//------------------------------// // Chaper 3: Can't get much worse than this! // Story: My New Life // by SwirmTESwirm //------------------------------// And of course, I now had to be trusted, but I felt more afraid now knowing that one bad move could land me in a lot of trouble. "S-so what are you going to do?" She didn't even take a second to think of a response. "Ahm takin you down right now to Sherriff SilverStar!" My face went pale, wrong choice of words! I froze up, I stopped breathing, I didn't blink. I... I cant go to jail! I'm only twelve! The mare trotted over to another part of the barn, presumably to grab something to restrain me so that I would be easier to transport. I didn't let the opportunity pass. I jumped to my feet, and bolted for the door. Without looking back. Yes it might have been a rash and panicked idea, but it was better than going to jail. So much for trust! I didn't need to look back to know I was being chased. I ran around the right side of the house and into a large town. Big Mistake. There were ponies everywhere! Luckily, as I ran past them, none of them tried to catch me, they all seemed to be in shock just from seeing me. I looked up and saw a large red clock tower in the distance. good place to hide.... if I can get there! I could hear the mare's hoof steps behind me. I needed to find a way to lose her! Then, a stallion pulling a cart of apples happened to be walking across the road, and unintentionally cut me off. Think fast dimwit! I let my knees collapse and belly slid under the cart. My plan was to just jump up once on the other side, but I did too early, a large shard of wood, sticking out off of the main structure of the cart, stabbed into the back of my right leg. I screamed and jumped up on the other side. I didn't take the risk of looking back and began limp-running left between two buildings. I slowed down a little once I knew I was out of sight. I continued going between a few buildings, gradually making my way towards the tower. I went right and could see it about 100 feet away. But I then could hear hoof-steps coming closer from behind. I didn't look back, but as quickly as I could ducked behind some trash cans, praying it would provide enough cover. I took a peek and saw the mare from before trotting through the alley, not stopping to look closely, but just scanning the general area. Eventually she stopped right in front of the cans, I held my breath. Seconds felt like minutes. Finally after an eternity, she turned around and headed back the way she came. I slowly got to my feet and made my way to the backside of the clock tower. There was a door on this side thankfully. And now, we find ourselves a way to the top... I grabbed the knob and twisted, unlocked! The door opened into a large winding stair case that seemed to go all the way to the top. Perfect! I slowly and quietly made my way up to the inside of the clock, trying to ignore the stabbing pain in my leg. I finally made it to the top, tears in my eyes from the pain. There were gears and cogs taking up most of the space, but I found room just to right lower right of the face of the clock to sit down. I took the chance to look at my leg. The shard of wood was lodged deep in my leg. It didn't just hurt, it was burning. It seemed to hurt more when I looked at it. I wiped some of the blood out of the way and grabbed the end sticking out. I immediately let go and tried not to scream. I didn't want to give away my position. But I needed to get the wood out of my damn leg. I grabbed it again, and bit my lip to prevent screaming. I began to slowly dislodge it from my leg. It hurt more than anything had in my entire life. After I got it about halfway, I let go and took a breather. I sat for about a minute before trying again. Eventually, after what felt like forever, I got it out of my leg. It immediately began bleeding heavily. At this point the pain was unbearable, and I slipped into sleep... --------- I was....where? I had no idea. It felt like floating in a void. Where was this place? Where was my body? Is this what death is like? There was nothing but white, in every direction. I tried to call out, but I couldn't say anything. My voice had just vanished. Along with my body. I was left floating there, confused for about 10 more seconds before t happened. An ear piercing frequency. My ears were doing more than ringing, they were screaming. I tried to cover them with hands that weren't there... When quite suddenly..... --------- I awoke to three things at once. One was a loud train whistle, the second was excruciating pain in my leg, and the third was the lack of sunlight. I slowly and shakily got to a sitting position. I felt really cold, and my hands were pale. I looked down, there was dried blood everywhere... But no body, so I knew I wasn't a ghost now. I looked out the window and saw a train pulling into a station across the way. As soon as it stopped, the doors opened, and 6 ponies came out. They looked different from the citizens of the town, they were more colorful. They all had serious expressions on their faces. The 6 stopped just outside the train station began talking to a Stallion sporting a moustache and cowboy hat. He nodded a couple of times, before pointing a hoof up at the tower. I thought about running, but I just sulked back behind the tiny window and sat back. I felt so weak and tired. Probably from blood loss. My leg hurt more than before and probably stiffened up while I was passed out. So I just sat there, reflecting on the circumstances. I don't know how long I was sitting there, but I know I was snapped back to reality when I heard the door below open. I stopped breathing, I sat completely motionless. you idiot! Why didn't you get us out of here?! I didn't look to the top of the stairs, I didn't want to make a single sound. Eventually, I could hear hoof-steps coming up the stairs. I could feel my heart racing, but I didn't move. I wanted to now, but I was frozen in fear. After a few more seconds, I could feel a set of eyes on me. I knew I had been caught, so I turned. I was greeted with a lavender pony with a violet mane with a pink streak through it. She had a horn on top of her head, and the deadliest glare I think I've ever seen. Before I could say anything, her horn lit up, I suddenly felt very drowsy. And unwillingly fell asleep again. God only knew what would happen to me next...