The Dazzlings: After the Fact.

by PonyToneSinger

New Beginnings

The next week, Adagio decided it was time to face the music, (no pun intended.) and start going back to Canterlot High. She was getting ready to leave for school when suddenly Pinkie Pie popped up and started dragging Adagio along.

"I'm sooo excited that your finally going back to school Adagio!" She said, hopping up and down.

"Yeah, me too." Adagio replied ."I just can't wait to see how much everyone hates me." She added, slightly sarcastically.

"Aww, come on, don`t be all frowny!" Pinkie said. "Besides, how bad could it be?"

"Um, how about 'Hey everybody, it`s the Dazzlings, let`s throw stuff at them!' Is that bad enough for you?" Adagio replied acidly. Then, realizing what she`d said, she apologized. "Oh no! I`m so sorry! Please forget I said that. Or better yet, maybe I should just go home."

"Oh, please, don`t be such a 'Scaredy Siren'!" Pinkie Pie giggled. "Besides, we`re already here!"

"Wait, what?" Adagio looked around. "Oh nononono, I-I'm sorry, I can't do this!" She turned to leave.

"Oof!" She heard someone say. Adagio looked up and realized that she had run into a boy who was trying to keep his balance without dropping all his books and a large object she realized was an instrument.

She reached out to help him. "oh my gosh! I am so sorry! are you all right?" She asked, unfortunately dropping all her own books trying to help him.

Pinkie Pie suddenly spoke up. "Well, it looks like you have everything under control here! See ya later!" She said before disappearing.

"Wait! Pinkie!" Adagio moaned in despair. "Ohh, could I get any more conspicuous?" She said to no one in particular, hiding her face.

Suddenly, she noticed that the boy she had bumped into had set all his things down to help her.

"Here, you dropped these?" He said with a hint of a smile.

"Thank you." She replied, taking the books. "You must be new here."

He laughed self-consciously "Is it that obvious?" He asked.

"Not exactly," Adagio said uncomfortably.

Suddenly he looked up from gathering up his stuff. "Oh! How tactless of me! I'm sorry, My name is Treble Clef. I'd, shake your hand but uh..."

She looked at everything he was holding. "Do you, maybe want some help?" She asked. "I'd understand if you didn't." She added quickly.

"Actually, I'd love some help." Treble answered. "Uh, are you okay?" He asked

Adagio suddenly realized her jaw was hanging open and snapped her mouth shut. "Oh! I'm sorry, you must not have heard yet."

"Heard what?" He asked.

"Nothing! I mean, well, I guess you'll hear about it soon enough." She took a deep breath. "My name is Adagio Dazzle." She tensed, waiting for him to recognize the name.

"Wow, that's a really cool name." He said.

"Huh? I mean, thanks." She replied, relieved. "So, what is all this stuff?" She asked gesturing to all the books he was trying to carry.

"This? Oh, this is my sheet music." He replied.

"Oh, wow! This is a lot of music." She said. "Oh, no offense." She said.

"Why would I be offended? It really is a lot isn't it?" He laughed.

"So what is that?" She asked, pointing at his instrument case.

"Oh, that`s my violin." He said. "Please don`t laugh!" He pleaded.

"Why would I laugh? I think violins are amazing!" She responded.

"Really? Do you play?" He asked.

"Oh, no! I don`t" She replied, shoulders slumping.

"Really? Then why do you listen to violin?"

"Well, I like listening to music, I just don't sing. At least, not anymore." She replied.

"Why not? I bet you have a great voice!" Treble said.

"Well... Not exactly." She said.

"What do you mean? He asked.

"Well, let's just say, something happened, and now I don't sing anymore," She said sadly.

Suddenly, the bell rang. "Oh no! I'm late!" Both said at the same time. They laughed, then remembered what the bell meant.

"Where are we taking all your music stuff?" Adagio asked.

I was going to put it in the bandroom before class started, but now I don`t have time. Oh, what am I gonna do? All this sheet music won't fit in my locker with my violin!" He said worriedly.

"How about I put some of it in my locker?" Adagio offered.

"Oh, would you? you're a lifesaver! Thanks Adagio!"

"No problem. Now lets hurry before Principal Celestia catches us!" She replied, laughing as they rushed down the hall.bout the

Treble Clef was sitting in class daydreaming about the mysterious girl who had bumped into him earlier that morning when suddenly he realized the teacher was looking at him. "I'm sorry, what was that?" He asked. Ms. Cheerilee smiled and repeated herself. "Would you like to introduce yourself to the class?"

Treble blushed slightly and cleared his throat. "Hi, my name is Treble Clef, my family just moved here from out in the country and decided to let me choose whether I went to Crystal Prep or Canterlot High, and so far, I'm really glad I chose Canterlot High." He sat down and started working on the lesson.

Ms. Cheerilee beamed. "Well, we're glad to have you with us Treble Clef, and I'm sure that everyone here will do everything in there power to make you feel welcome."