Truth in my Eyes

by Sir Random J Guy


I yawned, stretching my hooves across the park bench that I found myself lying on. I lay with my eyes closed, feeling the gentle breeze in my fur, as I tried to forget how sore my stomach was. I was laying around doing nothing, because somepony, namely my dear uncle Silver, had a great idea, to fly to the Canterlot train station so fast I couldn't see clearly, and he had me dangling off the back of him. I'm pretty sure he broke the speed limit. And my stomach. Owie. I am not enjoying this.

On the bright side though, Ponyville is quite a nice place. Being in a nice, pretty, and quaint town makes me appreciate my freedom much more. I dunno, but I guess it felt somewhat premature when I left the hospital in Canterlot. It's hard to appreciate the present when moping about the past, that's for sure. Since I don't want to drag my hooves around moping all day, I suppose I've been appreciating the scenery more since I got here.

As I lay on this strangely comfy bench, relaxing and trying to forget that my stomach existed, I heard hoofsteps, coming close, and I before I could turn my head and see who it was, I felt a hoof jab me in the side.

"Hey! Scarlett! You alive there, kiddo?" I heard the voice of my favourite uncle (Because he was my only uncle that I knew of) Silver say. I groaned in response.

"Heh... Sorry about giving you motion sickness, Scarlett. But, hey, at least we caught the train on time, right?" Where's the cricket sound effect when you need it?

I turned my head towards him, and opened my eyes, I pulled a deadpan. "Yeah, that was all well and fine, but we were fifteen minutes early."

"Oh yeah...Heh..." he said, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "Okay, fine! You win, I probably didn't need to go that fast."

"You think?" I grumbled at him.

"Scarlett, since when were you this snarky? You aren't the cheerful little guy I knew!"

"Last time we met I was four, I think all four year olds are like that." Silver then looks at me like I'm an alien. "Look, sorry. I get like this when I'm in a bad mood."

Silver, lifting my hooves out of his way, sits on the bench beside me, looking down solemnly. "Look, Scarlett. I'm sorry I ruined your first day of freedom, I was just so happy to see you, and I didn't want anything to go wrong." He sighs, "I sure did a good job of that, didn't I?" He then threw his head backwards, looking towards the sky, and he let out another defeated sigh.

I sit up, and put my hoof around his neck. "Look, Silver. I'm the one who should be saying sorry, cause I'm the one killing the mood and being a negative ninny. I mean, I wouldn't rather spend my first day outside with anypony else, because you're all I've got, and I'm all you've got, so we should stick together."

Silver looked at me, a smile crossing his midnight blue face. "You mean it?" I nod happily at him, and he then hugged me tightly, just as tightly as he did when I first met him again, if not a little tighter.

So, after a little detour at an ice cream parlour, (which put me in a really good mood) we passed through the market place, and it was peak time too, so everypony was real busy, huge crowd. I haven't been in a crowd in a long time, and they sure take some getting used to. But then after passing through the market, we shortly arrived at Silver's holiday home.

It was a decently sized home, same as most, but it didn't look very lived in. I guess Silver doesn't go on holidays much. Hmm, y'know, that reminds me, I must ask him what his job is. But we head up to the house, and after Sliver shuffled around in his saddle bag, he found the keys and promptly opened the door, revealing a dusty hallway.

"This place needs dusting." Silver muttered to himself, followed by a harsh cough. He then walked inside.

I followed him, and we passed through the living room, where I noticed something strange. All the furniture was covered in those white sheets that were used when a place is getting painted. I suppose Silver has been planning ahead?

"How long you had this place, Silver?" I asked curiously, trotting behind him into the kitchen.

"Uhh, a good while. I used to live here, moved out around the time of Princess Sparkle's coronation. Ish." he answered, rummaging through the cupboards, probably looking for rotten food.

"Wait, when was that? Wasn't that pretty recent?"

"Uhh, maybe half a year ago?"

"Huh. Feels like it hasn't been lived in for years."

He chuckles. "Yeah, dust builds up really quickly here! Used to be a nightmare when I lived here. Had to dust things down weekly!"

"Woah. Is that why you moved out?"

He stopped for a moment, staring inside of the last cupboard above the sink. "Amongst other things, but yeah. It was great not to worry about dust, plus the new castle was an eye sore. Ruined the view!" he sighed defeated, taking his head out of the cupboard and slumping over slightly. "I liked that library. Had nice books."

"Aw. I like books too." Yeah, I guess Paper Trail had worn off on me, you can learn a lot from books, and I guess I won't be. Not till they build another one, I hope they do.

"No rotting food left over, so no nasty smells in the cupboards, thankfully. Just that dusty smell. Reminds me of Grandpa Moon." he said, trotting out of the kitchen and getting ready to leave again, that was quick.

"Oh yeah, Grandpa Moon. I don't remember much about him, just that one time he started yelling at the mailmare and she couldn't understand a word he was saying." The thought brought a smile to my face. Grandpa Moon had a really strong accent, so many ponies outside the family couldn't understand him, it was mainly because he came from The Baylands, a small island to the far east of Equestria.

The thought of him also brought a smile to Silver's face. "Mmm, yeah. He was great. He spoke his mind, no matter who was around, and no matter how badly worded."

"He swore a lot, didn't he?"

"Oh yeah!" Silver said, a mischievous smile crossing his face. "I learnt all my swears from him! Most foals learnt theirs' from that shady colt who hangs around the back of the school, but not me! Didn't even need to leave the house!"

"Dad didn't swear much, closest he ever came was calling my mother in-law 'comparable to a female dog'. I didn't think that was a bad thing, I like dogs, but Mom wasn't pleased with him."

With that, Silver's smile widened. "Oh, that sounds like sly old Swagbags!" I tilted my head in confusion at him. "That was my nickname for your father, since things got confusing if we called each other Silver. He was Swagbags, cause he was loaded, and I was Clouded Judgement, because I kinda did some dumb things in my youth..." he chuckles awkwardly. "Yeeeeeah, Scarlett. If you learn anything from me, it better be to not do dumb stuff like me."

"Sure. I won't." I felt like I was humouring him, but I guess I wasn't, I mean, I didn't plan on doing 'dumb stuff', whatever that was.

"'Atta boy!" he said cheerfully. "You're now wiser a colt than I was!"

I trotted up to Silver, who now had the door open, saddle bags on and ready to go. "Maybe that wisdom will help haggle at the market, huh?"

We spent the rest of the evening at the market, I'm a little more used to crowds now, but still, damn. That was a lot of ponies. Anyway, we bought enough supplies to last us a long time, maybe a month? I don't know if Silver's prone to the munchies, but even if he is, I don't think we'll run out for at least two weeks, if not much longer.

By the time we got back, the sun was setting. I'd hoped Silver had a bed for me, while metal tables aren't very comfortable, it's better than the floor. Least that's what I told myself every night at the Canterlot Institute I had my hopes high enough, I didn't expect anything like at my old house. It was a very fancy place, as my parents were very well off. At least my father was, Mom didn't have a bit to her name.

I wonder what kind of ponies live there now? Probably mean aristocrats. I was supposed to inherit the mansion, but the City Watch seized it, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't by the books either. Far as you get from the books, without getting caught or not being able to afford your superior's bribe. That's a thing I haven't mentioned about the Watch yet, to them there is no law higher than the law of the bit. So, yeah, they're really corrupt. At least the Lower Watch, the Elite Watch have large enough salaries that they stick by the books.

I followed Silver upstairs, and he led me down a dusty hallway, way dusty than downstairs for sure. Downstairs felt like it hadn't been lived in for around half a year, as Silver said, but upstairs... Different story. Cobwebs, creaky floorboards, kinda hard to breathe. All that sorta thing. After passing two doors, he turned and opened the third.

"Well, Scarlett. This is your bedroom." he said, gesturing towards the door with his hoof, but just as I was about to peek in, Silver stopped me. "Look, I'll be honest with ya kiddo, times are tough. But I will make it my duty to make sure you can lead as normal a life as possible. And that includes buying you a bed." His tone was the most serious I ever heard him use, even more than the tone he used at my trial.

"I have faith in you, Silver. But don't worry, I'm not a picky colt. It's probably better than the metal bed I've been using for the past while." Even thinking about that nasty old thing makes my back hurt.

He moved out of my way, and I peeked in. It was a relatively large room, but narrow, straight across from the door was a window, which was part of the roof. Besides that there was nothing else in the room beside a pile of hay by the window. Right as I looked over to my 'bed', Silver laughed awkwardly, like he often does.

"Heh... Sorry, Scarlett. But hey, wood's more comfortable than metal... Right?"

Back when I was in the Institute, not too long ago, to help me be grateful for what I had, I always told myself: "Hey! It's better than the floor right?" I suppose it worked. Well, I can't do that anymore.

I found myself tossing and turning for what felt like hours. The warm milk and daisy sandwich Silver gave me didn't help either. The hay was going everywhere. I guess it was warm, it and the blanket really kept me warm, but well... I don't want to sound ungrateful or anything, I mean, warmth is great and all, but my back is killing me, plus I keep rolling over my wings, which doesn't feel nice. Not having a bed really sucks.

I felt myself let out a yawn, and I began to hope that maybe, just maybe, I might leave the land of the wakened, even if only for a little while, till I roll on my wing again, putting all my weight on the tip, and jump the height of myself. I felt myself yawn again, and I realised just how tired I am. Maybe tired enough that I don't mind how crappy it is to sleep on the floor. Then I felt myself nodding off, slowly slipping away into the dream world, the last thing I heard being the bang of the front door closing.

As I opened my eyes, I found myself staring into a soup bowl. Strange, I haven't had soup in a long ti-

"Tut tut tut. Looks like somepony didn't get enough sleep!" I heard a stallion say. That voice... It's familiar... Where have I heard it before?

I heard a soft chuckle. "Oh, when will you ever learn, Scarlett?" It was a different pony this time, a mare. Another familiar voice.

I lifted my head upwards, and saw that I was sitting at the top of a dinner table, a large table, the sides lined with many chairs, and an empty chair faced me across the table. All the other chairs were empty, pardon two. In which the mare and the stallion sat. I looked to my left, facing the mare. She smiled at me. She's a very pretty mare, with a brown moussey type mane and her coat was a soft pink colour. She was so familiar looking... Who was she...?

I must've been pulling a confused looking face, as the mare titled her head and pulled a concerned face.

"You alright, Scarlett? Something amiss?"

"N-no, Ms." Her look of concern changed to confusion for a second, before she cracked a smile.

"What's with all the formalities, Scar? No need for such things with me! I am your mother after all." M-mother...? What? N-no. It can't be... B-but... She's gone...

"You feelin' alright there, buddy?" I heard the stallion interject, and I noticed he had an accent. Like Grandpa Moon's, just more... diluted. As if, he had only half his accent...

I turned to face him, and sure enough, I saw it. He looks like him too. And he also looks like Silver, same mane, just styled better and it was different colour too. Very dark purple, almost black. He was a midnight blue stallion, and rather dapper looking, with his bat wings poking out of his suit. He wore a very fancy suit, but from what I remember, this was his casual suit.

But... N-no, no no. It can't be...No. Not at all. The stallion continued to look at me, concern growing in his face.

"U-uh, y-y-yes." I stuttered, as I just realised something. My voice is different too. It's much more... Squeaky. I look down at my hooves and noticed they're much smaller than I remembered.

"You sound sick, Scarlett. Maybe you need a rest? Some soup to help you feel better?" he asked me, worry clear in his voice.

How is this even... Well, maybe it was just a dream then. I-I guess it could've been one of those lucid dreams I heard about.

"I...I..." Before I can finished my sentence, I jumped off my chair and landed on top of the stallion, wrapping my tiny hooves around him. "L-love you, D-daddy." I stammered, with a choked sob. "Y-you too, M-mommy." I said, looking over my father's shoulder.

She smiled reassuringly at me, while Dad wrapped his large wings around me, making me feel weird. It was a strange feeling of warmth, and safety, and... And... I never wanted it to end.

"I missed you guys s-so much." I stammered through a choked sob.

"Why's that, Scar? We haven't gone anywhere. Nor will we." Mom said to me, in a soothing tone.

"I... I had a really bad dream. You and Dad... You were... gone. Dead, and- and ponies thought I did it! Silver was there too." Dad put his hoof around me, making me feel like I was in an impenetrable fortress.

"Well, don't worry, little one. We're here for you. And we always will be."

"Y-You mean it?" I sniffled, while the tears rolling down my cheeks began to stop.

"Of course!" he said, determinedly.

"You too, Mommy?" I asked, lifting up my head. which had been buried in Dad's wing.

She smiled and nodded. "Of course, sweetie. Of course." I could see the sincerity in her crystal blue eyes. She would. And I looked upwards towards Dad, who had the same sincerity in his own emerald green eyes. I then buried my head in his wing again, wanting that feeling of complete safety once again.

I don't know how long I stayed like that, but it felt like an eternity. That's how I'd like to spend my eternity for sure. It seemed like everything was right in the world, none of the bad stuff I was used to happened. Maybe it was all just a bad dream.

After that lovely eternity, I looked up again, to Mom, who went back to drinking her soup. But something was off, something wasn't right, no. I had a really bad feeling. Right as that thought crossed my mind, I saw it. In the chair that sat across from mine, there sat a stallion, cloaked in darkest black I had ever seen, much darker than even my mane.

He noticed I was staring at him, and he turned his head towards me, smiling a toothy grin, his teeth a bright white, contrasting with the rest of him. He didn't look much like a pony, just by shape. He looked more like a shadow pretending to be a pony. He was just a black blob in the shape of a pony, white teeth and empty white eyes, which were staring right through me.



"Who's that pony at the back of the room...?"

"What pon-"

A loud piercing scream cut him off, and I felt myself being thrown backwards. We were launched off our chairs, and the table was being flipped. I felt myself slipping out of Daddy's grip, and as I look at him, while I flew out of his hooves, he had a terrified look on his face. I crashed down on the ground harshly, the only sound I could hear was that of plates smashing. When I looked, at the end of the now flipped table, he stood there, same smile as before, if not a little wider.

I then looked towards Daddy, who lay on the ground, with that same petrified look on his face, and... And.. A cut to his throat... No... No no-no-no-no, he can't be gone... Not again... W-what about about Mommy...?

I ran to the other side of the table, nearly tripping over myself. I ran to her, she was also lying on the floor, but not with the same look, with a tired pained look. I saw her eyes move to meet mine. S-she's alive! I took her hoof in mine.

"M-mommy! You'll-you'll be alright! I'll save you." I said, only whispering the last part.

She smiled weakly at me. "I...I'm sure you will..." she trailed off, before coughing harshly, a little bit of red liquid coming out of her mouth.

"Mommy, don't go... Please don't go..." she said nothing, just looking on me with those blue eyes of hers.

And then I saw it, the light, the spark in her eyes, it was gone... No... I felt tears welling up inside me, slowly rolling out. I felt a soft green flame roll over her hoof, as she turned back into her true form. Holes in her hooves, black body, but she still had her mane, just with more holes. And her eyes, they were pink not blue. I lay beside her sobbing for another eternity. An eternity I never wanted to relive.

I got up and turned, to see him standing close to me, with that same smile. I ran towards him, rage slowly building up inside of me. I jumped up, spreading my wings, and crashed into his head. I started throwing my hooves at his face, each clumsy throw somehow connecting, but after a few he just brushed me off with his hoof, sending me flying across the room. I then smashed into a mirror, and bounced off it. I hit the floor. Slowly my vision was consumed by darkness.

I flew out of my 'bed', nearly crashing into the door, but I managed to stop myself just in time. That was a horrible dream. I had this nasty hollow feeling. Soon after I woke up, Silver pushed the door ajar, and peeked his head in.

"You alright, Scarlett? Thought I heard somepony crying." he looked at me, pulling a sombre face, before pushing the door open, and hugging me.

"I was...?" I said with a sniffle.

I never realised how similar Silver looks to Daddy. That's... depressing. That hollow feeling is getting worse. And he hugs just like him too.

"Well, yeah. You have a bad dream?" he asked, rubbing the tears from my eyes.

"Y-yeah, a really bad one." I replied, hugging him back.

After a few minutes, he let go of me. "Alright, well, do you want a midnight snack then? Maybe it'll help you sleep?"

"Yeah, t-that sounds good."