//------------------------------// // New childhood stories // Story: Where to begin. // by biomecheon //------------------------------// After trying to get some answers from queen pony, I was able to learn a few things about my situation. I was now apparently a colt with ocean blue hair that had a fire red streak going straight through the middle. My tail was the same, still trying to get used to having a tail. My fur was a silver/grey color. I have both wings and a horn. Much like the pegacorn in front of me, or as they like to call them, alicorn. The only MALE alicorn, and as such I'm considered valuable property royalty. After some time I learned I was in a land called Equestria, I expected her to say pony-land, and I was in the royal capital. She introduced herself as Queen Faust, ruler of the land. And sense I was an alicorn as well, you get the idea. So now I'm the adopted son of the queen of the nation. She didn't even consider if I had parents that wore coming for me, or if she did she didn't say. After I was released I was introduced to my new family. My two sisters, both alicorns, both the spawn of the ultimate evil. Also learned I can't curse, every time I try my mouth just freezes in place until I go to the next word that isn't a curse. Also met my three aunts; Princess Platinum, Commander Hurricane, and lastly,Chancellor Puddinghead. Worst part is that their tittles are apart of their names. Platinum was a unicorn, if the horn and lack of wings was anything to go by. Her coat was a blue-purple color and her mane/tail was two tone light blue and light purple. Not counting the horn, I would guess she would be in the 5' 6" range. She had purple dress that reminded me of the old circus tents noble and royal would ware in the 16th century. She didn't act like some up tight, I'm better than you in every way possible, but she still struck me as a perfectionist. Next on the chopping block was Commander Hurricane. She had a dark coat like a storm cloud and her mane/tail were blue with a large dull white streak going through one side. She wore what looked like black roman armor with gold trimming. She had a set of dark wings sticking out of the back so my guess is that she's a Pegasus. she was somewhere between 5' 8" and 5' 10" tall. She was my favorite out of my new aunts with how she treated me more like an old friend rather than a stuck up royal. Lastly was the head ache inducing Chancellor Puddinghead. Her coat was a red-ish color and she had a blond main and tail. She was an earth pony, which I still don't understand why they use earth instead of like Gaia ponies, sounds cooler to me. With the way she dressed and acted, you would think she was the royal fool. Her hat actual was made of pudding, and she refills it daily. She stood and the shortest of the three at about 5' tall. And like I said before, she caused me was way to random with how she acted. I'm just glad she doesn't do anything that would be considered breaking the fourth wall, I don't think my sanity would have lasted an hour. Next on the list are my new sisters First there is celestia who is a white furred filly with pink mane and tail. in a yellow dress with multiple suns on it. She seems more likely to prank me and pretend she had nothing to do with it, while having a Cheshire cat sized grin. The smaller one is known as Luna. She has a light blue mane and tail and a dark blue coat. She wears a dress designed to, I'm guessing, look like the night sky. She acts more shy and insecure compared to her sister, but my gut tells me that if she gets used to you, she won't hold back. I learned a few other things about alicorns from these two. Apparently alicorns age differently than the other types of ponies. Think of it like this: dogs live seven years for every human year, alicorns live one year for ever nine pony years. Also, alicorns stop aging after they hit about age 30 in alicorn years, but they do continue to grow until about age 125 in alicorn years. However, alicorns still suffer from one of the worse curses in existence, immortality. From there I just had to live my life with a new family and practical relearn how the world works. Found out that Luna and Tia would fight on a daily bases, sometimes over what we did, more often over me. I basically became the one to keep these two in check whenever they went at it. The staff, I don't like calling them servants, would try to help before they just gave up and let me handle it. Our aunts would come by and 'teach' us different things. Platinum was more like a tyrant than a teacher, made the mistake of saying that out loud once, bad idea. Luna took a liking to her the most. Hurricane was more like a commanding officer, but that's all she really understood and the fighting styles she taught were fun, so I didn't care. Plus me and her would scare the others when we were done by chasing them around. Puddinghead was all over the place, never taking anything seriously unless told otherwise. Tia Liked her since not matter what prank she wanted to pull, Pudding was right there with her. At some point Faust just up and vanished. Nothing was ever found, no signs of a struggle, no note, nothing. Everyone just seemed to up and forget about her all together, the only ones who did remember were me and my sisters. With no queen and every Nobel fighting over who takes the thrown until one of us was old enough or who would marry which alicorn, The three of us decided to take the throne and split it between each other. Imagine how angry the nobles were, they tried every trick they could. With Luna having every law memorized, Tia knowing how to work around the rules, and me having a few human tricks, the nobles never stood a chance and just had to accept that we were here to stay. But no matter how perfect life seems to be, reality will always find a way to ruin it.