//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Where am I? // Story: My New Life // by SwirmTESwirm //------------------------------// I awoke on my back, it was now night time. Everything ached, everything was sore. I sat up and realized I was in a different place, a very different place. The shack was nowhere in sight, and instead of plains, there were dozens of long rows of Apple trees. I tried to stand up, but fell back down. I didn't realize how dizzy I was. I waited for my head to stop spinning, and took another attempt at standing. I had to lean against the tree I had woken up next to, but I was able to stand. I took another look around, just Apple trees for miles. There wasn't even a path or anything, no sign of any people, no sign of man-made structures. Did I pass out? Did they find me and dump me somewhere? I looked up at the sky, I found the moon and stared intently, if I could see which way it was moving, I could find out which way was north. I gave up quickly, I would never be able to see which way it was moving.. "Guess I'm not finding North, might as well start walking." I sighed, I had the feeling I was somehow going to get more lost than I already was. "Heh... Here we go." I said sarcastically. And began walking straight ahead, hoping I would find civilization eventually. --- After about 30 minutes, I found an actual path. I debated for a moment weather to turn left or right. I realized it wouldn't matter, I didn't even know where I was going. So no point wasting time. I turned right and followed the path. This seemed so strange, I didn't live anywhere near an apple orchard let alone one that stretched on for miles. How could I have ended up here? It didn't make any sense. I scanned the horizon for anything other than trees for a moment, nothing. I gave up looking, I decided walking until I ran into a town or something would be the best thing to try. After all, paths usually mean people. After another few minutes of walking, I saw a shape on the horizon, it looked like a house. I brought my pace up to a jog, and got to the house within a few more minutes. I approached slowly, thinking if I should wake up the owner. When I noticed a barn off to the right, slightly behind the house. I decided that it probably wouldn't be a good idea to wake up whoever lived there at, well, however late it was. I didn't exactly have a watch. I decided that the barn would be my best bet. I walked up to it, good size, there should be at least some hay to sleep on or something. I opened the door slowly, empty, perfect. Well, empty as in, no one there. There were a few barrels, some large bails of hay, and a cart tucked away in the corner. I realized that if someone came in the next morning and found me right smack in the middle of the barn, I would probably get in a lot of trouble. I found a spot in the corner, fairly well hidden from view of anyone who might enter. I grabbed a few handfuls of hay and made a makeshift pillow. But I couldn't fall asleep, I was getting more curious, how had I ended up here? I don't remember walking a crap ton of miles to a random orchard out in who knows where. Someone must have taken me there and dropped me under that tree. Eventually, I fell asleep, one of the worst night sleeps I've ever had. Not because my makeshift bed was uncomfortable, but because I was scared. I wasn't expecting to randomly wind up in the middle of nowhere. But I did fall asleep nonetheless. --- I didn't dream at all that night, I woke up twice from being so uncomfortable. I woke up for the third time and actually saw some sunlight shining through the only window. "Bout damn time..." I mumbled. I sat up and stretched out my arms, I was actually surprised that I wasn't found, yeah, no one was looking, but I had that feeling someone would have found me. "Guess I lucked out." I said. Just then, I noticed the barn door was open slightly, and then I heard a voice. "Over here mom! It was in here!" so much for lucking out! Someone must have seen me before I woke up and went to get me arrested for trespassing. I crawled futher behind the hay bail and started shaking slightly. I heard the door open and I shut my eyes tightly. After a few painful seconds, I heard a second voice. "What... What is one of those doin here??" That caught me off guard, I was expecting yelling or instant pain. After another few seconds of silence, I opened my eyes. There, in front of me, were 2...ponies... Of all things. It looked like a mare and a filly. I remained motionless, I was still in shock over the fact that I had heard them talking. They looked at me with confusion, curiosity, and a little bit of fear. The mare had a light yellow coat of fur and a light blue mane and tail. She also had a picture of a red apple on her butt. The filly had a solid purple coat and a light red mane, she didn't have a weird tattoo though. The three of us just stared back at each other for another few seconds, before I finally got the courage to speak, Big Mistake. "Uh.... H-Hi?" The mare took a few steps back, and the filly ran out of the barn screaming. This reaction scared me as well, I scooted backwards into the corner and looked up with fear. What were these ponies going to do to me? The mare seemed less afraid than the filly, but was still being cautious. "What are Ya doin here in our barn?" I seemed surprised her first question wasn't what I was, did these ponies have humans here? Or worse, was it a backwards world where ponies rode on top of humans?! "Ah asked you a question varmint, and ah now you can talk, so speak up." I stared back for a few moments before finally speaking. "I-I needed a p-place to sleep. I-I'm sorry, I sh-should have asked f-first." She seemed to lighten up a little after hearing the fear in my voice. Despite being a horse, it was easy to read emotion through her facial expression. "Ah can respect that, but what are one of you humans doin here?" That answered one question. She actually knew what I was. But it also raised another. "A-are humans not common a-around here?" She gave me a look of disgust. "Not at all, and ah know that they are violent things that enjoy killen one 'nother." Ouch. Those words hurt, not just because it was partially true, but because I was not like that at all. I realized that if I was to get any help, I would need to find a way to make this mare trust me for at least the next 5 minutes.