//------------------------------// // Everyone feels pain // Story: Memories of a past not forgotten // by CrystalHopeDragon //------------------------------// Luna's sleeping schedule was already off enough from the events at the Crystal Empire. Upon arriving home, she realized it wasn't getting better anytime soon. It was still day, if she got some sleep now she would be up in time for her nightly duties. As soon as her sister got in the castle though, that was obviously not an option. She had never seen her sister cry. Her strong, proud, unbreakable sister. Even her betrayal hadn't been enough to bring tears to her eyes. (Well, at least not in front of her anyway.) So when Celestia broke down with a tale so old, yet so raw at the moment, all she could think to do was hold her sister and listen. It took hours. Between the sobs and the stutters it took four hours to get the basic of the story. She talked about her baby being born, how she did it herself and hid him away. She talked about him learning to talk, to levitate things, to walk (in that order). She talked about when she enrolled him in her recently created magic school so that he could grow stronger among peers. She talked with such pride, so much joy and sorry intermixed. Then she talked about him growing up - and not stopping. She talked about him growing smarter, stronger, and them growing apart. And after they grew apart, how it felt like she had barely blinked before he was gone. (Ponies do die too fast, even with her thousand years of banishment Luna still remembers the pain from that.) By the time she was done it was time to raise the moon. For the first time Luna had to tuck her into bed. That completed, she knew she had a new duty to do tonight. While keeping an eye on ponies dreams kept her busy, that didn't mean she didn't have any time to herself. During that time, she scoured the library for every mention of the stallion of which Celestia had spoke. She found a decent amount. He was a famous Wizard by all means, though no Starswirl. He had managed to make quite a few head ways in multiple different areas of magic. She wondered if her sister knew that among those areas were time spells and aging magic. He was the first Wizard to successfully extend his life with magic, even at the cost of most of said magic. He lived a good 70 years longer than he naturally would have. That was still too short for an immortal though. Still, it sounds like he was trying to stay around for her sister, right until the very end. He was one child though who had no chance of outliving his mother. By the end of the night she was thoroughly enlightened, as well as completely exhausted. When she went to wake her sister, she looked as perfect as ever. The shields were up; the immovable princess was back. Luna wondered how much practice it took to hide that much pain for so long. After her incident with the Tantabus though, maybe it was best she never try. Maybe it was best she stop Celestia from trying too. Luna was here too now, they can handle their pain together. After she gets a good days sleep that is.