//------------------------------// // New Secrets, New Tales // Story: Miraculous Equestria- ML and MLP Crossover // by SilverSwirls //------------------------------// Marinette looked at Twilight shocked, and nervous. She thought she was alone de-transforming the last time. She scratched her head, sweat running down her forehead and cheeks. "W-what?? Me? Pshh, Ladybug is not me! She is probably older, and way more good looking!" Marinette said with a struggle. Twilight turned her head, looking confused. She knew what she saw, who she is. Twilight pats her shoulder. "Don't worry, I "pinkie" promise to keep your secret Marinette." Twilight smiles and winks, while saying. Marinette gave a slight sigh, and nodded. She smiled, still shocked and nervous. The two talked about Marinette's adventure and how she became Ladybug, and giggled and laugh about Cat Noir, the cat superhero. They walked around, practically all around Paris. Then, out of no where, Adrien, a blonde-haired model, waved at them. Twilight smiled, but Marinette hides behind Twilight, being super shy. Twilight looks behind her, confused, and laughed a bit. "Marinette, what's wrong? Isn't that your friend from school?" Twilight asked. "Y-yeah! B-but..Oh come here Twi." Marinette grabs Twilight's hand and pulls her around the alley. Adrien, confused, walks away to the mansion nearby. Marinette tells Twilight about her "obsessed" crush on Adrien. Twilight, giggling, also asks if there other people she should know about, when some shadow appeared near the building. It was Alya! Alya is Marinette's best friend from the beginning of the year, who is trying to find Ladybug's identity. Alya, looking a little jealous, asks about the "new girl." Marinette replies, "This is Twilight! She's new to Paris, and I was just showing her around!" "Ooh! Does she know about Ladybug and Cat Noir??" Alya asks excitedly. Marinette scratches her head, nervously, nodding her head as well. Twilight introduced herself to Alya, and they seemed to get along really well. Alya, Marinette, and Twilight continued to walk all around Paris, seeing the one-of-a-kind Eiffel Tower, and all other landmarks. For the rest of the day, they continued to share their stories of their lives, creating a bigger bond between one another. Around dusk, they decided to go eat at Marinette's bakery. Once they got near the school, they saw Chloe and her friend Sabrina. "Eww, who's the new girl? Another untalented fletchling?" Chloe said, with sass. "Excuse me, but we actually have a brain, and know how to label each other, unlike someone!" Alya replies. Chloe stomped away, having Sabrina comfort her on her defeat. "Who's that..?" Twilight asked. "That's Chloe Bourgeois.. She hates Alya and I, after many terrible conversations." Marinette said with a sigh. Alya nodded, and thus tried to cheer both with a Ladybug joke. The three laughed, and went to the bakery to spend more time together once again. "We need to tell Princess Celestia." Applejack says. Everypony nods, agreeing to go to Canterlot at once. The next morning, everyone packs large bags, and heads to the castle. When everyone got there, they went to the Ponyville Train Station, and headed straight to Canterlot. The Mane 5 ran across Canterlot, and barged right through the castle doors. "May I help you?" Luna asks. "Twilight is gone! She went through the portal, and we have no idea where she went!" Rainbow says. "I see, come with me. We must consult with my sister." Luna walks into the lighted hallway. The mansion was dark in late night Paris. There were lights on, but the courtyard was as dark as the darkest cave. She knocked, with a scary tone. A shadow opened the door. He was tall, with a skinny bone structure. With a confused and strict look, he offered the mysterious lady with a cloak in the large house. She sat in the nearest room, and she created a tea cup, and sipped. "How did you do that?" the man said. She didn't answer. "I see you are the shy type. So tell me, what is your business here?" he asked. She points behind a painting, with a woman behind the poster. The man shook his head, feeling a little shaky. "That's my ex-wife.. She is gone, to I don't know where." The lady finally speaks, "Behind." She points at the man's tie. "You are HawkMoth, I suppose..?" the woman asks. The man stares. Quite scared, he takes the woman's hand, and goes upstairs to discuss things. Once he got up there, he takes of his tie, and a purple butterfly, or moth it seems comes out of his suit. The moth, scared, stays right by his master's side. They walked up the stairs, until a dark door comes up. They walked through, and closed the door behind them. Countless white butterflies fly around the room. "Impressive." the woman states. "Nooroo, transform me!!" the man says. Then, seconds after, a man comes out of a whirlpool of butterflies. The man has a black suit, and silver mask. His staff goes with him everywhere, as well as a butterfly pin on his chest. "I am HawkMoth." the man states. The woman, very happy, joins him. She takes off her cloak. Wearing her black dress, and black gloves, she walks right near him, and touched his staff. "One quite powerful staff." she says. "I am Chrysalis, queen of Changlings." Chrysalis states. "I know how you can get back at Ladybug and Cat Noir. Their Miraculouses are your top priority. I can help, but I need one thing. A girl. A purple-haired girl living among us. She is just as valuable as your precious superheroes. Are you in?" Chrysalis asks. "Seems quite important. What shall I do, to take these miraculouses.." HawkMoth asks. "Quite simple, actually. Follow me. I have something in my bag, that can help with our situation." Chrysalis points through the door. Both then walks through, and shuts the door, leaving his staff, which he has never done before. She grabs her bag using a force. Very impressed, HawkMoth grabs the bag. Chrysalis reaches into the bag, and she grabs a short staff, glowing in the dark. "One might call it a 'magician's wand' here in Paris, but this is way more powerful than people know." Chrysalis said mysteriously. HawkMoth, confused goes closer to Chrysalis. "I'm listening." HawkMoth says, right in the eyes. They both stared, maybe in a flirtatious note. HawkMoth and Queen Chrysalis walk right back in the room.. "Dad, I'm home!" Adrien says. No one there, he shakes his head, and walks through each room. One particularly in the room with the poster with a woman. The woman was wearing a gold dress. Sighing, "Mom, how can I get to Dad..? He always is never here, and never tells me ANYTHING." Adrien sadly says. He picks up his stuff, and walks upstairs.