//------------------------------// // It Begins // Story: Infinity // by TranscriptBrony //------------------------------// Ding! A loud alarm woke Twilight quite quickly. At first she thought it was an emergency, but then a voice on an intercom told her otherwise. "Good morning girls! I'm terribly sorry about that alarm but it is the first day of training! Make sure you are in the training foyer by 10:30! See you soon." Twilight quickly shot out of her bed. It was training day one! There was no she was going to be late for this! She then looked at the time, it was 7:50. She had lots of time. She even had time to eat something if she planned right as well. She got right to her morning routine. After all of that was complete, it was 8:20. She now had two hours and ten minutes for breakfast. This is when, after looking around, there was no fridge or any food container in her room. The only place where food was is the cafeteria, so she trotted off to it. When she arrived, the cafeteria was surprisingly not very empty. Mostly occupied by center employees, Twilight managed to find the table where her friends were sitting. After she located them she went after some of the delicious looking breakfast foods at the buffet. She sat down with her friends and enjoy both food and conversation. They were all excited to see what this first training had in store for them. Was it hard? Painful? Simple? In only a couple of hours all their questions would be answered. Around 10:20 they all headed towards the training foyer. They arrived with five minutes to spare, however, Sol was already there, along with Emsee and a brand new face. "Guten Tag trainees! Welcome to day eins of many days ahead of you. We are all excited to see how todays training goes along so let's get down to business! First, let's introduce the training director, Mrs. Victory." The new pony stepped forward. She wore a blue track jacket and sweat bands around her front hoofs and head. Her cutie mark was a 40 lb. weight. "Thank you professor, but girls, just call me Vicky, I'm not one for formality." said Vicky. "Anyways, as you are already know you are going to be put through days of training up to your launch, which is where I come in. I am going to supervise you throughout your training, along with the help of others as well, and we will make you ready for space travel! Now follow me to the first session." .................. The group arrived at a door that said classroom on it. This confused all six of the girls. Wasn't training supposed to be physical? "School? I thought this was training!" Said Rainbow Dash. "Dont you remember me telling you that we would be training you mentally?" Asked Sol. "Space isn't exactly second nature to those outside of this center, so we are going to teach you a lot about it so you can understand like us. Enjoy!" Sol then trotted away. "Alright everypony! Lets go inside and begin this lesson!" Said Vicky. The girls walked in and took their seats. This is not how they expected training to be. --- "I'm still confused on how space is nothing but at the same time is something...." Said Applejack. "They lost me at welcome to your first lesson." Said Dash. "That wasn't exactly..erm.....fabulous." said Rarity. "What did you think Pinkie?" Asked Twilight. "Think about what?" "The lesson." "Oh, it definitely confuzzled me..." Said the pink mare. "I found it interesting." Said Twilight. "Of course you did, egghead." Muttered Dash. "Hey! Ugh, let's just go to the next part." The girls had now made their way to the gym. Now it was surely to get exciting. They trotted in and their was Victory and another new pony standing in the middle of the floor. He was dressed in a military drill sargeants uniform. His cutie Mark was of a royal guard's shield. "Girls, I would like you to meet Lt. Colonel Khamoe Flage. He is a trainer for Celestia's own royal guard and he has volunteered to help get you all into top physical shape!" Said Vicky. "Be wary girls, he has a temper...." She whispered to them as she walked past. "I don't need this, I'm already the best athlete here." Said Dash. "WHAT'S THAT LITTLE MISS CYAN?!" screamed Khamoe. "DID I HEAR YOU RIGHT?! YOU DON'T NEED THIS? Well guess what? YOU'RE GOING TO START THIS OFF! 50 PUSH-UPS! GO!" Dash was so surprised at his hostility that she dropped down and began doing as he said. "As for the rest of you fillies, DO 30 LAPS AROUND THE GYM! GO!" "Um.....I'd rather not do that mister...if that's alright..." Murmured Fluttershy. "DO YOU WANNA JOIN NEON BLUEBERRY OVER THERE, PINK LEMONADE?! I SUGGEST YOU GET MOVING!" Fluttershy began whimpering under his commanding tone. "Tears? THERE WILL BE NO TEARS ON THIS BATTLEFIELD, ONLY THE SWEAT OFF YOUR BROWS! REMEMBER THIS! I AM GOING TO WORK YOUR PLOTS SO HARD THAT EVEN I WILL COWER IN FEAR AT THE SOUND OF YOUR NAMES! NOW LETS GO! HUP! HUP!" ........... "Sweet Celestia that guy was rough!" Yelled Dash. "My mane is ruined! Ruined!!" Screamed Rarity haughtily. "I think I twisted my hoof..." Muttered Twilight. "You alright sugarcube?" Applejack asked Fluttershy. "After he ranted like that it was like my tears dried up.....he is good at his job, I guess." "Awwww, that wasn't too bad you guys!" Squealed Pinkie. "I mean we will get used to it right?" "I hope so, I think i re-cracked my hoof again too." Said Twilight. Training was done for that day. The routine would change every now and then though. All six girls limped into the cafeteria for dinner. They wete relieved to finally have some food after that gym routine. They all ate well. Now, it was time to get some sleep. They needed the rest if tomorrow was going to be like that days session. As Twilight lay down in her bed she only had one thought in her head. Was she going to survive Khamoe's wrath along with the others? .............. The learning, ridiculous insult filled months slowly trudged by and the girls were surprised to see good results. Twilight was especially happy to see herself in complete shape, a state she had not been in before. Fluttershy had not cried a single year in the gym under Khamoe since that first day. Rainbow Dash still had fits with Khamoe but things toned down. In fact, after a while, Khamoe turned out to be a great instructor and it was easy for the girls to tell his sympathy yell from his angry one. Victory had began helping them through their teachings as well. They all knew a lot about space and its properties along with the many things in it too. Rarity began becoming very interested in the teachings. She said it had given her a huge fashion design inspiration. Pinkie Pie still struggled in the learning along with Applejack. They tried really hard to umdetstand but they couldnt get all of it down. Still, they had a mediocre understanding. With only two months before the launch, the girls were showing much promise. Applejack and Rainbow Dash led the field in athletics, Twilight and Rarity ruled the Learning stand point, and Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy both were mixed in both categories. Fluttershy being the more of a student, Pinkie being more of an athlete. Victory had taken note of their progress and presented it to Sol and Emsee. They were very happy at the data they had received. They decided it was now time to take the next step in the training. The machinery and aircraft operations training.