Dragon Bro Z

by MrWriterWriter

Foray Into Dreams, Part 1

"Ah, 'at hed dah shpot..." Spike mumbled through a mouthful of rubies. Once everyone had calmed down and Celestia had managed to let Twilight know of her new status as Princess of Friendship, Pinkie, true to form, promptly ran off to get things set for what she called a 'Victory/Spike's-come-home/Twilight-has-her-own-castle-now' party.

That was around two hours ago. In the meantime, Fluttershy had gone to check on her animals and Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash made sure the CMC were all right.

Needless to say, the three fillies were ecstatic to hear their friend was alive and kicking...and victims to a substantial jaw-dropping when they saw his new appearance. The trio had actually spent a good five minutes running around him throwing out questions about where he'd been, what was he wearing, how'd he get so tall-since now they only reached his knees-and similar ones.

They were all now currently at Sugar Cube Corner chowing down on donuts, sandwiches, hay fries, chips, nachos, pretzels, candy-coated chocolates, a big bowl of gems for Spike courtesy of Rarity, and a barrel of root beer Luna had recently gotten from Appaloosa that she was saving for a special occasion.

Cadence, on the other hand, had to go make sure Shining was all right, as well as return to the Crystal Empire with him to check on their subjects. Though, she did promise they'd both come back afterwards.

"Well now, Spike." Celestia spoke up around a powdered donut, "Since our emotions have settled down," She sat down beside her adopted son. "I believe the story this King Kai fellow mentioned is in order."

"Ah'll say." Applejack added, "Ah mean, how in tarnation did you get strong enough to do...well, to do THAT to a fella like Tirek?"

Rainbow Dash was the next to respond, "Yeah! And how'd you learn to fly without wings!?"

"WHAT!?" Scootaloo yelped, almost choking on her drink.

"I'm kind of curious about all that, too." Twilight said, sitting down on his other side, "But mostly, again, where have you been? Where did you go?"

"Like I said, it's a long story." He relaxed against the table while the others all gathered around to listen, "I guess the best spot to start off is waking up to the voice of the guy I'd soon be calling Grandpa." He allowed his eyes to unfocus. "His name was Gohan, and...well..." He sighed, "He's kind of a hard fella to describe. I wish I could show you, but I didn't bring any pictures with me..." He looked sadly at the table, his spikes drooping slightly in the process. "For that matter, there really aren't any pictures of him. Nowhere except in my memories, at least.."

"Then perhaps that is where we should hear the story, later tonight," Luna suggested. "That is, if everyone can hold their curiosity that long."

"What do you mean?" The confusion in Spike's voice was matched by almost everyone else there.

Luna smiled warmly. "I am the Princess of Dreams as well as the Night, remember? If a story can only be told from your memories, Spike, what better way to tell them than with a dream of those times? With your permission, I can bring everyone into your dreams to hear and see the events firsthoof."

"Into his dreams?" King Kai spoke up.

"My sister is capable of entering the dreams of others." Celestia offered. She was still a little unnerved by the uninvited telepathic communication, but she rallied gamely, "It's mainly to deal with nightmares, though she does like exploring the more interesting dreams ponies can have."

"Hey, now that's not a bad idea!" King Kai spoke up, noticeably intrigued. "If that ability works the way I think it does, I should be able to meet you all there face to face, too!"

Spike chuckled and looked to the others, "I don't mind if it's cool with all of you."

"Ooh! We can break the castle in with a sleepover!" Pinkie squealed.

"Well, that will give me time to make sure Angel and the others are all settled in." Fluttershy said.

Rainbow perked up, "I'm game! Would be kinda awesome to watch it ourselves."

"What Rainbow said." Applejack agreed.

"Ah...Ah guess. Still wanna know how ya go so dang big!" Apple Bloom pointed at him.

"Me too!" Sweetie Bell threw her two bits in.

"He can WHAT!?" Scootaloo managed to get out from her coughing fit.

"As eager as I am to see what our Spikey went through, I'm enough of a lady to be patient." Rarity commented.

"Well...a few more hours won't hurt." Twilight conceded. "We can check out the castle until then."

"Looks like it's unanimous." He crunched down another handful of gems before turning back to Twilight, "So, Twi, are you gonna stay at the library and just use the castle for Princess-y stuff or are we moving in there?"

His question was met with a rather uneasy expression, "Uh..Spike..." She started, "Golden Oaks....it's..."



"I'M GONNA BREAK HIS OTHER ARM!!" Sugar Cube Corner shuddered from his scream, sending several ponies outside running for cover.

"Spike, wait!"

"Oh goodness!"

"Wait, is that horn of his still out there? I'm gonna break his other arm, then shove it up right up his....!"

"Whoa! Settle down, sugarcube! Why didn't ah bring my rope!?"

"Hold him!"

"What do you think I'm trying to do?!"

"...And it's gonna go in SIDEWAYS!!"