//------------------------------// // LCS: Truce Conquers Trix // Story: Love Beats Stupid // by chillbook1 //------------------------------// Trixie and Aria hated each other. Whenever the two crossed paths (which was almost humorously often), they were at each other’s throats. Aria hated Trixie’s obsession with herself almost as much as Trixie hated Aria for… Whatever her reason for hating Aria was. It was never made clear what Trixie’s problem with Aria was. At first, it was thought that Trixie was angry about when Aria threatened to beat her up in the cafeteria, but it was soon obvious that Trixie was over that particular episode. How could someone be so bitter about one high school run-in after so many years had passed? Sonata always found their rivalry to be somewhat amusing, so much so that she looked forward to their semi-regular run-ins with the magician. The way Sonata saw things, this was the part of her life that mattered, the part of her life that she would tell her children about. Every encounter with Trixie was a story to tell her little munchkins as they grew. Sonata could imagine their eyes growing wide in wonder as they discovered just how cool and silly their parents were. But, as Sonata would soon learn, not every encounter with Trixie Lulamoon was a happy one. “I’m coming, one sec!” Sonata called as she rolled out of bed. It was her day off, but not Aria’s, and Adagio was out in the world, so she was home by herself. She wasn’t expecting any visitors, so the guest at the door was definitely a mystery. It could’ve been anyone. Sonata most certainly wasn’t expecting to see the caped magician/priest Trixie in her doorway. “Is Jezebel Blaze here?” asked Trixie. “Trixie needs to speak with her.” “Oh, she’s at work right now. And can you please stop calling her ‘Jezebel’?” asked Sonata. “That is my wife, y’know?” “Sorry. Darn it all, Trixie cannot afford to wait… Look, there’s something I need to say to Aria.” Trixie tapped her foot impatiently. “I suppose you will have to do. May I come in?” Sonata was confused, but stepped out of the way to let Trixie inside nonetheless. She led her new guest to the couch and took a seat, followed swiftly by the magician herself. “So, what’s up, Trix?” asked Sonata. Trixie sighed deeply, removing her hat to reveal her seldom-seen, faint-blue hair. “Firstly, Trixie wants to do something she rarely does,” said Trixie. She cleared her throat. “Trixie would like to… apologize. Both to Aria and you.” “But you haven’t done anything to me.” “Untrue. You just aren’t aware. To tell you the honest truth, Sonata, I hated you.” Sonata tensed slightly, unaware of what to do with that information. “It’s through no fault of your own, Sonata Dusk, my hatred for you was born of my own immaturity. I have since… ‘gotten over it’ isn’t exactly accurate, but I can’t think of anything better. So, let’s just say I’ve gotten over my issues with you.” “Oh. Um…” Sonata fidgeted uncomfortably in her seat. “Thanks? And sorry you had a problem with me to start with.” “I thought I just told you that it wasn’t your fault. Stop apologizing,” scolded Trixie. “I wanted to say this before I left.” “You’re leaving?” “I am. I’m… I’m confused. I thought I knew who I was since before high school.” Trixie shook her head. “I guess I was wrong. My parents gave me some stock, I have a bit of money, and I’ve decided to use it to learn about myself. I am going to travel the world, and I don’t know if I’ll ever be back to Canterlot City. This may be the last time you see me.” Again, Sonata didn’t know exactly what to say. This was all so sudden and out of the blue. There was no precedence for this situation, so Sonata was forced to figure it out on her own. “We’re sad to see you go, but if you really think you need to do this…” sighed Sonata. “Aria had a time like this before we got engaged. She said she needed some answers to questions she didn’t even know had. Honestly, you two are more similar than I think either of you know.” “Oh?” Now it was Trixie’s turn to be surprised. “How so?” “Well, you’re both confident almost to the point of arrogance,” said Sonata. “You’re both very good at hiding who you really are, probably to try and protect yourselves from the world, and you’re both something of misanthrops. Basically, you hate people and are afraid of what they might say about you. So, you pretend to be something that people will avoid or adore.” “Wow. Trixie never knew you were this intelligent.” “I’m not stupid in a normal sense. I know a lot of stuff, I just struggle to put it all together. I’m a special kind of dumb.” Trixie chuckled, but almost immediately returned to her serious tone. She didn’t have time to laugh and joke. She still needed to prepare herself for her trip. “In any case, I just wanted to apologize to you and Aria for… Well, for being me,” said Trixie. “I’m especially sorry to you. We may have been very good friends if it weren’t for my jealousy.” “Jealousy?” Sonata tilted her head in confusion. “You were jealous of me?” “I still am, but this hardly matters now. Like I said, I’ll be gone in a few hours.” Trixie sighed. “I really wanted to tell all of this to Aria. I imagine it would be easier.” “I’m sorry she’s not here. She gets off at five, if you…” “No. I have to be on my train by five.” Trixie rose and returned her hat to her head. “There’s simply no time. Forgive me for intruding on your day off, Sonata. I just…” “Trixie, I feel like you’re not saying everything that’s on your mind.” Sonata grasped Trixie’s hand. “I know you don’t like me, but if there’s anyone who can listen, it’s me.” To Sonata’s surprise, Trixie began to laugh. “Thank you, Sonata. I assure you, I will keep in touch.” Trixie reached into her pocket and withdrew a slip of paper, which she then handed to Sonata. “This is my e-mail and phone number. Contact me as you wish. I must go now.” “Do you want some company?” asked Sonata. “Moving away can be kinda scary, and having a friend send you off helps a lot.” “Thank you, but I’ll manage. I regret the circumstances,” said Trixie. “Were you not with Aria, I imagine the two of us could get along just fine.” Sonata really wasn’t good at putting things together, so the true meaning of what Trixie said eluded her. The comment just sort of soared over her head, which suited Trixie just fine. The two women looked at each other for a few moments then, out of nowhere, Sonata hugged her. Trixie didn’t react at first, but eventually patted Sonata on the back. “We’re gonna miss you, Trixie,” said Sonata. Trixie chuckled lightly. “And Trixie will miss you,” promised Trixie. “Good bye, Sonata Blaze. Tell Aria that I’ll miss her.” Trixie turned away and headed for the door. When she was gone, Sonata grabbed her phone and dialed Aria’s number. A short while later, the wife in question picked up. “Hey, Sony, what’s up? You know I’m at work, right?” “I just got done talking to Trixie,” said Sonata. “And I think she has a huge crush on you.” “What? You do realize that we hate each other, right?” asked Aria. Sonata explained to Aria the conversation that she had, and Aria came to her own conclusions. She reasoned that Sonata wasn’t too far off, but something about the way Trixie was described as carrying herself felt off. A crush didn’t quite capture it completely. “I’ll be home in a bit, then we’re gonna go meet her at the train station,” said Aria. “Be ready to go.” Trixie stood near the edge of the platform, waiting patiently for her train to pull into the station. All she had on her was a small carry on, filled with a small amount of clothes. Everything else, Trixie would be leaving behind in her search for understanding and companionship. Trixie would be able to start fresh, develop a whole new her. It was about as liberating as it was terrifying. A shrill whistle alerted Trixie of the train’s arrival, followed swiftly by the chugging of the massive machine barreling along to a stop. With a mechanical hiss, the door slid open, and the conductor said something incoherent over the intercom. Several people filed onto the train in front of Trixie, who took a moment to say goodbye to her home. Holding her memories of Canterlot City deep in her heart, Trixie grabbed up her bag and took a step for the train. “Yo! Tripsy!” Trixie’s eyes grew wide in surprise. She turned around just in time to see the thin, purple finger flick her on the nose. Aria stood with a package in one hand, the other hand on her hip and a slightly irritated look on her face, followed by Sonata, who was struggling to keep breath. “J-jezebel? What is the meaning of this?!” Trixie demanded. “Trixie is about to get on her train!” “Well, I heard my arch-nemesis is getting out of Dodge, so I figured I better say goodbye,” said Aria. “And, I guess… Y’know, apologize, for… Well, everything.” Trixie gasped faintly, but quickly regained her composure. The look on her face changed from confusion immediately to her default expression of arrogance and self-assurance. “Well, Trixie supposes… You haven’t been the worst person Trixie has ever met, so…” Trixie grinned. “If you accept her apology, Trixie supposes we can call it even.” “Speaking of even…” Aria shoved the package into Trixie’s hand. “Don’t open that until you’re on the train.” Almost as if on cue, the garbled, almost unintelligible call from the conductor rang through the station. The train would be leaving soon. “Well, goodbye, I suppose,” said Trixie, clutching the package to her chest. “Later, Trix,” said Aria. Trixie turned. “Hey, wait. I wanted to wish you luck on finding what you’re looking for. It ain’t easy to walk away from… Well, you know. I won’t patronize you by-.” Trixie turned on her heel, grabbed Aria by the shoulders, and kissed her. When they broke apart, Trixie ran onto the train. “I couldn’t live without doing that!” called Trixie. “Goodbye, Jezebel! Sorry, Slow-nata!” The doors closed and, after a short delay and another garbled announcement, the train chugged along down the track. Aria turned and locked eyes with her wife, not having enough brain function to wipe Trixie’s lipstick from her mouth. “You saw that she kissed me, right?” said Aria. Trixie sat herself down and carefully tore open the package, elated to see its contents. Three comic books, still in the protective plastic wrapper. Showcase #59: The Return of the Teen Titans, Teen Titans #1, and Teen Titans #22: Origin of Wonder Girl. Trixie grinned widely. “Goodbye, Jezebel Blaze,” said Trixie. “Until we meet again.”