//------------------------------// // Showing It Off // Story: Apple Family Affairs // by PonyToneSinger //------------------------------// Apple Bloom raced excitedly through her chores then dashed off to see her friends. "Hey everypony! Guess what?" She she said, jumping up and down. "What? What is it?" they asked together. "Ah got mah cutie mark, that`s what!" "You did?!?" Sweetie Belle asked. "What is it?" Scootaloo asked. Apple Bloom turned so they could see her flank. They both gasp. "It`s beautiful Apple Bloom!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed. "That..Is.." Both girls look at Scootaloo. "AWESOME!!!" Apple Bloom wiped her hoof across her forehead. "Thank goodness, I was afraid you would both hate me for getting my cutie mark." "What? Don`t be ridiculous!" Exclaimed Sweetie Belle. "Yeah! we`re the Cutie Mark Crusaders, we stick together!" Adds Scootaloo. "Aww, thanks you guys! Hey, now we can spend more time working on yer cutie marks!" "Yeah!!" Exclaimed the other two. "Cutie Mark Crusaders Forever!" They yelled.