//------------------------------// // Side Story: "What's This Button Do?" // Story: Discord's Apprentice // by Architect Ironturtle //------------------------------// Architect didn't quite turn around fast enough to prevent Starlight from pushing the button. Out in the Great Time Bush, half a dozen different threads suddenly got yanked out of their normal places and all tangled together. Architect glared at Starlight, who gave him a sheepish grin in return. 88888888 "What-" Said Pinkie, her tails waving behind her. "The-" said Sam, shaking his cape out behind him. "****?" Said George, staring in confusion at their surroundings. Seven beings, a mixture of ponies and humans, stood in a crack in reality. Through that crack, each could see their respective home universe, but only see. For the moment, they were stuck between. "Something broke," said Spike, flipping through a suspiciously plain looking book as he spoke, "I'm pretty sure this isn't supposed to be happening." "Got that right," said Dual, scratching the back of his bald head, "I think it's that time of year again. In any case, don't worry anyone, none of this is canon." "Whinny?" said Starlight, prompting William to add, "Well, now what?" "I guess we just kill time until the universe fixes itself," said George, "Anyone got any ideas?" "Let's play Pajama Man!" Sam shouted. "I'm in!" said Pinkie, and she scooped him up and ran off to one of the corners. Spike rolled his eyes before snapping the book shut and going off to join them while the three humans and Starlight formed their own cluster. "So," Dual said finally, "Would either of you care to explain why we look so similar?" 88888888 "But that doesn't make sense," Spike protested, "Why would I want to bury congress under a mountain of concrete when I can just mind control them all?" "Because that's what the Rock Mixer does, and you're him," Sam stated with finality, "Pinkie knows what's up, she's doing a great job!" Pinkie poured more tea into her cup and sipped it with an evil smile, "Come to the Fem side, Pajama Man, we have cookies!" 88888888 William ground his teeth as George and Dual argued over who was the real version. He'd been kicked out long ago thanks to his 'lack of personality' as Dual had put it, and was now forced to watch what was quickly becoming a completely nonsensical debate. "I have a backstory and personality," George retorted, drawing William's attention back to the present, "Clearly that makes me the real one." "I was here first!" Dual stated, crossing his arms, "That means I'm the real one." "Just because you're older doesn't mean you're better," Goerge shot back as William buried his face in his hand. 88888888 "There, fixed," Architect said as he finished rewiring the button, "You're lucky the inspectors are slow this cycle, Star. They would have had our tails for that." Starlight blushed as she watched the timelines return to their regular state, "At least no permenant damage was done, right?" she asked hopefully. "There'd better not be," Architect muttered, "I don't have time for these messes. Come on, there's a muncher on thread #3. You get to convince it to leave." Starlight winced. Meanwhile, back inside reality, Pinkie Pie's mind was suddenly filled with the image of a Superhero in blue pajamas.