//------------------------------// // (Part 1) Lover's Lame // Story: Yugioh Spiez: Opperation Duel: Final Season // by DakariKingMykan //------------------------------// CHAPTER FIFTEEN Persuading Tami to duel was fairly easy, all I did was tell her she’d get extra credit, and she was desperate enough to need more good marks, she jumped right into it. However, there was a problem with choosing her partner… she wanted Lee to be her buddy, personally so she could try and flirt with him. Of course I couldn’t tell her that Lee was a spy and out there fighting more of the ponies. So I figured, the only other person who could duel alongside her was her own tutor, and my long-time rival and failed-student, Mandy. How she managed to go so long unaffected was a mystery to me, but convincing her to come to the island was a rough course. She was very rude on the phone, and still hadn’t outgrown her overstuffed ego, not to mention continued to insult me, Clover, Sam and Alex, and that I was relying on her for help “Because for once you admit you can’t do something yourself” she worded it “And you’re the world champ; you’re just pathetic!” Finally, I lost patience and informed her about the situation with Tami, and how she needed help, and as Tami’s private tutor, she was obligated to agree. This also made her realize about the moon and how it was going to hit us, and even though she still didn’t believe much for magic and all that stuff, it couldn’t be denied anymore. As cruel and as stuck-up as Mandy was, she didn’t want the Earth to be destroyed. “Even if I survived, I’d never be able to claim my title as the greatest duelist, and I wouldn’t be able to show up you losers anymore.” “Why don’t we cut out the dramatics? I have a duel to win.” Mandy said aloud. “You mean we have a duel to win.” said Tami. The two ponies were not amused. “You actually think these two can defeat us?” snapped Shining Armor. “I do…” I snarled “Mandy and Tami may not seem like the ideal duelists, but they can be strong when they need to be.” “Uh, yeah… try again.” Mandy said “I am strong; stronger than the lot of you losers put together. I may have made a few mistakes in the past, but I never accept defeat.” Resisting any urges to argue, knowing what a pain Mandy was, and the ponies demanded the get the duel on with; both of them feeling this would be easier than they thought. “Let’s get it on.” snapped Tami. Posts were taken and everything was set. The score stood… SCORE: Cadance: 4000 & Shining: Armor: 4000 VS Mandy: 4000 & Tami: 4000 Shining Armor would go first, then Tami, then over to Cadance, and then Mandy, and as usual, neither player could make an attack on the first move. “Good luck, dear.” Cadance said. Her husband winked at her “I don’t need luck, not while I’m here with you.” “Can you quit the lovely-dovey slop and move already?!” snarled Mandy. Shining Armor sneered and drew his cards. “I summon ROYAL KNIGHT!” (Atk: 1300) “Next I’ll place one card facedown and end my turn.” He then nodded at his wife, and she nodded at him. Now it was Tami’s turn “My draw…” she took her card “I summon MADOLCHE MEWFEUILLE in defense mode!” (Def: 300) Mandy was not very impressed by Tami’s monster, and berated her for it. “That’s the best you’ve got. Why I ever chose you as my private student is beyond me.” “Hey!” snapped Tami “It’s just my first move, and speaking of my move, when my monster is summoned, I can summon another Maldoche from my hand like MESSENGELATO!” (Def: 1000) “And when he’s special summoned, while I have Beast type Madolche in play, I can add one Madolche spell or trap tom my hand from my deck, and I’ll use it right now; MADOLCHE CHATEAU!” The ground rumbled as out popped a huge doll mansion. It would give Tami’s monsters 500 extra attack and defense points. (Def: 300) ---> (Def: 800) (Def: 1000) ---> (Def: 1500) Mandy was still not impressed “First dolls, and now dollhouses? Lamo…!” Tami growled annoyingly. Sabrina and I didn’t like where this was going. Still, Tami placed a card facedown, ending her turn, passing control to Cadance. “Let the love burn forth.” she hissed as she drew her card “Since you control a monster and I don’t, I summon forth HAPPY LOVER!” (Atk: 800) “What…?! What’s going on?” snapped Mandy “You summon a monster that puny and that weak? You’re out of your mind.” “No I’m not.” said Cadance “Remember, we duel with love on our side, and I thought I’d prove it to you.” The girls were not amused, but Cadance placed two cards facedown and ended her turn. “Took you long enough!” growled Mandy as she took her card. “For my first superior move, I play POT OF GREED so I can draw two more cards.” She laughed as she drew her cards. Cadance and Shining Armor gazed forth with concern. “All right, now I’ll show you how a real master uses her cards.” said Mandy “I activate POLYMERIZATION! With this spell, I fuse all three of my BLUE EYES WHITE DRAGON(s) into an all-powerful beast of destruction; BLUE EYES ULTIMATE DRAGON!” (Atk: 4500) The mighty dragon roared loudly, making the two ponies gazed up at it in awe and with a bit of fear. “She played a monster that powerful in one turn!” cried Cadance. “Stay strong, honey.” said her husband. Tami was impressed, and felt maybe she and Mandy would have a better chance now. Still, Mandy wasn’t allowed to attack, so she set two cards facedown and ended her turn. This was it. Now that each duelist had moved, it was time for the real duel to begin. Sabrina and I both were rooting for the girls on silently as Shining Armor drew his card. He peeked at it, and then gazed over at his wife, and she nodded back at him. “I activate a spell, CHANGE OF HEART! It lets me take control of any monster on the field I choose, and I chose my wife’s monster!” Mandy and Tami gawked in confusion, and wondered why he would do that. Cadance graciously let him take it from her for what he needed to do, and blew him a kiss. Her husband nodded at her, and then turned back to face the girls… “I activate the spell LEVEL LIFTER!” Tami clenched her fist nervously, knowing that card fully well. Shining Armor then discarded a level nine monster from his hand, which made both monsters he controlled level nine. “I now overlay both my monsters and build the overlay network! I call forth NUMBER 9: DYSON SPHERE!” (Atk: 2800) Everyone gazed up at the huge creature. It was big enough to house everyone on the island in it. even Mandy was in shock by its large size. “Good move.” said Cadance. Her husband nodded thankfully, but Mandy scoffed “You call that thing a threat. It hardly packs much of a punch compared to my Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon.” “You’re right, it doesn’t…” said Shining Armor “So I’ll use its special ability then. By using an overlay unit, since your monster is stronger than mine I’ll attack you directly!” “Ah!” Mandy gasped, and then Shining Armor ordered his monster to attack. “How pathetic…” said Mandy “I activate the trap SAKURETSU ARMOR!” Shining Armor growled, knowing it meant that his monster would be destroyed. However, as Mandy’s trap snared the monster, it suddenly stopped. “What?!” she snapped “Why didn’t my trap pull through!” That’s when Cadance snickered, immediately telling Mandy “…You!” “You didn’t think I’d let you harm my husband that easy, did you?” she teased “So I played DESTRUCTION JAMMER! Letting me discard one card I have, so your trap is canceled.” Mandy growled, and Shining Armor glared at her, ordering his direct attack to continue, but then it was Mandy’s turn to snicker “Sorry, but I’m slicker than I look.” she said “I activate ATTACK GUIDANCE ARMOR!” The ponies winced in shock, and Mandy’s armor trap attached to Tami’s Mewfeuille. “Hey! What are you doing?!” she snapped. “What does it look like; I’m saving my life points.” Mandy answered “My Attack Guidance Armor redirects any attack to the monster wearing it.” As a result, the attack hit Tami’s monster destroying it. Since it was in defense-mode, Tami didn’t lose life points, and her field spell allowed her to put the monster back in her hand, but still, she was not happy the way Mandy just sacrificed her monster like that. “Next time, ask me when you’re about to pull a move like that!” she snarled. “I don’t ask anyone for anything.” snapped Mandy “Well, maybe my mom. Besides, better your monster than my life points, and you wonder why you fail here.” The two ponies were amused that the girls were fighting each other rather than working together. “Ladies…!” I called out to them “Stop bickering with one another. You’ve got to pull together or you can’t win at all.” “Mind your own business, Mykan.” snapped Mandy “I’m sick of everyone trying to tell me what’s best. So keep your advice to yourself!” “Mandy!” I growled. Shining Armor laughed at how silly this looked “As entertaining as this is, I’ll end my turn with one card facedown.” Now it was Tami’s turn, she drew her card. “I’ll re-summon my Mewfeuille!” (Def: 300) ---> (Def: 800) “And of course, that means I can summon another Madolche; and I choose CHOUXVALIER!” (Atk: 1700) ---> (Atk: 2200) “More of those dolls, huh?” said Cadance “Sure takes me back to the many times I played with Twilight while foal-sitting her.” Tami smirked “Really, well let’s see how you like it when I do this; I overlay both Chouxvalier and Messengelato. With these monsters, I build the overlay network, and Xyz Summon MADOLCHE QUEEN TIARAMISU!” (Atk: 2200) ---> (Atk: 2700) “I doubt very much that monster will help you crush mine.” said Shining Armor, but Tami smirked “Who said I was going after your monster. I’m going after your pretty wife. She doesn’t have any monsters to protect her, so I’m going straight for her life points.” Cadance winced nervously, and Tami ordered her monster to attack. “Nice try!” snapped Cadance “But I activate my facedown card; CRYSTAL VEIL!” “I don’t think so!” snapped Tami “I was saving this for just the right moment; the trap MADOLCHE TEA BREAK!” “What?” Cadance snapped. “What are you doing?” added Shining Armor. Tami smirked and said “Since I haven’t got any monsters in my graveyard right now, I can stop your trap and send it back to your hand.” Cadance’s card returned to its holster. “May I remind you that I don’t have any hands!” she sneered as she clapped her hooves. “Big whoop, you also have no protection from my attack anymore!” said Tami, and monster continued to dive at Cadance. “Oh, really, guess again!” snarled Shining Armor. “Say what?!” snapped Tami. “I activate XYZ MOVE! This trap lets me give Cadance control of the Dyson Sphere, and your battle phase automatically ends.” Tami, even Mandy was shocked. Sabrina and I could hardly believe it either. “They’re dueling better than we thought.” Sabrina said, and I had to agree with her. It seemed that Cadance and Shining Armor had devised a well-made strategy to keep each other protected. If one of their cards failed, the other could back it up. “Well, looks like you screwed up another one.” Mandy mocked. “Will, you shut up!” snarled Tami “I tried my best.” “You mean you tried and you failed.” Sabrina was starting to think maybe we had made a mistake pairing Tami with Mandy. Their bickering was getting way out of hand already, and even as much as I could see that, deep down I knew I wasn’t wrong when choosing them. I kept saying to myself that they could win, because I was still confident about one thing for sure…! “Maybe next time you ought to try and like help me when I need it!” snarled Tami. Mandy just scoffed and looked away from her, while the two ponies snickered wickedly as they exchanged cheeky looks. Tami ended her turn with a facedown card. Now it was Cadance’s turn, and she drew her card. “Now, then, I think I’ll play GRACEFUL CHARITY. So I draw three cards, and then discard two.” Cadance drew her cards and then discarded two monsters as part of her strategy. “Now, since I don’t trust that facedown card I’ll use the MYSTICAL SPACE TYPHOON!" Tami's card got zapped and was vaporized in the huge blast. Then Cadance eyed at Mandy “Now, let’s try this again, shall we…” and she activated the sphere’s effect and this time, the girls couldn’t stop it. Cadance ordered the attack, and Mandy got blasted super hard, losing 2800 points. SCORE: Cadance: 4000 & Shining: Armor: 4000 VS Mandy: 1200 & Tami: 4000 “No!” shouted Tami. “Mandy’s lost more than half her life points already!” I cried Mandy growled angrily. “Excellent shot, Cadance.” cried Shining Armor. His wife giggled softly, and fluttered her eyes, and then she turned to sneer at the girls “You see, love has always been on our side, and it always will be.” Her husband nodded, and then scorned at me “And you… what were you thinking? These little twerps couldn’t beat us even if they had a hundred monsters in play. That goes for you and your silly wife as well.” Sabrina gasped angrily. I clenched my fist in anger and gnashed my teeth. “You dare insult my wife? I promise, you will suffer for what you’ve said.” “Ha!” snapped Cadance “The only ones who will suffer is your silly stand-ins. Now I’ll place two cards facedown and end my turn.” “About time you did…” snarled Mandy. She drew her card, then she glared over at Shining Armor “All right; it’s lights out for you, dweebo. Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, attack his life points and wipe him out!” Mandy’s Dragon opened its three mouths and charged up brightly, ready to attack. “I don’t think so...” sneered Cadance “...Remember my CRYSTAL VEIL! Now I can banish the Happy Love from my graveyard, now I can stop your dragon’s attack, and inflict damage to you equal to your monster’s attack points.” “Ah!” Mandy gasped. Tami was shocked as well, it meant Mandy’s life points would be all gone if the card’s effect resolved. “I don’t think so…” snapped Mandy “From my hand I play DE-FUSION! It stops my attack, and it splits my dragon into the three Blue Eyes I fused it with.” (Atk: 3000) x3 The ponies growled softly, and Tami sighed hard in relief. “I thought she was toast.” Mandy snickered “And it’s still my battle phase, and I’ve got three fresh dragons to use now.” The ponies gasped. Mandy then ordered one of her Blue Eyes to attack Shining Armor directly, but once again he was prepared for this “I activate CALL OF THE EARTHBOUND!” “What?!” snarled Mandy, and she watched as her dragon began to aim off towards the Dyson Sphere instead. “Thanks to my trap, I can control where your attack goes.” He cast a look at Cadance, and she nodded at him, and he nodded at her. Then the Blue Eyes attacked the Sphere, and nothing happened at all. “Hey, what gives?” asked Tami “Why didn’t your monster hit the bricks?” Cadance snickered “It’s called a special ability; when our Dyson Sphere is attacked while it has no overlay units, I can attach two monsters in my graveyard right onto it, and now that it has overlay units again, once during your battle phase I can negate your one attack.” Mandy was livid, but then she laughed nastily “So what, you blocked one attack, but I still have two more dragons.” She ordered her second Blue Eyes to attack Shining Armor directly, but it too began to aim off its target and fired at Mandy’s first Blue Eyes. With both their attacks equal, both dragons were destroyed. “No, my dragons!” shouted Mandy. Then she saw what happened. “You!!” she thundered at Cadance. “That’s right…” Cadance laughed “I activated CONFUSION CHAFF! This trap only works when you declare a second direct attack during this battle phase and forced your monsters to attack each other.” Mandy was so incredibly outraged, that she furiously ordered her final dragon to attack. “Think again…” snapped Shining Armor, and from his hand, or rather his holster, he discarded his only card “By discarding SWIFT SCARECROW when you declare a direct attack your battle phase ends!” “Ah!” the girls both shrieked. Sabrina and I could hardly believe it. “What a flawless play.” cried Sabrina “Yes, it was…” I agreed “They played their cards so perfectly, not only sparing themselves from taking damage, but it cost Mandy two of her dragons as well.” Now Mandy was starting to feel a little distraught, and it didn’t go unnoticed. “What’s the matter? Are you astounded by our perfection and love?” hissed Shining Armor. His wife snickered “We told you both. Our love is strong, it’s the one force that conquers all, and nothing you have, nothing you pull can stop us.” Mandy and Tami gazed at one another, and then felt the ponies laughing at hoot starting to break at them. How could they possibly win against such a strong duo? To Be Continued…!