Dear Twilight Sparkle

by Penmore

The Long Awaited Reply

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

I apologize for the delayed reply for all the letters and reports you have sent me. I finally found time in my schedule to sit down and read each and every one of your scrolls. While I do appreciate your attention to detail as evident by the sheer amount of reports and letters you have sent, I do wish you kept them to a minimum. You must realize that, by being a co-ruler, Equestria must always come first and foremost in my priorities. While I am not at liberty to say what exactly I was doing, know that, had it not been significant as it was, I would have replied to you quicker. I am also to understand that, during this the time you have been conducting research on the Magic of Friendship, your habits of being an introvert have become more prominent. You cannot carry out research on the Magic of Friendship if you hide away in the library and ignore your friends. I must ask that you immediately stop whatever it is you are doing and relax for the time being. Spend time with your friends and learn the true meaning of friendship that one cannot learn from books alone. If you happen to learn anything, do send me a report with your findings. Once again, I do ask that you keep your letters to a minimum as I cannot honestly read each and every single document you send because of waiting for my reply. Now go and enjoy the company of your friends, and visit your family as I am sure they are worried about you.

Princess Celestia

"Spike! Spike!" yelled Twilight as she re-read the letter for the fifth time since it arrived.

She had been lying in bed quietly staring at the ceiling since last night's breakdown. She didn't know how long she had cried but, knew that it was enough for her eyes hurt from lack of moisture. The morning had been cruel as the sun had risen once more and shone its light through the curtains. The light that indicated Princess Celestia was in fine health and yet had not answered her for three months and fourteen days. Today would have marked it as three months and fifteen days if not for Spike immediately rushing in to hand her the letter.

The letter she had been waiting for all this time, the letter that had guidance from her idol, teacher, inspiration, and most importantly her Princess. Had she not found her eyes hurting and straining to keep open she would have cried again. Spike had left her to read the letter once delivered to start working on breakfast. He had the biggest smile Twilight had ever seen; it was a smile she had not seen him make for a long time. Three months and fourteen days to be exact and yet, she understood why he had the smile.

Twilight had a smile to match the jubilation she felt because of the piece of paper. As she kept jumping up and down on her bed, she noticed her reflection in the full body mirror in front of the bed. Her man and tail were in disarray and seemed to have split ends everywhere. Her coat was dull and not as beautiful and soft looking as she remembered. There were spots on her face and muzzle of wet, matted fur. It was not the most pleasant of sights, especially while looking at everything with dark circles under her eyes.

"You call for me Twilight?" came the voice of her number one draconic assistant and best friend as he opened the door and waited for her to finish her jumping.

"Yes I did Spike, I wanted to ask if you could contact everypony and let them know to come here around noon. I would say immediately but, looking at myself in the mirror I can tell that I have been neglecting personal hygiene for a while." She said, getting down from the bed and walking to the mirror to get a better look at herself.

"Yea… I kinda noticed that part." Spike walked over to the window and opened it to let some fresh air in and the stagnant air out. "I've been trying to get you to take a bath for a while now. Thankfully, with the mood you're in, you can take a nice, long, hot bath before doing anything else. I'll reheat breakfast once you're out and ready and I'll make sure to contact the girls while you're in there."

Spike had anticipated her reaction to some extent and already ate while she was re-reading the letter. He wasn't her number one assistant for nothing; it was times like these that he seemed to have some insight as to how she would react. He finished making the bed and walked to the dresser to get out some towels and her brush, setting them down on the foot of the bed before heading for the door.

"Thank you, Spike, I'll do just that. Oh, and can you make…"

"Yes, yes, I made daisy pancakes with apple cinnamon oatmeal on the side and got out some fresh squeezed orange juice for you."

Spike smiled and laughed at Twilight's look of surprise. It always seemed to take her unaware when he seemed to know what she was thinking or going to say before she even said or thought it.

"Thank you again, Spike. I don't know what I would do without you" She grabbed him with her magic and started to pull him into a hug before he stopped it.

"Its no problem Twilight but, I would appreciate it if you would wait until after you got yourself cleaned up before you hugged me."

"Oh… right… heh, sorry Spike."

"I'll be downstairs if you need me and if I don't answer just know I'll be getting the word out to the girls and should be back shortly. I have to clean up the place again before they show up so I shouldn't be long." He said heading back to the main part of the library to start the morning's activities.

"Ok Spike!"

Twilight smiled once more and headed for the bathroom but, not before reading the letter for a sixth and seventh time. It filled her with a sense of purpose that she had been missing for so long. The lack of direction from the princess was rare as it was the first time she had been without her teachings after growing up in the palace. The day was looking brighter, and so was the future. Though she couldn't help and feel that something was wrong. She thought about it and brought a foreleg to her head only to stop and realize how dirty it was. She pushed the thought away and headed into the bathroom for a long, hot, bath.