Requiem of Darkness

by ChaosDragoon

Chapter 4

Drake soared through the sky surveying the battlefield. His massive size cast a giant shadow over the battle. He was at least five times larger than his dragon kin and as he circled again, a smile formed on his face. Never in a million years would I think I would see each kingdom come together like this Drake thought. He saw a group of Unicorns shooting beams of magic at a small group of creatures. Even though their magic connected and brought down a few of the creatures. It seemed more took their place. Drake folded his wings to his side and dive bombed towards them.

"Teleport before you become ash!" Drake roared. The Unicorns looked up and saw the massive dragon descend towards them. Each of their horns glowed and each one teleported as instructed. Drake's underbelly glowed orange as he descended towards the creatures. He quickly unfolded his wings and slowed his descent before gliding towards the creatures. In one massive breath, he sprayed white-hot flames onto the creatures as he glided over them. The creatures shrieked in pain as their bodies melted in the flames. Once the fire died down, there was nothing left of the creatures but ash.

Drake ascended high above the battle once more and was greeted with a group of creatures. They roared and in response, Drake roared back. The creatures seemed stunned at the volume of his roar. However, the creatures summoned their courage and flew towards Drake. Drake roared again as he soared full speed into the creatures. They collided with his body, but it seemed they did nothing to faze him.

To Drake, it felt like he flew through a swarm of bugs. Some of the creatures tried to latch onto the massive Dragon, but his scales were so smooth and closely stitched together. They found little grip to keep from falling off. Some were able to cling onto the Dragon thanks to a few of his battle scars that didn't heal properly. Three creatures hung on for dear life to the fussers in the dragon's scales. The three looked around for a way to bring the beast down.

Two of the creatures looked at each other and seemed to nod before letting go. Even though Drake seemed to be unstoppable, he shared the same weakness all Dragons have. When the creatures let go they made sure they flew towards Drakes wings. Each creature, in one fell swoop, used their hook-like claws to tear into the membrane of Drake's wings. Drake let out a roar of pain before he began to barrel roll towards the ground. His body slammed into the ground and slid several feet before coming to a stop. As his body slid, it left a trail of destruction in its wake. When Drake came to a stop, he let out a low rumble before he began to move. He moved slowly as he got to his feet. He shook his head to clear the cobwebs from his head. He extended his wings to assess the damage. Both his wings were torn apart with five distinctive rips in them.

"Looks like I won't be flying home," Drake said before he turned his attention to the large group of creatures slowly stalking towards him. He stomped both his front claws to the ground and roared at the creatures that suddenly lunged at him. Drake swatted some of the creatures away, but some were able to climb on top of him.

Once on his back, the creature's arrow tip tails began to stab at Drake's scales like scorpions. When their effort resulted in no payoff, the tips of their tails began to spin like a drill and they pressed them against his scales. Sparks flew from Drake's back as Drake tried to shake the creatures off. However, with more creatures conversing on him, he found it hard to shake the creatures from his back and fight off those that were on his back. Beams of magical energy shot at the creatures in front of Drake as the group of Unicorns he saved earlier came to his rescue.

While the Unicorns kept the creatures in front of Drake preoccupied with their attacks. He was able to deal with the creatures on his back by performing a gator roll to crush those on his back. The Unicorns pushed the creatures away from Drake as he stood back up.

"Thank you, my friends," Drake said as he looked down at the Unicorns. A Unicorn turned to him and smiled before he turned his attention to the creatures. Drake roared into the air and prepared himself for their next attack. However, instead of charging at Drake and the Unicorns, they suddenly dog piled on top of each other. As the pile grew, it was hard to distinguish how many creatures were in the massive pile of flesh and claws. Drake smiled when the creatures seemed to finish their little pileup.

Standing in front of Drake and the Unicorns was not a large group of creatures, but one massive creature that was as big, if not a few feet taller than Drake. The creatures had meshed together into one giant one.

"Go help your kin ponies, I'll deal with this abomination," Drake whispered as he lowered his head to the Unicorns.

"Are you sure?" one of the Unicorns questioned. Drake nodded. The Unicorns took one final look at the massive creature before they ran off. The creature paid no mind to the Unicorns. Its glowing blood red eyes were fixed on Drake. Drake reared back and roared and in response, the creature did the same. The two then stood there glaring at each other for a few more seconds before an explosion echoed in the distance. The two suddenly charged towards one another and collided in a flurry of claws and teeth.