The Four Stallions of the Apocalypse: Broken Formation

by UltimateRuin009

Chapter 7 (Revised)

Chapter 7

The day was spent entirely under the sun as Celestia, Brett, James, Jacob and Luna were adored by their subjects, surprisingly most of the cheering done to celebrate the newest members of the Equestrian monarchy. Connor on the other hoof steered away from attention as he could and hung low alongside the other mares that enjoyed the simplicity of the festival games.

"Pray tell, what the deuce am I supposed to do again?" asked Connor. He stared blankly down what seemed as an alley made of wood leading up to a bunch of holes surrounding the form of a giant bulls-eye target and on hole in the middle. There were other machines like this right next to this one and ponies on all of them. The unicorns playing this trivial game used telekinesis to hold on to the balls given to them by the sorcery of the machine and tossed into the holes, or at least in their general direction of them. "The action seems so simple yet it makes no sense, what's the point of this bloody game?"

Pinkie Pie was trying to show him how to play skeeball since the other mares had tried the best they could to show Connor how to play, he ignored them all and tried doing it his own way, making the mares annoyed by Connor's stubbornness. It was only Pinkie Pie that had been able to stick around Connor due to her nature with ponies, for she was generally more annoying than Connor but the fun kind of annoying, not the stubborn kind of annoying. But she had dealt with types like Connor; she was more than ready for somepony like Connor. "You just take a ball by the mouth and roll it down the alley and hope to get into a hole!" said Pinkie Pie.

She took a ball by the mouth and did the best she could to have it roll down the alley with a motion of her head and down the ball went. To Connor's amazement the ball hit the middle of the bullseye and landing in the middle hole. "And the better the shot, the more points that roll in!" Pinkie had pointed a hoof towards what appeared to be a scoreboard. It went from a…whatever they call it go from 0 to 50 in a blur. Connor was utterly shocked at the technology he had witnessed.

"What form of witchcraft is this?" asked Connor. "It's…not controlled by a unicorn, nor is it by an alicorn or any other kind of pony or creature that's able to manipulate magic. Did…things change that much…?"

"Yup! It's awesome!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie. She took another skeeball and repeated what she had done just a bit earlier, turning the 50 into a 100. A cold shiver went down Connor's spine.

"This…witchcraft…creeps me out…" said Connor. Pinkie handed him over a skeeball and deeply sighed. "Alright Pinkie, just for you." He took the ball with his mouth and threw it with a flick of his neck and it made a gaping hole in the middle of the bullseye, breaking the machine. He stood there dumbfounded, and ponies all around stopped and stared at what he had just done. Some ponies had scowls on their faces, others had looks of shock and concern and mother mares hid away their foals to make sure they wouldn't see the damage that had been done. Connor looked around and had a scarred mind.

Connor walked away from the scene as fast and awkwardly as he could with a sad look on his face, seemed very different from Pinkie's gleeful demeanor as she was happily bouncing instead of walking. Connor sighed to himself and looked down as they both walked down the dirt road they were on, colts and fillies running around, playing tag and doing the things that colts and fillies usually do. Some other ponies had seen Connor's face and some had come up to him asking if he was feeling good, mostly mares though.

"Yes, I'm just fine, thank you." said Connor. He had to repeat himself over and over and over and over and over to everypony that trotted his way and try to bring his frown upside down.

"Well you don't seem fine Mr. Grumpy!" said Pinkie Pie happily. Connor raised an eyebrow at the pink mare and sighed once again.

"I don't meant to be upset at this time to be honest Pinkie," said Connor. "I just got scarred and disappointed at myself seeing so many scarred faces, remember what happened at the Everfree Forest?" Oh yes she did. She felt a little guilty to have Connor laugh at the trees, they reminded him of too much things that had happened in a time long ago. She had a frown at best but she went from sad to happy in an instant. Connor thought if she was bipolar but it was best not to ask.

"Well of course I do, but c'mon it was just an accident! Not like it went real wrong right?" asked Pinkie merrily. Connor abandoned his depressed demeanor and had one of attention as he stood up tall. He shrugged Pinkie's answer with a "meh". "Well I think you need a cheering up, I doubt that my words can help out this time." She went into deep thought for a time, seemingly unaware of the world around her as ponies passed by with weird glances at her, whispering why she was in the trance she appeared to be in. Until she gasped really loudly and her mouth hung open.

"I know! Stay RIGHT here!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie. And in a flash, the pink mare seemed to have vanished out of mid-air but Connor's perception was good enough to see Pinkie Pie leave in one direction. He decided to follow Pinkie's orders and stayed where he stood, patiently waiting for Pinkie Pie. And as quick as she disappeared, she reappeared with a box in her mouth. "We have these accessories called "sun glasses" or some would like to call them, "shades"." began Pinkie Pie. "And we'll see which ones are right for you!" At that point Connor began laughing.

"Why in the world would I want these…"shades" Pinkie Pie?" asked Connor.

"Well…they always cheered up somepony when I offered them a pair of sun glasses." said Pinkie Pie. "So I figured, why not Connor?" Connor frowned a bit as Pinkie Pie dug through the box, carelessly tossing to the side any pair of glasses that came in. If one thing Connor knew about fashion is that he would need to try on each pair of shades to decide which one he liked the most out of all the many choices there was. But nope, Pinkie just kept going through the glasses and tossing them to the side whenever one came up.

"Ooooh!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie. At this point her head was fully inside the box but…it seemed to have been smaller than Pinkie's head, and with the remaining sun glasses inside there shouldn't be any logical reason that Pinkie's head would be able to fit. It seems this is lesson one on one of his new friendship bonds to make with a pony, Pinkie can deify any rational logic. She must have been driven to a point of insanity to have to be at this point where she can do what she's doing and Connor could only imagine what else she could do. She then popped her head out of the box with what was the sexiest thing that Connor ever saw.

"These are called gar glasses! They aren't very popular but I think you'd like It." said Pinkie. She handed over Connor the triangular-shaped shades. He took it by a hoof and slowly put the shades on with the triangular ends pointing up. Connor's vision made everything orange, though some shades were darker than other, just like how Pinkie's mane seemed to be a darker shade of orange-pink then her fur. Despite how his vision was, he absolutely loved his new pair of sunglasses.

"Pinkie Pie…" said Connor. Tears swelled up in his eyes, it was visible even through the lens of the gar glasses as Pinkie Pie looked at him with a worried expression, seeing the water build up in Connor's eyes.

"Um…did I offend you or something? I don't mean any harm." said Pinkie Pie. Connor's eyes eased down as he sucked up his manly tears and embraced Pinkie Pie into a heartfelt hug.

"Your one crazy mare but these sun glasses are absolutely awesome. Thank you." He hugged Pinkie Pie hard until she found it hard to breathe. Connor realized what he was doing and set her down and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. "Oh god…sorry about that Pinkie Pie, I get a little carried away sometimes." Pinkie took a deep breath and stifled a loud laugh. She looked brightly on Connor who in turn did the same.

"I'm glad somepony here can get like me! It's maddening to have to live being the only random pony around here!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie, much to Connor's surprise of what he was hearing. "I do love everypony but no pony is fun like that."

"Well all the more reason to make ponies smile right?" asked Connor. A sparkle like Pinkie's eyes as she smiled brightly, showing off all her teeth when all of a sudden, random music started playing in the background, taking up all the noise of the place but not loud enough to hurt somepony's ears. Connor looked around in shock as Pinkie Pie started singing and walking away from him.

"My name is Pinkie Pie, hello! And I am here to say, how ya doing?
I'm gonna make you smile and I will brighten up your da-ay." sang Pinkie Pie. She had completely ignored Connor and trotted off merrily singing.

Connor chuckled to himself at Pinkie's sudden burst of a musical number. "Damn that mare is pretty crazy, she's funny though I give her that." thought Connor. He decided it was time to stop being so sad and show of his new pair of gar glasses. His family and friends just had to see it but then a thought occurred to him. "Somepony really needs to clean this up. Oh…"

Celestia's kids weren't too far behind on trying to have fun and learn the activities played by the happy ponies of Ponyville. They too had shared their embarrassing moments that day as they had broken down some of the other game machines as well. All in all they all had fun regardless. It was Princess Luna that seemed to get the hang of the games at all. Claiming, "Huzzah! The fun hath been doubled!" Every time that she was playing a game right. Princess Celestia couldn't help but smile as her family was enjoying every bit of the Summer Sun Celebration as she was.

Her sons did seem to enjoy the company of the elements of harmony around with them. Brett's usual anti-social self actually letting in the joy of friendship seep in alongside his brothers. It brought joy to his mother's heart to see her children coping with modern society as well as they were. She thought she would have to work alongside them to help them do what they're doing now but it seemed the elements of harmony themselves are sustaining them as it is. Princess Celestia still wanted to spend a week on vacation before going back to her duties after today though, there was no doubt about it. Princess Luna would agree with her sister on that too but her son however…Connor always had a touch of arrogance but it was all in the right place, but it had always turned around and bucked him in the flanks whenever he did have those moments.

"Should we check to see where Connor and Pinkie Pie went off to?" asked James. Almost as if it was fated, Pinkie Pie was trotting merrily in the middle of the street with a whole bunch of other ponies following suit. And for unexplained reasons, happy cheery music was in the background, and no sign of an instrument playing.

"C'mon everypony, Smile Smile Smile. Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine.
All I really need is a Smile Smile Smile. From all these happy friends of mi-ine." sang Pinkie Pie. The rambunctious mare was trotting past the Princess's and her friends like they weren't there as she continued in on her musical number with the other ponies singing with her. Pinkie Pie and the ponies following her trotted out of view as they seemed to have finished their number, or to them the music and singing was so faint that it sounded like it.

"That was…interesting indeed." said Brett. "I only have saw such acts in old plays a long while ago. "And there was music playing? No instruments? No lutes? No nothing?"

"That's Pinkie Pie for yah." said Applejack. Brett had a little scowl on her face, his logic and a bit of a condescending demeanor taking over.

"Oh Brett hasn't changed a bit." thought Princess Celestia. "You know Brett," Her son, the craft pony of medicine looked up to his mother with attentive eyes. "these modern ponies maybe weird to you and Luna, but they're what's upholding harmony in Equestria now. I'd show a little respect if I were you." Brett looked back at his mother and then the other mares as he went back to share a gaze into his mother's face and bowed his head into respect for his mother.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be condescending right now, it just…idk I just don't find stuff like this logical." said Brett.

"Honestly Brett, you're not the only one." said Twilight Sparkle. "I would say I'm feeling roughly the same way too. This challenges any real logical sense to me too." Brett chuckled awkwardly a bit. He was always the intelligent one, and now that there was another pony like it he felt a little less alone, but felt challenged at his position as the smart one at the same time.

"Yes…now…let's continue our adventures of fun!" exclaimed Brett loudly, much to every pony's surprise. Twilight couldn't help but giggle, it was one of the silliest things she had ever heard in her life, and it came up out of a moment of awkwardness. "Connor, dear cousin…why must you wear that monstrosity?"

The group's attention went towards where Brett was, and seeing the blue coated stallion standing in front of the red alicorn. He wore gar glasses; they were orange and wore a smirk on his face that spoke of determination…for some reason. "Because I'm Connor Stronghooves, WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM?!" exclaimed Connor. Brett was surprised to hear what he had just heard assault his ears.

"Um…you aren't the Connor I knew…" said Brett. Connor just snorted at Brett's response.

"Believe me my stallion, you see the real meaning of "G" coming through on your door steps." said Connor. Luna was shocked at Connor's new apparent personality. Whatever the gar shades were made of, it made Connor extremely cocky for some reason.

Other ponies looked upon Connor and Brett with annoyed looks, mostly at Connor but the two were so close to each other it could have easily confused for all the looks to be aimed at Connor and Brett simultaneously. "These…what are these glasses called?" asked Brett. He stared at Connor's shades in wonder; they were not like any form of glasses he had ever seen before.

"It was Pinkie's idea for me to have these "sun glasses"." said Connor. Rarity face hoofed at the sentence. Pinkie Pie, in her words, had the weirdest taste in fashion but this was taking it to an extreme. "And she was right! Man these things are the best pair of shades that I've seen."

"And you've seen more of these…"sun glasses" as you call them?" asked Brett. As if on cue, Connor's gar glasses shined at the sun as he flicked his neck to look at Brett again.

"Damn strait man, they aren't as cool as these gar glasses though! These shades are, as the youngsters call them, "off the hook"." said Connor. Twilight Sparkle was smacking her head against a nearby pole, what she had heard from an ancient entity was the most ridiculous thing she ever heard.

"Okay, what you just said was incredibly stupid. No offense but I'm not kidding, it really was." said Twilight Sparkle. Celestia glared at her pupil as she popped her head towards her mentor. "What? Your thinking it too, Princess!"

"Well…yes…" said Princess Celestia. "But, it's Connor's decision, and if the worst that's gonna happen is annoyance then it's something that can be allowed. Regardless of how silly it may seem to be." Connor beamed at his aunt when she said that. Luna however, had other plans then letting her big sister have her way.

"Well, I am his mother, and I say no, you'll take these shades off RIGHT NOW mister!" demanded Princess Luna. She was smaller than Connor but that didn't stop Connor from having a faint appearance of fear in his eyes at the power in his mother's voice. He gulped just a bit and started to laugh, however it was awkward and hardly any real effort was put into it. "Why are you laughing mister? Take off those shades NOW." said Luna in a deathly tone.

"I'm sorry mother but I'm my own stallion now, I wear what I want to wear." said Connor sternly. Luna furrowed her brow at her son as she sighed deeply.

"Fine…just this once, any form of clothing that I don't approve of you will NOT wear it. You hear me?" asked Luna in a demanding tone. Connor scoffed his mother off, true it wasn't a very smart move but it was a move he felt he had to make.

"I understand mom, but this is my body, if I want any fashion advice it would be from Rarity, or something like that." said Connor. Princess Luna raised a weary eyebrow at his response and so did Rarity. Connor turned a little red at the attention from both mares and chuckled a bit, scratching the back of his head. "No, it's just that you seem into fashion enough to know what would look good on me so…" He answered bashfully, bringing his front hooves together nervously and laughing with painful awkwardness.

"Sure, whatever you say darling," said Rarity. "And it's okay, I would understand why somepony like you would come to my help."

"Yeah." said Connor, still feeling awkward. "But if it's anything that seems frou-frou to me, I ain't gonna wear it."

"Oh c'mon Connor, you'd look so adorable!" teased Rarity. Connor stopped nudging his front hooves together to look at the ground ad turn redder when Rarity said what she said. She giggled a bit as she went up and nudge Connor with a hoof in a pushing motion but he didn't move. "You know I'm kidding, don't you Connor?"

"Yes, but it doesn't make it any less embarrassing to Me." said Connor. He sat on his flanks, folded his front legs and let out some air before being met with a kick to the side from Rarity.

"Cheer up Connor, it ain't no big deal." said Applejack.

"Yeah dude, it isn't like we're mocking you or anything." said Rainbow Dash. "We're just teasing you."

"Yeah, already heard it Rainbow Dash, I know, I just get like this when somepony pushes my buttons alright?" asked Connor, he said it full of arrogance. The mares looked at Connor with mixed feelings about his reaction and shrugged it off the best they could.

"Your glasses are still silly." said Rainbow Dash. Connor shot Rainbow a look that was supposed to be serious but Rainbow just laughed as hard as she could, falling down to her back and just couldn't stop laughing. She was breathing heavily but her sides hurt too much from laughing. Connor looked flank-hurt and ignored Rainbow Dash the best he could with a look of defeat on his face.

"Well I still have my gar glasses," beamed Connor. He trotted off happily, the swag in his steps reading "haters gonna hate". The group shook their heads but Rainbow Dash was still on the floor, laughing at Connor's fail at trying to be threatening through a look, and now she was laughing at how stupid Connor looked right now. None the less, they all had fun, getting used to Connor's ridiculous gar glasses. This admittedly did make him look (twenty percent) cooler, though even with that he still looked dumb, Twilight Sparkle face hoofed at the thought that Connor was gonna be his room-mate during their studies on friendship in Ponyville. She groaned at the thought with disgust behind it.

Connor looked back on Twilight while they were still trotting down the middle of the street. "You okay Twilight?" asked Connor.

"Yeah, just fantastic…" said Twilight. She trotted right past him to catch up with the group with a half-awake face.

"Damn, she looks bothered by something. I wonder what it is…"

Night had descended upon Ponyville and the rest of Equestria thanks to Luna. Celestia, Luna, Brett, James and Jacob had said their goodbyes to the mane six and Connor before taking off to the nearest hotel in Ponyville. Leaving behind the 7 ponies at the library for which Twilight and Connor were ordered by Princess Celestia to stay during their studies in Ponyville.

"Wait, am I coming with you?" asked Connor. His family hasn't taken off yet as Luna placed a front hoof on her son's shoulder. He looked down on her earnestly and awaiting reply.

"You know what your aunt said, you are to have to stay with this "Twilight Sparkle" to learn more about friendship." said Princess Luna. Connor got a bit impatient and scoffed at what he had to hear. He wasn't completely oblivious about what Twilight had thought of him and found it rather odd for Princess Celestia to have him stay with her.

"But mom, she doesn't like me at all, not that I'd care too much about affections and all but she seriously has a mutual disrespect of me." said Connor. Princess Luna sighed as her older sister flew right back to where she was in the sky, seeing her sister still on the ground Celestia decided to help Connor see why she made this decision. "Aunt Celestia, why do I have to do this?"

"It's so that you can learn about-" said Princess Celestia.

"I know about THAT part, but surely there's more to it than that is there?" asked Connor. Celestia exhaled a long sigh before continuing.

"Take a look at her, take a look at all the mares." said Princess Celestia. Connor did as his aunt told him too, all he could see was the mane six, and they were the same as they were five seconds ago before this talk, what was so special now?

"I don't see what you mean." said Connor. "If you wanted for me to see the obvious then looks like I passed with flying colors. I still don't see why I have to stay with someone who has mutual disrespect for me."

"You don't see what I do, let me change that." said Princess Celestia. She lowered her head until the tip of the horn touched Connor's forehead and time seemed to slow down except for him. Everything was gray, even Celestia, who shined in the world like the sun she gives to her subjects was black and white, so was his mother. He looked in confusion and decided to do what his aunt had wanted and look at the mane six. What he had saw shocked him to the very core.

There, before him the mane six still held on to their colors, hell, even glowing brighter than before. What really shocked him though was that the last bearers of the Elements were hovering as spirits above the Elements. They're bodies formed ghostly appearances above the heads of the mane six, and Connor remembered what he had done before. The pony ghosts above the heads of the mane six sported the same fur and mane colors as the mares they floated above. "The Death of Harmony…" thought Connor. He redirected his attention towards Twilight Sparkle, the last bearer of the element of magic, the magic that kept the other elements together through friendship and love, was just above Twilight's head, the face smiling at him and too the other elements.

"Star Swirl the Bearded…" whispered Connor under his breath. His old mentor, the stallion that had taught him to defy logic and learn magic unsuited for an earth pony, was smiling at him alongside the other bearers of the Elements. "Oh god…I'm sorry…" Connor was on the verge of tears, this was not what he had expected at all.

"Hey, it's alright Connor." said the yellow mare ghost above Fluttershy's head. "It's okay…"

"You make us proud Connor…" said Star Swirl. "No matter what you do, we will be watching you, through the eyes of the Elements…" Connor was about to break down, to hear his old mentor say that, despite having to kill him in cold blood told him that he cares. "We will guide the new bearers to be aspiring mares just like the last spirits of harmony had before…"

"You can count on that without a doubt!" exclaimed the orange stallion above Applejack's head. "And that's the truth."

"Yeah," said the pink stallion above Pinkie's head. "It'll be a big laugh when they discover us." The stallion chuckled to himself merrily, the stallion had age all over his voice when he laughed, but despite that, he laughed like he was still in his youth.

"But in the meantime we got to stay loyal to our Elements." said the cyan-colored mare ghost above Rainbow's head. She didn't have Rainbow's rainbow style mane but she did have the same gruff style as the pegasus she looks over in spirit. "Even though you did what you did to us, we know you won't repeat your mistake again, but I'm glad you were still loyal to us in the end…" Connor was struggling at this point to stand on his legs, he felt so weak in the legs at the moment that everything felt wobbly. A flood of emotions pouring in.

"Hey, we forgive you," said the white mare ghost above Rarity's head. She seemed even more beautiful and stunning then Rarity was and she wore no make-up to boot. "We love you still to this day, even after one thousand years our spirits were watching you and Equestria, and we still will…" The ghosts of the past bearers surrounded Connor and embraced him into a group hug, Connor didn't feel a thing but he imagined the warmth of their bodies.

"Thank you…and, I'm so…god damned sorry…" said Connor. His voice was raspy and barely above a whisper as a single tear struck down his face, had he thought he could out run his past but it seemed that the past had caught up with him. But it was warmth from this that he felt like he belonged, just like the mares had shown him in the Everfree forest. They truly were right to be the new bearers of the elements of harmony.

"We know you are, and we know why you did it and we know it wasn't your fault…" began Star Swirl "But one day, and listen well, the darkness will return. It was will come in all of its rightful might and smite Equestria and the rest of the world to add to its zone of darkness."

"How can I stop it? What can I do about it when I have failed before…?" asked Connor. He looked down to the ground, the old bearer of generosity holding his head up with a forehoof.

"You know the darkness, you have become a part of it despite fighting against its will..." said the white ghost mare. "Even though you failed to win when our time came, you still won in the end, to win against your enemy is to become it in the end right?"

"I remember," said Connor. "It was one of the first lessons Star Swirl taught me, but it's done nothing but make me feel more guilty…" It was honesty's ghost to hold up Connor's head this time.

"Now hold up there silly filly…" said the orange stallion ghost. "It's done nothing but make you stronger, and if you haven't known I'm the Element of Honesty. You sir are supposed to be the light bringer." Connor was now more shocked than he was moments ago. Him, the light bringer, the son of the night and the Stallion of War? Surely this was a huge mistake.

"You've become War incarnate through horrible irony…" said the pink stallion ghost. "But in the end, you laugh it off like it was nothing, heck you even got a new pair of these "sun glasses" there." Connor took off his gar glasses and took a good long look at them. It was the yellow mare that snapped him out of his daze.

"You're the light bringer because of what you can do…" said the butter-yellow mare ghost. "You're able to show kindness and love, tolerating even the irritating moments; you make me proud to see you as you are…" Connor still felt weak in his limbs, he couldn't believe what he was hearing, it all was happening so fast.

"And you know Connor…" said the cyan mare ghost. "Despite everything that had happened, you always stood loyal to Equestria, even when you found that you couldn't stay loyal to yourself anymore because of your guilt. Anypony would understand why you feel the way you do but you're Connor Stronghooves remember?" With that Connor felt a spark and the Elements could see it, the fire in his eyes ignited from the spark of spirit within. Connor put his gar glasses on dramatically with one hoof and held a cocky smirk. Star Swirl and the other five shot smiles at their earth pony friend.

"Yeah, I am, aren't I?" asked Connor with strength in his voice. Star Swirl trotted up to him with a warm smile on his face.

"You were the best that could be trained, we know you are ready, but there is one form of magic you have yet to learn, and had failed to learn before." said Star Swirl. Connor looked a little confused at his old mentor but knew the answer.

"The magic of friendship huh?" asked Connor. Star Swirl nodded.

"You shared bonds but at the time, lacked the kindness to fully complete them…" said the yellow mare ghost. "But we know it's different this time…"

"Yeah…" said the orange stallion ghost. "You're an honest pony Connor, you won't lie to yourself and the others about not befriending them, over the past two days you made six friendship bonds!"

"Even though you did argue left and right with them…" said the pink stallion ghost. "You all could smile through the heat of every argument you had and found a reason to laugh in the end."

"And in return they gave to you what you gave back…" said the white mare ghost. "Love, Kindness, and the joy of Friendship most of all. Any needy pony would never show those emotions, nor give them to those that deserved it, yet you did."

"Not to mention loyalty of course…" said the cyan mare ghost. "Your one truly remarkable stallion thinking right down to it, and I believe these mares think the same too…"

"We know you won't fail us, and we love you for all it's worth." said Star Swirl. "Even though it may not seem much, being spirits now and all…" Connor just smiled at him, on the verge to cry again and his eyes watered up.

"It means everything to me…" said Connor. He wiped his snout with a forehoof and embraced the warmth of a hug one more time before reality came back in. Celestia raised her head and smiled warmly at Connor.

"You see now?" asked Princess Celestia. Connor looked up to his aunt and nodded determination and fire burning brightly in his eyes.

"Yeah, they're just like the last bearers…" said Connor trailing off. He looked back at the mane six who were still in a conversation with each other at Twilight's doors.

"…well I'll see everypony tomorrow, goodnight guys!" said Twilight Sparkle.

"Good night Twilight darling." said Rarity.

"G'Night Twi." said Applejack.

"Good night Twilight Sparkle." Said Rainbow Dash, using the same tone as she did before when she referred Twilight by her full name.

"Good night silly filly!" said the rambunctious Pinkie Pie.

"Oh…um…good night Twilight, sweet dreams…" said Fluttershy, shyly.

"You too Fluttershy, all of you." said Twilight Sparkle. They all embraced each other in a group hug as the mares that weren't Twilight left into their own directions.

"No matter what path they take, the road will always lead them together…" thought Connor. He looked over at Twilight Sparkle who seemed to actually smile at him contently…now this was new.

"Are you coming in Connor? It's pretty chilly out here." said Twilight Sparkle. Connor gave a confident nod and walked through the front door with Twilight. As if on cue, Spike walked in.

"Whoa, you made some friends already?" asked Spike. Connor seemed enthusiastic to see a dragon, especially one that wasn't likely to kill him. "That was pretty fast Twilight…and he's staying here?"

"Yup, but don't worry though I won't do anything wrong to good ol' Twilight now." said Connor. Spike wagged his index finger at the blue coated stallion.

"You better not, this is my mom we're talking here now." said Spike. "Though she may not be my real mom, she's done enough for me to call her that." Twilight smiled warmly at her assistant who returned the smile. Connor patted Spike on the head with a hoof and smiled brightly at him, almost as bright as the light illuminating off of his gar glasses.

"I know that feel little stallion." said Connor. Spike chuckled a bit as he went up to Twilight's room and closed the door behind him.

"Hey," begun Twilight. Her words had some pain behind them and Connor, despite what he thought of Twilight, still lent out a listening ear to the purple mare. "I'm sorry about the way I acted, I just found myself annoyed by your gimmicks but I'm sorry for even being annoyed at all." Connor smiled again and embraced Twilight in a hug.

"And I'm sorry for complaining about you the whole time." said Connor. Twilight returned the gesture with her front legs like Connor did and they broke off after a few seconds, not wanting the moment to be awkward. "Well…I'll find a bed somewhere, just go to bed and don't worry about a thing okay?" Twilight nodded and started to trot up the stairs of the library leading to her room, and then she stopped into her tracts and looked at Connor.

"You know Connor, you're alright," said Twilight. "I look forward to our time together as friends." And with that she went in and closed the door behind her, leaving Connor alone with the books.

"Yeah, friends." whispered Connor to himself. He looked to see another room right next door to Twilight' and went in. Already there was a bed waiting for him, the open sheets welcoming him to a night of slumber. The fatigue of the day caught up with Connor as he plopped into bed lazily, taking off his gar glasses and setting them on the night stand.

"Goodnight…Equestria…" said Connor. He blew out the candle on the night stand and let the moon be the only form of light coming in. For so long, not only was he able to enjoy a nice bed for once, he was even able to enjoy the moon's presence, he always did on his time on Equestria.

"I know I won't be that same pony anymore…"