Darkness of the Eclipse

by Silverstream233

Chapter 2

Luna flew pass Twilight's castle silently, relieved that nopony had come out on this cold winter day. She flew off toward the old castle that she had once shared with her sister, hidden deep inside the Everfree Forest. Now many ponies may think it is strange that the Princess of the Night would return to the same castle where she had turned into Nightmare Moon, even though her memories of this event was painful. But the Princess had returned only to look on into the ancient books still scattered among its library. She flew pass the darkened trees and reached the old castle. She turned, feeling like someone was following her, but she decided it was just the wind. No pony ventured into the Everfree forest that often. She remembered the castle well.

The door to the throne room was closed. Good, she thought. The last thing she needed was to go into the very room where she had become Nightmare Moon. She made her way into the library. She weaved her way through the library, twisting around shelves until she reached the end of a hall. A small hole was drilled into the wall, but she inserted her horn in, and the wall in front slid sideways. She slipped inside and closed the secret door behind her. She had found her secret library. She had spent many hours here when she had felt her sister was shining too brightly than hers.

She sighed and flipped through the books until she found one with the words "Solar and Lunar Eclipses: both partial and total" on its cover. She glanced down at her small desk, her pencils still neatly sitting in its corner. Instead, she curled up inside the closet, where she had piled pillows and blankets inside. "In ancient times, many ponies believed evil had been bestowed upon them whenever an eclipse happened. The solar eclipse threw their town, city, or kingdom into darkness without warning while the Lunar eclipse cast an eerie red glow." Luna read. She chuckled. "Lunar eclipses do seem eerie." She smiled to herself.

She didn't like the fact that her moon frightened ponies back then, but now they seem to look at lunar eclipses in awe. But as she read on, the text began to confuse her. "On the 100th solar eclipse, a new evil will rise, stealing the power of Light Princess and only the princess of the Night shall stop her, if the trust from her people stays with her." Luna read this page over and over again. What could it mean? Stealing the power of the Light princess...? and only I, or at least i think its me, am the only one that can defeat it? The sound of hooves made her stop and she lowered the book onto her pillow. She quietly opened the door and peered around the bookshelves, gasping as she saw who it was. Princess Twilight and Rainbow Dash! She slipped the book inside her book bag and opened the door