//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: Chaos // Story: A Wizards Path // by mari tech //------------------------------// Twilight started to have a mini panic-attack, Nikolai has his ribs and leg broken. Twilight heard rustling behind her a nearly shot a spell at Fluttershy. Fluttershy came near cautiously because she saw the creature next to twilight on the ground. Nikolai spoke. "Hey can i please get some help?" Fluttershy didn't know what to do with herself after knowing that this unknown creature can talk. She decided not to talk to the creature, but to Twilight instead. "is.. is everything alright... i saw a blue beam in the sky... i felt attracted to it." "That was Nikolai, it must be some kind of beacon spell." "Is that the creature laying on the ground?" "Yes, now, we need help stat!" Fluttershy ran in the direction of Ponyville. It was going to take a while before she gets back with the emergency medics. Welp, guess it's time to make a small camp. Twilight used her levitation magic to make a tent out of rocks, sticks, and leaves, she also made a camp fire for heat. Twilight thought that everything was going to be alright. What twilight didn't notice was that Fluttershy she saw, was a changeling and went to inform the nearby camp. and in the night Twilight was attacked. "Nikolai get up! We are under attack!" Nikolai woke up slowly but eventually stood up, even with the pain. The first thing he saw was black figures darting around launching green fireballs at the camp. Nikolai put up several ice walls around the camp to absorb the blows of the fireballs, of course they didn't last long. Twilight began putting air and order together and blasting back the fireballs. A changeling snuck up behind Twilight and grabbed her, another bound her with a light green goo and caused her to be frozen, unable to move. The same thing happened to Nikolai and he was stuck in place. It seems the changelings have won. The two were carried back to the changeling camp and bound to upright posts. They were trapped with no place to go. The changelings bickered back and forth about what to do with them, it ranged from torture, to eating them, to burning them, and to use them as a 'play toy'. This is not on Nikolai's to do list, he started to plan how to escape, Twilight was thinking the same. An hour passed and the changelings agreed on burning their captors. Nikolai got his plan ready and struggled against the goo, and picked out a old battered scroll, a scroll gives the user a spell with one use to use absolutely free. he got one with a cyan seal with a crystal imprinted in it. he used the scroll by thinking of the spell he was going to use, the scroll iced over and shattered, the changelings looked at Nikolai ready to fire. Everything went in slow motion as fireballs were fired at Nikolai, the fireballs disappeared into thin air and the temperature dropped to 30 degrees Fahrenheit. from the ground grew a ice crystal that expanded, after growing, it sprouted legs and arms made from ever-frost ice, and ice that cannot be melted. The ice pointed at the end to give a nice icy thrusting attack, small yellow eyes appeared in a cross formation on the front of the creature. a smashing sound resonated in the forest as the creature sprang with life. The ice golem stood up, looked around, and began its carnage on the camp. it started to smash the tents, stab the changelings and destroy the ground underneath it causing trees to fall causing even more damage. changeling corpses lay on the ground with green blood everywhere. the creature went to Twilight and Nikolai and cut them loose by freezing and smashing the goo. the ice golem then exploded in a shower of ice but missing Nikolai and Twilight. and just like that... it was gone. "Nikolai... what did you do?" Twilight could hardly breath from fear that the creature would hurt her. "Ice golem scroll." "whatever that was... it was pretty damn 'cool'." "Is now the best time to make puns?" "Well seeing as we are safe and can get you help... yes."