I spy ....Pinkie Pie 2 The Return

by Pinkiepie321

The Tour

Twilight,Apple Jack,Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were standing in the center of the maze that Discord used. "Why do you think Celestia sent Pinkie Pie ahead of us?" Asked Apple Jack, looking around at her other friends.

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Beats me. Twilight, did you remember the passcode?" Twilight gave her a withering look before trotting over to the flags. Taking off the little triangles of cloth revealed a button. Twilight walked over to each of he flags and pressed every button in the order, green,yellow,red,blue. When she finished, the bush wall of the maze separated, showing off a long corridor with stairs leading down o at the end.

"That's..... new" Fluttershy said staring at it. They walked down. The stairs led to an empty room with no doors or windows. When Rarity, the last pony, stepped inside, the entrance was closed off, and the floor dropped, to fast for even Rainbow Dash liking.

When the elevator opened, Celestia,Luna and Cadence were there waiting for them. Celestia lead them down the hall way and opened a giant steel door with her horn. " Welcome to P.W.N.Y" Celestia said sweeping her hoof around the room. The room itself was hexagonal [I had to check that word three times,just to be sure] with desks and swivel chairs in neat rows. At every chair was a pony, all talking or typing.

The Mane 6 all gasped, seeing ponies that they would see on a daily basis. Celestia led them into a light blue room. "This is where all the new agents go" she explained. "We teach them Knot tying, Shelter making, and basic safety as well as karate and judo." Strike, the foal who had gotten the bowling cutie mark, was there, tying and untying a complicated knot.When they are finished with training, they go to the cream room, then the silver, and finally the red. I will show you all of those room's later but first-" Celestia opened up into a white room. "Rainbow Dash, Apple Jack, Twilight, if you truly want to join P.W.N.Y," The three nodded eagerly. "First you will have to beat our junior agents."

"What?" Scoffed Rainbow Dash, flying upwards " I took down Discord,The Changelings,kinda, and Nightmare Moon. Give me your best agent!"

Twilight nodded,along with Apple Jack. " I faced off against Tirek, I think we can handle your best agent" she announced.

Celestia sighed but said "4201, could you come in here please? Apple Jack, Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle would like to battle you." Turning back to them, she explained "Agent 4201 is my second in command."

Pinkie Pie slipped through the door and walked onto the carpet. The others still looked around ."Ah don't get it" cried Apple Jack,staring at the door. "Is your Second In Command coming or not?"

Celestia couldn't help but laugh. "Pinkie Pie IS my second in command" she said,still laughing slightly.

The Mane 6 froze, then turned to look at their pink friends, who smiled and nodded in return. "So, who is up first?" She asked looking between her three friends.

Rainbow Dash was the first to get over her shock, and trotted forwards until she was facing Pinkie on the mat. Both bowed, and Rainbow Dash lunged at Pinkamena's legs, planning on tripping her up. However, mid air, Pinkamena grabbed Rainbow, flipped her onto her back, and,while still in the air, spun around and kicked her into the mat, rendering her unconscious. It was done in a matter of seconds. Pinkamena smiled. "Who's next?" She asked.

* * * * *

After all three of them getting their plots kicked, The Mane 6 ,including Pinkie Pie walked out of P.W.N.Y together. Pinkie noticed how her friends kept whispering and looking at her, then whispering again.

She smiled to herself. Oh well, it was nice to know that somepony not working for P.W.N.Y knew her secret.