//------------------------------// // Another Day in Ponyville // Story: Rainbow in the Sky // by gameangel147 //------------------------------// Rainbow Dash flew over the clouds above Ponyville, not bucking them as today was different. Today was a special day in Ponyville, though perhaps that was only her way of seeing it. The truth was there wasn't anything happening today, and that was the problem. The town had had no holidays or celebrations in a while, and the next one was still a long time away. Even the last situation was weeks ago. In short life in Ponyville had become boring. Sure it was calm and peaceful, but too calm and peaceful. So much so that even Pinkie's parties were in danger of becoming commonplace, no matter how fun and varied her parties were. The town needed something to remind them that life was more than just work and going through a routine! That was why she was flying over Ponyville, looking at it to see what she could do to change things. She was supposed to have bucked the clouds but she didn't want to do anything just yet, not until she had a solid plan. She gently landed on a cloud, taking a look around. The sun was about three hours from noon. Today was scheduled to be moderately cloudy with a big chance of boredom! Rainbow plopped down onto the cloud, having come up with less than no ideas. Down below she could see everypony walking around with small smiles but no happiness beneath them. They were just for show, to be polite and to avoid others thinking they might be sad or depressed. In short they were bored and she couldn't think of a way to fix it. She rolled over and let out a frustrated groan. Twilight or Rarity or any of her friends could easily come up with something, but they were busy with their own things right now. Also her ego kept telling her that she had to be the one to solve this problem. She would be happier if it was her rather than having somepony else do it for her. She rolled over once more and out of the corner of her eye she saw a quick flash of light. She looked over and noticed a slightly gray cloud. It was turning into a raincloud, but had only absorbed about a gallon of water, and was not completely ready yet. Suddenly the proverbial light bulb lit up and a smile lit up her face. She quickly flew off the cloud and quickly gathered several white clouds. She towed them over to a nearby lake, where she placed them above the water. She started flying in circles, faster and faster until she created a vortex strong enough to lift the water a few feet, funneling it into the clouds. Soon the clouds were gray and heavy with water. She stopped flying and pushed the clouds back over the fields so that they were between Ponyville and the sun. They were lined up in a row, and once they were perfect, Rainbow Dash flew across each one of them, close enough that they began to release their contents. Soon there was a curtain of water cascading in front of the sun, causing the intended and very beautiful effect of a Rainbow. An entire rainbow wall soon covered Ponyville, which attracted the attention of every single citizen. Every pony stopped what they were doing and look up and all around admiring the wall of beauty. Twilight looked up from her book as the colors caught her eye. Rarity stopped mid-stitch and Applejack stopped mid-buck. Pinkie Pie actually stopped bouncing and Fluttershy sat with her animal friends, enjoying the sky. Ponies sat in the streets as they watched, talking with other ponies, wondering where it came from or who made it, though no one really cared. All that mattered was that it was a pleasant surprise, something to truly smile about. Pinkie Pie was starting to wonder who was behind this, as she wanted to meet the pony that brought on so many smiles, but the mystery could wait until after she admired the rainbow. Applejack found her siblings and granny had all gathered around her and she set her basket down as Applebloom laid beside her, snacking on some apples. Rarity sat by the window and admired the beauty, something she herself couldn't create, but still beautiful nonetheless. Soon the clouds ran out of rain and the rainbow was left hanging, but the same couldn't be said for the smiles on every pony. They went about their business but their heads were high and there was a certain spring in their step. Fluttershy decided to have a tea party with her animal friends, while Rarity decide to go out for a relaxing walk. The Apple family went out for a swim in the lake and Pinkie Pie decided to continue bouncing on her Smile Patrol. Rainbow Dash watched from a cloud as the ponies below smiled actually smiles of happiness. Originally she was planning to reveal herself as the pony that brought them this amazing spectacle, but then, in a moment of rare humility, she decided against it. The entire reason she was doing this was to brighten up their day, to break up the mundane with something beautiful, not for her own glory. This one time, she would just sit back and not take all the attention. Twilight sat on her balcony with Spike and Owlowiscious. She knew who was behind this beautiful show, but she didn't see Rainbow anywhere, until she spotted something on a cloud. She looked through her telescope and confirmed that it was Rainbow Dash, laying on the cloud and observing the town to her surprise. Normally Rainbow would be taking credit by now, but soon she put it together in her head and realized that even the “amazing Rainbow Dash” stayed out of the spotlight every once in a blue moon. So she stood up and went with Spike and Owlowiscious to grab a bite to eat. Though the rainbow would soon fade, she knew that… ….Ponyville would always have it's Rainbow in the sky.