. Present I sighed and slowly wiped my face of any remaining tears, my anger still fresh in my mind. Well, it was great... But I guess it's time to say goodbye... I slowly turn away from my camp, slowly sliding Floyd down the front of my shirt. I don't think he payed any mind, since he just kinda... Plopped down. Well... Either way... I won't forgive the griffons for doing this. And since I really have no where else to go... Might as well follow them to Ponyville at least, lets see how badly I can fuck their plans up! I double check my supplies, for some basic rations, and my sword. After confirming that I have them I smirk and start jogging to where I last saw the Griffon camp. Unfortunately however, Floyd is not a fan of the jogging, and is currently putting his claws into my chest... This is going to be a long trip... Isn't it?