A Filly's New Hope

by Mocha Star

Chapter 18

        Winter Wrap up had finished on time and with only a couple setbacks that were easily fixed with some fantastic teamwork.

        After a long two days the snow was cleared, ponds were thawed, and animals were awake or returned from their travels to and from warmer climates.

        Nova, Tree, and Apple had become a nice family, in their own right, and were an integral part of the town’s growth, both in population and production.  
        Tree had taken on a permanent job working in the market selling food grown on the Apple’s Farm during the winter and was working his way into trade agreements with nearby towns.

        Apple and Nova had begun organizing Apple Farms into Sweet Apple Acres, and the railroad was complete, even through the frigid winter the work never stopped.


        “Good mornin’, Nova.  Glad ta see yer up with the roosters… and made yer bed?  Somepony’s excited fer her first day’a school soon, huh,” she smiled.

“Apple!  Sis, what’s goin’ on?  I dreamed I planted a row of orange trees.”

        “Say what-now?” Apple narrowed her eyes to Nova.

        “Just kidding!  I was gonna say pears, but I don’t wanna whoopin’,” she grinned and trotted past Apple into the hallway and then to the kitchen.  

        “Hey!  There’s the best little sis I could’a asked for, breakfast slop is ready,” he smiled as she scooped a heaping ladle of vegetable quiche, “and gruel,” he scooped some dry hay and oats, “last but not least, some dragon pee - still warm,” he snickered at her best serious face.

        “You mean breakfast and apple juice, broski.”

        “Woah, ya’ve been hangin’ out with cousin Pollack, huh?  Ah like’m, but he’s a fish monger, not fruit or veg a’tall.  Doncha eat what he offers ya, less’n an Apple’s with ya.”
        Nova had a mouth full of food and was sloppily chewing it.  She smiled with her teeth gunked heavily. “Owight.”
        “Darn tootin’,” Apple said taking her seat next to Tree and nuzzling him. “Any big plans today, Sugar Bowl?”

        “Well, I have to get the cart ready to travel north and see about opening trade with a few of the smaller towns along the way to Trottingham, then I was gonna head west, almost to Las Pegasus… no way I’m getting to the real city, but the sub city-”

        “Ya mean the normal city under the cloud city?” Apple droned.

        “Yeah, that one, to see my Aunt Blossom.  Then, it’s a trip back.  I should be gone about a month…” he rolled his oats and hay into a tight ball with his magic and then let it fall apart, “I’m gonna miss ya two.”

        “Oh!  Can I come?!” Nova shouted with youthful enthusiasm.

        “Sugar Bowl, ya got school tomorrow.”

        “I know, and it’ll still be there all year until its break time.  I won’t get much chance to go traveling like this,” she said putting on her best pleading face.

        “Ugh, I swear if you were really my sister that wouldn’t work,” Tree said as he glanced away from her piercing puppy dog eyes.
        “Aww, ain’t no way Ah c’n say nah ta that mug.  Alright, y’all got my okay.  Now, eat up, we’re gonna get some plantin’ done before lunch and have family time the rest’a the night.”

        “Oh, ya better believe it,” Tree said into his cup of juice.  He held his place as he was shoved, spilling only a little juice.

        “Oh, my big ‘ol stallion, yer gettin’ so tough!” Apple said nuzzling her green muzzle to his.

        “Heh, and I’ve got the bruises to prove it,” he chuckled as he sipped his drink, “now, let’s get today started so we can get to tonight.”

        “Who said we were waitin’ ‘til tonight ta say ‘bye’?”

        “...Nova,” Tree asked, voice cracking, “hurry and eat, Apple and me gotta, uh-”

        “Plant some seeds,” Apple said leaning over and nipping his ear before she whispered something to him.

        Tree whimpered with a trembling smile.

        Nova groaned. “Ugh, I’m never getting married or kissing or nuzzling anypony like that. Just ewww,” she said turning her side to the table and eating while looking at the wall.