My Fair Little Spike (A very awful fic)

by DakariKingMykan



Hearts and Hooves day was coming, in just a few more days, and all of Ponyville was busy decorating. Twilight was trying to think of a friendly Valentine letter she wanted to send to Princess Celestia. After, it didn’t hurt to show affection to her teacher, she even bought special pink parchment with beautiful red and white hearts decorated around the edges, but she couldn’t think of anything to write.

“Ugh!” she sighed “How do you express your feelings for your beloved teacher, especially the princess?” she wondered aloud.

Just then she heard Spike say “Will you be my special somepony?”

“Spike…?” Twilight looked down and saw him pacing around the floor holding a flower in his claw and going. “Will you please be my very special somepony? No, no, that sounds like I’m begging.” He cleared his throat and began to act all cool and calm “Yo, what say you? Care to be my somepony?” but he groaned conked his head “No! No! No! That’s really no good.”

“Um, Spike?” Twilight said completely startling him, and he startled her. “Twilight, don’t sneak up on me like that!”

Twilight blinked once in confusion, but then she did realize that Spike was obviously practicing to try and ask somepony to be his very special somepony “Aw, that is so sweet.” Twilight said.

Spike tried to deny it that he just wanted to practice his manners for the party that Pinkie Pie was throwing, but Twilight knew how to get him to fess up. “Rarity said she’d love to.”

Spike whirled around, his eyes with hopeful twinkles and hearts in his pupils. “She did?!” he asked anxiously, but then realized “I mean… I… Ah!”

Twilight giggled. “Spike, Rarity knows you like her, and I’m sure if you just be yourself and be nice, of course she’ll agree.”

Somehow Spike doubted that, but he decided it best to go off and ask her. “Good luck lover boy.” Twilight teased.

Spike felt really embarrassed, but as he walked to Rarity’s shop he kept on taking deep cleansing breaths and kept on telling himself. “You can do this. Just be yourself, and ask her nicely and…” he still felt as if it wouldn’t work “Well, I guess I better get it over with. The sooner even if she says no, the easier it’ll be.”

He walked round the bend with the shop up ahead, but much to his shock, there was a whole crowd of males and colts all wanting to be Rarity’s special somepony on Hearts and Hooves. Some of them had even made large banners with messages, and others had showered her with many gifts and bouquets of flowers. Rarity, who was standing on the terrace, had never felt so flattered, but as she just couldn’t possibly take this, she publicly announced “Every Colt and gentlepony. As flattered as I am that you are constantly showering me with these fabulous gifts, I have ultimately decided to hold a contest to determine who is worthy of becoming my very special somepony for Hearts and Hooves day.”

The rules were simple. Everypony was to bring her one special gift, and if she was pleased enough then that one would have the privilege of becoming her special somepony and they only had until Hearts and Hooves day to come up with the right gift, and each one would only be allowed to bring her one. Just one, so as to equal fairness!

All the ponies cheered for joy and ran off to start preparing, but poor Spike, he felt as if he were going to die. He had no idea whatsoever of what to get Rarity, or if even that were possible. “I’m history!” he groaned!