
by SprocketProductions

1 My Secret Life

Hey there, I'm Aria, I'm physically a stallion, that means I have my male parts and I'm severely lacking in my female ones. I do still prefer female pronouns, especially when not around family. Before that gets awkward, let's move on to other things about me. Let's touch on the fact that I look like a mare. Quite a lucky break I got there, huh? My problem is my oddly deep voice. I've learned to make it sound female though. Okay, okay, you're right, that's basically the same subject, just a different aspect of it. Let's move on for real this time.

I love video games, and I always have. I love them so much, I decided to take up creating them. One thing led to another and eventually I got my cutie mark in game design. I don't do anything too advanced gameplay-wise, but I really do try and get into a deep story. Not that I'm always successful. Anyway, at this point, I'm 17 years old and nearing the end of my junior year in high school, making three F's... yeah... can somepony say minimum wage aside from me selling indie games? Not the most glamorous life I'll be living, but hopefully I'll be able to turn it around. And that's where my story begins, with my life. It's been a long and dramatic one, so buckle up and enjoy the ride. Oh, also be aware that I might not be the most accurate point of view. I can get a little dramatic.

I had a fairly normal birth, the only abnormal thing about it was exactly how normal it was. I came out of my mom and that was that. I was about a week early into the world, but dangit, I was going to see the world! I started my life as a happy foal, just like anypony. There were ups and downs, but more of the former. As I started to grow older, I was befriending more mares than stallions. I'd play dress up with them and honestly, I enjoyed it, a lot. I would let them do my make-up and make me look pretty, and I liked having that aesthetic.

My parents thought it was just a phaze, they were just convinced I would grow out of it. Adults always seem to project their thoughts onto their foals, you know? They enforce what they think is right, and whether you agree with them or not, you're forced to comply or face punishment. So I was forced to look, talk, and act like a stallion, even though that was the opposite of what I wanted to be. Don't get me wrong, stallions were all fine and dandy, but that didn't mean I liked BEING one. It felt so unfair, but I didn't have any choice in the matter, so I was just the good little stallion I was supposed to be. Of course, I suppose in retrospect, they weren't all that bad.

At school, I would act more like a girl, luckily, my name wasn't really a stallion's name; Aria was an aspect of me that I liked, it was feminine, and it was pretty. I would hang out with the mares for the most part. There was one stallion who knew my real sex I hung out with. His name was Technic Rift. He was into all the nerdy stuff I was into and more. We would roleplay as our favorite superheroes. I would always find a way to roleplay a hero of the opposite sex from me. Technic would laugh at me for it, but he knew I enjoyed feeling feminine, so he didn't stop me.

As I started to mature, I started having feelings for Technic, but I knew he was straight, so I kept it to myself. I always implied it subtly though. If I couldn't be in a relationship with him, I wasn't going to lose him as a friend. He was too close. I was a year older than him, so when I moved on to middle school, I was deprived of my best friend. I thought I was going to be reunited for seventh grade, but before that year started, we moved to Canterlot and I never got to see my precious friend again. I really wish we had shared contact information so we could stay in touch, but he was just gone. A whisper of a memory on the wind that made up my consciousness. Sorry, I get dramatic with my metaphors. It's one thing my fans seem to complain about in some of my games' dialogue.

I didn't really make many real life friends in eighth grade through high school, since I was doing online school, but I did end up getting a lot of internet friends. I eventually discovered what I was. One day in eighth grade, it all made sense to me. The constantly feeling trapped in my body, the wanting to play dress up with the mares more than hoofball with the stallions, and the roleplaying as Batmare instead of somepony like Iron Stallion or Captain Equestria. I was trans, or transgender. It didn't shock me, and it certainly didn't change me, but it let me know that I wasn't alone.

In high school, my parents started to have conflict with me. I started making more internet friends and then, my parents would block that site on my computer and/or take away my tablet, which is what I would use to contact said friends. Of course, I wouldn't consider it unjust, seeing as I was often staying up late at night instead of sleeping, or hopping on when I should have been getting school work done. I got to the point where I just didn't get attached to any of my internet friends, but that all changed on, my favorite My Little Human fandom social network. The ponies on MgP were all so nice and accepting. There were even a few who were trans male to female just like me. I quickly got attached to them. I thought of them like family. I didn't want to give up my family which I had chosen. Then began chapter 1 of my secret life. I knew it was to be a long one.