Eternal Love, Life, and Death

by Fiction Quill

The Land of Equestria

Darkness. That was all Lance could see at the moment. The last thing he remembered seeing before blacking out was what seemed like an angel that was lavender colored, with a pair of wings and a horn. He didn't have a chance to try to figure out who or what it was, but what was odd was the voice sounded familiar. A little TOO familiar. Lance could feel his strength returning and began to open his eyes. When he opened his eyes he could still barely see. All he could see was his hands in front of his face. So he knows he isn't blind, if anything there must not be any lights on. Lance tried to get out of the bed to find a light switch but instead ended up falling to the ground, his leg still in pain. He checked his leg to see its condition. He saw that his leg was patched up but still injured pretty badly. As Lance was trying to get up heard what appeared to be footsteps coming his way or rather... Trotting? That didn't sound right at all. He thought back to what Roman said. About his machine he built transporting them to a different dimension. Before he could continue to think on the matter the doors where enveloped in a purple aura and then swung open to reveal what he was not expecting. Twilight Sparkle the Princess of Friendship was standing in the door way along with her 6 friends Apple Jack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Spike all with concerned looks on their faces. It was a shock to behold. All Lance could do was sit there with his mouth agape. Before he could say anything all 7 of them rushed over to his aid.

"Sir, are you alright?! We heard a crash from your room. What happen?! How is your leg?! How did you get hurt?! I have so many questions for-" Twilight prattled on until Lance put a hand to her muzzle to stop her from getting too carried away. He couldn't help but chuckle at how adorable he thought she was when she was like this.

"Hey now one question at a time. I am just as confused as you are." Twilight blushed as she folded her ears back a bit ashamed at her outburst.

"Sorry! I was just a bit worried I guess. Allow me to introduce myself my name is-" But before Twilight could finish Lance interrupted her.

"Twilight Sparkle. The Princess of Friendship. That baby dragon is your number 1 assistant Spike. The earth pony with the hat is Applejack. The pink earth pony is Pinkie Pie. The Unicorn is Rarity. The cream colored Pegasus is Fluttershy. The cyan colored Pegasus is Rainbow Dash." After Lance finished talking all of their mouths went agape and that's when Pinkie Pie jumped on him and stared him in the eyes.

"Are you psychic?!" That's when Lance couldn't hold back his laughter any longer. That is until the pain settled in. Twilight used her magic to levitate Lance back into the bed.

"Be careful you had more than just an injured leg. When we got back to the castle I used my magic to check you for any further injuries and you had a few broken ribs. I don't know what caused you to have these kinds of injuries but it must have been one heck of a situation." Twilight said. Pinkie Pie started bouncing up and down as she got excited.

"Oh! I know! He got caught in the crossfire of an explosion that was caused by a machine going haywire that sent him here from a different dimension!" Pinkie Pie said as she smiled happily and made the adorable squee noise that he remembered from the show. The other 6 looked at Pinkie Pie strangely as Lance chuckled.

"You do realize how crazy that sounds Pinkie?" Rainbow Dash said as she rubbed the back of her head with her hoof.

"Nevertheless she is correct." They all looked at Pinkie with shocked expressions, but then they immediately shook it off and chuckled remembering that Pinkie was just being Pinkie.

"So you are from a different dimension? How did you end up here? I mean I know HOW, but what brought all of this about?" Twilight asked. The question suddenly brought back all of the memories that happened during that current time. Especially a certain incident that Lance had caused due to his principles. He shook his head trying to fight back the tears.

"I don't really want to talk about that, at least not yet. If you girls don't mind I need some time to myself." Lance said as he rolled over in an attempt to hide the pained look on his face. Twilight and the others could tell something was wrong, but decided not to press the issue for right now.

"Very well Mr?" Lance just realized he had not given his name yet.

"It's Lance, just Lance. None of this Mr or sir business. I never really liked that sort of thing." Twilight simply nodded.

"Very well Lance. We will let you get some rest. When you feel ready to tell us what happened we will be here when you need us." Lance smiled. Still the same Twilight he knew from the show.

"Thank you princess." Twilight giggled.

"Just Twilight please." Lance chuckle and nodded.

"Very well. Thank you Twilight." With that Twilight and the girls left.
Lance just lied in bed staring at the ceiling with fresh tears running down his cheeks. Lance buried his face in his hands as he began to cry harder. Constantly thinking how he got his best friend Roy killed by that bastard Roman.

"It's all my fault." He could no longer hold anything back. All he could think about was how he was to blame for Roy's death. Never had his principles been used against him like this. He no longer trusted himself. He felt that he was not only a danger to the police force but a danger to every life around him. Suddenly he felt something grab his shoulder.

"What's your fault?" Lance looked beside him and saw Spike standing next to him looking at him sympathetically.

"I thought I asked everyone to leave." Spike smirked and shook his head.

"No you asked the GIRLS to leave. I am not a girl." Lance remembered the words he used and chuckled as he shook his head.

"I guess I should have been more specific." Spike chuckled and nodded as he sat down beside Lance.

"So what eaten ya? You can tell me if you want. I promise I won't tell Twilight or the others. I swear on my honor and my dragon code!" Lance smiled and knew from the show that a dragon code to a dragon is just as important as their own life. Lance nodded.

"I won't go into detail, but let's just say that I caused my best friend to die before I was transported here." Spike's eyes went wide and a frown formed on his face and his look of sympathy only grew stronger.

"Wow I am so sorry to hear that. I’m sure it wasn't your fault. You mustn't blame yourself." Spike said as his grip on Lance's shoulder grew tighter. If only you knew. Lance thought.

"Trust me Spike I know the difference. It was my fault." Spike expression grew sadder, but then he smile at Lance reassuringly.

"Even IF it was your fault I am sure your best friend wouldn't blame you." Lance nodded, but never took his gaze away from the ceiling.

"Thanks Spike." Spike nodded and smiled.

"Don't mention it. Anyways I think I should leave and let you get some rest. I am sure Twilight is going to try to talk your ear off tomorrow." Spike and Lance shared a good laugh before Spike jumped off of the bed and left the room, leaving Lance to his thoughts.

Lance just continued to stare at the ceiling in despair. He wanted nothing more than to seek vengeance against Roman for what he did to Roy and him. Lance knows that he only has himself to blame for Roy's death but it was Roman who initially pulled the trigger. Roman was also to blame for them being stuck here in Equestria. Lance won't lie, he does like the fact that was actually able to meet the mane 6 and Spike in the flesh, but it isn't his home. Lance knows he and Roman don't belong here, plus Lance doesn't want anypony to encounter Roman as he would probably kill them if they did. Sadly Lance can't do anything in his current condition. Lance could barely stand without being in severe pain let alone walking. Lance had no choice but to try to recover. Once that happens he will go out and search for Roman. He can't let Twilight and her friends know about Roman. If they knew who he was and what he was capable of they would end up endangering themselves like Lance endangered Roy. They wouldn't be able to survive against Roman for long. They are too soft hearted to deal with someone like Roman. They don't have the heart to kill. It was then Lance realized why his boss was so hesitant in letting him on this case. He himself was also too soft-hearted and didn't have the heart to kill. He let his personal feelings and principles cloud his judgement. Because of this his best and closest friend Roy has to pay for his weaknesses. Well no more! Lance had decided he will not stand for this anymore. Once his wounds are fully healed he will go out and find Roman and kill him in cold blood. Lance's anger began to rise to the surface and his blood boiled. Lance had only one thing in mind. Find and kill Roman. When Lance finally calmed down he decided it would be best if he got some sleep. Lance knew he wouldn't recover very quickly if his body and mind didn't get any time to rest. As Lance began to close his eyes and drift off to sleep he couldn't help but wonder where Roman was and if he was still alive or not.

Deep inside the frozen wasteland miles away from the Crystal Empire, there was a faint glow deep inside what would normally be an empty cave. Inside the cave was Roman doing his best to keep his fire going. Roman may have been cold, but he still had a satisfied smile on his face knowing that his theory about other dimensions was right. Now he couldn't wait to find a way to make all of the other scientists pay for mocking him and calling him a lunatic and a madman for his theories. The only question is how is he going to get back? His machine got destroyed in the explosion. Roman was lucky to come out of that with just a little scratch. Roman threw some more wood on the fire as he was trying to keep himself warm.

"I knew I was right. Now I just need to bring back some proof and get my revenge, although even if I did bring back proof it wouldn't change the fact that I am a wanted criminal. Besides I want the whole world to pay for how they ostracized me for my theories and ideas! But how? Hmm. If I could find a way to destroy the entire dimension then my revenge would truly be satisfying. Easier said than done. I don't have any parts to build anything of that magnitude; also this place has no electricity. It's like the dark ages except filled with technicolored talking ponies, dragons, griffons, and other mythical creatures. How am I supposed to get revenge without the right technology!?" Roman ranted. Just as he got done ranting he heard a low and malicious chuckle.

"This dimension as you call it is powered by magic. From your ranting I can tell you are evil. Who and what exactly are you?" The voice said. Roman could hear the voice from all around him, unable to pinpoint its location. Roman pulled out his gun and prepared himself.

"My name is Roman. I am a human. Who are YOU and what do you want?" The voice merely chuckle again.

"I couldn't help but hear that you wanted revenge, as well do I. There are some ponies that I want to be rid of, but sadly I don't have the power to do it on my own. Why don't we make a deal?" Roman was definitely intrigued by this.

"What kind of deal?" As the voice cackled for a third time, a black mist was starting to surround him, until it converged into a single spot in from of him revealing a grey unicorn stallion with a red horn and a black mane, wearing pieces of armor and a royal cape. What was strange about him though is the sclera of his eyes are green instead of white and the irises of his eyes are red, which usually showed that someone was either insane or evil with purple aura flowing from the corners of his eyes. When the stallion smiled his sharp fangs were revealed for all the world to see. This pony was definitely evil.

"The deal I propose is that we work together to achieve our goal. I want to make the ponies pay for taking my empire away from me. You want to make your entire dimension pay for the way they ostracized you and mocked you. I can help you with that." Roman smiled maliciously.

"I'm listening." The evil pony grinned.

"I possess a magic far greater than normal magic. However there is some magic that is stronger than mine, but is not able to be used for the purposes you seek. My magic can do that and more, but in order for this to be successful I need my empire back. Sadly I am unable to enter the empire though because of the crystal heart that they wield. It has to be removed from the picture before I can make my attack. If the Crystal Heart is destroyed then the frozen north will freeze and destroy my entire empire so it just needs to go missing until I can take over. That's where you come in my friend." Roman nodded and smirked mischievously.

"So let me get this straight. You want me to help you get your empire back by stealing the Crystal Heart. Once you have taken over you want me to return the heart to you so you can keep it safe and hidden, then when all of that is finished you will help me get my revenge?" The stallion nodded.

"Yes. Do we have a deal?" Roman started to stroke his beard, contemplating his decision. Roman chuckled and smirked.

"I can only accept deals with people or ponies if I know their names." The stallion smirked back and chuckled.

"My apologies. My name is King Sombre."