A Filly's New Hope

by Mocha Star

Chapter 4

        “Come, come…” a voice grumbled from beyond the door.  Nova opened the door and looked around the room.


        A bed with red satin curtains hung around it’s posts, a yellow carpet as plush as any she’d ever imagined, and a theme in the room of luxury; a life being well lived.

        Gold trim, polished metals, the finest cloth that could be bought or made.  Nova was awestruck by the room, so much so she didn’t hear the door close behind her, a light green aura covering the handle.

        “Wow, this room is, like, amazing,” she said breathily.  

        “Yeah, I like it, as do most of the mares that leave it.  So, what’s your name?”

        She turned and looked at the bed, a rather fat yellow stallion with green eyes was lying against the pillows, his horn stopped glowing as he winked at her.

        “My name’s Nova, Starlight Nova, but everypony calls me Nova.”

        “Well, Nova, do you know why you’re here?”

        “Uhm,” she looked around the room then to her body, covered with the yellow dress, “I dunno… maybe to dance or something?  I only get this dressed up for special holidays and stuff… Oh!  I know, I’m going to be sent home and there’s going to be a party for me?!”

        He chuckled. “I’m the boss here, Cherry Pit.  C’mere little filly.”

        She trotted ahead and hopped onto the bed, scampering her hooves for grip before she managed to get all the way up.

        “So,” he said in a deeper voice, “what’re you willing to do to get free sooner?”

        “Oh, I dunno, just about anything, I guess,” she shrugged and turned around on the bed, admiring the satin bed curtains.

        She felt the bed shift and before she could ask he had grabbed her rear leg in his magic.  

        “If you’re willing to do anything, then I’m on the list, right?”

        “Uh, what are you,” she gasped and struggled as she was pulled toward him.  She turned, only to fall onto her back as she watched him rise to all five legs.  “...what’s wrong with your…” her eyes widened as she grasped what was happening.  

        “Just relax. You’ll be free soon enough.”

        “N-no, I won’t let you,” she struggled and instinctively tried to cast a spell, only to feel the arcane energies pass through her like water across a leaf.  She grunted and struggled against him as she grasped the soft blanket and dragged it with her as he slowly pulled her under him.

        She let the blanket go and swung her hoof, slapping his chins and sending them wobbling as he chuckled to himself.

        Then she felt the small block of wood.  She pulled her foreleg back and frowned at his smug face, as she swung her foreleg again.  The sound was louder and softer than she thought it would have been; he was heavier than she thought he’d be as he collapsed on top of her groaning.  He whimpered and rolled off her holding his muzzle.

        She got to her hooves and raised her foreleg again, slamming it across his muzzle and knocking at least one tooth out before he rolled off the bed, whimpering like a filly.

        Nova recoiled at the sight of the stallion and began to pant as she looked around the room.  A window, opened a crack.  

        She turned and scampered down the bed, across the room and opened the window enough to slither out, yelping through clenched teeth as her tail was caught for a second on an errant nail before she laid down on the hot roof hugging herself.  

        She looked ahead, into space.  She didn’t hear the window open until she felt a magic aura around her.  She yelped and looked back to see the scowling face and bleeding muzzle of the stallion.

        She thrust her hooves out, casting a repulsion spell from her nub of a horn and flew back, free from him.  The last she saw of him was his chin lifting high as she tumbled from the roof.


        “Ouchie,” she groaned.

        “...Filly?” The guard mare asked in a loud whisper.

        Nova groaned as a shout emanated from the roof, above where she fell.

        “All guards, she escaped,” Cherry coughed loudly and spat, “and she’s dangerous.  Find her and bring her back to me in pieces if you must!” he shouted as the window slammed shut.

        The mare looked at the filly ahead of her and gulped, looking around.  She wasted no more time and pulled the dress off the filly as quickly as she could, and tossed it into the house  closing the door she’d forgotten to close a moment before.

        She scooped the filly up and galloped around the house and to a nearby shed.  She tossed the filly in and joined her, closing the door and sitting in the shadowed shed.  

        “W-what’s happening?  I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do it, honest,” Nova said as she curled into a little fuzzy purple ball against the mare's hooves.

        “Hush,” she said as she fumbled with various tools, “you still have that block of wood?”

        “Mmm-hmm,” Nova replied quietly.

        “Bite it now, this’ gonna hurt, don’t ask, just do it,” she whispered hoarsely.

        Nova complied, slipping the wood from the bloodied portion of her sleeve, biting it as the mare climbed over her side.  She felt her mane parting for a second then a pain like nothing she ever felt.

        As the rusted garden trowel scraped her flesh open the mare bit her lip and fought back tears from the noises the filly made until she went limp, the sound of the block clattering across some tool and falling flat to the ground.  She hurriedly opened the flesh in the filly’s scalp and bit the area over the wound.

        With a sickening popping and tearing sound, the gem, the size of a cherry pit, loosened and tore free into the mare's mouth, along with specks of blood, a few mane hairs, and a few strands of purple fur, and peach flesh.

        She coughed and hacked as the spiked tracking gem fell to the floor, shimmering in several colors before stopping on white and illuminating the room slightly, casting shadows of tools and ponies alike.

        The mare spat and wiped her mouth on her foreleg before she slipped the young mare onto her back and turned, opened the door, and galloped for their lives toward the treeline.


        “Wh-where… ugh,” Nova said as she rolled to her belly and coughed roughly just before she whinnied in reaction to a sharp pain in her neck. “What happened?  Why does it hurt to move my head?”

        “Rest, filly.  Stay calm, you’re free now…  I have to go back, but you… run.  Get as far away as you can and don’t come back here.  Pitance farms is going to hunt you down for a while, and if you get caught, please just don’t get caught,” the mare said.  

        “Wha-, why?  Who are you… what about Mom?!”

        “Shut up,” she hissed looking around, “I’m leaving you to your own wits, as pathetic as they may be, they’re better than being in that stallion's hooves.  I’ll do what I can to keep your mom safe.”

        Nova looked around and took in the scene of the woods around her.  Spaced trees that were thin made poor cover, bushes abound, and fallen leaves were everywhere.  Whimpering as he turned her head around she asked an obvious question. “Where am I?”

        “You’re alive, that’s all that matters… my name is Little Hoof.” Nova snickered, “Hey, I didn’t choose it and I’m not changing it, so let’s go.  I put some natural remedies on the wound on your neck.  You have a day before it needs to be changed, let me see it,” Little moved closer to the filly.

        Nova reacted and focused a repulsion spell as she thrust a hoof out.

        “Oof,” Little Hoof grunted as the air was shoved from her lungs and she tumbled back.  Coughing the mare got up and squinted at Nova.  “Fine, be that way…” she lingered and turned away entering a gallop away without looking back.

        Nova was alone, for the first time in her life, and she didn’t know what to do, where to go, and how she was going to make it… but she was going to do it.  She was going to enjoy her freedom.

        She stood and shook her head, regretting it right away as the pain sent her to her front knees.

        “Okay, Nova, don’t do that again…”  She stood and began trotting ahead through the unpaved forest to destinations unknown.