A New Home

by BlandPony

A New Home

Jeez, Twilight really let this place let go.. Moondancer thought as she entered the ivory tower. Despite it looking beautiful and clean from the outside, the tower was rather dusty, possibly due to it being abandoned every since Twilight left for Ponyville a few years ago.

The bottom part of the tower was pretty generic but it looked pretty cozy as well. The floor had a green and a pretty-worn out couch complete with cushions, a small coffee table, and some potted plants that were lined up against the wall for decoration. On the left side of the bottom floor, it contained a refrigerator, a sinks, and some cupboards and drawers.

She walked up the ivory stairs, which were surprisingly clean. She knew where the upstairs led too. It led to the small library Twilight had, along with the giant window where she could see all of Canterlot, a telescope so she could admire and study the stars and moon, and of course, a bedroom where she could study some more.

She trotted over to the nearest bookshelf and started reading the bindings of all the books, some new, some old, and walked from one end to the other. Most of the books she had read before, but some of the titles were ones she had never heard about or never really had to the time to go over due to her always studying on either magic or chemistry.

After looking through the bookshelves, she walked over to the small desk in the far end of the room and she noticed that the book Predictions and Prophecies was still open, but it was one she had read before, probably over a hundred times. She soon opened the drawers to see what they contained and not much to her surprise, she found some scrolls and manuscripts that Twilight had written long ago.

Moondancer didn't want to read them, it was Twilight's property, but since she didn't live here anymore and was now the Princess of Friendship, Twilight probably didn't really need these scrolls anymore, as they were only notes on her studies before she moved to Ponyville.

With a simple spell, she opened all the drawers and found out that all of them contained old scrolls and manuscripts. She took them all out and trotted over to the bed, which released some dust into the air once she made contact with the bed.

Moondancer looked down at the piles of paper, which were covered in dust and had some dark brown spots on them due to age, in front of her and decided to pick a random scroll from the pile. She opened the scroll and started to read. She smiled, it was a study on stars and how they are made.

She, of course, already knew enough information about stars, how they are made, what they're made of, everything, thanks to all of her studying back in Celestia's School For Gifted Unicorns and reading books at the library. She soon set the scroll down next to her and picked up and opened the next one.

This scroll was almost the same, except it was the study of both the sun and moon. This peaked Moondancer's interests and she read the whole scroll. Much to her surprise and shock, she learned some information that she didn't even know. This was a shock to her, normally she would know everything due to her constant studying, but she guessed that not all things can be learned from simply reading a book.

She continued to go through all the scrolls, reading things she had already knew, but also learning things she never knew in her whole life. After reading the last scroll, she pushed her glasses up and let out a sigh.

Well, no wonder why Twilight was Celestia's protégé, she knew things I didn't even know! She thought to herself, smiling happily. And we even went to school together!

She levitated all the scrolls in a simple, organized pile and got off the bed and put away the scrolls back in the drawers and started to walk back towards the bed. However, as she was walking back, something caught her eye. A small flash in the corner of her eye and she turned her head back towards the bookshelf, only to see a book had fallen off the shelf.

Moondancer trotted towards the shelf and picked up the book and looked at the binding to read the title. It read Friendship Reports. Her eyes widened in surprise. How did this get here? She thought to herself as she stared at the book. The book was purple with golden edges, it had both Twilight and the rest of Element of Harmony's cutie marks on it. I didn't see this when I was going through the shelf earlier.

She had many questions going on inside her head, but no matter what kind of reasonable explanation she could possibly think of, it just couldn't fit. Did Twilight give this to her? Or had it been there the whole time and she just didn't notice it earlier?

After several silent minutes of thinking, Moondancer sighed and trotted back towards the bed with the book. She looked down at the book once again, looking at the beautiful golden edges that shined at the moonlight that was reflecting through the large, glass window in front of the tower.

With a sigh, she opened the book, turning to the first page. Not much to her surprise, the page contained had a friendship report and on the top right corner of the page had the date, December 7th. She began to read the report, making sure that she didn't miss a single word of the report.

December 7th
Just had the coolest adventure with the coolest pony ever. Came this close to blowing it because I got so wrapped up in how awesome she was, I almost forgot about how awesome I was. Good thing I didn't, 'cause it gave me a chance to show her how important it is to put your trust in somepony else.

How important it is to put your trust in somepony else

Those eleven words circled in her head. This almost made her heart shatter into a hundred pieces, she had never put her trust in somepony else until she had recently rekindled her friendships with Twilight, Minuette, Lemon Hearts, and Twinkle Shine. Before that, she had always been by herself, always spending most of her days at the library studying then going back home to study some more.

She could feel some tears forming in her eyes and she quickly wiped them with her hoof. She continued to go through the entire book, reading each friendship report. Every report brought up something new inside Moondancer, it made her realize what she had been missing all her life and almost made her sad at the fact that she had just now started to know what the magic of friendship was really like.

She embraced each and every word that the book contained, the reports came from places like Manehatten and The Crystal Empire and came from many kinds of ponies, whether they be young or old.

The night passed on by rather quickly as Moondancer finished reading the last friendship report. She let out a sigh, wiping some more tears that were streaming down her face. She couldn't believe it, she had learned more about friendship, just by reading a book, something she had been doing all her life.

Just as she was about to put the book away, a piece of paper slid out of the book, slowly falling down and landing on the floor. Her ears went up as she put the book back on the shelf and ran back to the bed, picking up the paper, wondering what the paper contained.

She sat on the bed, pushing her glasses up slightly as she looked at the paper. At first, she thought this was another friendship report, only to realize it was a letter. A letter for her.

Dear Moondancer,

I hope that the reports that my friends and I have written in this journal. I wanted to give this to you since you're the pony that needs to learn more about friendship and I hope that these reports have helped you in some way.
Just remember that no matter where you are, your friends are always there for you, no matter how hard life gets, no matter how much you think that nopony will be there to support you and care about you, just look around you.
You've lots of friends already and will have many more to come.
Feel free to come over to the castle anytime, you're always welcome!

Your friend,
Twilight Sparkle

Moondancer's heart skipped a beat as she finished reading the letter. Twilight had sent this to her. No, she gave this to her! She hugged the letter, holding the paper close to her chest as tears streamed down her face. She allowed the tears to drip down her cheeks and drop onto the bed.

She read through the letter once again, smiling happily. She was grateful that she had Minuette, Lemon Hearts, and Twinkle Shine as her friends and she knew that with a little effort, she would continue to make new friends as well.

"Thank you, Twilight." She whispered as she felt warmth hit her face as Celestia's sun rose for a brand new day.