Condemned to The Darkness

by CrazyIan

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

As she reached the last step, she gazed at the table. A peculier symbol was etched into the bottom of it. "What is that?" Spike asked, still shaking. "Im not sure....Looks like a symbol of some sort." "Whatever it is, why is it here?" Spike asked, hoping for an awnser. Twilight stared at the symbol, searching through the index in her mind, but came up with nothing. "I don't know...But It can't be good..." Looking at it made her head hurt, so she tried to distract herself by cleaning up the mess. After about 25 minutes of sweeping and picking pieces of broken wood and books up, she came upon the table, which still had the strange symbol. Twilight looked carefully at the symbol. Her head started to hurt again, she knew this was bad. Twilight grabbed a mythology book and looked for the symbol. After about 2 hours of searching and Spike asking questions, she finally found the symbol.

"The Black Sun....Is a cult that wishes to bridge a gap between "The Veil" Otherwise known as Life and Death, In order to control a unimaginble Power source." She read aloud to herself.

"The Black Sun?" Spike called from the Kitchen. "The Black Sun...." She took the book and held it up to the carving. It was an exact match to the picture. Spike walked up to the book, and grimanced. "This is not good....Why would they put one in our house...And on the same day i get back? We need to tell Celestia about this...." She said worridly. "Got it!" With that Spike pulled out a Quill and Parchment and got ready to Write.

Dear Princess Celestia,
Last night there was a break in at my house. I nor spike were hurt during the home invasion. They seemed to be specificly looking for me, as I was hiding in a closet with Spike I happened to see them enter my room and search. There were 2 large male unicorns dressed in dark clothing and masks with bright red goggles. They were not able to find me so they left, but when I went and checked the house there was a symbol, I have researched as the icon of a cult that is very dangerous and are obsessed with dark magic. I wish to hear for you about what is going to have to happen.
Your Faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.

Spike sent the letter with a bright green flame, and almost 10 seconds later, a new message came. Spike gave the letter to Twilight, who read it out loud.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,
I have sent guards to aid you. Whatever you do, please do not leave the house. You are in a Very Dangourus situation right now. They are capable of Hurting anypony.
Sinceraly, Celestia.

"I feel so much better knowing that those guards are gonna be here soon." Spike said in a Relieved tone.

"Im not sure about it....Well, atleast now that the guards are gonna be here, I wont have to worry about you getting hurt." Twilight said while pacing the room. She stopped when they heard a knocking at the front door. Twilight walked over the door and pulled it open, revealing two Guards.

"Hello, We are here to check in on you? The Princess said that you two were in danger, so she sent us."

"Yes I know, we are quite glad you two are here, with the break in and all...."

"Well you wont have to worry, we are gonna be here for atleast a week."

"A week!? But...I need to see why this is happening!"

"Sorry, but the Princess said you are not allowed to leave, she said its dangurous to go outside at this time."

"Fine...Am i still allowed to go out to get food?" She asked in defeat.

"Sure, but we need to come with you."

"Why....Fine." She said in a clear annoyed tone.

"Hey! Its for your own good, We can't have you getting hurt!" One Guard said.

7 Hours Later


"That was the most frustrating day of my life." The guards had done a good job of keeping her safe, a little too safe.

Twilight walked up to her bed and layed down. "Im gonna need rest, I have to write a report tommorow, so i'd better get some sleep" She thought silentily to herself. She looked over to see Spike sleeping on his bed, and then put her head on the pillow, and fell into a deep slumber.

Twilight opened her eyes. She was no longer in her bed. She was now in what appeared to be the Canterlot Garden. "Why am I here?" She thought to herself. It was Freezing and dark, so dark she couldnt even see past the hedges of the garden. She was becoming increasingly worried, Why was she here? Did Celestia teleport her here? Did she teleport herself?

"Hmm...Well I'd better find my way out of here." She lit her horn and looked around, there was snow everywhere. "....What?....When did it snow?" She looked over to the exit of the garden and saw the door that led inside. "Perfect!" She said aloud. She soon regretted saying that when she heard rustling in the bushes beside her. She jumped away and faced the bush. It wasn't moving at all. She mentaly slapped herself for being scared of a bush. Twilight turned and walked towards the door and swung it open. What she saw shocked her. The entire Canterlot archives was frozen over, everything was covered in ice. She walked towards the study area, and found books scattered everywhere. "What the hell happened?!" She yelled aloud.


"Hello? Anypony here?" She continued to yell, Hoping to hear something in return. "Hel---" She cut herself off when she saw a burst of movement in the corner of her eye. She turned, and saw a empty bookcase covered in ice. She squinted her eyes, trying to see through the ice. Suddenly, what looked like a pony, had jumped up to the ice, smearing its fleshy face, along with blood, all over the ice. Twilight jumped back and started to run in the other direction, all the while spotting more of these decomposing ponies. They were fast, almost as fast as her. She ran, ran faster then she had ever ran before. She had already exited the library and was now running through the Canterlot halls. She looked behind her, seeing that they were no more then 5 Feet behind her, and she was already tired and sore from running so fast. She didnt know how much longer she would last, that is, until she tripped over a book, and fell to the ground. She tried to stand, but found that her front hoof was sprained, and putting any kind of weight on it would make it worse. She watched in fear as the monsters closed in on her, forming a tight circle. One was about to attack, until it looked up at an angle which Twilight couldn't see, and let out a shrilling scream, sending the others back to the icy library. She tried to get a glimpse of what the monsters had saw, bending her head as far as she could, she saw somthing that made her shrink with fear. She had seen what appeared to be a red Pony, decomposed, with bits of flesh hanging off of its face and legs. Twilight looked at the monster in horror, she screamed as her vision went black.





Twilight jumped up. She looked around, and saw Spike shaking her shoulder, trying to get her to wake up. "Twilight! Are you awake?"

"I am now....What's wrong?" Twilight said yawning.

"Whats wrong with me? You've been screaming for the past 5 minutes!" Spike yelled.

"What?...I don't remember...." Suddenly memories from the dream rushed into her mind. She clutched her head in distress, as she was suddenly hit with enormous headaches. Her mind was being overflowed with fear, suspense and stress. She wobbled out of bed, she was convinced she was going to die. Her head felt as if it was going to burst at any moment, but as she took a step, her hoof made a sickening SNAP! and she collapsed as the combination of Pain and stress caused her vision to fade to black.

End of Chapter 2