//------------------------------// // Before // Story: Times are changeing // by Silvia_Stargazer //------------------------------// Hi I’m Starfire and, at the moment, I’m a cutie markless pale yellow(blondish) coated unicorn. I’m the one you met your first day, you know the one with a wild silver mane with black/bluewhite highlights. Anyway I’m your big sister! I actually have a real little sister she is a white unicorn with white eyes and electric blue mane and tail. She has this silver locket with our parents/our pictures in it, she wears it 24/7 and refuses to take it off for anything. But I am so glad u decided to join... *Slam!* The door to me and my little sister's shared room slammed open and closed, starting me from my letter, as my little sister came stomping through her hooves stamping into the ground. It must be because of the aptitude test that I took about 9 or so years ago. I peered up at the fuming white coated unicorn, with a silver locket threatening to bounce off her neck, from over my letter to my brand new “little sister”. She had began to pace the small room muttering under her breath, clearly under duress. "What’s the matter Cloud Moment?" "The test is in.." she swallowed "One hour! Why wouldn't I be stressed?!" She turned to look at me fire in her eyes. "Calm down," I thought a bit and then said " if you do we'll do the new experiment I've been working on." Her ears perked up as she looked me hope filling up her eyes. “Really?” I laughed softly “Really.” “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” she said racing up and hugging me tightly. “You should probably go do that test now.” “Oh right!” She exclaimed her cheeks turning bright pink as she flung open the doors with her shimmering white magic. I shook my head and got back to my book wondering what was in store for me in the future, and about how the test might have changed in the past 9 years since I was 10. I shrugged and decided that I could finish the letter later and snached up a book on pony/other speceis langages. ____________________________________ “Here we are!” I said dramatically opening the unnecessarily large ornate doors, with my shimmering blue magic, into the dome like room for the labs at my tiny collage. She gasped stepping inside of the grand room, filled to the brim with filing cabinets white top tables and rolling cabinets for equipment to rest on before it’s next assignment. I watched her slowly walk in and smiled at her awe. I walked behind her lifting my heavy bags off her back and set them down on a white top table in the center of the room. She started galloping in between the tables. I watched her, and started setting up the experiment. pulling out my lab notebook and flipping to the page I needed and then pulling out my pen and pencil. I then pulled out her brand new lab book and pencils and then smiled softly at her antics. she looked over at me and saw that I had laid out all of our stuff. “Hey why don’t you come over here and help me set up.” I called over to her walking slowly towards one of the equipment cabinets. “Coming!” she yelled before racing towards me. Right after I opened the cabinet she was by my side. I chuckled lightly thinking about the silliness of the situation. “What do we need?” she asked innocently peering over my shoulder at the wide array of glassware and goggles. “Well…” I listed of the items we needed from the cabinet in front of us and pulled a wheel cart over to where we where standing with my magic. She carefully placed each item on the cart and went to the next until our cart was full and my list fulfilled. I took the cart back to the station and gave her a smaller list of all the different chemicals for said experiment. “All the bottles need to have labels on them, ok?” she nodded and raced off to the cabinet in a blur i smiled and shook my head at her. Then got back to my work laying out all of the tools necessary and setting up all of the necessary components to make it work. I was so focused on what I was doing, that I didn’t hear my little sister come up behind me.Until I heard a sound behind me. “Boo!” “Ahhh!” I whipped around almost dropping the container I held in my hoof, and smacking my sister upside the head. “Oooops!” she said her expression going from delight to horror in a matter of moments.”Sorry sis but I just couldn’t resist.” she said blushing. Setting my list, and all of the elements/componds down on the table. “Oh its ok!” I said also setting my beaker down on the table and hugging her. I straightened up and the stated. “Now are you ready?” She nodded eagerly her floppy bright electric blue hair bouncing all around. “Ok.” I said smiling, I then started the experiment pouring different things into containers and telling my little sis to do something. After a while we where getting to the end of the experiment our journals full of notes and everything going smoothly. I straightened up and looked at her “ Can you go get some magictonium?” She looked up at me in confutation “What’s Mag-ac-ton?” I chuckled at her butchering of the word. “Its the final thing we need to add before we’re done.” “Oh ok!” she exclaimed smiling, and taking off to the cabinet. “how much?!” she called back her voice slightly muted. I shrugged unsure of why that was. “A pinch or so!” I called back to her, I checked over my notes as she raced over with the ingredient. “Should I just…” “Yes just pour it in” I said still lost in my notes. I heard a slash and felt liquid rain all over my coat. My head whipped up as I saw her throw away the once full container of Magictonium. I gasped dropping the pencil I had been using. “What did you do?!” “I poured the whole thing in.” She said smiling broadly. “I only told you to put a pinch in!” Her face immanently fell and her eyes widening in shock. All the while a rumbling sound was gathering strength and it wasn’t an earthquake forming. It was something much more deadly. I shook my head desperately trying to think of what to do. “I got it!” I exclaimed suddenly realizing what to do.”Cloudy!” I yelled my sister’s nickname at her the sound getting louder all the while. “What!” she yelled back. “You have to go!” “Why?!” “I can’t save you, you need to save yourself!” “But what about you!” I sighed, I had already planned for this to happen. “Don’t worry about Me” I said desperately “Please just save yourself!” She nodded solemnly, her ears folding down, and tears began forming in her eyes and beginning to rush down her face as if in a mad dash to leap off her wet face. she then galloped away I watched her go tears starting to form in my eyes. As she galloped around the corner I began the spell and whispered unable to even hear myself, but I whispered regardlessly. “I love yo…” Everything went dark, cold and eerily soundless. I was unable to feel anything, including my body, like everything just went numb and then faded out of existence. It felt like I was just a floating consciousness unable to do anything but think, but even that was hard, almost like wading through thick black sludge that refused to leave. Eventually the effort of thinking became too much for me and my consciousness drifted off into a deep deep sleep… Cloud Moment I looked at my sister, wet tears threatening to escape my eyes, I nodded solemnly. Then turned and ran as fast as I could though the winding corridors of the, thankfully, empty lab. I burst through the entrance doors and came to a screeching halt. I glanced back behind me wheezing heavily after the adrenaline fueled run though the building. As I was gasping for air I stared intensely and hopefully at the doors. My sis will make it out, I thought confidently, trying to convince myself that she was just jesting with me and it would all be over in a bit. A huge gust of wind suddenly flattened me to the ground, I squinted against the bright light radiating out from the building, billowing up into the sky. suddenly the whole thing seemed to have been sucked up by a straw. And the building and the explosion disappeared into oblivion. I looked at it in shock, my jaw nearly touching the ground. What had happened? I turned and ran to try and get help for the sister I would, probably, never see again.