A Wizards Path

by mari tech

Chapter 2: Where am I?

Twilight was in the ponyville park when she heard a massive explosion sound in the air above her. She saw that above the everfree forest was indeed a explosion with an unknown figure racing towards the ground. It looked unlike anything she had ever seen. Twilight packed up her books and galloped towards the forest. At the border she slowed down and hesitated going in.

“Should i go? I’m not sure. Uhh, but that pony could be hurt. Oooh, i’m going to get myself killed doing this.” Twilight trotted into the forest towards the explosion.

Nikolai woke up mid fall and took a deep breath and looked around, he saw that his wand was racing him to the ground out of reach. He made swimming motions and propelled himself towards his wand. He got a hold of it seconds before he hit the ground, he quickly cast a slow fall spell and he slowed down, but not enough and slammed into the ground, he was in pain, but not dead. He laid there in pain, he felt like his leg was broken, a quick heal spell and it dulled the pain. He was completely exhausted from casting that slow fall spell. Casting a spell with little preparation time was dangerous to younger wizards.

“Welp, guess i should get moving.”

Nikolai wandered north after casting a direction spell showing the nearest civilization. He had to walk and he dragged his leg behind him as he walked. Nikolai weaved in and out of trees, hoping to find some help. Little did he know, he was being stalked by a pack of timberwolves. Nikolai trudged on toward civilization.

Twilight was trotting through the forest, she kept scanning the trees for danger. Oddly, nothing was around, the creatures must have gotten to whatever fell from the sky. At the thought of this, she sped up hoping to get to the thing first. She had her doubts in her mind.

Nikolai started at a sprint when he heard howling wolves, and they didn’t sound normal. Nikolai turned around without stopping and saw 3 wolves made of wood that are out for blood. He raised his wand and shot a little ball of light at the ground, seconds later it exploded in white light, the wolves back off and were blinded by the light. Nikolai kept running.

Twilight saw a giant burst of light come from between the trees, she was a little stunned by it and ran towards it. She then ran from it when she saw the timberwolves sitting there blinded. She unknowingly followed in the wake of the young wizard.

Nikolai stopped for a bit to catch his breath as he was exhausted. He heard a rustle coming from a nearby bush.

Twilight hid in a bush near the creature, she saw that it was a bipedal , white-ish being with dirty blond hair. From what she can tell, the creature is male. He had a blue robe with gold trim, the trim had fiery red runes inscribed in them. Twilight moved forward for a better look, but she broke a branch underneath her hoof. She almost let out some not nice words but she stayed still and held her breath.

Nikolai pointed his wand at the bush. Ready for anything he spoke.

“Come out with your hands up. If you mean no harm, i mean no harm.”

A small horse popped out of the bush, she had pink-purple hair, purple fur, a horn, and a tattoo on her flank with a picture of a pink star with smaller white stars around it. It had been awhile since he had seen a unicorn with his own eyes, but he didn’t think they came in this color.
Nikolai lowered his wand and kneeled down towards the unicorn. Upon further inspection she had wings on either side of her, a little big for her body but she had wings. What in god’s name is this creature, it's a pegasus and a unicorn. It’s perfect. As he kneeled down to her level she began to speak.

“Uhh… hello? Who are you?”

A pegasus-unicorn that can talk? What a crazy day. Nikolai must be tripping on something.

“You can talk?”

“Wait YOU can talk too?”

Both Nikolai and Twilight stood and stared at each other until the pain in Nikolai’s leg came back. He fell on his back with his leg pulled in.

“Ahhh, that really stings”

“A-re you okay? Do you need help?”

“No, i’m just dandy i just like screaming in pain for no reason. YES I NEED HELP”

“You don’t have to be sarcastic about it” Twilight put her horn over Nikolai’s leg, it began to glow purple, enveloped his leg, a couple snaps later and his leg was healed. Whatever magic that was, it’s powerful, he could learn a thing or two from this creature.

“Thanks miss?”

“Twilight Sparkle”

“Thanks miss sparkle. Would you happen to know how to get out of this forest?”

“Why yes i do mister?”

“Nikolai sanders, wizard apprentice.”

“Wizard? You can do magic?”

“Yeah, i control my magic through my wand.” Nikolai shows his wand and decides not to tell her what’s in the notch of his wand.

“Can- can you show me?”

“Why yes i can.” Nikolai took a second to think of what to cast. He pointed his wand at a nearby tree and shot out the same ball of light, this time it was less intense. It exploded and a flash of light was emitted.

“What was that?”

“Flash banish. It’s meant to blind creatures of darkness”

“Interesting, any others you can show me?” Twilight pleaded.

“I guess if you’re so interested.” Nikolai raised his wand above his head, made a circle motion and dropped the wand so it was pointing in front of him. A blue light shown from his wand. Seconds passed until a small black smoky cloud can to rest where the wand was pointing, red tentacles came from it and smashed the grass underneath it. The cloud dissipated.

“What was that?”

“Abyssal artillery. It is meant to take a enemy and throw them around like a ragdoll.”

“I could learn a lot from you.”

“I could say the same. By the way what exactly are you? You seem like a cross between a unicorn and pegasus, but you look nothing like the ones we have.”

“I would be an alicorn, magic of a unicorn, flight of a pegasus, and strength of a earth pony.”


“That heal spell i used is only temporary, we need to get you to a hospital.”

“What’s a hospital?”

“It’s a building that has doctors and medicine to help heal the wounded or sick.”

“That sounds amazing.”

“You don’t have hospitals where you’re from?”

“No, we just have doctors that come to our homes to tend to the sick and injured.”

“We should get started on getting to ponyville.”

“Indeed, lead the way.”

Twilight Sparkle and Nikolai sanders set off towards ponyville in search of getting Nikolai medical attention.