Nero's Life Redux

by TheAnimalisticBrony

Chapter 4: The Task

The revolver had a normal mouth grip and had two barrels along with a flip-up style reflex sight.
“Why would my father give me something like this! Any and all weapons are banned from anypony other than the military and the royal guard!” Nero looked at the letter “This better give me a good reason...” Nero opened the letter and read it out loud…


Your mother and I hope you never have to use this. this here is a weapon forged by our magic. It is a revolver, with two barrels that shoots nine shots, each shot duplicates itself into the other barrel to allow the revolver to fire two shots at once, without using more ammo. Essentially you are firing eighteen rounds. The top barrel shoots modified .44 rounds that can have the power of a .458 Devastator, if you charge your energy into it, but has the size of a .30-06 Springfield round. The bottom barrel, which is the barrel that duplicates the round, fires a magical version of the round. This round is pure limbo magic, a bullet torn between worlds. The mouth grip can also be flipped to allow you to test out your necklaces’ powers. this revolver also comes equipped with a blade at the bottom in case... things… get close, the blade can be extended or retracted.. The scope on the revolver is also a custom reflex sight that can display the lethality of things and how damaged they are. The more red the outline of something the more hostile it is, the redder their body parts are the more damaged that specific body part is. Use this only in extreme emergencies as the princesses have a ban on weapons in equestria. Be safe my sweet little girl. I would hate to see you go down a life me and your mother did…
we love you…

Your Father.

“My father wants me… to use this on criminals! Doesn’t he know ho-?”
“Nero!” Nero stopped and looked at Yin “I think your father is speaking about a threat greater than just your average criminal.”
“What do you mean? You said it yourself, it was just a weird feeling about this place.”
“Yes, but anything with enough magical power can easily cover its... scent, so to speak.” Yin, Yang, and Nero walked over to the window “Hopefully my senses are right and nothing here is just covering its power… because if so...” Yin looked at the revolver. “Us, and this town, is in big trouble.” Nero looked at the revolver “What did my dad mean by, ‘my necklaces powers’?” Yang continued staring outside
“I know what he meant...” Yin and Nero looked at Yang “Now I remember where I have seen that type of crystal.” Yang looked at Nero “While the crystals shape and color are… somewhat easy to come b, by normal standards. The crystal you possess is a special crystal used by ancient unicorns to store unicorn magic in, this allowed them to put the crystals in armor, accessories, clothing and allow its wearer to hold whatever magic the crystal held. However such crystals are extremely rare and are considered ‘black magic’ as sometimes the wearer might experience some bad side effects. But as it seems your parents are very skilled in the arts of magic. I believe they know what they’re doing. And as I said before, whatever powers they stored in that necklace… you are able to use.” Nero looked at her necklace then back up at Yang.
“How do I know what I have and what I do not have?”
“For starters, you have a very special magic most unicorns don’t even know they have, it what most like to call, sixth sense. That’s why your necklace changes colors. It warns you when there is danger, it tells you when you’re safe… and I am still trying to figure out what we have to do with the necklace. I have come to the conclusion that your parents created us to watch over you and that’s why… but it still doesn’t explain the memory loss. Next thing we can check is telekinesis.”
“How am I supposed to do that?”
“telekinesis works by concentrating on what you want to levitate, so...” Yang pointed at the revolver “Focus on the revolver.” Nero looked at the revolver “Just concentrate and if the necklace has telekinesis, it should-” Nero’s necklace began to glow a dim neon green color and the revolver was surrounded by a green aurora the revolver levitated into the air.
“Oh my gosh! I have magic! Holy sh-”
“Shush!” Nero went silent. The room was filled with the magical sound of Nero’s new found power. “I sense something… it’s-” Yang was cut off by multiple knocks on Nero’s front door. “Somepony knocking?” Nero shrugged then put the revolver down and walked out of the room. Yin and Yang disappeared. “Nero?” Hearing Yang’s voice in her head made Nero jump “Sorry, did I scare you?”
“Don’t, freaking do that, douche!”
“What do you want?”
“Well, I just wanted to say, I might have a fun activity for you if you come into Limbo tonight.”
“You couldn’t tell me tha-”
“Hey? Is somepony in there? And are you talking to yourself?” Nero froze then walked towards the door, and opened it. The pony at the door was none other than the Element of Laughter. “Hiya! My names Pinkie Pie! I noticed that you came into tow, and I’ve never seen you before which means you’re new ‘cause I know evvvvvverrrypony in Ponyville sooooo, Welcome!” Nero just smiled and chuckled
“Honestly saw this one coming... Hi my names Nero, I’ll be straightforward with you and just say, that staying away from me would be a good idea, I am kinda in a crisis right now and I have no idea what’s going on in my life but I think I’m insane! Bye!” Nero shut the door and Pinkie just sat there. A few seconds later the rest of the Elements of Harmony showed up.
“Sugarcube? You alright?”
“Yeah, it’s just that mare was really happy, but she said she was having a crisis and she thinks she is going insane.”
“Well maybe she’s jus’ overflowing with work of sumthin’ come on, lets leave the girl alone.” The elements walked away, all besides Twilight.
“Yo, Egghead, did you hear AJ? We’re leaving her alone.”
“Yeah, I heard… what an odd mare she must be...” Twilight began to walk with the other elements. Nero was in her house and sitting on her couch. Yin and Yang appeared in their orb forms.
“I have no idea what’s going on in my life but I think I’m insane? Bye!?”
“What? I told her the truth, I have no idea what’s going on with my life and I honestly think I’m going insane.” Yin and Yang both shook their heads “Look, I’m not gonna lie to an Element of Harmony. The only thing I need to lie about is the gun. Until the time arises I don’t need to go waving it around.” Nero got up from the couch and began to walk up to her room. Nero laid down on her bed and drifted to sleep… Nero’s necklace changed colors…


The world around Nero was miss matched and filled with floating buildings and other odd objects. “Back here again, eh?” Nero walked around until she found Yin and Yang. Nero’s necklace changed and Nero turned around to see two familiar orbs “So, Yang. WHat’s this fun activity you have planned.”
“First, you’ll need your gun… which isn't here… crap I didn’t think this through.” Before anyone else could speak multiple platforms moved to form a very windy and destroyed bridge. At the end of the bridge was a medium sized chest. Nero looked at both Yin and Yang. “Well, only one way to go.” Nero ran across the bridge jumping over the holes that were in the bridge that leaded to an infinite drop into the abyss. As Nero was running and jumping she could hear whispers and see ghostly figures wandering around. Nero paid no attention to the figures and ran towards the chest. Nero reached the chest and it was the exact same chest as the one in her closet, holding her revolver. Nero guessed this was the same thing and placed her necklace in the indent. The top of the chest opened revealing the gun her father gave her. “Huh, would you look at that. Still remember how to do your magic.” Nero nodded then concentrated on the revolver. When Nero picked up the gun she noticed that the mouth grip was no longer in the position for a pony to comfortably aim. Nero held the revolver in her necklaces magic grasp and looked down the sight. Nero flipped up the reflex sight and flipped it back down checking if it was functional.
“So, now what do I do with it?” Multiple shadow like dummies appeared out of thin air and Yang moved in front of Nero
“If you are going to have to have to use this someday, you may want to practice shooting it”
“Pfft! How hard can it-” As Nero was waving the gun around she fired a shot into the ground “-be...” Yang floated over to the gun to take a closer look
“You know, before you go waving it around… check the safety.” Nero just stared at Yang. “Okay, now all you need to do is take out these...” Yang looked at the Nine dummies, then he made one disappear. “Eight, dummies.” Nero nodded then took aim at the dummies. She shot the revolver at the closest one. The two bullets both shot out at the same time one leaving a normal smoke trail, the other leaving a trail of white and black smoke. The two bullets connected with the dummy and destroyed it. Nero had a big grin on her face then shot the other six dummies. The last dummy was left alone, Nero took aim shot… and missed… “Nero, come on you shot the other seven.”
“No, I shot at it… I think it moved...”
“It’s a target dummy. Let's just reload your gun and try again.” Nero examined the gun looking for a way to reload it.
“Um… how?”
“You see that little button above the trigger, press it.”the necklace magic pressed down on the button and the revolver snapped open
“AH! What’d I do!”
“Nero, calm down that's just how some revolvers are reloaded.”
“Oh… but-” Before Nero could speak a group of nine bullets appeared out of thin air in front of Nero and fell to the floor. “Oh, that's convenient.”
“I’m guessing your were about to ask about the bullets.” Nero nodded then used her necklace powers to levitate the bullets into the revolver. Nero clicked the revolver backed together. Nero took aim at the dummy again, she shot, then missed again. This time the three noticed the dummies slight shift it did.
“See! It moved!” Yang and Yin were silent “Guys? Everything oka-”
“Nero… get your gun ready...” Nero looked at the dummy and the dummy formed into a solid body, then more dummies appeared, these ones looking exactly like the living dummy. Nero aimed her revolver at the moving dummies and flipped up her sight. The out line on the dummies was a medium shade of red, which meant they were hostile. Nero took her shots. This time the hostile dummies didn’t dodge out of the way they just tried to move towards Nero, but Nero was too fast. Within one whole cylinder Nero took out all the dummies.
“What were those things!?” Nero screamed at Yin and Yang “Those things, were like… like-”
“Demons” Yin said
“Demons? They exist?”
“Unfortunately, yes. If demons are here, then that means we found out why your father gave you that gun. He didn’t want you to use it on criminals, he wanted you to protect yourself from demons.” Nero looked around searching for more demon dummies that might pop out of nowhere.
“So, I’m guessing this, evil entity, that is hunting me… is a demon. Is that correct.”
“The power we felt these shadow dummies had are somewhat like the evil power we felt following you, just weaker.” The three just stayed silent for a few minutes thinking about what they would do next. Nero just kept her revolver ready and loaded just incase more demons showed up. But after a while, nothing happened and Nero woke up…


Nero leaned up from her sleeping position and stretched. Nero looked out the window and saw that Ponyville was bursting with life, as usual, and nothing bad was happening… yet. Now that Nero found out that there was a possibility that she was being tracked by demons it made her life and anypony’s life she is around a bit complicated. But now Nero realized that she now had a task, with this revolver from her father, and the threat of demons invading the town of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, Nero had the task of protecting Ponyville from any possible demon attack… and this wasn’t going to be an easy task for Nero to complete...