Twilight the clown

by TechnoPagan9

Two Royal Jester Clowns

For the passed few days, the performers of the circus had been practicing for the upcoming show which was happening tonight. They were doing this because they had received a letter saying that the princesses of the night and day were going to watch it. Pinkie and Derpy were excited they were coming as well as being glad the 'advertisement' had actually worked on the 2 alicorns. Sasha and Sprinkle were discussing (well arguing) which one of the princesses they should transform first.

"Turning Celestia first would be the better option because I know how to trick her with ease into wearing the nose plus she may have a way to resist to transformation that Luna doesn't have. We could also use Discord's affection for her to make her lower her guard." Sprinkle shouted. Sasha gave an unimpressed look.

"O come on, Princess Luna has that 'Nightmare Moon' form you told me about. If we do Princess Celestia first then she may turn to that form and no one will be laughing if that happens" Sasha argued. They both gave each other mean glares as Magic and Discord watch them while Stoic Silence and Mute Grump place 'headphones over their ears.

"I don't think I am going to make good 'bait' for Celestia as Sprinkle seems to think because chances are she will think I am the one responsible for all of this" Discord said with a frown.

"Don't worry Discord, chances are once Princess Celestia has transformed she will appreciate your colourful chaos and may even make Equestria as chaotic as you did back in the day" Magic said with smile but it didn't reassure Discord.

"Or she will just turn me into stone when she finds out her former student has gone from princess to a 'crazy out of her mind clown' trying to conquer the land which by the way you started when you turned her yourself. Although I have to admit, the transformation was a lot more creative then what I would of thought up, I would have just given her an afro mane and shoved her into a cheap clown suit and be fine with that." Discord replied.

"Why thank you Discord but are just saying that because of what her and Glimmer did when you tried to get your voodoo dolls back from them and besides all I did was place the nose because I have no control over how they transform". Magic said leading to Discord grinning at her.

"Maybe you should have a go, you may like it or maybe I should find a way to erase the brainwashing and let them show what they truly think of their transformations" Discord said as his grin widened leaving Magic a bit fearful at both thoughts.

"Certainly not" She said as the thought of Sprinkle getting her 'Twilight mind' back, seeing her clownish appearance and remembering Magic's role in it to which Twilight would fire random spells at Magic as punishment. Seeing that the Sasha and Sprinkle were still arguing, Magic blasted Sprinkle causing a red and black Harlequin outfit to from on her body. Sasha looked surprised at the sudden change while Sprinkle was confused as she looked at her hooves.

"Hey, who did this?" Sprinkle asked while Magic walked out of the tent to see Glimmer Joy messing with some fireworks.

"Hello Glimmer" Magic greeted before a replies in the form of an unlit firework smacked her in the face, knocking her to the ground

"Who is that, I found these explosive babies fair an...oh its you Magic I thought you were that grey filly's firework obsessed dad" Glimmer said, looking down at the dazed green unicorn with an embarrassed smile. Magic shook her head and got up with a saw right cheek and jaw.

"And why would you want to bash said dad with a firework I may ask, did you steal those fireworks?" Magic asked as a frown formed on her face.

"Well I just happened to be at the mansion not spying to see if no pony was home where there happened to be some fireworks that I didn't know of in a locked shed that just so happened to have had its lock smashed by a...uh...sentient crowbar that has a hatred for locks and there was a strong gush a wind that by luck, opened the door and the fireworks which were also sentient floated to me and asked me to take them to the circus......and some of their gunpowder to Skittle's brownie factory and Jumper's 'Silly Apple Cider Place'." Glimmer said with a sheepish grin though she could see that Magic was not buying it.

"Well I will ignore your stealing for now because come to the tent, a certain thing wants to meet you" Magic said. Glimmer followed the green unicorn into the tent to see Sprinkle wearing the harlequin costume. Glimmer glared at Sprinkle who wore an expression of fear on her face when she looked into the eyes of the white unicorn.

"Um are you ok Glimmer?" Sprinkle asked

"HARLEY QUINN, you can't have my Mr J" Glimmer shouted as she charged towards the terrified Sprinkle who started running.

"Glimmer its me Twinkle Sprinkle" Sprinkle said in desperation to keep away from Glimmer before she tripped and Glimmer held her in a head lock.

"See I am better for Mr J, not you Quinn" Glimmer said with a deranged smile while Sprinkle struggles to loosen the mad clown's grip. Sasha acted quickly and managed to get the headpiece of the outfit off Sprinkle's head.

"O sorry Sprinkle, I thought you were that dirty Mr J stealing Harley Quinn. Honestly your voices are so similar to me" Glimmer said as she let Sprinkle go who glared at Glimmer while she massaged her neck. However before Sasha or Sprinkle could say anything, Glimmer took the harlequin costume and ran off to her shop.

"Why did you put me in that costume Magic?" Sprinkle asked with clear anger in her tone.

"I was trying to shut you two up because of your arguing, you are like the CMC when they wondered who to turn into a clown next." Magic replied.

"Just don't do it again" Sprinkle demanded to which Magic simply shrugged. Sprinkle shook her head in annoyance as she faced the center of the tent to find Skittle Giggle and Rodeo Jumper breaking some of the fireworks open and pouring the gunpowder out.

"What are you two doing with the powder?" Sprinkle asked as they turned their heads to her. Skittle gave a cheerful smile as she held up a brownie that had some of the powder leaking out of it.

"Black Brownie Special, its going to blow my original recipe out of the window....even though this place had no windows." Skittle said with glee while Sprinkle remained skeptic.

"But your original recipe would burn the throat of the one who ate it. The gunpowder would make them explode" argued Sprinkle only for Skittle to giggle as she pointed to her left towards the CMC and Wonderjokes.

"Silly Sprinkle, my lovable sister Roller ate one and she hasn't exploded" Skittle said while still laughing. Sprinkle turned her head to see that while Skittle was correct, Roller was laying on her back, legs spread out and her eyes staring into space. Her mouth was wide open as a thick black smoke was floating out and she was soaking wet due to the four Wonderjokes constant pour water on her to get rid of the smoke. If that was not bad enough, Hammer Pound in her devotion to her simple philosophy that 'nothing can't be solved with a good hard hammer' was constantly bashing Roller's stomach with her hammer like a frantic medieval doctor while Singer Joy tried to do mouth to mouth but the black smoke caused her own throat to burn. Sprinkle faced palmed as she turned toward Jumper to find the orange pony injecting some pies with a gunpowder filled needle.

"And what are you doing RJ?" Sprinkle asked.

"Well I am creating bombs to use in the conquest, pretty subtle to be in a pie if I say so myself" Jumper said with a proud expression on her face thought while happy that Jumper was helping the coming conquest, Sprinkle wasn't too convinced of the pie bomb's subtly due to the notable large fuse each pie had.

"It is a good idea hey maybe I will help improve it". Sprinkle suggested to which Jumper nodded in response. Suddenly Glimmer and Sweetie Smiles rode into the tent on a bear causing everyone in the tent to jump with fright.

"Sprinkle are we late for the show" Sweetie asked

Sprinkle smiled and replied "No you two are not we still have..."

"5 minutes" Sasha interrupted leading to Sprinkle panicking due to the circus not being properly set up.

"How are we supposed to set up everything in that amount of time, we can't tardy for the princesses" Sprinkle said while her eye twitched before Discord placed his paw on her head.

"Twinkle Sprinkle, leave to me" he said as he got everyone's attention

"Attention everypony....and Sasha, simply follow my instructions and you will all get the circus running before you can all say 'Clownsruleallequestriaisdoomedtoeternalchaosclownsixcreateagentsforconquestsuchasagriffinandanadverturingpegsusetcetcetcetc' so get to work" Discord commanded as he started directing the performers to get the job done. He first manged to stick his hand down Roller's throat to remove the 'black brownie', allowing her to get back up and go with the other foals (although Pound waked her again anyway) while Discord got rd of the brownie. Skittle commanded the Wonderjokes to fix the tightrope while Glimmer and Sweetie were repairing some of the rips in the tent, Pinkie entertained the clownified foals while Stoic and Grump used mime walls to keep the foals in place and avoid causing damage to the tent. Jumper continued making pies while the rest of the circus got some extra practice and Discord himself made two seats for the 2 special ailcorn guests. Within a surprising two minutes the circus tent was now prepared for the show with allow the performers except Sprinkle getting themselves ready.

"How did you do all that?" Sprinkle asked Discord with a shocked face

"What....its simple organization, do you have this that being the spirit of chaos can't have some occasional order. Don't tell me that before your transformation, you didn't engage in some occasional disorder" Discord said. Sprinkle knew that she had been a little close minded in her judgment.

"Sorry Discord I didn't mean to offend" She said.

"It doesn't matter, you have a show to do and will greet the audience outside" said Discord who went outside while Sprinkle went on the stage.

Meanwhile Celestia and Luna were flying towards the circus tent along with the guards who witness the advertisement. Luna was so excited having not watch a show involving clowns since watching the antics of the now retired clown Ponyacci in watch she remembers spraining her wing in a fit of laughter while Celestia couldn't help feel that something was off about it all.

"Hey are you excited about the show sister?" asked Luna.

"Yes I am although do you get a sense that something is wrong or is it just me?" Celestia asked facing her sister and then turning her head to the pegasus and bat guards who just shrugged.

"Nonsense sister, its just a circus" Luna said with a little giggle. Celestia smiled although she still couldn't get rid of the feeling. They arived at the circus where they found Discord greeting the last of the audience to which the alicorns waved to him as they approached.

"Hello Discord, you working for the circus now?" asked Luna

"I am helping out yes, I have set up some seats for you two so you have the best view. It will surely be a fantastic show for all to see." Discord said.

"Discord I wish to discuss something with you" Celestia said. Discord suddenly heard a voice in his head.

"This is Sprinkle to Discord, move Celestia and the solar guards away from the circus so that we can turn Luna first" Sprinkle telepathically said who was using Discord's eyes to see outside.

"Ok, Luna go in and see the show while I talk with your sister" Discord requested to which Luna and her bat pony guards entered the tent while Discord Celeistia and her solar guards moved away from it so could speak without too much noise. Luna flew to the seat left by Discord while the bat pony guards sat by her side as the show began to start where Sprinkle appeared in a puff a smoke (provided by Tricky LOLmoon) on stage to greet the audience.

"Welcome everypony to the Transformation Circus of Equestria!" Sprinkle shouted to the crowd as Luna looked on in confusion.

"Is that Twilight?" Luna thought as she saw Glimmer Joy lighting some fireworks and watching them go up through a hole in the tent and blow up in the night sky leaving bright colorful patterns in the sky. Luna then overheard somepony in the crowd saying something about fireworks.

"Hang on those are my prototype fireworks, I knew there was something up with that unicorn staking the house" Tea Spoon said in annoyance before feeling his wife's hoof touch his neck.

"O don't worry about that dear, you still have plenty of fireworks. Besides Silver or Spoony as she seems to now like your pet name strangely enough, really wanted us to see her clown act. She has as you have seen and helped with, put a lot of practice into it." Glacies Stare said with a smile. Spoiled Rich scoffed at the idea of her own daughter to be in her own words prancing around like a mad commoner and wondering why her husband convinced her to see 'entertainment' that she felt was beneath them.

"Now for the show show to start, we need a volunteer or two from the audience" Sprinkle requested as she seemed to be looking through the crowd. Suddenly Luna felt a prick on he right front leg to which she saw a very thin string that was attached to her. It pulled her hoof, holding it up.

"Where did this come from" Luna thought

"How about you, the dark blue alicorn with her hoof up" said Sprinkle as she pointed her hoof towards Luna leading everypony to look at her.

"Wait what" Luna said as more strings got her other legs as well as her wings and forced her to move towards the stage. She looked up to notice a translucent figure high above her, pulling the strings. The best she could make out was the figure being an earth pony mare and the unnerving grin she gave and Luna assumed the mare had a spell cast on her by a unicorn.

"Ah Princess Luna, alicorn of the night, welcome to the stage" Sprinkle greeted as the strings on Luna disconnected, allowing her freedom of movement while the puppet mare seemingly disappeared. Luna looked directly at Sprinkle as her eyes narrowed.

"Twilight Sparkle, is that you?" Luna asked as Sprinkle giggled

"O I am not a boring, nerdy princess anymore, I am a clown princess now named 'Twinkle Sprinkle'. Do you think my white coat and new mane style suit me?" Sprinkle asked. Luna grabbed Sprinkle by her face and looked directly into her eyes. Luna tried to use her magic to remove what she thought were coloured eye lenses but seeing it have no effect, she dropped her in fear.

"Is this Discord's doing, guards warn Celes...guards????" Luna turned to see her guards where she noticed them completely still, their faces were expressionless as were the crowd who seem to all be in a trance. Luna turned to face Sprinkle who's eyes were narrowed and a wide grin across her face.

"Sorry princess but the show can't start until our newest recruits of our ranks have joined and you won't deprive our audience of a show." Sprinkle said, her eyes displaying sadistic joy as the Luna became too terrified to move.

"We do not know how to feel about this. Is this just a strange dream?" Luna asked in her head before Sprinkle attached a clown nose to Luna's snout which caused her to tingle. Her vision switched to the dream realm where she came across a door marked 'Celestia's Dream'.

"Wait it was all a dream. Twilight must be going insane" Luna said as she giggled before continuing "Well it doesn't matter, never pass up a chance to screw with sister's dream". As she walked through the door, Celestia's cutie mark formed on Luna's cheeks.

"Hehehe what to do this time" Luna said before hearing the door slam shut and become locked up tight. The night princess jumped at the sound as she heard a familiar voice with in the completely white room.

"Got you, Luna" Celestia said with glee in her tone. Luna looked on confusion as a jester hat with yellow bells formed and linked to her crown which turned bright pink with a clown face replacing the moon symbol on it. The right half of the hat was blue while the left was light purple and when Luna noticed, she tried to remove the hat but with all her alicorn strength it remained stuck.

"Wait how did you do that" Luna asked. A small hole formed in front of her as where she saw Celestia in her bed with her eyes covered by an eye cap and a book next her although Luna could only make out 'Step by step guide to..' but couldn't not see what it guides the reader with.

"O you have been pranking my dreams for a long time so I decide to take control through 'lucid dreaming' and as a result I have trapped you in and now preparing you to become my personal clown but I like the jester look. I think the hat really suits you but lets do something about that mane of your and maybe alter your mind a little". Celestia explained as her horn glowed with a rainbow coloured aura causing two yellow and orange streaks to form on Luna's mane and tail while she controled Luna like a puppet.

"Why do I suddenly have the urge to juggle?" Luna asked herself as she felt a little light headed. Celestia smiled and turned the white room into the interior of a large circus tent where everypony in it watched Luna as she was forced to juggle some balls. She suddenly dropped them in which she blushed with embarrassment as the crowd laughed at her.

"Ok sister you have had your fun now ge....lets add some more to this act ringmaster Celestia...wait what." Luna said as Celestia smiled and use her magic to further screw with her sisters words.

"Indeed lets do some changes to this" she said as her chestplate started to vibrate and change from metal to an unknown baggy and shiny material. The moon symbol had disappeared and the chestplate had turned bright pink on the top while its right side became light purple and the left becoming blue. Luna was shocked to find it spreading like slime on her legs and inflating into baggy pants when it got near the hoofs which would form pointed shoes which was blue on the right hoof and light purple on the left hoof with yellow bells forming on the tips. The same happened for her back legs but they were in reverse colours and a rainbow

"Eekkk, no I am princess of the night not princess of clowns" Luna said as she tried to tear the jester suit off. As she was doing this a large unicycle suddenly hit her causing her to go in the air and land on its seat. She lost further control of her body as her back legs and hoofs pedaled the unicycle, her wings helped keep balance and her front legs and hoofs continued to juggle. She looked around in desperation as she tried to find an exit out of the dream.

"A princess of clowns is perfect for you now isn't that a lot better, all that practice performing circus tricks I had over the 1000 years you spent on the moon was worth it in the end. I can share it all with you my little jester but now what should I add now" Celestia thought to herself. Luna could barely think straight as she opened her mouth.

"Cele..ples......Maybe my outfit needs a little more colour ringmaster" Luna suggested. Celestia pulled a wide grin at the suggestion.

"Ah so you really like me making a plaything out of you?. Well then have a rainbow skirt over your flank and here is something extra" Celestia said as said skirt formed over flank while a small cape formed between the skirt and her back hoofs which was light purple with a large pink circle in the center. each corner had a an outline of a heart while a swirly lined circle formed between the hearts and pink circle.

"Well Luna or should I say Giggle Moon, Its time to add the finishing touches and fully altering your little mind" Celestia said showing sharp teeth in her evil grin.

"Pl....sis....don't tu...." was all Luna could say as Celestia's horn grew brighter. Luna felt completely empty headed as she was teleported onto the tightrope while still riding on her unicycle and juggling. Her clown nose turned right yellow while her eyelashes curled while Celestia hypnotized her causing her to slowly pull a large grin. She shut her eyes and opened them reveling that they have turned pink.

"Watch this everypony" Luna, now Giggle Moon shouted as she performed a one hoof stand on the unicycle and used her back hoofs to continue juggling. The crowd cheered as her vision turned to normal to which she fell flat on her face.

"Helloooo anypony in there" Sprinkle said as she pat Moon's head.

"Yes everypony please well come your new princess of clowns, Giggle Moon" Moon announced leading to Sprinkle smiling with glee.

"We got you but we still need the other one" Glimmer Joy said but Moon placed her right hoof on her own neck.

"Don't worry, your queen shall be arriving shortly" Moon reassured Glimmer while Sprinkle sent a telepathy message to Discord to get Celestia in the tent. Meanwhile Discord and Celestia were discussing the incident at the opera hall in which Celestia believes he was invoked.

"If you didn't have anything to do with nobles causing all that damage in Canterlot then who did cause them to do that?" Celestia asked.

"I am really not sure" Discord replied. He wasn't entirely lying but he wasn't telling the fully truth about the incident either. He was truthful on having no involvement but the 'not sure' part was a half truth as he was smart enough to know of the TF circus's indirect involvement but the honest part was not knowing which members were involved. Regardless he along with the solar guards accompanied her to the tent where they found the traced audience and Bat guards whom the Solar guards ran to and tried to snap out of it through many methods (mostly slapping) while on the stage was Giggle Moon on a unicycle and juggling.

"Luna I am here....LUNA!, why is everypony in a trance and.....why are you dressed as a cross between a jester and a clown?" Celestia asked. Discord was surprised by Moons appearance.

"Dam, those noses are creative" Discord thought as he and Celesta looked the clowned princess of the night as she got off her unicycle while still juggling.

"Dear sister why wouldn't I be a clown, our subjects love it when their rulers become the butt of the joke" Moon said as Celestia's eyes narrowed as she scanned the stage. Due to her experience with illusion magic, she was capable of seeing cloaking spells to which she saw and felt an aura of a third alicorn in the tent. The aura was familiar yet the magic felt completely foreign to this world but despite that she used her own magic to dispel it revealing Twinkle Sprinkle who had a face of surprise due to not expecting her former mentor seeing through her cloaking spell

"Um....hi" Sprinkle greeted holding one hoof in the air and smiling. Upon hearing her voice, Celestia's mouth fell wide open.

"Twilight...what happen to you, if it were not for your voice I wouldn't have guessed it was you" Celestia said. Sprinkle giggled at her

"O silly, nothing bad happened I just became a clown and seek to spread joy to all Equestria. Why is there anything wrong with that and also please call me 'Twinkle Sprinkle' now, its better name for clowny me" Sprinkle said, her smile still that. Celestia looked a little closer at Sprinkle's eyes as well as her sisters and examined the magic. She realized that they had been brainwashed into doing it and turned to Discord who mere gave a warm smile

"Discord.....why have you turned them in lunatics?" Celestia asked

"I had nothing to do with this" he said as he nodded his head side to side but Celestia was not convinced.

"I knew something was wrong. Guards, arrest Discord" She commanded only to see Sprinkle zap with the same trances spell.

"Silly queen, he is being honest and didn't transform anypony.....yet" Moon said while laughing.

"What do you mean 'yet'" Celestia said as a frown formed on her face then noticed Sprinkle nod her head in which Discord pushed a clown nose onto Celestia's snout.

"What is going on" Celestia said as her vision turned into a chaotic version of Equestria. She looked around the mismatched land as she saw Discord in a king outfit on a throne and her clownified sister sitting by her side with a big smile on her face.

"Luna you have been brainwashed by Discord" Celestia cried out. Luna merely laughed as she pointed in front of her where the elements of harmony were completely smashed up on the ground.

"The" Celestia said as Discord laughed at her.

"O deary me princess it would seem your only hope has fallen to chaos" Discord said as he stood up from his throne

".....I will stop you....I can still stop you" Celestia screamed leading to both her sister and Discord giving mocking laughs aimed at her.

"Sister, open your mind that order is such an unneeded bore. You should accept your fate as I have because with chaos ruling Equestria, there will be nonsensical fun for all plus chocolate rain". Giggle Moon said with joy as she waved her hoofs while it rained chocolate on her.

"Yes your sister is correct Celestia here let me help you be a silly jester like her" Discord said as he poked the purple gem on Celestia's chestplate with his scepter causing a strange tingle through her body.

"What was that" Celestia said in a fearful tone as the gem seem to twist into separate pieces before sinking into the chestplate and leaving behind a clown face in its place. The lines reshape into love hearts as a rainbow bow tie grows just underneath it while rubbery yellow substance formed over half her chest. Celestia gasped in shock to the changes on her body and noticed the same had happened to her tiara excluding the yellow substance.

"What magic is this?" She said as she held her tiara and chestplate. Discord chuckled at the fearful mare as he rose his scepter in the air.

"Lets get your mind prepared for your service to me" Discord said with an evil grin as he placed the tip of the scepter on Celestia's head where it glowed. Celestia felt a little woozy as her mind started expressing positive thoughts about Discord.

"My Lord Discord, how shall I....wait no its a trick, I will stop you both" Celestia shouted as her horn glowed as she prepared to attack only for the spell to be shutdown by Moon. Celestia looked on in disbelief at her sister as she felt something crawl down her legs and upon looking found her legs and hoofs being covered by the costume. On her legs were several yellow and dark orange patterns while in the same manner to Giggle Moon had mismatching shoes with the front left hoof and the back right hoof were dark orange while the reverse was yellow while blue bells formed on the tips of the shoes. Between the shoes and the legs were four white ruffles in between them leading to Celestia feeling odd when walking in them.

"No No No stop I......I worship your wisdom Lord" Celestia said as she felt more empty headed and Discord's grin getting bigger as his influence grows stronger over her. Moon walked to Celestia and cuddled her as she enjoyed watching her sister slip closer to chaos.

"Just lose yourself Sunny Shines, the chaos is so beautiful" Moon said with joy as Celestia still tried to fight it.

"I can still fig....o what else do you wish to dress me in?" Celestia asked Discord who gave it some thought before getting an idea.

"How about this" he said as he clicked his finger causing a purple skirt to manifest over her flank and link up to the yellow part under her chestplate. Pink trims formed on the edges while six blue bells formed on the tips and after that red love hearts formed on the purple parts of the skirt.

"No I can't lo....thank you Lord Discord, I love this skirt already" Celestia said, struggling to keep her mind and will to fight.

"Indeed, I like to think those hearts show my love for you my little jester" Discord said before he felt a tug on his cape by Moon.

"Can I transform her....just a little..plzzzzzzzzzzz?" Moon asked like a little filly to her parents to which Discord enjoy her childish face as he nodded for her to do what she wants. Moon gave a big (somewhat psychotic) smile as her horn glowed as Celestia was becoming too scared to fight back. The magic formed an arrow which clicked on the streaks in her mane and a box appeared where the arrow clicked copy. Moon then moved the arrow to Celestia's own mane who was still too fearful to move and the same box appeared but this time the arrow selected paste and the same streak formed on Celestia's mane. Moon did the same for Celestia's tail and then turned the arrow into a bucket with a blue substance where it clicked on Celestia's streaks causing them to turn dark blue and light purple which lead to the white alicorn trying to wipe them off as the bucket disappeared.

"I like it Giggle Moon, adds a lot to her mane. What do you think Sunny?"

"Get love it, she is such an artist" Celestia said as she could barely thing anymore. Her thoughts were filled with Discord worship as well as spreading joy through chaos. A Jester hat formed on her head which unlike Moon's hat which had only two parts, this one had three parts with the center part being yellow and the two on the sides was dark orange with all three having a blue bell on their tips.

"What is your name my dear jester" Discord asked in a menacing tone

"Molesti..Trollsti" Celestia mind was too numb as she couldn't remember her real name. Her cheeks had Luna's cutie mark on them much like Moon having Celestia's own mark. Her clown nose turned blue as her eyelashes curled where she closed her eyes. Discord grinned as he placed his in front of Celestia's own.

"One more time...What is your name?" he asked. Celestia opened her eyes to reveal they had turned pink and she gave a grin to match his.

"Why, Sunny Shines my Lord Discord" Celestia, now Sunny Shines said as she pulled an amusing pose. Discord laughed at her as he got on a unicycle and beckoned them to come.

"You two will act as if you were pulling a carriage I am in, now charge" Discord commanded. The two clowned alicorns got into position and began to run while Discord followed. Sunny grinned as her vision returned to normal. Discord blushed heavy at the clowned princess of the sun as she gave seductive grin and gave him a kiss on the lips leaving him stunned.

"Thank you Discord, Sunny Shines is now ready to make Equestria the happiest place in the world" She announced with a smile before running out the tent while holding Discord with her magic. Sprinkle and Moon follow them to find Sunny turning the area outside into a chaotic state much as Discord did when he first got out his prison.

"This is....beautiful" is all Discord could say before Sunny wrapped her hoofs around him.

"I was so cruel to put you in that stony prison. I should have been more open minded about chaos but now we get to perform and rule together, making the world so happy." She said.

"Wait 'rule?" Discord asked as if he had misheard her. She nodded yes as she kissed him, keeping her mouth on his for some time. Moon and Sprinkle looked each in shock.

"Well I didn't think this would happen" Sprinkle said with wide eyes.

"Should we just leave them and do the show already" Moon asked with a small sign of awkward giggling.

"No, No, we are coming" Discord said as Sunny was still hanging from him. The 3 clowns and chaos spirit made their way back to the tent as Discord and Sunny cuddled, Moon and Sprinkle still felt disbelief at what had just happened.