The Rare Kind Of Guy

by Csanimations

Part 2

The Rare Kind Of Guy Part 2

Sunny ray now fully alert, became more enraged as the situation of her soon to be previous partner antics from the night before became clear.

"REG! am I becoming skeptical as well as enraged to the fact that I see lipstick on the far side of your face."

The stallion soon felt the fall of his antics, the night before, he became chilled to his bones as the silence between the two was intense, cold..... and then with one simple word he thought...


"Well.....I'm waiting for an answer" as she leaned on the side of the door frame with crossed hoofs, holding a face that said " I am very disappointed."

"Err.... Well.... you see love.... what happened was" he said pathetically whist slurring his words.

Sunny soon frowned, hearing this line before on multiple occasions as he lied, placing one hoof over her head almost doing a face palm motion she soon stopped him.

"ALRIGHT" she huffed "stop right there speedy con-artist, I see whats gone on, I'm not as ditsy as you might think, considering I am called sunny and quite frankly I don't have to take this anymore"

"But.... love.... its not what it looks like" he panicked as he tried to reach out to touch her.

"DON'T YOU DARE try to defend your wrong doings, its as clear as crystal whats up and you know you've messed up and to that I say CONSIDER US DONE...... AND PISS OFF!!!!"

Not knowing her own strength she slammed the door with enough force to push back a whimpering stallion on the other side trying to get her to change her mind.

"Ohhhh COME ON Honey Muffin!" as he leaned on the other side of the door, "It happened, a one off, its in the past."

Then standing up with a smug look on his face, trying to sound cool "...... well it not my fault if other mares are attracted to me"

"GOODNIGHT and Goodbye" came a low sighing voice.

Becoming very short tempered the stallion tried to top her remark with " YEAH Well... I don't need you anyway love, plenty of other mares in this TOWN!"


The stallion hissed at the other remark and said " YEAH YEAH I'm off and you'll see Sunny if I come back" he said whist turning and grumbling in defeat in the direction of his apartment.

On the other side of the door Sunny was slowly walking to her bedroom muttering to herself " well...... that was something"

The Next Morning

BRRRRIIINGGG!!!! went the alarm clock.

Spike now being interrupted from his wonderful sleep, tossed and turned slightly as he didn't want to get up just yet, which proceeded to Spike whipping his tail out of the sheets to tap the alarm clock, but what actually happened was he gave it a whack instead flinging it out the window.

"AHHHH much better" snuggling into his pillow warmly " Another hour and I'll be good."

But this didn't last long as he was soon interrupted again.

"SPIKE......SPIKE GET UP, I HAVE WORK TO DO and you can help keep this place tidy from my late night sessions" shouted Twilight from the stairs.

Moaning and opening one eye slowly he composed himself to his surrounding and got up.

"OK Twilight, just give me these few seconds to stretch and ill be down" he yawned

"WELL hurry up because your breakfast is waiting for you and it will soon get all soggy due to the milk"

"Em-hmm" as he dragged his feet across the bedroom floor and through the door leading to the stairs.

Some time later Spike was soon fresh as a daisy, with a good breakfast inside him and a very quick shower he was ready to help.

But pointing out that the castle is made up of a lot of crystals, what could possibly need cleaning... well the crystals need a good polish, "A LOT of polish" he muttered "..... and a really big ladder.......... and twelve arms."

But not only that there's dusting, cleaning the mud that comes in from the front door just naming a few because certain ponies cant be bothered to wipe there hoofs as they enter, YEAH! I'm looking at you Applejack!

Some more time later because I'll skip the boring cleaning part, the castle was looking brand new & shiny and Spike was panting with a few aches and pains.

So Spike decided to plump his bottom into a nearby chair in the living room just as Twilight walked in with some sandwiches.

"ARRRGHHH" acting like a crooked pirate as he melted into the chair, closing his eyes and placing his hands behind his head.

" I thought you could use this" she cheerfully levitated the lunch on his lap as she found a place to lay down.

Spike opened his eyes and was meet with a daisy and daffodil sandwich with a few assortment of gems ringing around it.

Without hesitation Spike chomped down the food to feed his instant hunger.

Twilight now settled in her comfy spot looked up from her book to see this and lightly giggled.

Once finished Spike was now satisfied as another task was done.

"Thank you for the lunch Twilight, it was very tasty, especially the gems" as he rested more into the chair.

"Not a problem Spike, I thought you could use it" chiming cheerfully.

"Indeed, thanks again anyway" he complemented.

"Naaaa, don't mention it" she casually replied.

A few minutes of resting in silence went by before Spike suddenly realized what happened last night and hadn't told Twilight about it yet...... although she might not believe him fully he was nervous but mostly excited to tell her about it.

"Hey Twilight" he spoke up.

"Yes, what is it Spike" she instantly replied

"Do you want to know what happened to me last night" he eagerly replied back.

"I suppose, but what could of possibly happened to you going to Sugarcube corner and then coming straight back again" she calmly phrased whist looking at her book she was reading.

"Well what would you say that I aided a mare home whist she was tipsy and vulnerable from the pub and helped her see that I am the rare kind of guy" he confidently said rubbing one knuckled fist up and down against his chest scales.

"I would say that's very nice of you to do that, knowing your the type of person and WAIT WHAT HAPPENED!!!! as she bolted right up into Spikes face.

One Part 1 of the story explained to Twilight later.

Once Spike finished Twilight had two feelings bubbling inside her, one of pride for her little assistant's kindness for someone in need and one of anger for him not coming home soon like he promised, but she soon sided with the pride because the anger was just her motherly protection kicking in.

"That's very sweet of you Spike to help that mare in her time of need and from how things turned out it seems that you two have made a really good friendship out of it."

" indeed, but that's not all" he gulped " she also likes me" he nervously added.

" well of course she likes you, your a very likeable person" she shrugged back.

" No, I mean she has feelings for me, she said it to me herself" he heartily replied.

Twilight paused taking in the new information but continued " well whats wrong with that your old enough now, why do you seem so tense."

Sighing heavily he continued " because........ she does have a partner...... well more like an on and off partner.......... err are you OK Twilight ........ Twilight?

Twilight was stunned, whist twitching her eye.

"I'm sorry..... but did you say she { cough } she has err.... a partner" she said tensely whist gritting her teeth.

Spike looking worried to continue " maybe I didn't word that right, she has a boyfriend that's not very nice and she wants to be with me instead"

Twilight soon relaxed and jokingly chuckled " Oh thank goodness, for a second I thought she was one of those ponies that likes leading people on for some reason."

Spike look a bit concerned " No way Sunny is not that sort of person anyway, she said that she's going to dump him, so there's nothing to worry about."

" I know Spike, But I cant help it, I just worry, I mean what sort of dear friend would I be if I didn't" she said heartily.

" A bad one" he added.

" Exactly" she finished off.

" Well Twilight I am old enough to know whats up, so I think I'm good" he said confidently.

" Well....... just be careful, I know I'm sounding like I'm being over protective, but just take it as someone watching out for you" as she built up some emotions.

" Thanks Twilight, I would do the same thing" as he got up from the chair and gave his dear friend a warm hug.

" Love you Spike" she whispered.

" Love you too Twilight" he whispered back.

Many days later Spike and Twilight were in the castle taking a breather from some tasks by Princess Celestia.

Today was the day, the day where Spike would meet up with Sunny again.... and to say he wasn't a little nervous would be a lie, he was tapping his fingers on the arm of the chair whist Twilight, not really helping was telling him a run through of what to do and how to present himself.

" err no offense Twilight, but if there's one mare giving me advice on a date like meet up, its you..... sorry.

" Yes.... you have a point, but I can at least try" she recomposed herself "OK forget anything negative...... you will have a wonderful time...... Nothing to worry about...... the peaceful location...... the casual exchange of a pleasant conversation..... the smells of the food from the picnic..... The setting of the sun.... The romantic vibes.... THE TENSION BUILDING AND THEN!"

" TWILIGHT! enough, your not helping" he said whist shaking.

"Look its just two people who are just meeting, having a picnic, who do like each other, having a good time, that's all" he continued.

"You keep telling your self that, something will happen" as she cheekily winked.

"Twilight please stop with your foreshadowing, besides what happened to your be careful talk a bit back" he sarcastically replied.

"Oh nothing......" she looked away smugly "you would be surprised when you cant sleep one night and you decide to dig information on a pony and see what you can find."

Spike looked on in slight shock, not really believing what he was hearing.

" Turns out from what I found out, she's clean and from some people I asked she's really nice so I don't have to worry anymore" she finished off.

".......... You really need to get outside more" he moaned as he headed for the castle doors"

" Right! I'm off then, ill see you a bit later Twilight" he shouted back.

" Sure thing Spike, have fun, but not too much fun, if you decide to go that far, if you know what I mean!" she teased.

" Yes Twilight, I know exactly what you mean, and no I'm not doing that" he stated before shutting the door behind him.

Meanwhile on the hill Sunny Ray was setting up the picnic for herself and her new friend, she had arrived a little bit earlier and decided to surprise him.

Setting up the picnic layout, with a overload of assorted treats, something that even a dragon couldn't say no to.

Being a decent cook, she decided to experiment with different foods for the occasion and finished off by adding some gems for her special friend.

To say she went overboard was correct as she mostly focused on what food a dragon would like and not really caring what she was going to eat to a degree, but she liked making a good impression on an I guess you could call it a date even if they both at the time didn't say date but either way she was happy.

" There..... finally finished...... Its perfect, everything looks too good to eat if I must say so myself, oh I hope he likes it, hes not going to believe the hours I had to dig up those gems for this assortment" she mumbled in a slight panic.

" OK so he'll be here in a few minutes....... oh this is exciting, but a bit terrifying, oh damn these emotions for forsaking me" as she sat down and twitched her leg on a nerve.

It didn't take long for Spike to reach Sunny at the hill and at this point it was already evening.

They both greeted each other warmly and then began to sit down to enjoy the food and atmosphere.

Spike was soon swooped with smells as he sat down, with the different arrangements of treats he did admire her effort and complemented her on it, which made her blush slightly.

" Sunny you didn't have to go to this effort for me, its very nice of you."

"I know what you mean, now that I think about it some more, but I couldn't help myself, I just wanted this picnic to be perfect" she lovingly replied.

"Well its a 10/10 from me and to see you went out of your way to get gems as well, I wasn't expecting that" he complemented once more.

"Oh stop Spike, you charmer your making me blush..... but I thank you for your praise" blushing more furiously.

"No I'm being Honest, its very admirable and" as he took a bite out of some vanilla cake with some gems placed on top by himself " this food is delicious! sorry if it doesn't last long but its very tasty" he happily chewed.

Giggling sweetly " I'm glad you like it, so it makes me happy."

Little by little the arrangement of food slowly disappeared over the course of the evening, laughter, happiness and fun of the two friends could be heard, to the point that if it wasn't for the fact that Pinkie pie had another party on, she properly would be joining in, anything fun that girl.

Laughing loudly " Oh Spike you are so funny, this has been so much fun."

"Indeed" he chimed back.

"You know I don't think I've ever really connected with someone like this before" she replied.

"Yeah" he mimicked.

"I mean, the levels" she stated confidently.

"The same sense of humor" he added.

"The personality" she added again.

"Our outlooks on life" he added again.

" The connection" they added finally together.

They paused as they looked into each others eyes, before becoming embarrassed and looked away.

A few seconds went by before " Oh look Spike the sun's setting" she said eagerly whist getting an idea " I have an idea...... follow me."

Being a bit nervous, spike agreed " Ok..."

Sunny decided she wanted to watch the sun set from a better view so she went to a nearby tree, facing towards the sunset and decided to sit on one of its branches witnessing one of the best views across the ponyville's landscape.

With Spike following along behind her, she patted a spot next to her telling him to get comfortable.

Spike did so as requested, soon to find that she next snuggled right up against him, making him jump a bit, but he soon relaxed.

She smiled knowing what she doing was over the top, but she couldn't help it, too many romance films will do that to you, but it seemed Spike didn't mind.

So the two friends sat there... smiling happily..... peacefully without a care in the world..... just the two of them as the sun was nearly setting.

But one thing was missing, one thing that would complete this "date" , a kiss to finish it off.

Hesitating and fidgeting on the branch until surprisingly Spike spoke first just before Sunny.

"Sunny" he whispered.

"Yes Spike" she replied happily, knowing what was going to happen at this point.

Sweating a bit " wo...uld it be all right if ... I mean if its ok If i kiss you" he panicked.

Feeling giddy from excitement Sunny was happy he had the courage to do it himself, but if he didn't she would of easily done it herself knowing how he is.

" Of course you can" she beamed happily.

"Heh Heh Heh" as he nervously laughed back "......ok"

As the sunset disappeared behind a small mountain, Spike lips slowly inched closer to Sunny's until she happily finished the distance with a smooch.

With closing eyes, It was not very long but it was warm, it was loving, it was genuine and it seemed to make them both relaxed as they fell into the embrace that felt safe, like nothing could hurt them as long as they stayed together.

As it came to an end the two knew that today was perfect and nothing was going to ruin that.

" How was that for you" she beamed at her special friend"

"Like Magic" he replied happily " how was it for you.

" Perfect" she lovingly replied


" I'll tell you one thing Sunny" he stated from the silence.

" What that Spike" she questioned.

" Its defiantly now K I S S I N G in the tree" he said jokingly

Lightly giggling " Oh You"

A little bit later Sunny and Spike had packed up the picnic gear and headed back to Sunny's home, being the gentleman, he was very happy to assort her back to make sure she got home safely.

Reaching Sunny's home, the two friends felt two things as the day came to a close, one of happiness between each other and one of sadness as it went by so fast.

" Well here we are my lady, back safe and sound" he announced.

She giggled lightly at his goofy antics but smiled warmly " Thank you Spike for a wonderful day, I really enjoyed myself."

Rubbing his neck " well it was your idea, I should be thanking you really, I wouldn't of had the courage to do this, I was just happy to help you out that night."

Sighing happily " I know you did Spike and I'm very glad that you bumped into me like that otherwise" moving closer to his head fin, she whispered " I wouldn't of met a very nice gentleman" Smooch.

Spike was caught off guard by the kiss and soon blushed into a dark shade of pink.

" I would love to do this again sometime, is anytime next week good for you" she added.

All he could do was nod his head.

She giggled once more from his actions again " well I have to get in to get some shut eye, them clouds are not going to move themselves"

"Sure" he said with a big grin on his face " you know when your up there, if you look out for a"

"WHAT IS THIS ALL ABOUT!" came a familiar voice.

Sunny jumped but then frowned when she saw who it was "REG! what are doing here".

Spike turned around, still a bit dazed " REG."

Coughing with a temper " that would be me pipsqueak"

" Hey I'm not tiny anymore and" but Sunny interrupted " What are doing here, I thought I told you I didn't want to see you again" she muttered.

" You did, but I don't care, I came back because I messed up and I'm not giving up that easily, but seeing this I am surprised."

"Your surprised, you should of never shown your face again, I'm moving on and I'm leaving you behind" she bluntly stated.

Holding back laughter " What! with scaly here, good rebound" he huffed.

At this point Spike decided to stand up for his special friend " For your information, it is not a rebound, secondly Sunny is not that type of pony to do that and lastly."

" Oh give it a rest Dragon, your stepping on my turf and I'm not letting go so easily" as he hoofed the ground looking like he was ready to charge"

" OH NO YOU DON'T" came another reply as a spell came over the gruff pony pausing him in his tracks.

" What the" remarked Spike and Sunny.

Then emerging from the shadows was Twilight with her horn glowing.

"Twilight" he shouted.

"Princess" she shouted.

She huffed up to the gruff pony in her magic aura " Don't you even think of messing with my number one assistant or his new friend otherwise there will be a lot of trouble coming your way buster.

"Princess!" he gulped not knowing what to think " you mean that pip squeak."

"SPIKE! to you" she interrupted.

" Spike I mean" he panicked " is your friend."

"Yes he is and if I see you around again causing trouble, lets just say I wont be the only princess that will know about it" she growled.

At this point the gruff stallion was at her mercy and becoming a right state to the point that when she released him he whimpered away as fast as he could without looking back.

Spike was relieved to see Twilight even if he wasn't worried for long, but the better question was how did she come to there aid at the right time?

" Thanks Twilight... but where did you come from, I mean talk about lucky breaks"

" Oh I have my ways" coughing slightly to signal to the others hiding in a nearby bush to go, with a unseen bush leaving the scene with a rainbow tail, hat and pink mane poking out of it."

To say that Sunny was surprised was an understatement as she bowed to Twilight.

Twilight nervously coughed " No need to do that Sunny, we're all equal."

Sunny then stood back onto all fours and looked towards Spike.

" Soooooo your the princess's assistant, now there's something I never would of thought."

Feeling guilty " I'm sorry I didn't tell you about that Sunny, it slipped my mind really."

" Its ok Spike, I understand, I mean it not something that you can casually put in a conversation" giving him a cuddle.

" Thanks......Sooooo... I guess this is the best time to do it , Twilight meet Sunny, Sunny meet Twilight."

"Hello, nice to meet you" they both said shaking hoofs.

"Well this has been an interesting day" he stated with relief.

" It was perfect" as Sunny looked towards him "....... and if Twilight doesn't mind, now I know where you live, I could pop by if you like sometime."

" Really that would be cool " he beamed.

Looking towards Twilight, she smiled " I don't see why not, but you still have to do those jobs around the castle to help out first before doing any arrangements."

" Twilight!! In front of Sunny" he moaned.

" Whoops, sorry Spike...... well Ill see you back at home" as she teleported away."

Giggling immensely.

" What is it " he wondered.

" Well if that does happen, ill give you an extra hoof to speed things up."

" Thanks" he said with embarrassment.

" Don't worry about it Spike, its really sweet that you help out for the princess, besides that makes me like you even more, See you later" she said with glee.

" Of course" he replied.

With that she blew a kiss to him before closing the door.

Spike smiled and turned away towards the castle with a reply that only he could hear.


The End