//------------------------------// // Home, sweet home... // Story: Shine through the gap // by Avast //------------------------------// What!? I could swear I was carrying them with me all day! Where could they have possibly gone? Goldheart Shine rummaged through the groceries in the first saddlebag again, checking if she could find the pair of keys leading to her home in eastern Ponyville. To her avail, the familiar shiny pieces of metal were nowhere to be found within either of the two saddlebags she'd carried home with her. "Horseshoes!" she grunted in frustration and stomped one of her hooves into the ground. The earth pony stared into the otherwise so welcoming wooden door of her house, which now just seemed to taunt her for her lack of organization. Shine sighed and set the heavy bags down on the porch, thinking of ways to get out of this predicament. Normally, she would have been able to locate her roommate and best friend Autumn Fall, since she, like Shine, would carry a pair of spare keys. Autumn Fall was however visiting Canterlot for a job interview at the moment, leaving Shine alone with the house for the day. Or atleast OUTSIDE the house, since the keys to it were the only way to enter, with no other backup plans. "This is why we should have used padlocks with a combination. Less hassle with keys," muttered Shine. She brushed away a piece of her dark brown mane from her face and went around the building to look for alternate entrances. Her faint yellow coat almost disguised her in the warm sunlight as she swept over the building's sides with her eyes, shaded deeply green, searching for any open windows, or really any potential entry points at all. Alas, none were to be found, and she ended up by the front door yet another time. Shine sat down on her haunches and leaned her head onto the door. Frustration slowly dissappeared, and the ability to think rationally came back to her in an equal pace. No point in sitting around here if I won't be able to get in, she concluded, and rose to her feet. I should probably retrace my steps, try to find the place where I lost the keys. Otherwise there's... She halted her thought process and turned to face the door again, or rather, the wall to the door's right side. There, sitting in the wall like it had magically appeared on will, was a small rectangular hole, about the same size as Shine's head. She suddenly remembered what that was for. The previous owner of their home had a pet, a small hound, so naturally there would be some kind of way for it to enter and exit the building on its own accord. Since neither of the two ponies had a pet, Shine or Autumn hadn't actually paid any close attention to that door before. Until now, that is. Shine went over to it and peered inside through the hole, seeing as there wasn't anything covering it. From her point of view, she had clear visibility on the house's interior, with the large hallway, kitchen and the steps leading upstairs shown off the most. The polished wooden floor reflected the sunbeams from the windows, and lit up the inside like there were a dozen candles lit at once. "I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner!" said Shine. She looked back at the door and contemplated it's width and height compared with her own body. "Question is if I'll just fit..." she muttered. Shine ran a hoof across the frame, thinking about the potential reward of getting through that door. She'd had a rough day, and the coolness of her house wasn't exactly unwelcoming. Besides, hadn't she all day longed for a cup of cocoa when getting home? And after that take a nap whilst reading that exciting book she'd recently bought? Would she really let a stupid locked door get in the way of her plans? "Of course I'll fit!" Shine exclaimed triuphantly. "I've managed to get through tighter things than this! Nothing to worry about." Shine dropped down to the door's height, twisted herself so that the left side of her body was toward the ground, and put both of her forearms through first before sticking in her head as well. Planting both of her back legs into the soft dirt outside, she tried to push herself through, only to face a lot of struggle. Her shoulders were just a little too wide for a perfect entry, and she also noticed that the top of her chest was already pressing itself into the hole's side. Shine wasn't one to give up though, and instead of pushing straight on, began to wiggle her shoulders with steady motions in order to dislodge the shoulders. After a couple of these wiggles, she felt her shoulders pop through satisfyingly. Shine countinued with the motion in order to squeeze her chest through as well, and although the progress was very slow, it seemed to work! Finally, after a few more minutes, Shine's chest fully came through the small rectangular door. The mare decided to take a short break, and slumped her upper body onto the wooden floor. "Boy, turned out this was actually a very tight squeeze after all," Shine panted lightly. Soon she would be through though, and all the effort of getting inside would be worth it. Who needs keys when you can get inside through a trap door like this? Shine did actually giggle at the though of her, telling Autumn Fall how she'd gotten inside without keys. She shook her head to clear her thoughts, before continuing the struggle. Luckily for her, Shine's stomach was about the same size as her chest, and by sucking in her gut whilst wiggling harder and pushing against the inside wall, she got it through with no big problems. Then, however, came her flanks. As soon as she reached them, Shine realized things were about to get far more difficult. She managed to squeeze the top part of her hips into the rectangle, when all her progress came to a slow halt. Shine pushed even harder, and attempted to wiggle her hips as well as her upper body, but it was too tight for her to even move them. She pressed against the wall again, but eventually noticed that she was unable to move forward any further, even if by a couple of inches. Shine took another break and looked at her flanks to get a good view of the situation. Most of her hips still remained on the outside, and only a small portion of them was required to block her advancement. Pushing lightly on the wall, she could see that her flanks were capable of clogging up the hole without even going inside of it, just uneventfully pressing themselves into the frame's edges. Realizing that her brilliant plan had failed, Shine groaned in annoyance. "Darn, so close..." she muttered, and began to slowly back out. She obviously wasn't able to get her rump through this hole anytime soon. Perhaps she would have been able to see this coming, had she compared herself more closely with the rectagular gap. With little struggle, she managed to squeeze her stomach back through where she'd came, but unwillingly had her progress slowed as she reached her chest again. Shine let out a small "Huh?", and tried to forcefully push her chest back through the hole, just to find out that she couldn't. Her ribs were in the way. The mare kept pushing backwards, wiggling frantically and stretching her body out to its full length. Yet her ribs blocked her only chance of exit. "Oh, in the name of Celestia, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" Shine groaned loudly. She ceased her pushing backwards, and felt a little sting of pain in her chest area. It wouldn't be very clever of her to put pressure on the ribcage like this, especially if it lead to nothing. Shine turned her head back and forth in panic, looking at either the polished wooden floor or at the hole in which she was hopelessly trapped. Her mind was racing with different options, although neither of them seemed to be very useful in this situation. Biting her lip, she eventually settled to try going forward again. At least that was the way she wanted to be going. A few seconds later, Shine's stomach had yet again entered the house, leaving her plot as the only obstacle left. Knowing what was about to come, she slowly set her forehooves, one on each side of herself, onto the wall right beside the door. Without any further hesitation, Shine gathered her strength and pushed hard onto the wall. A small part of her flanks was all that was able to squeeze inside before the hole was filled up. Shine pushed even harder whilst at the same time stretching her rear legs, and noticed that she managed to go a little further in than last time. However, more of her hips filled the door, and before Shine even knew it, her progress had stopped completely. Shine just pushed even harder, but she could feel her stamina slowly run out. She wasn't exactly a strong mare, despite her traits as an earth pony. Endurance had always been her strong side however, allowing her to struggle for much longer than an ordinary pony could muster. Alas, that skill seemed to be no use to overcome this trap, and even though Shine stubbornly tried to push herself in, she remained completely stuck. Finally she ceased her pushing, and collapsed with her torso on the floor. Her back legs outside slumped down in exhaustion. Shine looked over to the dog door again and noticed that not even the top of her hips had gone through it. Had she really misjudged the size of her plot this much? Whilst resting, Shine checked the hole out again, thinking of different strategies to overcome this obstacle. Simply pushing wasn't going to be enough, and she was too stuck to get a wiggling motion going. She looked closer towards the rear, and suddenly noticed that the base of her tail had somehow gotten through. Shine shone up, and used her front hooves to dig up the rest of her tail. She'd gotten an idea: if she would pull hard on her tail, she would be pulling a piece of her rump further through the hole as well! When she'd managed to get her entire tail through, she grabbed it with both her hooves and mouth and pulled hard. Sure, it hurt a little. But Shine could feel part of her lower body slowly sliding into the gap. With the excitement growing, she quickly put her left hoof onto the wall and pushed whilst doing a bucking motion forward with her lower body, hoping to squeeze more of her hips into the hole as well as her rear. This is going to be a breeze! she thought, and pulled even harder to speed up the progress. Advancement was extremely slow, but her hips slid further and further through for a few more minutes. After a while however, Shine couldn't actually feel any further progress, and pulling the tail only hurt. She spat it out and looked at the pet door yet again to observe what her recent strategy had led to. The largest part of her hips was trying to brutally fit into the small hole, but was at the same time blocked by her soft, currently squashed, buttcheeks she'd so forcefully pulled into the frame with her tail. Shine mustered some strength and tried to thrush herself forward, only to feel like being drawn backwards by her lower body. She put her right hoof onto the wall and tried to wiggle her hips, but didn't achive any motion. The door gripped tightly on her body with it's frames, refusing any movement to occur at all. By Celestia's plot, my ass! It won't fit either! Shine desperately thought, staring down at her wedged flanks. I didn't think it was THAT big! And now I'm really stuck. What am I going to do? She tried to pull a piece of her buttcheeks sticking out towards her, but was unable to get a grip on it. She attempted to pull the skin on her hips towards her, and although her hips did follow at first, they got crammed in the opening again, making Shine almost feel even more stuck. Hard thrusts forward to unjam her didn't work either. She even tried to go backwards at one point try to re-enter again in a better fashion, but found that she was unable to do that too. After a while, Shine slumped down to rest yet again, exhausted from all the pointless struggling. She slowly came to accept that she was brutally stuck, and would be unable to escape her prison alone. Gathering her breath, she thought about how long she would have to stay there. Autumn Fall wouldn't come home from Canterlot until late in the evening. Shouting for help would be rather embarrassing, and she wasn't even sure if anypony could hear her. However, they would still be able to see her! The lower part of Shine's plot was still visibly sticking out from the doorway, and her predicament had rendered her completely helpless. Shine cringed when she thought of somepony finding her like that, and with renewed energy began pushing herself further again, aiming to get out of the hole before anypony would notice her. She struggled hard and wiggled as much of her body as she could. Even though there were as little progress as before, Shine was filled with determination, and kept struggling even though all signs showed no improvement. "Ungh...nngh...come on..." she grunted, even pulling on her tail as support. Alas, all her effort was in vain, and she remained as hopelessly wedged as before. Shine was on the verge of giving up again, when she suddenly heard a noise from the stairs. She ceased her struggling and looked up towards the stairs. There stood a unicorn mare, about the same age as Shine. Her clear blue coat contrasted with the warm yellow light of the sunlight pouring in from all the windows, whilst her snow-white mane with minor blue streaks almost blended in with the light. The blue mare rubbed one of her blue-tinted eyes with a tired motion, and stared at Shine, eyebrows tilted to shape a concerned look on her face. Shine's jaw dropped. "Autumn?!" she gasped, not sure what to think. "Yeah, what's up?" Shine's roommate responded, and yawned. Autumn Fall went down the rest of the stairs and walked closer to Shine, who was just stuttering in confusion. "But...you...Canterlot?" she managed to say as Autumn Fall came towards her. "I-I mean...why...how are you here? I thought you were away in Canterlot for a job interview!" "It was cancelled." Autumn said and stopped a few feet away from Shine. "I checked the mailbox after you'd left. Found a message calling the meeting off because of a workplace accident or something. Spent almost all day sleeping instead." "So, you were here the whole time?" Shine asked bewildered. "Of course. Got nothing to do, might as well stay in bed!". Autumn Fall looked at Shine again and raised an eyebrow. "Now, could you please explain to me what the hay you're doing right now?" Shine immediately remembered that she was still stuck in the pet door, right in front of Autumn's questioning gaze. She blushed and tried to form words, stuttering from embarrasment. "I...uh..." She looked back at her wedged hips and tried to figure out a good way to lay out the explanation. "I lost my keys and...this was the only way in. I tried to climb through, but, well..." She twisted her torso and gave a light push on the wall with her hoof, showing Autumn that she was trapped. "So you're stuck?" "Uh-huh." Shine said and halted her pushing. "Um...for how long?" "I don't actually know. Five, ten minutes or something? Feels like it." "Well, that might explain the grunting and shouting I heard earlier. You woke me up with that." "Guess I'm lucky you're a light sleeper, Autumn." Shine smiled. "...Say, you didn't think of knocking, did you?" Shine rubbed her forehead and sighed. "Had I known you were home, I would have. But since I didn't, I ended up here!" she said and gestured towards the hole. "Say, would you mind helping me out of here? My hips are starting to ache." Autumn tapped her chin with a hoof with a contemplating expression on her face. "You know, you do look kinda cute in there..." "Autumn!" Shine protested, not in the mood of kidding around. "Right, right, just joking," Autumn said and flashed her usual cocky grin. She bent down to Shine and presented her hooves. "Grab on and I'll pull you out." Shine complied. Autumn would usually joke around with a problem before attempting to solve it. But proven by her latter actions, she was always sympathetic to whomever she was helping. As soon as Shine had grabbed onto Autumns hooves, Autumn pulled hard, hoping to have her friend dislodged in a few seconds. To her suprise, Autumn felt she was pulling a rope tied around a tree. She pulled harder, but Shine didn't seem to budge. Shine groaned a bit in pain, having her entire body stretched out from her friends struggle. After a few seconds of pulling, Shine let go with one hoof and used it to try to push herself out of the wall as well. Autumn gripped down on Shine's remaining hoof with both of her own and kept pulling. Both went at it like that for a almost a minute, before Autumn, tired from the experience, let go of Shine and sat down whilst gathering her breath. Shine tried to thrust herself out a couple of times, before finally slumping down on the floor, groaning from the pain in her flanks. "Did it help?" Autumn asked between breaths. She once again rubbed her eyes from her earlier state of sleep, but didn't seem to be as tired as before. "Got any further?" Shine looked back at the door. "Nope, not in the slightest," she sighed. Autumn thought for a moment. "Well, I think your problem lies in...ehm...your rump." "Yeah, I think I noticed that," shine said and rolled her eyes. "What do you suggest?" "That I go out there and try to push you inside, yeah?" Autumn said with a smile. "That way I can intervene with the 'problem' directly," she said and winked her eyebrows. "Sounds good." Shine replied, ignoring the snarky comment. "Just hurry, will you?" "'Course! Always there for a friend, yeah?" Autumn said, unlocked the front door and stepped outside, leaving the door open. There, she saw the bottom part of Shine's rump and hips, still sticking out of the hole. Her legs seemed to twitch from time to time, whilst otherwise just kicking impatiently. Autumn Fall quickly looked around to see if anypony was nearby. Luckily, nopony was close enough to notice what the two mares were doing. She bit her lower lip and looked back at the door again to study her friend's situation further. "So...uhm, how did this happen exactly?" Autumn asked her friend. Shine sighed. "As I said, I lost the keys to the door and thought I would fit through here. Guess I misjudged the size of my 'parts' and got stuck." "Kind of understandable, with a girly butt like yours." Autumn pointed out and looked closer at her friend's predicament. Autumn noticed that most of Shine's hips had managed to squeeze inside, whilst parts of her butt were still sticking out. "Yeah, ha ha. It's big, I got it." Shine said in a monotone voice. "Hey, I'm not saying it's large or anything. Just, you know, pretty! Oh, and just to be sure," Autumn said and peered at Shine through the ordinary doorway. "Do you want to go in or out?" "In, obviously," Shine said and crooked her head so she could look back at Autumn. "My chest wouldn't let me out once it'd gotten in, and now I'm far too wedged to even move anywhere. My chances would be best if we tried to get me completely through." "Ok, cool. Just asking, cause'...uhm..." Autumn started, but was unsure on how to proceed. "Yes?" Shine wondered. "Is it, like, okay for me to put my hooves on your...eh...plot?" Autumn asked as her cheeks turned rose red, contrasting with her blue coat. She rubbed the back of her head with a hoof. "It might feel a little awkward to...do that." Shine blushed as well, but still nodded to the suggestion. "I'm not sure how you would get me through otherwise. So yes, I give you the sacred permission to touch my butt. Now could we please get on with it?" she said impatiently and put her hoof on the wall. "Uhm...right, yeah! Yes m-mam!" Autumn giggled both in excitement and embarrasment as she went back outside and positioned herself behind Shine. Crouching down, she slowly set her hooves onto Shine's rear, feeling her friend's legs twitch slightly as she did. "Ready?" she called into the house. Shine shuddered a bit from the sudden hooves touching her rear, but quickly got over it. "Ready!" she replied, and pushed hard, both hooves on the inside wall. Autumn pushed Shine hard, focusing on fitting her buttcheeks into the frame, which proved to be extremely difficult due to the already clogged up space. The trapped mare's rear budged against the pet door's edges, and refused to move any further past the frame. Shine felt the pressure on her rump and struggled harder, managing all she could muster to squeeze her hips out of the hole. Both of them groaned from exhaustion, but kept going nonetheless, trying to solve the problem as quickly as possible. Eventually however they had to settle down to gather their strength. Shine didn't seem to have gotten any further through the hole than before. "Jeez, you weren't kidding, Shine!" breathed Autumn heavily and prodded Shine's rump. "You're really in there." "I know right?" Shine responded, and tried to wiggle forward. "It's not hopeless though! I think your pushing helped. A little more, and I think we'll manage." "That's good news. Should we get back to it?" "In a minute. I need to rest." said Shine, and used the time to rest the muscles in her forearms. She looked back at her lower body, and saw her tail lying motionless on the floor. "Hey Autumn?" she said. "Yeah, what's up?" "Do you think that, while pushing, you could also use your magic to pull my tail inwards?" Shine asked her friend. "I partially got inside by doing so, and perhaps it could work again." "Ok, I'll manage that. But you gotta tell me if it hurts, alright?" said Autumn. "Pff, I'm not sensitive!" Shine called back and sat up again, hooves on the wall. "Ready?" Autumn focused on Shine's tail through the wall, and managed to grip it in a blue aura. Planting her own hooves on her friend's rear, she said, "Ready for round two, girl!" On that cue both of them pushed, this time with Shine's tail being pulled hard inwards by Autumn's magic. As they pushed, Autumn looked at Shine's plot again, and noticed that Shine's butt was ever so slowly creeping through the frame, and that a piece of her hips actually followed! Seeing this made Autumn push even harder, and was content seeing that the progress did not stop. Shine felt it too, and began to wiggle frantically whilst chanting, "Come on, come on..." to herself. After another minute, Autumn ceased her pushing and almost collapsed on the ground from exhaustion. Her muscles were extremely sore, and it didn't help that she was still tired from waking up earlier. However, it had worked. Shine was almost entirely through now, as her entire plot had been squeezed into the frame, with only her thighs and legs sticking out. Wanting to see how her friend was doing on the inside, Autumn made her way back into the house, legs wobbling from the struggle. As soon as she'd gotten inside, she saw that Shine was still stuck, but was now only struggling with the last part of her bottom. Almost the entirety of her rump was through, while the widest part of her hips were still wedged between the edges of the frame. Figuring that she would need some help with the last part, Autumn took some steps toward Shine, but halted as Shine began to brutally thrust her upper body, attempting to dislodge herself. "Come on girl, you can do it!" Autumn said as she watched Shine push hard on the wall. Shine was, like Autumn, very tired. But with victory this close, she simply refused to give up. She thrusted again. And again. Come on! she thought. For the third thrust, Shine gathered all the strenght she had left, and with a mighty grunt threw her body forwards with all her might. Her rump went all the way through the hole, and collapsed on the floor together with the rest of her. Panting, Shine laid on her back, rear legs still sticking through the door. Autumn smiled proudly and kneeled down next to her friend. Shine stared up at the ceiling for a few moments, before suddenly throwing up a hoof and triumphantly shouting, "Yes!" Autumn nuzzled her friend's side, glad to see she was OK. "I knew you could do it, Shine!" she told her, and offered her to helping hoof after Shine had pulled her legs through the hole as well. "It sure looked snug in there, but you had the willpower to keep moving forward!" "Thanks," Shine said and accepted the offer, having Autumn slowly pull her up onto her legs. "But I would not have been able to do it myself. Your help really was required for me to get anywhere at all! Tightest squeeze of the day I tell you." "Anytime, Shine!" Autumn said, grinning wildly as she stabilized the mare. "Just don't get yourself stuck like that again anytime soon. Otherwise I'll have to start calling you 'Miss Judge Her Plot'" "Oh come on! I can't be completely at fault here!" Shine expressed dramatically and looked back at her rump. "It doesn't even look that big, does it?" "Maybe to a stallion?" said Autumn and slapped Shine's flank, making the earth pony both giggle and blush at the same time. Maybe that. she thought. "Anyhoof, you wan't something to eat?" Autumn asked and headed towards the kitchen. Shine was about to respond, but instead of having words come out from her mouth she yawned heavily, making her realize how tired she actually was. Food could wait, she needed some rest. "Actually, I think I'll take a nap first. Need to rest my muscles after a workout like this!" Shine called out to Autumn, and headed for the stairs. "Also, no more plot jokes!" "Deal!" shouted Autumn from the kitchen. Shine sighed in relief of being free and headed up the stairs to her bedroom, rubbing her roughed up flanks on the way. As soon as she'd gotten inside her quarters, Shine leapt out belly first onto the bed, allowing herself to finally relax completely. She could already feel her mind drift away after just a few seconds, and welcomed the feeling with open arms. Autumn sure is a good friend. she thought, before sleep finally overcame her.