All I Ever Knew

by Starlight_Glimmer1267

Happy Life

All I Ever Knew

"Hahahahahah!" He laughed in a cackle. "I'm more powerful than you can ever hope to be!" He yelled over the raging wind coming into the spire window.

"You may be more powerful. But we have something you don't." The other figure in the room said.

"Don't tell me each other. This is not a fairy tale. There are no happy endings. Just wrongs that haven't pulled you down! I'm trying to save this world. What you are doing will destroy it. And you failing to see that will be your downfall. If you activate this device it will destroy this world and every dimension in between." Murticuto yelled.

"You think you are trying to save this world. If you don't let us do this the world will destroy itself anyway. So tell us your decision, master wizard." Tybalt told him.

"I would rather DIE than give you this device." Murticuto told him.

"so be it, old man." Magic sparked from his hands. Murticuto quickly dispelled it and threw back a fireball that hit the wall behind him and exploded. He turned around and saw someone uncloaking and activating the device. A giant portal appeared above the device and he used his levitation magic to throw the person by it into the wall.

"You have no idea what you have just done!" He yelled at them. Only one thought raced through his head. He has to do it. He raced toward it, his cloak and beard flowing. In his old age he was still pretty fast. He picked up the relatively small device, It was kinda the size of an Ipad, and tried to shut it down.

He knew the only way to stop it was from the inside. "Goodbye, Tybalt." He said.

"MURTICUTO!" Tybalt yelled as he realized what he had done and the outcome that he was foretold being played out right before his eyes.

Murticuto jumped through the portal and found himself in some sort of throne room. He was quickly having second thoughts about sealing himself in that world. But he knew it could spit him out in any dimension and he couldn't go back or it was a very slim chance he would anyway. He closed the portal with the device and smashed it on the ground so it can never be used again. He broke down and started to cry. But then he remembered what he had told his wife.

"I will be strong. And I will come back, I promise." A promise he couldn't keep. He was so caught up in his own thoughts he didn't notice the black horse standing directly across from him.

"What are you and how did you get in the royal palace." Luna asked when she noticed he was crying. He stopped crying, picked up his staff that was sitting next to him and began to speak.

"My name is Murticuto. And I have no idea how I got here, This is just where I went." He told her.

"Wait, that cloak, that beard. Do you happen to be a wizard by any chance?" She asked.

"Well you still seem to have stereotypes here, but as a matter of fact, I am a master wizard." He said puffing out his chest feeling proud.

"Well what types of spells can you do?" Luna asked curiosity getting the best of her.

"Lets see, anything from levitation to, yea like I said anything." He told her as they started walking. "Where are we going?" Murticuto asked.

"Well, if you said you can do anything, we have a nasty storm coming through that the weather ponies can't seem to hold off. Do you think you can help us." Luna asked smiling at him.

"Weather spells are in my index. Why not, Where is the storm coming from?" When he finished Luna jumped up and flew around happily.

"I told Celestia I could find a way to take care of it!" She landed and started to lead him to a balcony where her sister was standing looking over the horizon.

"Sister, I told you I would take care of it." Luna said walking up next to her.

"What do you me-. What is that?" She said looking at Murticuto.

"The solution to our problem." She said.

"This is no normal storm. This storm came from dark magic. Are you sure he's capable of handling it?" She asked Luna.

"I'm sure as long as he is." She said patting him on the back.

"I sense great magic in this storm. But it's nothing I haven't dealt with before." He said as he motioned for them to stand back. Within seconds a blue aura started to come out of his hands. It rushed up to the cloud and started to rap around it.

While the magic was doing its work he pulled a small crystal ball out of his satchel. A green aura started to flow out of the cloud and get tangled in his magic. The clouds then returned to normal and floated off. The magic floated back down to him as he held up the crystal ball it got absorbed in it.

"I thought you knew weather spells. That wasn't a weather spell." Luna said.

"Well, I do. But a weather spell wouldn't have worked." He said putting the ball up. "Those clouds had dark magic inside of them, it needed to be extracted." He said latching his bag back.

"What did you do with the magic?" Celestia asked.

"I trapped it inside that ball you saw me get out. And I still haven't heard your names." He said looking at them.

"I am princess Luna, Co-Ruler of Equestria and regent of the moon, This is my sister, Princess Celestia, Co-Ruler of Equestria and regent of the sun." Luna told him.

"What are you doing here?" Celestia asked.

He sighed and said "I guess this is my new home now."

"What do you mean by that?" She asked.

"I mean I'm trapped here." He said.

"How are you trapped?" Luna asked.

"I saved my world but in doing so sacrificed myself." He told them.

They were all silent for a minute or so until a guard ran in and said "Princess, Twilight Sparkle is here to see you."

"Excellent." Celestia said.

"Why is Twilight here sister?" Luna asked.

"Can't a mare get a casual visit from time to time. She wrote ahead she was coming." She said walking into the room off the balcony. The other two soon followed.

"So what kind of magic do you have in your world?" Luna asked.

"Like I said, I know all magic. So pretty much anything you can think of." He said.

"Do you have any spell books you can show me?" She asked him.

"Well I do have a few in my bag. Do you have somewhere we can sit and read them?" He asked.

"Certainly, right over here." She said walking over to a small table in the middle of the room.

"So how many books do you have?" She asked him.

"I do always being at least half my collection, but I happened to have all of them in here when I went through the portal." He said opening his bag. He reached in and pulled a few books out. The he put his entire arm down into that small bag and pulled out another two stacks.

Then he dove into the bag with only his shoes sticking out. He pulled out another three stacks and there were so many they had to put some on the floor.

"Where would you like to start" He asked looking at her. Her mouth was open and she was wide eyed staring at the bag.

"How can you fit all those books in that bag?" She asked him her head turned sideways.

"It has an enchantment on it. I can fit anything I want in it." He told her.

"Lets start with your favorite book." She said looking at all the books on the table wondering which one would be his favorite. She saw everything from transmutation to materialization.

He pulled out one if the book and laid it down. The title read "Conjuration Magic: Masters Edition".

"Ah. I see your a fan of conjuration magic." Luna said.

"Celestia! It's so nice to see you!" A voice came from across the room. "Are all these books yours?" She asked trotting over to the stacks of books. They were just high enough you couldn't see Murticuto.

"No, they aren't Twilight." She told her.

"Well I'm sure the owner won't mind me looking through a few of them." She said picking one up and started to read one.

"I most certainly don't mind." He said over the mountain of books. It startled Twilight and she stumbled back and lost her concentration which caused her to drop the book.

"Just please don't drop them. It took a long time to write them." He told her.

She rounded the corner and started to speak. "I'm sorry. You just startled me. I had no idea any pony was behind here." She got to where she could see him and was stopped in her tracks.

"Yes, I suppose it was partially my fault." He said standing up.

"What are you?" She asked. Luna was still engulfed in the conjuration book she was reading.

"Well you've found out I'm not a pony." He said with a hearty laugh. "I am something called a human."

"And you wrote all these books?" She asked.

"Yes, down to each of the periods. All of these are one hundred percent my creations." He told her.

"You must be pretty old to have written all of these books. How old are you exactly?" She asked.

"Twilight, must you be so rude." Celestia told her.

"It's quite alright. I am 2651 years old." He told her.

"Do all humans live that long?" She asked.

"No, most humans only live about one hundred years. I have been granted immortality by the god of time. I will continue to look like this forever." He told her.

"So you don't mind if I look through your books?" She asked.

"Not at all. Just don't use any of the spells inside. They are very powerful." He told her as she sat down and picked up a book.

He walked over to Celestia.

"So do you know where you will be staying?" She asked him.

"Sadly no, But it can't be that hard to find a place to stay. I am rich after all, its the kind of thing you build up after 2000 years." He said laughing along with Celestia.

"Well you can stay here in the castle as long as you want. Or you can see if you can stay with Twilight. She might have place for your books in her castle. The library here is overflowing with books." She told him.

"I'll decide later. For now, do you know where we can get something to eat?" He asked her.

"Sure. Luna! Twilight! Were going to get some food, are you coming?" With no response from either of them, Celestia and Murticuto walked out.

"So where is this place we will be eating at?" He asked her as they walked through the castle corridors.

"It's not here, its in a little village called Ponyville. Just a chariot ride away." She said as they walked into the courtyard which was full of chariots.

Each chariot had two ponies with wings strapped to it. Celestia climbed in one and motioned for Murticuto to get in. He walked over to the chariot and climbed in. It started moving and soon it was in the air.

"This land is beautiful." Murticuto said in awe.

"It is a sight to behold. But after one thousand years it gets kind of old." She told him.

"I hear you." After he said that they both laughed for a moment.

"So your immortal too?" He asked.

"Yes and no, we alicorns live a lot longer than normal ponies. But not complaining immortal. Our life spans last from 1500 years to 2000. My student, Twilight Sparkle, has a life span around 500 years." She told him as the town came into view.

"Is that where were headed?" He asked.

"Yes, that is Ponyville, you see that big ginger bread house?" Celestia asked.

"Yes." He told her.

"That is sugar cube corner. The place where we will be eating today." She told him.

"That sounds great! You get kind of hungry after you haven't eaten in 3 years." Murticuto said.

The chariot landed and all the ponies in sight bowed to the princess.

"Please. Please, this is just a casual visit. Just go about your day." She told all the ponies that were bowing. They just got up and kept walking.

When they walked into sugar cube corner they noticed the blue mare standing behind the counter.

"Princess! You didn't notify us of your arrival!" She said.

"Mrs. Cake. Please were just here for lunch." Celestia told her.

"Of course, what would you like?" She asked the princess.

"What do you have?." She asked her.

"What about some cloud cake. It's freshly baked." Mrs. Cake told Celestia.

"You know I can't say no to cloud cake." Celestia said.

"What about your friend here?" She asked Murticuto.

"Just some coffee and a slice of pie for me." He told her, finding a seat in one of the many tables.

"Certainly." She said.

"So your a master wizard?" Celestia asked taking a seat next to him.

"Yes." He said plainly.

"Who trained you. Do you have a teacher, or mentor?" She asked as Mr. Cake brought them their food.

Celestia took a small bite while waiting for her answer.

"Nope. Self trained." He said taking a bite of his apple pie.

"This pie is great. Complements to the chef!" He said.

"So is pie your favorite food?" Celestia asked.

"Yes, I remember when my mother made it for me as a child. My wife also makes it from time to time." He said finishing off his pie and taking a sip of his coffee.

"Your married then? Any children?" She asked.

"Not yet. I don't think the world needs anymore of me." He said laughing along with Celestia again.

Celestia finished her cake and Murticuto finished his coffee. Celestia tried to pay but they insisted it was on the house.

They walked outside to get back on the chariot.

"So did you like your pie?" Celestia asked while they were climbing aboard.

"Yes! I must say it was better than my own mothers pie." He told her as they took off.

It felt like only a second before they were back at the castle. They walked into the room where Twilight and Luna were still reading. There were two big pile. They were guessing one was ones they read and the other was one they haven't got to yet.

"Enjoying your study session?" Celestia asked.

Luna was broken from the trance. "Oh. Wait what time is it?" Luna asked.

"It's around 8:17, why Luna, we don't raise the moon until eight thirty." Celestia asked.

"We've been here for four hours reading!" Luna yelled which seemed to snap out Twilight.

"How long?!" She asked in a yell at Luna.

"Four Hours!" She yelled back.

"Ohnoohnoohno! I'm gonna be late!" Twilight yelled. "I will finish these books later! I promised Rarity I would help her with a dress today!" Twilight shouted.

"Do you have room for them at your library?" Murticuto asked.

"Yes! Plenty of space, why?" She asked.

"Because if I am to stay with you I need a place for these booms instead if this dusty old bag." He said holding up the bag and starting to put the books in it.

"Sure. We just have to hurry. I promised I'd be there by sundown." She told him while she was gathering her things.

"Don't worry about time. We will be there in a flash." He said putting the last of his books up.

When Twilight finished gathering her things he snapped his fingers and they appeared in front of sugar cube corner.