Darkness of the Eclipse

by Silverstream233

Chapter 6

"It's here somewhere. I can feel the dark powers pulling at me already." she said.

"Are you sure the alicorn amulet will not harm you?" Thunder Hoof asked anxiously.

"I am already an alicorn. The corruption will have no affect on me."she replied. She entered into the store and brushed away cobwebs with her wings.

"Princess Luna! What brings you to such a place?" A dark gray pony adjusts his glasses and bowed respectfully from his place behind an old wooden desk.

"I need the alicorn amulet." She replied.

His mouth dropped opened in surprise. It had been moons since another pony had bought it.

"I only need to borrow it. As you know, an eclipse is coming and I feel a darkness coming that I may not be able to stop." She continued. The store owner bowed his head and goes into the back store room. Luna waited patiently and produced the box that had kept it safe.

"Due to the incident in Ponyville last time, it can only opened by alicorn magic." he says.

I took the box from him and used my magic to unlock it. She took a quick peek inside and handed the box to Thunder Hoof. She rummaged through her cloak for bits, but the store owner shook his head.

"There is no need for payment, princess. But I advise that you return as soon as possible to make sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands." He walked back to his place behind the counter.

"I had intentions on keeping this in the castle, I'm afraid. It will be more protected here," Luna said. The store owner cocked his head but nodded in agreement. "Alright. Good day, Princess!" He called after her. As they return back to Canterlot, Princess Celestia rushed towards her.

"Where have you been? The eclipse should be starting any minute!" She exclaimed. She quickly sent Thunder Hoof away and walked out onto the main balcony with my sister. There were many ponies watching, all wearing special glasses.

"Goodness, Rarity must have taken a very long time to make so many of those." She said. I'm ready for this.She flew up and slowly raised the moon.