//------------------------------// // Date Night // Story: Cloudchaser's Heartbreak // by StormLuna //------------------------------// Cloudchaser's Date As Cloudchaser and Thunderlane headed towards the cafe, something just didn't seem right. Unlike prior evenings when they would head to the cafe when he would usually talk about anything and everything, Thunderlane was strangely quiet which caused Cloudchaser herself to be a bit nervous and quiet. As soon as they got there, they were able to get a table and were waited on. The waiter asked, "So what do you two want?" Thunderlane replied, "I'd like a hay burger and a large cider." Cloudchaser added, "I'd like a daffodil and daisy sandwich and some water." The waiter nodded and took their order to the kitchen. Cloudchaser was concerned about Thunderlane's strange behavior on their way to the cafe. She asked, "Thunderlane, are you ok? Normally you talk my ear off on the way over here but you hardly said a word tonight." Thunderlane replied, "Yeah, I'm ok." He saw a slight look of disapproval coming from Cloudchaser. He knew he had to lie his way out of this question, "Ok, well one thing is wrong. I just don't know where I'm headed in life. I applied for a job at the weather factory in Cloudsdale but I haven't heard back from them." Cloudchaser asked, "How long ago did you apply?" Thunderlane replied, "About three weeks ago. I thought I would have heard back from them by now." He looked down and continued, "Maybe they just don't contact the applicants they decide not to hire." Cloudchaser knew a bit about how the weather factory's application works since she had applied there in the past as well and was denied. She said, "Well I think you would have heard back from them by now. I applied to work up there in the past and it wasn't even a week after I applied that they contacted me letting me know that they did not need my services." She gave him an odd look and continued, "Are you sure that's what is bothering you?" Thunderlane was becoming nervous as he realized that maybe she saw through his lie. He replied, "Well I'm going to be honest, I just feel like my life is lacking direction right now. Yeah I have a decent job but I'm hoping for more in life. I want a bright future but right now I don't know if it will happen." When Cloudchaser heard him mention his future, she decided that now would be the time to ask specifically what he wanted in his future. She asked, "So what do you want in your future?" Thunderlane replied, "Well I would like to one day actually be able to work in the weather factory, get some sort of job in the big city or become a professional bowler." Cloudchaser knew of his love of bowling but she wanted to know something else. She asked, "And what else do you want in your future?" Thunderlane had an extremely nervous look on his face as he knew what she was hinting at. He replied, "And well uh-uh, have you as part of my life." Cloudchaser sighed, "Part of you life? Could you elaborate on that?" Thunderlane replied, "Yeah, you know........." Their meal got there as he was trying to think of what to say, "Oh good, our food is here! I am so hungry." Thunderlane dove into his food while Cloudchaser began to eat her's with a disgusted look on her face. She seriously began to wonder if her sister wasn't right and that he may never want a serious relationship. For a brief moment he had an empty mouth and she asked, "Look, I want to know where I fit into your future." Thunderlane knew he had to lie his way out of this one too, "Well, I do hope we can get more serious someday and maybe eventually be married." Cloudchaser knew it was a lie as well but wanted to see how long he would go on with this. She asked, "Maybe eventually be married? When would this be?" He replied, "Uh-uh maybe in a couple or three years." At this point Cloudchaser was becoming more and more skeptical and even began to wonder if he loved her. She commented, "Thunderlane, you know I love you but with the types of answers you are giving I wonder if you even love me or if you just like saying you have me as a marefriend." Thunderlane replied, "Well yeah I love you. You know that." Cloudchaser asked, "Then why don't you ever show it? We have been together for nearly six months and you have only kissed me once! Once! I've known of couples who kissed more than that on their first date!" Thunderlane replied, "Yeah, I know that." Cloudchaser decided to drop the issue and continue to eat her meal. Despite being frustrated that Thunderlane would not give her direct answers and it seemed like the answers he gave were either lies or half-truths at the best, she began to devour her meal while he was eating his more slowly as he was very nervous. A Heartbreaking Discovery Once the two had finished their meal Thunderlane was ready to leave but Cloudchaser was not, she wanted to get more answers. She asked, "Thunderlane, do you remember what we were talking about before we decided to finish our meal?" Thunderlane replied, "Uh, no." This really irritated her. To her this was him not even caring about what she had to say. She snapped, "I was talking about how you have only kissed me once during our whole time together and you acted like you didn't even care!" By this point their argument had grabbed the attention of everypony else at the cafe but Cloudchaser didn't care. She wanted to get the truth out of him. She continued, "Listen, I am going to ask you one more time. Do you truly love me or not?" Thunderlane replied, "I'll be completely honest, I really like you." Cloudchaser gasped, "What? You only really like me? You don't really love me?" Thunderlane replied, "What I really meant to say was that I really love you." Cloudchaser knew that was a lie. She knew that what he said first was the truth. She stood up and yelled, "You know what? I'm done! When my sister told me that you would probably not ever be serious I should have listened to her." She began to cry, "I wanted to be positive, I wanted to believe that you loved me, I wanted to believe that you would want to be serious and I wanted to believe that my sister was wrong! I should have listened to my sister and avoided this heartache!" Thunderlane went to hug her but she pushed him away, "I don't want a hug from you! In fact I want nothing to do with you." She began to run towards home and yelled, "You know what Thunderlane, we're done. I deserve somepony who will actually love me and not be afraid to show it." Before galloping home she looked back and sneered, "Maybe you can hook up with your precious can of hair spray since you love it so much! I'm sure you'll commit to it!" Thunderlane took off after her and yelled, "Wait! Please come back." The way things were beginning to turn during their argument concerned some of the other patrons. He felt a pony grab him and say, "I would leave her alone if I were you. She said that she was done and you've caused her enough heartache already." It was at this moment that Thunderlane knew he had blown it. He realized that Cloudchaser had really loved him but that his lack of desire to commit to one pony and settle into a normal life routine caused him to lose her.