//------------------------------// // Discord Vs. Uchu Keiji Gavan // Story: Discord vs. // by Chroma3D //------------------------------// AN: I hate pitting lovers against each other. I hate pitting lovers against each other. I hate pitting lovers against each other (Ad Infinitum) Discord Vs. Uchu Keiji Gavan Last time on on Discord Vs. stuff happened things happened that you can go back and read if you haven't already. Space Sheriff Gavan, flying in his ship Dolgiran within Earths orbit, witnessed a very peculiar event. A giant lizard beast flying through the air as if it were falling up, along with a building that looked as if it were chopped down like a tree. Clearly there was something not right. He went straight to the planet's surface to investigate. His investigation did not take long. The cause was obvious. A large weird dragon thing was changing reality like he was a smart-alek with a picture in Photoshop. --- Discord was laughing like a mad man as he changed the world around him and you know this part already. Fast forward. "Listen, 'Space Sheriff', I don't have time for this." Discord said, a bit upset that his rampage of insanity was interrupted again. "Name's Discord, and if you cant tell from that, this mess is kind of my job. I don't get to come out and have fun very often, and every time I do someone tries to put me in a statue. Let me have this, please." "I can't do that," Gavan responded. "Protecting Earth is my duty." He attacked Discord with the Starbeast Dol's tail. Discord caught it right before impact. "I figured you would say that," Discord said before shot-putting Gavan and Dol away. The next thing that he knew Gavan was back in the Dolgiran, brought back up by his wife, Mimi. Dol wasn't found. "It shouldn't have even gone missing" Gavan said. "It's supposed to return here." "What if it was destroyed before it got here?" Mimi asked. It wasn't a bad idea, but Gavan was pretty sure that Discord only threw it, never destroyed it. Gavan got up and almost immediately tripped on something. Gavan picked up the object, and noticed that it looked like a child's toy of a Dragon. "That jerk!" he exclaimed. "He turned my most powerful weapon into a toy!" "Please tell me if there's some way I can help," Mimi said, knowing darn well that there was. "Could you please disguise yourself and look for a weak point on him?" Gavan responded. "I probably won't be able to get close enough, and I doubt he'd do anything to a simple bird." "Okay," Mimi responded. It was just like fighting the Makuu. "Laser Vision!" she yelled and changed into a bird. She and Gavan left their ship, her going to take a closer look. Mimi flew around Discord carefully so to not be suspected. She surveyed him closely, looking for a weakness. Discord sensed a disturbance in the force. As if a billion tiny voices cried out and then were sudde- wait no. Someone was watching him. He spotted the bird formed Mimi and tried to catch her. She evaded him for as long as she could, but eventually he caught her with his big lion paw. "A shape shifter?" he said, feigning interest. "Working for that Gavan guy, I assume. What are you, his wife?" Discord turned Mimi back to her humanoid form. "How did you know?" Mimi asked, terrified. "Well it isn't hard to tell a shape shifter when it's the only bird that wasn't fleeing in terror," He responded, as if it were completely obvious. "The only reason you wouldn't be flying away is if you were trying to find a weakness. " Discord's expression turned to an incredibly angry one. "and let me tell you, I do not have one!" His expression immediately went back to bored. "As for you being Gavan's wife, It was a wild guess." He changed to a conversational tone. "So, how long have you two been married?" he asked. "26 years," Mimi answered. There couldn't be any harm in telling him, right? "26? Now there's a marriage that's stood the test of time," Discord said. "Although I don't see how you could fall in love with this man. He's been using you for years." "Using?" "He's been sending you on dangerous missions for years, has he not?" "I've been helping him because I wanted to, from the first day we were on earth!" "That doesn't mean that's not all he wanted from you." "Gavan loves me!" Mimi was getting really mad at Discord "Please, you don't know him really." Discord pulled up a video of Gavan with another woman. "What if I told you his heart really belongs to a human woman?" Mimi was shocked at this sight. "How? Why? We've been together so long..." Discord's corruption began. He looked Mimi in the eyes. "He never really loved you, he was never loyal. What reason do you have to be?" All of the color faded from Mimi, leaving everything but her clothing as gray as and old film. "Laser vision," she said, turning into a bird as colorless as her humanoid form and flying off to find Gavan. "Well, that should be the last I see of them," Discord said to himself. "Now where was I? Oh yeah, utter chaos!" Mimi found Gavan not far from where they landed. She turned back into her humanoid form. "Mimi," Gavan said. "Did you find anything?" "I don't see why I should tell you," she responded. "It's not like you've told me anything." "What are you talking about? I tell you everything?" Gavan was clearly confused by Mimi's response. "That's a lie!" She's yelled. "Everything you've ever said is a lie!" "Mimi," Gavan said as his eyes started to water. "You know I would never lie to you. I love you." He knew something was wrong. He couldn't tell what. Why was she acting like this. "You lie!" she continued to yell. "Even after I've seen the truth. After I've seen her. You still lie to me!" She started to attack Gavan, who carefully dodged everything. "I can't hurt you Mimi." he said, still dodging. "Please listen to me. I have no clue what you're talking about! Discord must have changed you!" "He showed me the truth! He showed me the human you've been cheating with!" Gavan grabbed Mimi's hand at her next attack. He was clearly crying. "Mimi. I wouldn't ever cheat on you. Not with a human, not with anyone." He put his arms around Mimi and transported them back to Dolgiran. "I'm sorry," Gavan said holding Mimi tight. "Discord did this to you. I can't forgive him. I have to keep you in here for now. I'm sorry." Discord was lying back on a hammock made of fireflies, his work complete. The entire world was bent to his will, just as it should have been. Just perfect. Suddenly he heard a voice yelling his name. "Discord!" "Oh who is it now," he scowled at the human form below him. "What do you want, Space Sheriff." "I don't know what you did to Mimi... But I can't forgive you!" "Please, " Discord laughed at Gavan. "You can't even hurt me." Gavan put his fist to his chest and yelled "Electroplate!", crossed his arms, put his left arm to the sky, and finally spread his arms out. He changed into the silver cybernetic like warrior he was before. "Space Sheriff, Gavan!" It only takes Gavan a twentieth of a second to transform, so let's look at the Electroplating process again. He does the pose and yell stated above, sending a signal to the star ship Dolgiran. "Roger, transmitting suit," the ship's computer says as it begins transporting the suit in many tiny particles that reform on Gavan's body. Discord sighed. "Fine," he said. "I'll humor you and give you a 'fair' fight." He brought himself down to Gavan's size and donned a karate outfit. "But I must warn you, I have black belt in making things up as I go along." Gavan threw the first punch, hitting Discord right in the head. Discord shrugged it off, commenting that it maybe kind of tickled and swiped Gavan away. "Laser Z Beam!" Gavan yelled As he pointed at Discord. A laser fired from his hand at Discord. "Hadouken!" Discord yelled, firing a wave of his own that swallowed the Laser Z Beam "Come on, Space Sheriff, you have to do much better than that. Gavan took out his sword. "That's more like it," Discord said, pulling out a katana from no where. "Laser Blade!" "Wait, laser what?" Gavan cut straight through Discord's katana as he spoke. "Well this is wonderful. Do you know how much effort it takes to get one of those?" "Gavan Dynamic!" Gavan yelled, slicing Discord. "No no no! How could this happen!?" Discord yelled as he started to split in half. Then he immediately reconnected his severed self and started laughing. When he finally calmed down he said, "Let me let you in on a secret. There's only one way to defeat me. You don't have it. I'm pretty sure it only exists in Equestria." Gavan was stunned. He was certain that would work. "What are you?" he asked. "Draconequus. Half dragon, half pony," he responded. "Oh and by the way..." He returned to his normal size , reached up, and crushed half of Gavan's ship. "I watched the transformation replay." Gavan suit fell off of him, returning him to human form as the remains of the Dolgiran crashed to the ground. He ran towards the crash site, worried about Mimi. He got there in time to witness Mimi come out unscathed. "Now you try to kill me!?" she yelled. Clearly Discord's effects hadn't worn off in any way. Mimi went back to attacking Gavan. She wouldn't have it that Discord was the liar. Discord filled her with hate and all Gavan could do was dodge. "Now that that's over," Discord said to the corrupted people below him. "Who wants to see pigs fly?" To be continued NEEEEEXT TIME! Final Episode! “Isn't it obvious that you can't kill me by now!?” “We've killed unkillable people before” “Please, 100 bucks says you can't even hurt me.” Discord Vs. Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger. "I'm going to regret asking who you are, aren't I?" Deleted scene: Discord was growing tired. "I have a question," he said to Gavan. "You're from another planet. Why do you care for these things so much?" "My mother was a human. I'm half human," Gavan responded. "I care for them because I'm one of them." "So?" Discord said. "I'm half pony, and I despise them." I wanted to do this exchange from the beginning, but as I went along there was no real place to put it. So here it is now, because I really did want to use it.