//------------------------------// // Episode 3-Battle of Cakes: Pound vs. Pumpkin // Story: Adventures in Magic and Friendship: Season 1 // by kurusagi16 //------------------------------// Episode 3-Battle of Cakes: Pound vs. Pumpkin In the kitchen of Ponyville's one and only bakery, the Cake twins, Pound and Pumpkin, were busily baking all sorts of tasty goodies to sell to the townsponies. Pound Cake, a Pegasus Stallion with a light goldish gray coat, brown eyes, and a brown mane that stuck up in a stubborn cowlick, was kneading the bread dough on the long wooden table, pounding away at it and sending floor into the air. While his sister Pumpkin, a Unicorn mare with a light yellow coat, blue eyes, and an orange mane in a similar cowlick as her brother's, was mixing up the batter for a batch of chocolate chip cookies. Both had agreed that today was a perfect day for baking, and had gotten right to work. Occasionally, when one twin needed help, the other twin would be there to help them out, like if Pound couldn't find the mixing bowl, Pumpkin would find it and give it to him, or if couldn't remember what was needed in a certain recipe, Pound would help remind her. The two made a good team, and got along well, that is, until this particular and fateful day. When Pumpkin had got all the chips mixed into her batter, she eyed it carefully, feeling like it looked a bit dry and needed a little something. Using her magic, she levitated a carton of milk out of the fridge and added a skosh of it to the batter, stirring it into the mixture as well. "What are you doing?" asked Pound, noticing his sister adding the milk. "What does it look like I'm doing?" she replied. "I'm adding a little milk to the batter." "I can see that, but why are you doing it? The recipe doesn't call for milk." Pumpkin rolled her eyes. Her brother was always particular about following things by the recipe book, whereas she liked to mix things up a little and add her own special touches. "I know it's not in the recipe, but the cookies always taste a little dry afterward, A little milk will help soften them up and make them nice and airy." She then gave Pound a look and said, "And besides, it's not like a little milk will hurt anypony." Pound frowned but just replied, "Have it your way then." And he went back to kneading out the dough. Pumpkin took the finished batter and began to put dollops of the cookie dough onto the baking tray, and was about to put them into the oven. But just as she opened the oven door with her magic, Pound cried out, "Hey! I was going to use the oven!" "For what?" asked Pumpkin, starting to get a little annoyed by her brother interrupting her baking. Pound flapped over to the oven and pointed at a bread pan with some dough in it sitting on the counter beside the oven. "I was letting the dough rise, and now it's time to get in the oven." He picked up the bread pan and opened the oven door. Pumpkin took hold of the oven door with her magic, trying to keep it closed. "Well, I'm going to be using the oven, so your bread can wait." said Pumpkin. "But you used the oven already earlier today! It's my turn to use it." said Pound. "Your turn? Since when were we taking turns?" she asked. "Since mom and dad left us the bakery and told us to take over for them." he said. "I don't recall ever agreeing to taking turns with the oven." she said. "Well we did, and it's my turn. So my bread goes in the oven." "No, I preheated the oven, so I should be the one to use it for my cookies." "Bread!" "Cookies!" "Bread!" "Cookies!" The whole time the twins were arguing back and forth, each one was opening or closing the oven door, each one wanting to use the oven for their own baked good. "Bread!" "Cookies!" Then suddenly, the twins bumped each other, and accidentally made each other drop the baking pans they were holding, and causing the cookie and bread dough to fall to the floor. The twins then cried in unison. "My cookies/bread!" They bent down to pick up the remains of what was going to be a delicious baked good, holding it in their hooves before looking up and glaring at each other. "This is your fault!" the twins yelled in unison. "MY fault?! It's your fault!" The twins gritted their teeth and resuemed arguing with one another. "You ruined my bread!" "You ruined my cookies!" "Only because you bumped into me!" "You bumped into me first!" "This wouldn't have happened if mom and dad left me in charge, I'm much more responsible and I'm a much better baker." "Are you saying you're a better baker than me?!" "What if I am?" "Because I'm a better baker than you!" "Prove it!" "I will!" "Hey guys!" chirped Pinkie Pie cheerfully as she bounced into the kitchen to check on the twins. "How's-- "NOT NOW!" The twins yelled at Pinkie Pie angrily. Pinkie stood there, completely baffled, as the twins continued to glare and argue at one another. "Ooh boy." said Pinkie worriedly. Razzaroo was practically skipping down the road the road on her way to Sugarcube Corner, pulling the party cannon she'd borrowed from Pinkie Pie behind her. She'd had a great time using it at some of the parties and events she'd thrown, but now it was time to return it to its rightful owner. "That must be the place." Razzaroo said to herself, as the bakery came into view. She turned to the party cannon and gave it a little pat. "I'm gonna miss you buddy." She trotted to the bakery and stepped through its doors. But as she entered, she was met by the sounds of shouting and arguing coming from the kitchen. Razzaroo cringed as she then heard the sound of something breaking, and more yelling soon followed. From the kitchen door, stepped a frazzled Pinkie Pie. "Oh, hey Razzaroo, what's new with you?" said Pinkie Pie, giving her a tired smile. "I came to return your party cannon." said Razzaroo, wheeling it forward. "Thanks!" cried Pinkie Pie, gaining back a little bit of her cheeriness. A loud thud came from the kitchen. Razzaroo looked over Pinkie toward the kitchen door with curiosity. "What in Equestria is going on in there?" she asked. Pinkie Pie sighed. "It's the twins. They got into a fight over something and now it seems to be getting worse and worse. They've even managed to scare off some of the ponies who tried to order something earlier with all their yelling and throwing things." she explained. "I've tried to get them to stop, but neither of them will listen to me." "Maybe I can try something." offered Razzaroo. "Are you sure?" asked Pinkie Pie. "Yeah, besides, it looks like you could use the help." Pointing a hoof at Pinkie Pie and gesturing to her frazzled state. "Just leave it to me." Razzaroo turned on her hoof and went toward the kitchen. Inside the kitchen, the twins' fighting had escalated into a food fight, with the two of them throwing spare cakes and pastries at each other and shouting. Just as Razzaroo was going through the kitchen doors, she accidently got caught in the middle, and was hit was hit with a barrage of frosted-covered goodies, covering her from her hooves to her pink, aquamarine, and white mane. They twins gasped in shock, and immediately ceased fire. They rushed toward Razzaroo to see if she was alright. "Are you okay?" Pumpkin asked in concern. "I'm so sorry." said Pound. "i didn't expect to see anypony come in." "It's okay, I'm fine." said Razzaroo, licking away at the frosting on her face and hooves. Pound turned to Pumpkin and glared at her. "This is all your fault!" he cried, pointing an accusing hoof at her. "Don't start that with me, you threw food at me first!" shouted Pumpkin. "Nu-uh, you did!" "No you did!" "You did!" "Enough!" Razzaroo shouted over them. She stepped between the twins, and held out her hooves to keep the two apart from each other. She gave each of them a look, telling them to be quiet and listen to her. "I don't know what this is all about, but you two have got to stop. Pinkie Pie says that your fighting is scaring off your customers." Pumpkin pointed a hoof at her brother. "He said that he's a better baker than me!" "Because it's true! Unlike you, I actually follow the recipe." Pound fired back. "And unlike you, I'm not afraid to try new things and make mistakes!" she said. "I said, that's enough!" cried Razzaroo sternly. "You two are siblings, you need to learn to get along or else your fighting will end up ruining your business." "And how would you know that?" questioned Pound. Razzaroo thought it over. "Um, well, I don't know, exactly. But--" "Now that I think about it." interrupted Pumpkin. "Who are you anyway?" "Oh, how rude of me. My name is Razzaroo, and I--" "Well, Razzaroo." said Pound, interrupting this time. "This fight is really none of your business, so I suggest you go and leave us alone." "Yeah." said Pumpkin. "This doesn't concern you." "But--" began Razzaroo. "OUT!!" Shouted the twins, pushing Razzaroo out of the kitchen. Razzaroo stumbled from the force of the push and fell to the floor with a loud oomph! She looked up at Pinkie Pie who had a small frown on her face. "See what I mean?" she said. "Their parents left me in charge to help them take over the business for them, but now, I don't now what to do." Razzaroo got to her hooves, with a determined look on her face. "Don't worry Pinkie, I'm not giving up yet." she said to her. Pinkie Pie smiled brightly at Razzaroo. "Really?" Razzaroo nodded. "It's gonna take a lot more than a little frosting and squabbling to get rid of me." "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" Pinkie Pie cried, hugging Razzaroo and jumping up and down. Razzaroo couldn't help but laugh and jump with her. "You can count on me, Pinkie! I'll have the twins be friends again in no time." Little did Razzaroo know that those words would be easier said than done. Razzaroo once again entered into the kitchen. The twins had stopped throwing things now, and had instead stood on separate sides of the room, both refusing to speak to the other. Their heads turned upon hearing somepony come in. "What are you doing back here?" asked Pound, his eyes narrowed on her. "I'm here to try and talk some sense into you two." answered Razzaroo. "And as your mediator, I want to know how this how fight began." The twins seemed to ease up a little, but not by much. Pumpkin was the first to speak and told Razzaroo, "Well, I was going to bake some chocolate chip cookies, but he wouldn't let me use the oven and made me drop my cookies onto the floor." she shot a venomous look at her brother. "Well I was going to use the oven first to bake my bread, until she butted in and made me drop my bread onto the floor." spat Pound. "And then he insulted my baking and said he was a better baker than me!" cried Pumpkin, pointing a hoof at Pound. "Baking means following a recipe, which you hardly do! Instead, you just do whatever you feel like and add things all willy nilly." he said. "I do not! It's a lot more than that. I think about what'll make something even better and even more tasty and then I add it." she said. Razzaroo gave a sharp whistle, silencing both the twins. "Alright now." she said. "It sounds to me like you're arguing over which is the better baker of the bunch, right?" The twins nodded begrudgingly. "Then there's only one way to settle this matter." said Razzaroo with a smile. "You two can whip up something delicious, and I'll taste it to see which is the best. So how about it?" The twins gave each other a look. "If it means showing Pumpkin here that I'm right, then I'll do it." said Pound, folding his arms over his chest. "Same here." said Pumpkin. "Then let's see what you've got." said Razzaroo. And so, the twins got right to work, pulling out ingredients, getting out cooking utensils, and got to work baking. Razzaroo watched them pouring, measuring and mixing, tossing the ingredients into their own mixing bowls and beating them until the mixture was nice and creamy. Soon enough, their creations were finished. Setting them onto plates, the twins placed the baked goods in front of Razzaroo. Razzaroo rubbed her hooves together, looking from one baked good to the other. "Let's see, I think I'll start with this one." she said, picking up Pound Cake's rich butter roll and giving it a bite. Pound watched with a smug smile as Razzaroo made delighted noises through the food in her mouth. "It's so rich and buttery!" she complemented. "Ha! I told you I was better." he boasted. "She's only tried one baked good genius!" snapped Pumpkin. Pound stuck his tongue out at her as Razzaroo moved onto Pumpkin's apple tart. Razzaroo moaned, savoring the sweet taste. "It's so sweet, and yet so spicy!" she praised. Pumpkin puffed out her chest proudly. "So, tell us, who's better?" asked Pumpkin. Razzaroo furrowed her brow as she tried to concentrate. "Hold on, I'll need to compare the two real quick first." She picked up the roll and tart and took alternating bites from them until they were all gone. The twins waited expectantly to hear Razzaroo's final verdict. "Well?" they asked. "Hmm..." Razzaroo closed her eyes in thought and then answered, "I can't decide." The twins couldn't believe what they were hearing and yelled out, "You can't decide?!" Razzaroo laughed nervously and rubbed the back of her head. "What can I say? They're both equally delicious." she said. The twins frowned, and once again tossed her out of the kitchen, resuming their fighting. As she lay on the floor, Razzaroo frowned to herself. "Hmm, this is going to be a bit trickier than I thought." Then it hit her. A smile sprung to her face as she jumped back up to her hooves. "Aha! I've got it! There's only two ponies who could possibly help me to figure this out, and thankfully they're only a quick train ride away." Razzarro dashed out of Sugarcaube Corner, calling out to Pinkie Pie and telling her she'd be back. At the Rose Cafe... "You want us to do what?" asked Kimono, trying to make sure she heard correctly. She and Harmony had been hanging out in the Rose Cafe when Razzaroo had suddenly rushed in all out of breath, asking them for their help. "I want you and Harmony to help figure out which of the Cake twins is the better baker so it can put an end to their fight and they can be nice to each other again." Razzaroo repeated. "But why us?" asked Harmony. "Because." Razzaroo explained. "Kimono here knows what it's like to have a sibling, and both of you are good cooks. So surely you'll be able to tell which twin is better than the other." Kimono and Harmony looked at her skeptically. "I don't think it'll work out as well as you think it will." said Harmony. "I agree." said Kimono. "If you really want the twins to make up, you're going to need them to admit that their both at fault and apologize." Razzaroo groaned. "But how am I supposed to do that? Those two are so wrapped up in their fight over whose fault it was and who's the better baker that even if I tell them to apologize I doubt they'd listen." "You tried to judge their food on your own, right?" asked Harmony. Razzaroo nodded at her. "Yeah, why?" "If those two really want to settle this, then the best way is to leave it up to the professionals." answered Harmony. "Does that mean you'll help?" "Not exactly." Razzaroo looked at Harmony in confusion, as Harmony reached under the counter and pulled out a flier and handed it to her. "Here, this might be of some help." Razzaroo took the flier and scanned over it, she smiled as she finished it and looked up at her friends. "This is perfect!" she exclaimed. "Do you really think it'll help?" Harmony shrugged. "Maybe, I don't know for sure. What I do know is that that." she said pointing a hoof at the flier. "Will help give them a little nudge." Kimono peered at the flier and gave a nod. "Yes, this might help get them to open their eyes." she said. Razzaroo beamed. "Thanks girls. I just hope this works." With the flier in hoof, Razzaroo rushed out of the cafe and headed back to Ponyville. "Do you think we should've told her?" Kimono asked. "She'll find out soon enough." replied Harmony. "Besides, I look forward to seeing how the twins do, it'll be sure to be interesting." Kimono smiled in agreement. "Yes, very interesting indeed." Back in Ponyville, at Sugarcube Corner... The townsponies were steering clear of Sugarcube Corner, as the angry shouting and arguing that could be heard all the way outside made them scared and nervous to enter. Pinkie Pie sighed and flipped over the closed sign on the door. She turned and looked toward the kitchen door, wondering if and when Razzaroo would be coming back and how she'd stop the twins' fighting. Thankfully, Razzaroo rushed back into Sugarcube Corner, gasping for breath. "I'm--gasp!--back! Gasp!" she felt just about ready to pass out from all that galloping, but this wasn't the time for passing out. "Finally!" Pinkie said relieved. "What took you so long?" "Sorry, I had to go and take care of a few things real quick, but don't worry, I've found the perfect thing to help stop the twins' silly fight." said Razzaroo. She trotted toward the kitchen door and entered. Pound and Pumpkin were too busy yelling that they didn't notice her enter this time. So Razzaroo decided to come up with another way to get their attention. Taking up a nearby pot and spoon, Razzaroo banged them together. The twins covered their ears and turned to look at Razzaroo. "Good to see I've got your attention now." said Razzaroo. "What do you want now?" asked Pound, getting tired of having her coming back again and again. "I've found a solution to your question, of which twin is the better baker." said Razzaroo. "Oh yeah, and what's that?" asked Pumpkin. "This!" declared Razzaroo, pulling out the flier Harmony had given her. The twins read over it, and this is what it said: The Big Bake Off! This Friday in Canterlot, bakers and chefs from all over are invited to enter this esteemed contest, judged by our three celebrity chefs, Gustav le Grand, Doughnut Joe, and Mulia Mild. The winner will receive a grand prize. The twins' eyes widened. "A bake off?" they said in unison. Razzaroo nodded. "That's right. Who better to decide whose cooking is better than having professional chefs judge it. Whichever twin wins will be declared the best, and the loser must accept defeat." Pumpkin looked at the flier unsure. "I don't know, it'll take time to fill out all the application and get it turned in." "No need to worry about that, I already did it for you." said Razzaroo. "What? When?" asked Pound Cake. "Well, long story short, I called up a couple ponies and they helped me get everything in order. So what do you say, are you two up for the challenge?" Pumpkin and Pound narrowed their eyes at each other and smiled, both determined to beat the other. "Bring it!" * * * "Phew! That takes care of that." said Razzaroo exiting the kitchen. Pinkie Pie popped up next to her. "I over heard everything." she said excitedly. "The twins are going ot be in a bake off in Canterlot?" Razzaroo nodded. Pinkie Pie let out a cheer. "Whoopie! That's great!" Then she remembered. "But wait, what if Pound and Pumpkin start fighting again? What'll happen if one of them loses and the other one wins?" Razzaroo shrugged. "I honestly don't know. That's something the twins might need to work out for themselves. "She then added, "Of course, I am going to go and see the bake off. I'm curious to see what'll happen." Pinkie Pie smiled. "I'll join you! Ooh, this is going to be good!" On the day of the contest... The Canterlot auction house had been rented and set up for the bake off contest, with plenty of seats for spectators to watch the action, a judges table, and a few cooking stations for the competitors to work at, complete with cooking counters and ovens. Razzaroo was sitting next to Pinkie Pie as they watched Pound and Pumpkin go to their own separate stations. "Are they still mad at each other?" Razzaroo asked Pinkie. "They calmed down a little." replied Pinkie. "But I think maybe that's because they were focused on the contest this time." "Hey Razz." said Harmony as she trotted up to her. Razzaroo blinked in surprise. "Harmony, I didn't expect to see you here." she said. "Are you here to watch the bake off and help support the twins?" asked Pinkie Pie. Harmony shook her head. "Nope, I'm one of the contestants." she said. "Wait, you're in the contest?" asked Razzaroo. "Why do you think I had that flier in the first place?" Harmony asked back. "Since I had to close the cafe while I was learning to control my powers, I thought this contest might help me to promote the Rose Cafe to try and pick up business." "I came to offer my support." said Kimono, as she too approached them. A little bell began to ding, calling for all the contestants to come and take their places. "That's my cue, I'll talk to you guys later." said Harmony, trotting up to one of the cooking stations. Kimono sat down next to Razzaroo and called out, "Good luck!" The audience grew quiet, as the host of the contest, an Earth Pony stallion named Coco Nut, with curly thinning mane, glasses, and a tie, stepped out holding a microphone. "Hello and welcome everypony, to the Canterlot bake off! I am your host, Coco nut." The audience lightly applauded him before he continued. "Now, let's get a look at our contestants." He trotted up to each cooking station and introduced the contestants. "All the way from Mare-is, Prance, our first contestant is Miss Suzette of Cafe de la Crepe." Suzette smiled and waved to the audience. The rose pink Unicorn was dressed in a stylish apron and chef hat, looking impeccable. "Next, we have a family team up, Ginger and Banana Bread from the Candy House bakery." continued Coco, gesturing to the two Earth Pony siblings. They two smiled at the audience, wearing matching aprons and looking very excited. "The next contestant runs the local cafe, the Rose Cafe, Miss Harmony." Harmony grinned, as her friends whistled and cheered for her. "And finally, our last two contestants are twins who both work in the Ponyville bakery, Sugarcube Corner, though it appears as thought they're competing against each other. Let's give a hoof to the twins, Pound and Pumpkin Cake." Pinkie Pie cheered the loudest out of all the audience for the Cake twins. Razzaroo bit back a smile as she saw the twins' expressions soften as they saw Pinkie Pie and they each gave her a friendly wave. "Before we begin, let's meet our panel of celebrity judges, and see what they have to say." Coco Nut went over to the judges' table, where Gustav, Joe, and Mulia were all sitting. Coco Nut handed his microphone to Gustav, who spoke first for the judges. "Bonjour, everypony." he said with a thick Prench accent. "I speak for my fellow judges and bakers when I say that it is an honor for us to be here today." Mulia the took the mike from hm and said, "Yes, we look forward to seeing all the delicious things today's contestant will be making." Doughnut Joe then took the mike and added, "Enjoy the show, and don't forget to stop by the Doughnut Shop, located right here in Canterlot." The audience applauded. Coco Nut got back his microphone and spoke once more to the rest of the ponies gathered. "Yes, thank you judges. The bake off shall now begin. Contestants, check your stoves!" The contestants did as they were told, inspecting them to make sure that they were of working order, which they were. "The first category will be petit fours, contestants will be judged on presentation, as well as taste. Are you ready?" The contestants nodded. "Then ready, set, bake!" The contestants immediately turned on their ovens, almost at exactly the same time, preheating them as they got to work making their confections. The audience watched with rapped attention, they could see how serious the competitors were as they mixed and poured and measured. Once the petit fours were in the ovens and the timers were set, the contestants moved on to making the glaze. Pumpkin was grinning as she whipped up her batch of glaze, there was a sort of thrill running through her as she raced to try and finish her dessert before the others (especially her brother). She fantasized what would happen after she won the contest and had beaten her brother. He'd finally admit that she was better, and then she'd get control over the kitchen. She could make any kind of baked good she wanted and she'd make it her way, without her brother pestering her over whether or not it was according to the recipe. "Oh no!" cried Pound. Pumpkin turned her head, wondering what was wrong with her brother. She looked over at her brother's cooking station, which was only a few feet away from hers. Though she was still mad at him, Pumpkin felt her sisterly instincts kick in as she went over to check on Pound to see what was wrong. "What's wrong?" she asked. Pound pointed at his mixture for the glaze and said, "I don't have any vanilla extract! Without it, I can't finish the glaze." "Here, let me see." said Pumpkin, taking a quick look at the little inventory that had been set up at each of the station. She smiled when her eyes landed on what she was looking for. She levitated a little bottle labeled almond extract and set it on the little counter. "There, this should help. It may not be vanilla, but it works as a great substitute, plus, it gives the frosting or glaze a good aroma as well as a good taste, almost like marzipan." Pound nodded. "That could work." he said. The twins gave each other small smiles, then, remembering that this was a competition, they turned their heads away and went hmph! "Don't think this means I'm not still upset, because I am." added Pound. "Yes, well, I just didn't want you to lose so easily over something a little as vanilla extract." said Pumpkin. They went back to their seperate stations and resumed cooking. "Darn!" whispered Pinkie Pie. "It looked like they were close to making up." Razzaroo nodded. "Those two are so stubborn." she huffed. "Don't worry." assured Kimono. "They may be acting like their mad, but the truth is they both really do love each other, they just need to let out all their negative feelings and talk to each other." "If only we had some way of reminding them of how much they love each other and how they got along." said Pinkie. Razzaroo had an idea, she leaned over and whispered it to Pinkie. "Ooh, sounds like fun!" she said. "What can I do?" Razzaroo whispered to her again. Pinkie nodded and gave a salute. "You can count on me! Operation: Make the twins make up so that they can be friends again by reminding them how they love each other, is go." She said with with such a ridiculous amount of speed. She slipped into a spy costume that she got from nowhere and zoomed out of the auction house to complete her mission. "What did you tell her to do?" asked Kimono. Razzaroo leaned back in her seat and grinned. "You'll see." * * * The contestants placed their finished petit fours onto platters and served them to the judges. Suzette's were rose pink and had a design of the Bridle Tower on top. Gustav smiled pleasingly as he looked at the petit fours and took a bite of them. "Magnifique!" he cried. "It tastes as if it was right out of Prance!" The other judges agreed, and congratulated Suzette on a job well done. The rest of the contestants did just as well, except Ginger and Banana Bread, whose petit fours had been over cooked and ended up a little lopsided. The judges looked at them distastefully, and gave the Breads a low score. "Ginger and Banana Bread are now eliminated from the competition." announced Coco Nut. "We'll now be moving onto the next round, where the contestants will be making a soufflé! Begin, now!" Pound Cake smiled to himself, as he pulled out the ingredients. He'd memorized the recipe for making a soufflé the other day in preparation for the contest, and was ready to make it. While selecting the measuring cups, he began to imagine how thing would be after the contest, after being declared the best. He'd run Sugarcube Corner efficiently, making desserts exactly as the recipe called for, making ponies happy for giving them exactly what they wanted. But just before Pound could add the first ingredient to the bowl, he noticed how Pumpkin hadn't even begun getting ingredients. She just stood there, her pupils dilated as she stood there nervously. He felt his brotherly worry take over as he went over to check on his sister. "Are you okay?" he asked concerned. Pumpkin's head whipped toward him. "I don't know how to make a soufflé." she said, her voice tightening out of anxiousness. "I have no clue what to do." Pound felt sorry for Pumpkin and decided to lend her a hoof. He'd brought the soufflé recipe with him just in case, taking it from the counter, he handed it to Pumpkin and said, "Here, you can use my recipe." Pumpkin blinked in surprise. "Really?" she asked. Pound tried to look indifferent and replied, "Only because I want to go against you in the final round. And I want that recipe back when you're done with it." "Fine." said Pumpkin, also trying to sound indifferent. The audience watched ever so quietly so as not to disturb the contestants as they concentrated on preparing their soufflés, and putting them carefully in the oven. When they were done, the soufflés were set out before the judges. They all seemed quite pleased by the creations. "And now fillies and gentlecolts!" announced Coco Nut. "It's time to move onto the final round, where the contestants will create the baked good of their choosing!" Pound and Pumpkin grinned. This round would be perfect for them! A chance to at last see which twin was better. Meanwhile, in the audience, Pinkie Pie had zipped back to her seat, carrying a box of photos, and a messily decorated art box, which she handed to Razzaroo. "Mission accomplished!" she declared. Razzaroo smiled. "Thanks, Pinkie. You did very well." she said. Kimono peered over at the boxes curiously. "What are those for?" she asked. "Wait and see." answered Razzaroo, as she got to work. From the messy bag, she pulled out art supplies, scraps of paper, and an empty book. "Time to get to work." Harmony glanced into the audience and smiled when she saw what Razzaroo was trying to do. I suppose it's time I add my contribution. she thought, coming up with a way to further help Razzaroo. "Time's up!" declared Coco Nut. "Let's see what our contestants have made." Suzette was up first, presenting the judges with some cherry and raspberry crepes. "They're my specialty." Suzette stated proudly to the judges as they took a bite from the crepes. "The taste of the cherries intermingling with the raspberries, tres magnifique." said Gustav. "Pretty tasty." said Doughnut Joe. "I agree, I wouldn't mind serving these at one of my tea parties." said Mulia. Suzette smiled and curtsied to them. "Merci." Next was Pound Cake's dessert, which was a perfect-looking upside down cake. "This cake was made from an old recipe passed down from my Great Grandpa Bundt Cake." he said. The judges each took a slice and appeared quite pleased with it. Then, it was Pumpkin Cake's turn, her dessert was a carrot cake made with raisins and a few nuts, with a delicious homemade sour cream frosting with a touch of almond extract. "I added a few of my own personal touches." she said to the judges. Once again, the judges appeared quite pleased as they ate their slices of cake. Finally, there was only one contestant left, Harmony, who made a batch of fluffy cinnamon rolls. The judges took one cinnamon roll each, not sure of what to expect. But as they bit down, their eyes widened in surprise. "This is the best cinnamon roll I've ever tasted!" cried Doughnut Joe. "The glaze is so sweet." gushed Mulia. "And the roll itself, it's perfectly soft and perfectly spiced." said Gustav. They all looked up to Harmony and asked, "What's your secret?" Harmony shrugged. "There's no secret really." she said. She gave Pound and Pumpkin a little glance. "It's one of my mom's old recipes with my own special glaze, I really love making them and seeing how they turn out." The judges nodded approvingly. "We shall now have a moment to decide the winner." said Gustav. Excitement and anticipation hung heavy in the air. Pound and Pumpkin were nervous to hear the judges' decision. As they waited with everypony else, they noticed each others cakes and were curious to see what they tasted like. Pound took a bite from Pumpkin's cake. It was not only tasty...but it was creative and different. He took another bite, and thought about the fight the two of them had had. His sister had always been creative, and put a lot of thought into what she was making, and he'd yelled at her for it. He felt a pang of guilt as he looked down at the cake. At the same time, Pumpkin took a bite of Pound's cake, it was also tasty, and it reminded her of the times her parents would pull out old recipes and showed them how to make them, how they always turned out perfect. Her thoughts drifted to the fight she'd had with Pound. Her brother, though he could get a little annoying at times, knew all sorts of recipes from memory, and wanted to bake just like their parents used to for them. She frowned sadly as she took another bite. The Cake twins turned to face each other, neither of them knowing what to say. Their fight seemed so silly in that moment, and both felt ashamed at how they'd acted, knowing they couldn't take back what they did. "Pound/Pumpkin, I..." Both started to say in unison, but they were quickly cut off as Coco Nut called for everypony's attention. "And now, the moment you've all been waiting for!' he said. "The winner of the Canterlot bake off is..." A drumroll sounded and everypony looked around, wondering where it was coming from, until they all saw that it was Pinkie Pie with a drum. All eyes looked to her. "What?" she asked innocently. "I'm just trying to build the suspense." Coco Nut cleared his throat. "Yes, well, as I was saying, the winner is..." Pound and Pumpkin gripped each others hooves, neither one realizing it as they braced for the verdict. "...Miss Suzette!" The audience applauded. Suzette beamed and blew kisses to the crowd. "Merci!" she cried. "Second place goes to Miss Harmony, and tied for third, we ave the Cake twins!" concluded Coco Nut. The twins' eyes widened. "Third?!" "Hey, you two still did pretty good for what it's worth." said Harmony, going toward them. "And now, Miss Suzette, here is your prize!" said Coconut, pulling back a nearby curtain to reveal what it was. "An autographed copy of Gustav le Grand's cook book, Taste of Prance, a gift certificate to the Canterlot Doughnut Shop, and an assortment of various pastier utensils." Suzette cheered as she accepted the prize. Harmony shook her hoof and congratulated her on a job well done. The Cake twins turned back to each other, both awkwardly shifting from hoof to hoof. "I guess we're both good bakers." said Pound. "Yeah." said Pumpkin, pawing her hoof a little at the floor. "Pumpkin, I'm...I'm sorry." said Pound. "I shouldn't have yelled at you before. You're great at baking, regardless if you follow the recipes." "I'm sorry too." said Pumpkin. "You were going to use the oven first, and I should've taken your feelings into consideration." The twins smiled a little, and that's when Pinkie Pie sprang up between them and pulled them into a hug. "Finally! It's about time you two apologized." she said. Pound and Pumpkin laughed before turning their attention to Razzaroo as she approached them. "We're sorry Razzaroo, for how we treated you earlier." said Pound. "You were just trying to help, and we pushed you away." "Can you forgive us?" asked Pumpkin. Razzaroo smiled. "Of course I forgive you, so long as you also forgive each other." she said. "We do." said the twins. "Good, and to commemorate you two on a job well done, here's a consolation prize." Razzaroo held up the book she'd been working on thanks to Pinkie bring what she'd asked for. "What is it?" asked the twins, looking at the book curiously. "Open it and find out." said Razzaroo. The twins opened it, to find that it was a photo album scrapbook of all the fun times they'd had together. Like the time they made their first cake, to the time they had their first customer. "Where'd you get these?" asked Pound. "The same place I got the info for the contest papers, your parents." answered Razzaroo. The twins blinked. "Our parents?" Pinkie nodded. "When Razzaroo told them about how she was trying to help you two get along, they were happy to help in anyway they could." Razzaroo pointed at the book and said, "The next time you guys get into a fight, you can flip through that and remember what's important." "Thanks, Pinkie, Razzaroo." said the twins in unison. Kimono and Harmony also smiled. "Good job, Razz." they whispered. "There's only one thing left to do now to properly end this fight for good." said Pinkie Pie. She handed Razzaroo an accordion and cried out, "A random musical number!" Everypony laughed as Pinkie Pie belted out her song, with Razzaroo playing the accordion. "Pound and Pumpkin Cake are together again, not just siblings but also best friends. Now they're not fighting, let's give a hip-hooray! Pound and Pumpkin their friendship's here to stay. Yay!" Pound and Pumpkin grinned, willing to put their stupid fight behind them, and once again being friends. Hey! That's what I said! Not now Pinkie, the episode's over.