//------------------------------// // Chapter 12: Return to Fight // Story: Friendship's Heart of Destiny // by Shadow Master //------------------------------// After Mane Six and all of their allies have been captured and caught by the Alliance of Darkness, the heroes have been cuffed with electrical energy handcuffs-like while moved into the large metallic armored powerful Prisoner Tank-like Transport. Mane Six and their allies were boxed in separated electrical force-field prison block-like while Autobots trapped in their vehicle modes within the garage prison-like. Houndkiller, Lieutenant Cobar, Major Bludd, Dreadwing, Destro and Baroness acted as the Head of Security in making sure their prisoners won't escaped. Accompanying them were Arcee or Slipstream and two Crimson Guards - Colonel William Lennox and Sergeant Robert Epps. With all of prisoners inside the transport, Alliance of Darkness marched out at once. The enemies are now transporting the prisoners to Phoenix Fortress. Within the transport, Mane Six and their allies were all down. Not only because they were defeated by the enemies, but found out some of their friends were alive and controlled by Alliance of Darkness. "So, this is where it ends?" Captain Rexstrike asked in amusement. He scoffed, "And I thought I was looking forward to work with commander again." Lightningblade nodded, "So do I, old friend. If only my master was here, we could have end the fight for good." Han sighed as he buried himself together, "Luna, I'm so sorry for this." Pinkie hummed in concern upon looking everyone looked upset and pain. She smiled a bit as she thought an idea. "Hey, is everyone on for the joke?" Pinkie asked. Everyone remained silent and frowned entire day. She hummed in upset as her hair deflated and straightened down, "What do I even ask?" Rarity sighed while hugging Sweetie Belle, "It's quite optimistic, Pinkie. But I don't think a joke help them now." "Yeah... It's so uncool for everyone to be happy now," Rainbow Dash commented while patted Scootaloo's head gently. "Yeah. Seeing your friends attack you makes you upset and pain," Applejack said painfully while hugging Apple Bloom. She turned and placed her hand on the wall, "Just like what happen from Friendship Games." Twilight Sparkle sighed while hugging Nyx close. She placed her hand on Applejack's force-field, "I know, Applejack. It's very painful for any of us to handle." "This is so uncool," Lance remarked. Spike nodded, "You could say that again, Lance. This is the worse day we ever had." Optimus Prime remained silent for the whole voyage while Autobots were in concern and worry for him. Ever since he saw Human Allies and Arcee alive, he was heartbroken and shocked of it. "Prime, you're okay?" Sideswipe asked in concern. "No, I'm not," Optimus Prime admitted as he turned and looked at Arcee, "I can't believe... I just can't. Arcee was alive, and yet she couldn't remember me, any of us or even the fallen ones." Agent Simmons turned and looked at Lennox and Epps, "She wasn't the only one. The other two, Sam and Criminal Girl - none of them remember us. It sucks now..." "Really sucks. But why and how?!" Crosshairs asked in concern. Prowl hummed in concern while glaring at his enemies, "I have the feeling that they have something to do with our allies. To win the war, Galvatron is known to use deceptive and devious tactics, war biology and using terrifying weapons including driving our allies against us." "Did you know this, Drift?" Hound asked in concern, "You were Decepticon once?" Drift sighed, "No. There's one possibility - Allspark Shard. But the last one was used by Galvatron for power and immortality." Breakaway hissed, "That's sucks. I mean it, man..." "Bumblebee? You're okay, man?" Cade asked in concern. Bumblebee remained silent for the moment as he struggled to believe his best friends were alive. Everyone sighed in defeat and concern. He shook his head in concern, "I guess not. The very best friend or close brother you have is long gone. I'm sorry." Bumblebee sighed, "Nothing can be done now. My friends... Gone..." Roadblock told his team about what happen to his encounter with Dragoclaw, as well as learning the truth behind the enemy's identity. G.I. Joe was in shock and concern of it. They all can't believe that Duke was alive but turned as enemy now. Scarlet sobbed tearfully, "I can't believe it. He's alive. He was alive now." "No way. It can't be right!" Flint protested in concern, "We saw him killed for saving us!" Lady Jaye nodded in concern, "Flint's right. It can't be him!" "Too bad because our best buddy's Dragoclaw - the monster that tried to kill us!" Ripcord exclaimed in shock and concern, "What has happen to him?!" Spirit sighed as he was meditating, "I sense his aura is fading away. And replacing that body is the soul of Dragoclaw - the Beast of Fury. I do not think he's alive." "What are you? A Spirit Guidance?!" Tunnel Rat asked skeptically. He huffed, "Terrific. I don't suppose that Cobra is behind of this." Snake Eyes clenched his fists before turned and glared at Storm Shadow. The white ninja shook his head of unsure about Cobra and their involvement about Duke's condition. Jinx sighed in concern while looking away. Three of them had difficulties to know what was on Cobra's mind or what they had done to their friend. "Whatever Cobra Commander or Cobra especially Dr. Mindbender did to Duke," Roadblock said darkly while clenched his fists, "They will pay for this. I'll make these moron feels my pain and anger!" Scarlet sighed, "Roadblock..." "Is there any way we can help our friends?" Tailtech asked in concern. Icy nodded in agreement, Shorty Thinking hummed in concern while looking at the mind-controlled heroes, "If only we have them in our grasps, I can figure something out of how to free them from the control." "Well, too bad, we're stuck," Wheelie commented in annoyance. Brains nodded, "Eeyup. Game over." "It is. We're so close to stop the enemies from using Project End especially the Rainbow Energon and its Dark Energon," Sunset Shimmer said in upset, "But only to lose now..." "Sunset," Flash Sentry approached and touched the force-field with his two palms while Sunset did the same thing. They both looked down in shame and defeated. He continued, "I'm sorry for this." Fluttershy cried tearfully, "I'm scared now. And I can't believe we're gonna die..." "Don't, Fluttershy," Terrorcreep said calmly. Fluttershy turned and looked at him. He continued, "You mustn't lose your hope. We can still overcome this." "We've gotta do something!" Laxtinct asked in concern. Blazefist hissed while clenched his fists, "Lax's right. We have to! Indigo Zap needs me! I have to save her! I won't forgive myself if anything bad happen to her." "Blaze, we will save her. Promise," Aquastroke comforted her husband. "So, what are we gonna do?" Saber Dragoon asked in concern, "We have to get out of here!" Flare Tiger nodded in agreement, "Yeah. We have to stop our enemies and save our home as well as others. We're their last hope." Shadow Dragon turned and looked at Twilight Sparkle and her siblings being in pain and despair. He then looked at others as he found them too feel the same way. He sighed in defeat. "I don't know. And I don't think we can win now. We've lost. It's hopeless." Everyone were in silent and upset of what Shadow Dragon had said. The Alliance of Darkness smiled in please to see the enemies are giving up the fight. "To think the enemies we fought have lost their hope," Dreadwing commented in surprise, "I truly wish we wouldn't have end the battle early..." "It doesn't matter. Everything's going according to our plan now," Baroness commented. Destro nodded, "Our leaders will be pleased of it. No one can help them, save the world or even stop us." BOOM! The smoke emerged from the ground as it covered everything. The securities yelped in surprise and shock, and even the Mane Six and their allies as well. Everyone prepared and armed themselves for the worse. Before anyone could respond, Decepticons got their backs and limbs exploded by the small bombs in knocking them out while the rest of Cobra and Dark Terrorists got punched, kicked and knocked out cold. As soon as the smoke dispersed, only one Cobra Trooper standing. Mane Six and their allies were in shock and concern, upon looking at one warrior and unconscious warriors. As he unmasked his mask, he revealed himself familiar to others. "Ugh! I really hate this suit!" "JASON?!" Everyone asked in surprise. Jason Striker sighed as he removed his uniform. He worn the metallic knight's armor-like before putting the bat helmet-like on. "You losers sure need some help. Luckily, I'm here. And it's Mystic Knight." "How did you-?" Shadow Dragon asked in surprise. Mystic Knight interrupted, "Later! We're getting out of here now! We're dropping these morons out now! We don't want them follow us!" "Wait! Don't drop Lennox, Epps and Arcee! We need to know about the mind control!" Shorty Thinking pleaded, "We need more help." "Whatever. You'd better hope you know what you're doing!" Mystic Knight groaned before activating his com-link, "Alright! Hey, Old Anger! We've got them! Clear! Get rid of the enemies! And Spare three mind-controlled freaks! We've got use of them!" "Got it! And quit calling me old man!" Anger exclaimed in annoyance. Mane Six and their allies were amazed and surprise. Jason Striker or Mystic Knight had more allies or troops to help him now. They might have the chance to win the war. "You might wanna buckle up," Mystic Knight commented. As the Alliance of Darkness continued rolling and marching back to Phoenix Fortress, the Prison Transport Tank immediately turned to right-turn road at once. Swipestrike noticed it "What the?! Who ordered the prison transport to turn?!" Swipestrike demanded in anger. He groaned, "Don't you stand there! Get them! I'm gonna get that rival of mine!" The Alliance of Darkness Army quickly made to right-turn road at once. Onslaught and his Combaticons immediately transformed into their robotic modes and armed with their weapons at once, along with the Decepticons Troopers. Scourge and Cyclonus transformed into their Cybertronian Jets. Cobra armed with their weaponized armed HISS Tank, Cobra STINGER, Cobra Black Dragon and Cobra WOLF in firing as well. Swipestrike and the Dark Terrorist Army armed as well. During the heroes' escape from the enemies, the Alliance of Darkness securities thrown out from the prison transport. The Alliance of Darkness Army fired their armed blasting guns and missiles at the Prison Transport while chasing after it. It managed to dodge and avoid the attacks while small artillery turrets of both guns and missiles firing back at the missiles and enemies back. Some enemy troops tried to climb but instead they fell off of it or knocked by it. Decepticon Troopers tried to stop but got rammed and knocked out. As they came across the highway tunnels, Prison Transport immediately entered the hole. The tunnel's entrance got exploded. Its debris fell to the ground hard in blocking the enemies from entering it. The Alliance of Darkness immediately stopped at once. The enemies quickly moved the debris before they could continue their pursuit. Scourge and Cyclonus led their Decepticon Armada over the long tunnels-like. As they arrived at the end, they waited for their enemies to come out. A minute has passed, no one has emerged. "Blast them!" Cyclonus exclaimed in anger, "They didn't come out!" Scourge groaned, "This means one thing for sure!" After removing all of debris, Swipestrike and his main army entered in search for their prisoners while armed and cautious for their enemies. They then came across the Prison Transport. They then entered and searched for the prisoners and invaders. But it's empty. Swipestrike screamed in anger, "DAMN YOU!" On the sewerage... Mystic Knight, One-Eyed Anger and small numbers of Imperial Phoenix Army led Mane Six and their allies down while walking across the sewer's hallway. Autobots remained in their vehicle modes to travel since the sewerage was too large for them to transform. Rarity wasn't very fond of it a lot. "Do we have to go through it? It reeks," Rarity complained. "It's better than sticking inside the prison transport," Sweetie Belle reminded, "You hate prison suits because it makes you... Fat?" Rarity sighed, "Fine. I hate it when you're right." Applejack groaned a bit, "She really needs to stop complaining. Otherwise, she's getting us into troubles." Everyone nodded in agreement with Applejack. Shadow Dragon sighed, "Never mind that. I just need to know one thing. How?" Everyone commented in agreement about what Shadow Dragon had asked. How did Mystic Knight escaped from being captured and able to find more allies while finding Mane Six and their allies. Mystic Knight scoffed, "After Strikespell set smokes out from school, he ordered me to find the rest of his old man's old guards before finding you. And by the way, I owe that party freak a lot for saving me lots of trouble." Everyone looked confuse and surprise of what Mystic Knight had said. They turned and looked at Pinkie Pie, who shrugged in concern and confusion as others. Wheelie and Brains jumped and entered Pinkie's funky and messy hair in searching for something while throwing lots of strange items and heavy stuffs out. They both came out as they both held a small square tracking device. Everyone awed in surprise and shock of it. Pinkie whistled, "So, that's how. Cool! Do it again!" "You're truly resourceful," Optimus Prime complimented. Roadblock scoffed, "Hate to admit it. Nice work." "Keep moving!" One-Eyed Anger ordered, "We don't have much time! We can't let the enemies catch up to us!" Mystic Knight nodded, "He's right. We're running out of time." "But where are we going?" Twilight Sparkle asked in concern, "Where are we gonna hide? What are we gonna do?! How do we win the war? Do we have tracking device on our body or somewhere?! And what happen if Dark Curse and his army figured out where we're going?!" Sunset Shimmer stopped and calmed Twilight Sparkle down, "Calm down, Twilight. You're not gonna get the straight answers if you're in panic mode." Shadow Dragon nodded in agreement as he held her shoulders, "Sunset's right. You need to relax and ask one question, and another. Okay?" Twilight sighed calmly, "Okay." "For where we're going? There's someone you all have to see and meet," Mystic Knight answered calmly, "You'd best prepared for it." At the Command Center... Swipestrike and his main units returned to the Phoenix Fortress after they have failed to recaptured the prisoners back. Swipestrike, Houndkiller, Scourge, Cyclonus, Baroness and Destro reported to their leaders about their failures. Dark Curse, Cobra Commander and Galvatron weren't please with it. "Damn it..." Cobra Commander muttered in anger, "I've underestimate Strikespell's plan and resourcefulness." "Indeed. The enemies have learned our plans and especially their former comrades," Galvatron said in concern. "It doesn't matter. It's already too late for them to do anything. What could these fools possibly do?" Dark Curse asked darkly, "They're outnumbered and outmatched against us. We have the army. We have the arsenal. We have the weapons. We have the world under our control. And above all, we will remake this world perfect in order." "Yes..." Cobra Commander and Galvatron smirked darkly. Galvatron turned to both Cyclonus and Scourge, "Check with the boy and the girl. Make sure they're intact with Soundwave's control and be forgotten of their allies. We must not let them freed from the control!" Cobra Commander turned to Baroness and Destro, "You as well. I don't want my former comrade-in-arms to turn against us! I need him to distract and deal with Joe for long, so Project End could proceed without interference." Scourge, Cyclonus, Baroness and Destro saluted and nodded, "At once!" Swipestrike cleared his throat, "Should I prepare the Project End?" "Yes... Begin the final preparation, Swipestrike," Dark Curse ordered darkly before chuckled calmly, "New Order is upon us..." Mane Six and their allies continued following Mystic Knight, One-Eyed Anger and their small units across the sewerage hallway for two hours. Upon seeing the light ahead, they all exited the tunnel. They came across the large area, which was filled with military camps and small numbers of Imperial Phoenix Army. Instead of stopping, Mystic Knight and One-Eyed Anger continued walking ahead, making Mane Six and their friends to follow him at once. Autobots sent their Holobots to follow and see everything as they suspected something is about to happen. They spent 15 minutes in walking. They came across the hallway of patient bedroom. They entered the first bedroom at once. They came across a familiar character sleeping on the bed. Azure Phoenix groaned a bit, "About damn time. Late as usual, Sparkle?" "Azure Phoenix?" Twilight Sparkle asked in surprise. She approached Azure Phoenix, who held his hand in holding hers. She sobbed tearfully as she cried and hugged him, "You're alive! You're really alive! I can't believe it!" Azure Phoenix grunted a bit of pain before had his right hand hugging her, "Sorry to scare you, Twilight. I'm just glad you're alive and with the right people." Everyone awed in relieved and happiness to see Azure Phoenix and Twilight Sparkle being together again. Nyx sighed happily while scratching Spike's head, "Glad to see sister happy again." Lance nodded, "Yeah. It's awesome." "Uh... Is it me or does any of you get bothered by how the heck Azure Phoenix survive?!" Rainbow Dash asked in concern and surprise. Everyone chatted in agreement about what Rainbow Dash had said. "How? How did you survive?" Sunset Shimmer asked in concern, "Twilight and her siblings, me and even Strikespell saw you died on the bed." Shadow Dragon nodded in agreement, "Dr. Black Jack told me that you have lost your Phoenix Ability after the operation!" Han scoffed, "I have the feeling you expected this, didn't you?" "True. That's very true. My Phoenix Ability was never lost. It was shut down temporary. I ordered Dr. Black Jack to do it." Azure Phoenix grunted as he slowly sat up straight. Everyone was in shock and surprise of what they just heard. He continued, "Our enemies were still keeping an eye on me, waiting to hunt and assassinate me. Dr. Mindbender was sent to finish me off. Therefore, I tricked Dr. Mindbender by believing that he injected some poison into me and witnessed me dead." "How did you do that?" Flash asked in surprise, "Faking death won't be easily." "I told Black Jack of what's going on. And so, he prepared three serums - Power Down Temporary Serum, Vacuum Serum and finally Coma Serum." Azure Phoenix explained. Everyone gasped in surprise and concern. He continued, "It's the only way to fool the enemies." "Did Strikespell know about this?" Applejack asked. "My son knows it. I already warned him earlier about the enemy's conspiracy. So he made one step earlier and arranged you to escape." Azure Phoenix nodded, "At the same time, I need to heal from my injuries. Therefore, it gives me some time to recruit and train both veteran and rookies. And of course, I'm planning some strategies with Schemetrick and Anger." "What would that be?" Cade asked curiously. "If this is about saving our home from danger, we should help you as well," Optimus Prime said, "We must defend our home at all cost." Roadblock nodded, "Yeah. Our enemies won't underestimate us so easily. They're gonna make sure that we won't interfere them. They're gonna give everything they have to stop us." "Yeah. Project End is gonna start soon. Both of good and evil magic are with the enemies," Sunset Shimmer said in concern, "Dark Curse is going to convert all of our magic into powerful and dangerous Energon source to destroy and recreate our world!" Twilight Sparkle nodded, "We have to stop them! We can't let them do this!" Everyone nodded and commented in unison, "YEAH! I want to help too! I want to protect my friend!" "So, what are your thoughts, Mr. Secretary?" Shadow Dragon asked in concern. Azure Phoenix gave the firm and fierce eyes, "Bring down Dark Curse and his Alliance of Darkness, as well as destroying his Project End. Save the world." Everyone gasped and looked in surprise and shock while looking at each other. It looks like they're gonna be involved of a battle against their enemies... At the science lab; MechaStahl, Dr Mindbender and Shockwave were checking out on Sam, Mikaela and Dragoclaw or Duke. The mind-controlled trio were sitting and lying down on their chairs as the headgear-like machines were on their heads blinking repeatedly like draining their energy or removing something in their heads. They want to make sure that their former enemies are under mind-controlled. Cyclonus, Scourge, Baroness and Destro entered the scene in checking for the results. "Shockwave, report," Cyclonus demanded. Shockwave turned to Cyclonus, "The result's are perfect, Commander. The mind-controlled over the Humans are stabilized and secured. No resistance from them, as well as they learned the truth behind their memories." Baroness turned to Duke, "What about this one?" "Did he give you some problem, doctor?" Destro asked in amusement. Dr. Mindbender smirked as he gave Dragocloaw an injection of Dark Rainbow Energon. Dragoclaw growled in anger and pain. "He's perfect and fine. As long it is on his head and my perfect serum," Dr. Mindbender explained, "he will obey us only." MechaStahl smirked darkly, "In fact, with Soundwave's powerful technology, Cobra's Nanotechnology and Dark Rainbow Energon, these soldiers are our perfect soldiers. We'll make sure that they remember nothing. And none of them have resisted our control. We'll soon have" Scourge smirked, "Excellent. Lord Galvatron will be pleased of it. We'll be ready for the enemies, should they returned." Destro nodded, "Yes. We'll finish them for good." "And once they're out," Baroness said calmly, "We can finally begin and end the Project End for good." "Yes. Our conquest will be complete..." Cyclonus commented in amusement. As MechaStahl and their scientists continued their works on mind-control, Crimson Guard Sam Witwicky groaned and struggled a bit of pain like he was being distracted. He saw the flashback of him and Bumblebee throughout their hangout, journey and struggles of their life. One word make him said it. "Bee..." Everyone gathered at the meeting room including Autobots in their robotic modes. They're discussing about dealing and defeating both Alliance of Darkness and their Project End. Twilight hummed in concern as she asked her mentor, "Azure Phoenix, did you know about Cunning Fury is actually Cobra Commander?" "No, I didn't until his behavior recently stranger and different since a year ago," Azure Phoenix answered. Everyone turned and looked at him. He continued, "For one thing, I'm sure he's not Cunning Fury - my strategist always said 'Imbecile' when someone or enemies did something stupid or annoyed him." "So, what happen to him?" Lance asked in concern. Schemetrick took over and explained, "Before it was built as NEST's Base, it used to be old military base. No one has used it since the war until we received the news." "So, I sent Cunning Fury and his squadron to investigate three years ago. It went radio silent for five days. We went to search for him. But he was there, alone," Azure Phoenix continued, "And he told me that it was a computer glitch and nothing to worry. However, I wasn't convinced." One-Eyed Anger added, "We've been keeping an eye on him since that day while wondering of what he's doing. And my cousin was right, that really wasn't Cunning Fury." Saber Dragoon hummed in concern, "Not only him, he managed to bring his other allies into Imperial Phoenix Army, planning their conspiracy against the world while waiting to strike. And Project End is the one they were waiting." Azure Phoenix nodded, "Correct, detective." "We've gotta stop that Project!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed in concern. Aquastroke nodded, "Otherwise, our world can go bye-bye forever." "Yes, I agreed. That is why I prepared these," Schemetrick brought the case out. He opened it and revealed eight microchip. Everyone looked at it as they wondered of what's going on. He continued with his laptop showing animation of what Phoenix Cruisers can do, along with satellites, "Once these ships reached its destination approximately at 3,000 feet high, they will triangulate with the Phoenix Satellites together ro become fully weaponized. And thus, it gave the enemies the chance to launch powerful destruction of the world by combining both Rainbow and Dark Rainbow Energon. And according to this notes from MechaStahl's; if they both clashed together as one fiercely, it could destroy anything and even the core itself." One Eyed Anger scoffed, "We can't let that happen. So, we have to destroy the ships by detonating on command bridge or engines." "Or we let them destroy each other," Mystic Knight added as he pointed at below deck's schematic area. He continued while holding the chip, "We have to replaced the targeting chips with these. It will be remotely controlled by Schemetrick, Joyce and Simmons to get the job done. If they reached their destination, well, too bad - game over for all of us." Azure Phoenix nodded, "We have to assumed that all the crew from Project: Avenging Ship are indeed the enemies. So, you all must be very careful and prepared for them. They will not underestimate you again. Once the enemies are dealt with, we're gonna salvage, and maybe some of-!" "No! We're not gonna salvage anything!" Shadow Dragon exclaimed firmly. Everyone turned and looked at him. He continued, "We're not just taking Project End down, we're not taking everything down, even it is Imperial Phoenix Army!" "Imperial Phoenix Army has nothing to do with this. Neither does my son has!" "You gave me and my team the mission. And we're gonna complete it. You told me and others that your military has been compromised. Dark Terrorists has been hidden from you while growing in numbers from within. And none have noticed it." "I noticed it since that day Cunning Fury went missing three years ago!" "And how many have paid the price for this before you could react?! How many more of our friends turned to enemies?!" Everyone turned and looked at Azure Phoenix as they have their thoughts of what Shadow Dragon had said. He was right as more of innocents and friends will die if they don't do something about the enemies. Azure Phoenix sighed, "Look. I didn't know Witwicky, Banes, Lennox, Epps, Arcee or even Duke turned out to be enemies. Honest." "Either way, he's right. We're not gonna let more of our friends and innocents died because of the mistakes. And believe me, sir, I ain't gonna let that happen," Roadblock said firmly. Optimus Prime nodded, "I agreed. To save this world, we must defeat and destroy the enemies once and for all. If Dark Curse is defeated, the Alliance of Darkness will be destroyed, forcing the enemies to retreat and go separate ways. It will be easy for us to deal with them." "Imperial Phoenix Army... Cobra... Decepticons... And Dark Terrorists. They're all go!" Shadow Dragon added. Sunset Shimmer sighed, "He's right. If they did succeed it, they could come and invade my home or any world they want." "It's hard but the lives are more important than just a military force," Twilight Sparkle added before sighed, "I'm sorry, sir. I have to side with Shadow Dragon on this one." Azure Phoenix was surprise and shocked by it before turned to others. Mane Six and their allies, and even his own Elite Guards agreed with Shadow Dragon about it. Mystic Knight scoffed, "It looks like he's taking over the command." Azure Phoenix smirked, "I know when I'm defeated. I hope you and your team know what you're doing. This is not some kind of game, my friends." Shadow Dragon nodded, "I know, sir." Both Dragon Strike Force and Mane Five were training themselves in ready to fight against the enemies as well as saving the rest of captives from Alliance of Darkness. Cutie Mark Crusaders watched the events only. G.I. Joe and Autobots did the same thing as well. And at the same time, they armed and equipped themselves with their weapons, gears and suits for the battle. Azure Phoenix and Schemetrick approached Storm Shadow, Snake Eyes and Jinx as the former Imperial Phoenix Army Officers have something important to tell them about. It surprised and shocked the ninjas. "Are you certain?" Jinx asked for confirmation. Azure Phoenix nodded firmly. Storm Shadow clenched his fists, "Finally. We found him at last. He's mine to kill." Snake Eyes nodded in understanding what Storm Shadow wanted to do. Blazefist was silent and sitting down on chair. He was thinking about Indigo Zap. He recalled the happy times they both went through. He prayed that she's alright and safe from danger. Aquastroke approached and patted him while Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo came from other side. "Don't worry, Blazefist. We'll get her. We promised," Aquastroke comforted. Blazefist sighed, "I hope so. I hope that she is not experimented and turned into some kind of monster. I would never forgive myself." Rainbow Dash punched Blazefist's shoulder, "Not gonna happen. We're gonna make Indigo Zap is still Indigo Zap. Got it?" Blazefist thought calmly before sighed while smiled a bit, "Yeah. You're right. We're gonna get her back. That's promise I made with her." Scootaloo squealed, "Yeah! We can do this!" Aquastroke smiled as she hugged her husband while he hugged back. Both Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo smiled in relief. At the science lab; Shorty Thinking, Tailtech, Icy, Prowl, Drift, Cade Yeager, Joshua Joyce and Agent Simmons were working together in dealing with freeing Lennox, Epps and Arcee from mind-control. "Do you think we can save them?" Cade asked in concern. Shorty Thinking sighed, "To be honest, I don't know. But I'm gonna do my best to solve the problem. And hopefully, we can save Sam, Mikaela and Duke. We promised the others about it." Shorty Thinking checked through the computer in scanning and searching anything that is controlling three of them. Tailtech and Icy checked through life signs. Autobots and their allies checked on Arcee, Lennox and Epps. And hopefully, he can find a way to destroy it before it make them kill the rest of their friends and allies. Optimus Prime, Sideswipe and Bumblebee were at forest. Three of them were still worried yet scared of what has happening. They may have saved Arcee, Lennox and Eppes but they need to deal with Sam and Mikaela. "You guys okay?" Sideswipe asked in concern. Bumblebee spoke without using his radio, "Worry... About them..." "I know. But I'm not sure if it's the same people we used to know, Bee. They could be brainwashed by the enemies. And you know, they're not gonna give you a chance to back down." "I know. But I've gotta try. They're my friends. Always be..." Optimus Prime nodded in understanding, "Your valor and compassion for your friends is commendable, Bumblebee. But you must remember what is important." Bumblebee hummed in concern. He patted on Bumblebee's left shoulder, "Do not be grim, my friend. We will rescue them. We will bring them home. And we will not lose them again. I promised." Bumblebee hummed before nodded in understanding, "Thanks, Optimus Prime." Sideswipe sighed, "I hope Shorty Thinking has the answer of what we needed." "So do I, Sideswipe," Optimus Prime admitted, "So do I." At command center, Roadblock was looking at the miniature of Phoenix Fortress. He was concerned and worried about Duke being Dragoclaw while wondering if he can stop his old friend while destroying Project End in time. He feared that he won't able to do it. "Still worry about Duke?" Flint asked in concern. Roadblock remained silent. He sighed, "Sorry, boss. Duke is my friend. I want nothing more to bring him back home." Lady Jaye nodded, "Me too. He's not just our commander, he's our brother too." "And my boyfriend too," Scarlet added, "We'll gonna bring him back. We're gonna beat Cobra and their game. That's the promise." "I hope so. But what happen if we meet again? No doubt he'll attack and finish us off," Roadblock said in concern, "I don't know if I have the guts to stop him." Ripcord patted Roadblock's back, "No worry, man. You won't be alone to do it. We're gonna do it together. You know that?" Roadblock turned and looked at his friends who gave the same firm and calm looks. He knew and understand that they're willing do whatever it takes to save their friend. He sighed. "You're right. Thanks, guys. I owe you a lot..." Twilight Sparkle was on the building's rooftop as she was looking at the city, forest and town. She smiled a bit of seeing how beautiful it is. She frowned as she knew it will never be when Alliance of Darkness began Project End to recreate it into New Order. She doesn't like it. "Twilight?" Shadow Dragon called. Twilight Sparkle turned and looked at him. He approached and asked, "Are you sure you want to do this? You don't want to be part of it." Twilight Sparkle sighed, "You know the answer. You know I have to do this. It's because of me." "Twilight, we've been through this for 10 times. We all forgive you. And it's never been your fault." "But if I hadn't built that stupid compact in the first place, none of this would have happen." "Even if you didn't, they would have succeeded the Project End with or without you. Besides, we learned of it. We're ready for the fight now. But I'm just worried that I won't be there for you. They may separate us to beat us down for good." "I know. But I have to. It's just I'm scared..." "Don't be..." The calm and firm voice called. Both Twilight Sparkle and Shadow Dragon turned and found Sunset Shimmer, Flash Sentry, Mane Five, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Nyx, Lance and Spike entered the scene. Sunset Shimmer continued, "You have us. We're your friends. We're not gonna let anything bad happen to you. It's a promise." Flash Sentry nodded, "You betcha. We're gonna knock those bad guys out!" Everyone cheered wildly and proudly, "[Rainbow Dash] You bet, guys! We're gonna give it all! [Pinkie Pie] Yeah! Party time! [Rarity] Just don't be afraid of it, darling. [Fluttershy] We'll be there with you till the end. [Cutie Mark Crusaders] All for One, and One for All. [Applejack] You can count on us, sugarcube. We're with you till the end." Nyx hugged Twilight Sparkle, "Did you see it, sis? You're lucky to have them as your friends." Lance nodded, "You betcha, Nyx. We're not go down without the fight! We're gonna do it together!" Spike nuzzled Twilight Sparkle's legs, "No matter what happens, Twilight, we'll help you. We're gonna make sure you'll never be alone." "Everyone, thank you so much," Twilight Sparkle thanked happily while sobbing tearfully, "I'm lucky to meet you all. You girls are my first friends I ever had." Everyone hugged her passionately and happily. Dragoking came as he wrapped and coiled around them tightly as he hugged them. Everyone yelped a bit of pain while laughing happily yet amusement. Shorty Thinking and his team spent whole night till morning as they came in close of finding the source and destroying it. They have managed to find it. Through the injector, they extracted some out for testing in destroying them. They came across a powerful EMP Electrical Energy Pads as they gave a shocking test on some Nanotechnology. When they did the same thing to Arcee, Lennox and Epps; the trio got shocked and electrocuted while destroying Nanotechnology within their skull. The moment Arcee, Lennox and Epps went in silent. It gave Shorty Thinking and his team worry and feared. When the Arcee and her friends opened their eyes, they were shocked and surprise of what happened and how did they end up here. It makes Shorty Thinking and his team a hopefully looks. "I found the solution!" To be Continued... Review and Suggest...